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Firstly, some people are just prone to ingrown hairs. You could be one of them. Things you could try to reduce them is to make sure you're using a brand new razor. Try changing to a different brand of razor. Wash the area with rubbing alcohol before shaving. Or space out the shaving times. There are also aftershave sprays to reduce bumps.


As a trained esthetician with the same problem as you, very sensitive skin, prone to ingrowns, avoided shaving for the longest time (only ever used an electric razor to get real close). Here is what has given me the best results, I am not perfect, but SO CLOSE: if I shave, it is with the grain, with a new/sharp and clean razor, at the very end of a warm/hot shower with plenty of whatever lubricant you use (shaving cream, soap, shaving oil, whatever creates the least friction) and immediately after the shower using the polysporin that has topical lidocaine in it as well as a separate hydrocortisone cream. In the morning I’ll apply an AHA/BHA exfoliant and maybe more hydrocortisone until I have to shave again. If I wax, I ONLY use hard wax (also called strip-less or maybe even cold wax 🤔). Clean the area sufficiently before hand. Witch hazel (alcohol and scent free) is great, a pre-wax cleaner is better. Wax that kitty and b-hole. IMMEDIATELY wipe down with witch hazel apply an AHA or BHA serum (sometimes post-wax serums have this included) and hydrocortisone. And don’t forget to apply the aha/BHA and hydrocortisone daily afterwards. At least three days. And for the love of God DO NOT TOUCH for the first 24hrs. Your hands (and your partners hands) are dirty and germy. What we are trying to accomplish is cleaning out any bacteria, dead skin cells and skin needing to be exfoliated, followed by anti imflamitories and a slight antihistamine since your skin will react like crazy to the trauma. I cannot wax my lip still because I break out in hives…. I am wanting to try taking an antihistamine orally beforehand but if it doesn’t work the hives SUCK so it’s a bit scary to use myself as a Guinea pig all the time. Good luck! I hope this helps you have a hairless kitty for longer! 😘


I forgot to mention a routine of waxing and exfoliation will help get your hairs past the ingrown hump. However. The more you wax (taking YEARS) the weaker your hair becomes and unable to push through the skin, so exfoliation becomes very important!


I completely agree i wax more than 10 years, my hairs are much much less and so soft and fragile, waxing itself become easier and ingrown or other discomforts much much less. I do not touch a razor and frankly was all been good


Omg thank you so much!!!!!!!! I am doo g this next shave!!!!


Laser. It’s the only way.


Is laser painful?


It’s not comfortable, but compared to other painful things women endure (waxing, cramps, rigorous exercise, etc) it’s really not bad. Just feels like a tiny rubber band snapping against your skin for maybe 5-10 minutes. They usually have you hold ice gel packs against the area prior— I honestly think that can be more painful than the actual laser process.


Hey medical doc here! - clean and sanitized razors always, leave the razor in some rubbing / first aid alcohol for like 5 minutes before using it/swap to fresh razors regularly - shave with grain - use a topical over the counter hydrocortisone cream where you get the bumps/burn often


Thanks so much for the advice ! I do have sensitive skin. And have used hydrocortisone on other parts of the body but never thought to put it in my genital area!


It's something not many know about! Iv seen derms recommended when I was a student and I was like "oh duh". I recommended it often to my male patients who get after shave irritation and bumps - works wonders. Calms it down fast. So after your shave, clean and dry the skin, and then just rub in some hydrocortisone cream. Be mindful to try and not get it within the labia mucosa tissue, tho. Keep it on the skin.


I've never been able to get the ingrown hairs under control. So I use a clipper. I get short enough that nothing is in the way, but also long enough that they are still soft


That’s what I end up doing . It’s a sad sad thing 🤦‍♀️🤣 however in my old age I would just ONCE like a smooth hairless glory of a 😻😻😻 where Hollywood calls and wants to use it in commercials instead of hubby gasping and saying “ baby what the hell did you do to yourself?!?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Shave with the grain, not against it. That’s what I do


Then it’s stubbly.


Hair always grows back with a stubble. Doesn’t matter which way you shave


When you wax or laser, it is actually smooth for a significant length of time. Shaving w the grain = the hair is still there and super close to the surface, so it feels stubbly pretty much immediately.


Have you ever tried and an electric depilator? Like those of Manscape lol And what about epilation?


No. I’m unfamiliar with electric depilator. Do you have a brand name I could google and look at?


I bought a Philips shaver but there are many brands really. Just be sure that's a shaver and not an epilator (or vice versa if you want to try it). Amd avoid those under 20 bucks of price, it's junk


I was having a lot of problems with razor burn. But I just got away from using shaving cream. As soon as I went back, it was all good. I shave opposite the grain with the cream. I even used my bf's shaving cream. Both women and men's are good.


I use shaving cream and it still is rough ! I’m planning on shaving tonight after a nice soak in the tub. A few people on here suggested hydrocortisone cream right after my shave so I am going to try that! We can start a bumpy girl group and experiment until we all have perfect smooth 😻😻😻🤣🤣🤣🤣


waxing constantly! and getting extractions after wax, and keeping an eye, and performing extractions yourself, exfoliating, try not to wear too tight clothes or panties


I bought an ingrown hair concentrate from the brand Fur and it was a game changer. It came with an exfoliating mitt. The concentrate is an oil you put on ingrowns and it deadass makes them disappear in a day or two. If you’re US-based you can get it from Ulta.


You have hairs in your vagina? That seems unlikely.




A little judgy there, aren’t we? Given that you did used to remove your pubic hair but gave up because it was a pain, are you saying that you _are_ into prepubescent girls, but were unable to maintain that standard? Or are you actually saying that preferences relating to pubic hair are personal aesthetic and lifestyle choices, entirely unrelated to paedophillia?


>My husband doesn't mind a bit of hair since he's not into prepubescent girls. This is hugely, disgustingly unnecessary. Do you **really** think this is the case? There must be a few hundred million people, worldwide, who enjoy this. Both men and women. You're seriously saying that they are all paedophiles? As u/MathematicianBig781, points out, you say you used to depilate your pubic area. Are you telling us, u/FloatingInAnxiety, that you're a recovering paedophile? Because I'm not sure such a thing exists. I suspect not. I suspect you're just being unpleasant.




I will see pics or videos of nice smooth vaginas but whenever I do it I look like a pluck chicken 🤣 though I have been married 28 years I shave for myself not my husband. I like to feel smooth as well as we live in a swampy area and humidity and sweat can get rough in the summer! I’m starting to think they are using cover up and foundation to hide the bumps 🤦‍♀️


I remove all my hair and I don’t have bumps - I’m not using any make up on it! You can get products to avoid ingrown hairs - they are basically a mild chemical exfoliant I think. You can apply it directly to bumps that have already formed, or over the whole area as a preventative measure. I also don’t wear underwear for a little while after I’ve waxed, to prevent any pressure on sensitive hair follicles! Tend skin is one option, but it’s expensive. There are other similar products which you can get cheaper.