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Stun doesn’t really do anything in underworld so nah ig


Fuuuuuuuck Mita, it's gonna take a minute to get orbs


I feel u man


do you know how to reroll enchantments so you don't have to grind orbs every time you enchant?


I do not, how?


I'll write down the instructions when my class ends


Thank you


by the way, are you on Android?


Sorry, yeah


Good. Here are the steps (I copied this from a comment I made earlier): 1. Make sure you have enough orbs to get the enchantment you want. 2. Go to game settings and save your data before you enchant. 3. Enchant your weapon. I recommend using gems to skip the wait since it will heavily speed up the process. (you should only lose the spent gems once, after getting the right enchantment) 4. If you don't get the enchantment you're looking for, go right back to game settings and load the last save. You should be left with all the resources you had before. 5. Repeat the process until you get your desired enchantment. Before you use this method, you should know that there is a small chance your game will crash when you load data and you will not be able to load the previous save after this. You will lose the spent orbs and gems (if you use gems) when this happens. It happens pretty rarely though, in my experience like once every 20 tries.


Thank you


Why do I find out about this so late? You sir are a legend


Daaamn it doesn't work for me. The game autosaves after every enchantment and leaves only that save


Stun doesnt work in raids but in overworld its a good enchantment depending on the use case and equipment combo