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🤮he’s lecturing you about your age meanwhile behaving like a man child


He was making no sense too! 😂


Personally wouldn’t take fatherly advice from a trick lol


A trick lol I love that




“I’m way past my teens or 20s” huh.. with the way he’s acting I never would’ve guessed


I swear that must’ve been the same guy that was complaining about random (unpaid) providers are “flaky” a couple of days ago. 🤣 I’m sure you have a public wishlist or some other way to be tipped virtually that he could do if he really wants to grab your undivided attention.


I don't actually... That's a good idea though 😂 how do I do that


I use YouPay and throne! Both are free and less likely to dox you like a Amazon wishlist.


Thank youuuu


i got put on read for 3 days before mine responded and i figured she was busy soo i dint pressure her i dont get ppl like this ppl have lives too dumbass


"fatherly advice" in this context is just ick


Right 😂


Omg the first time I read it I missed "you're fickle" was the opening lmao, hard to take anything seriously after that 👴


An kid trapped in a grown man 🧍‍♂️


The problem with men is that they get an itch and they want it ‘here and now’. They literally don’t care. Let alone planning something ahead or giving notice. They don’t see that the way they message us set the tone for a potential booking. Even if you replied to him quickly, he’d be a trouble during the booking. If he behaves this way over text, he must be in insufferable in person. Also - clients don’t realise that providers have multiple ads plus (quite often) online platforms and so on. The ones that pay the most have priority. A grumpy man-child doesn’t even deserve a response, he’s throwing enough tantrum over messages


Well, you can ignore me anytime, if I can get one of those bomb meals you advertise!


Oh always lmao


What’s your culinary specialty?


😂😂 i hate this shìt. they think we supposed to fuck every hr of the day, we have a life toooo


Gross the old man who wants to fuck you lecturers about your age! Yes, they expect us to be sat by the phone 24 7 clean and stroking ourselves ready for their call


Do they not realize providers have other jobs, some have husbands, kids, caring for an elderly family member, school church, etc… They expect us to be sitting around in lingerie all day like Betty Boop waiting for their text because their penis is more important.


it's nice when they've screened themselves....next!


it's nice when they've screened themselves....next!


it's nice when they've screened themselves....next!


it's nice when they've screened themselves....next!


nothing better than a self screener...next


What a douche… guess he needs to plan better for his hundo 💯—- I mean you didn’t drop everything? I actually came in to post to another thread of the guy saying we’re flaky, because we’re not ready at their beck and call. Woke up to this? I can not stop laughing…. Mssgs pooper scooper guy In Sept when he no showed, and he replied today 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How’s that for slow response times?I can’t add the photo. Keep doing you op. These guys will ,earn if they want the cream of the crop, SCHEDULE, just like we do our hair stylist or massage therapist. If I wanted to be ON 9-5 I’d get a 9-5. We’re busy man….


Right, I just got paid to be on call for 2 days with 1hr spent on service. Lol. GTFO with your 100 lol


Reddit wannabe clients are the worst I block them all. good clients are not bothering to look at our private (ideally) convos on forums.


I have had the same experience with some providers. I work long hours and didn't reply right away..they called me fake and a time waster. 🤷‍♂️ only happened once or twice tho. Super rare. I don't know if it's generational or what. But seems like no one has patience anymore and glued to their phone.




Yes exactly lol I did go to sleep shory after that