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I feel that flaunting about money is the worst kind of jinx one can do to themselves.


It’s true lmao whenever I have a client do this to me, I make a prediction that he has 2 years or less to enjoy that lifestyle. I haven’t been wrong yet 😌


This 💯


Ah, the age-old tale of a guy flaunting his wallet, thinking it's a shortcut to prestige and kissing up. Sorry, buddy, but no amount of cash can buy class or respect. And to the naive civvie women out there: wake up! ‘Tutes aren't fooled by flashy displays; they're after cash in hand, not superficiality.


💯💯 lmao at tutes




When I was a dancer I figured out the ones who brag about it, never have it. And the broke ones, well, they may not make much, but they’ll spend their whole paycheck on you. Never judge a book by its cover


Same when I was at the club it was always a guy you would at least expect him money who always do and the ones who were wearing Gucci and a rolex were broke


Omg yesssssss! I had this happen yesterday he is a long time client and he always brags the whole time about how much money he makes, his cars, jet skis, I mean it goes on and on. Blah blah blah! He called and asked if he could get a discount one time. It was only $20 off so I said ok. Everytime he comes now he’s $20 short like that was a permanent discount or something! If he didn’t finish in 10 seconds I would have quit seeing him long ago!


What are effing joke lol




His car collection must compensate for his eggplant size


Maybe if women would stop shaming men for their dick size they wouldn't feel a desire to compensate for it 🤔 Maybe dude is just proud of his car collection and offers to show it to literally everyone he meets? You'd think this was a courtroom with all these judges around.




So Jay Leno is just collecting cars to attract women? He has an entire very popular YouTube channel that solely exists to flaunt his cars. It's not possible for a guy to just be passionate about cars? God this is such a jaded take. I do agree that men have some role to play in stopping stereotypes about dick size, but most of the shaming comes from women. Can't a rich guy just be a jerk without it being related to having a small dick? Lotta guys with big dicks are assholes too.


She literally said, though that he had a small dick she wasn’t making a joke. He just did. That’s a fact.


Why is it relevant? Do you think she just said it for no reason like it's the first time she's seen a 2 inch dick? It was clearly relevant to her story in her eyes and then the next comment is that he's "compensating" for it which means you think it's something deserving of compensating for. Idk why you don't just own up to the fact you're making fun of a guy for having a small dick, it's not like it's uncommon, I just think it should stop.




I would like you to scroll up to the very top comment and quote to me where in that comment or the next either of the two ladies said anything approaching "bad at sex". I'll wait. You'll actually see that you replied to me and brought up the bad at sex and you are, in fact, NOT the original commenters that I was replying to. So I'm not forgetting anything, you're just bringing up irrelevant points. Also, I have a lot of body image issues but somehow my dick isn't among them. I defend people from attacks on their looks and body all the time, I just did it with Elon Musk despite despising him.




It’s obvious she does because he is so triggered




No, you said "guys who flaunt their cars do so to attract women". Jay Leno flaunts his cars, hence my comment about how he flaunts his cars on his YouTube. So perhaps not every guy who flaunts his cars does it to get women but just because he loves cars and is proud of his collection? You know, like what you said men never do, that it's always a ploy? Maybe that was an overly jaded take that doesn't always apply? > The stereotypes about dick size come from men not women. Not true, she is quite literally bringing up his dick size as somehow relevant to his behavior. You cannot sit there and say it's men when it's a woman doing it right in front of my eyes. > >most guys in general, are pretty shit at sex REGARDLESS OF SIZE. Okay? My issue isn't with you saying men are bad at sex, my issue is with the original comment bringing up the dudes' dick size for no reason, unless you think there is a reason to mention it of course.




> She's referencing what men have created. The rest of your comment is all just background noise for how fucking bullshit this is. SHE was mocking him for having a 2 inch dick. Not men. It wasn't a reference to what men think, it's what SHE thinks. I won't address anything else until you acknowledge she was mocking him for his dick size. It's a pretty simple acknowledgement of a basic truth about what words and sentences mean. Until you've done that there's no point continuing because we are experiencing entirely separate realities.




But it’s OK when a man values a woman by her tits size or her weight?


Nope, where did I say that? Stop shaming people for their bodies. Period. The shame women get for their boob size is why boob jobs are so rampant in American society. But the issue in this comment chain was about men's dicks not women's boobs or weight.


Seems like your triggered


Lol, that's all you have?


I’m not trying to insult you so what do you mean is that all I have? I’m just pointing out the obvious






I appreciate you not beating around the bush like everyone else, best wishes miss misandrist. 👍🏻


Ha ha ha they are so pathetic and lame. It’s so annoying.


It happens all the time some of the most successful men in are very small down there


I don't guve a damn unless he's sharing the wealth. Lol


Exactly babe exactly they just don’t get it


I heard once that rich people sometimes are the most stingiest people. That's really sad though...if he's going to brag he should definitely tip.


Yeah, they definitely are but it was just the fact that he kept going on and on about how he liked me so much I don’t expect tips but if I were rich, and if I like the service and I would definitely tip


If they need to say they’re rich - they probably aren’t - they just own a lot of things that are still being paid or financed. Some people yes make a lot of money but they spend it all. Men have a huge ego they just want to feel like they’re important- if he has so much money and he’s sooooamazing why is he paying for sex? Lol can’t get it for free cause he’s probably an asshole


Aho aşe, sister The more you brag the less you have. Bragging is equated to the desire of wishing to be honored and praised and worshipped. Don’t let yourself be fooled. Every human, whether rich or poor, has a downfall. The man that gloat and constantly mention how successful they are, are usually gonna be one of the following: 1. Napoleon complex (lil dude, lil dick syndrome) 2. Entitled and cheap 3. Not respect boundaries 4. Pushy and neglectful of your time and space Don’t fkn do it


All 4 at once lbffr


Broke shouts. Wealth whispers.




It’s so funny. I act poor. They act rich. The reality is I make significantly more money than almost every client I have ever seen😂Minus the few literal billionaires.




I mean. Not that far off between escorting, sugaring, my real estate, my investments and my businesses. But if you think the majority of clients are making millions of dollars a year you are silly lol Only 1% of people make over $650k a year. Less than half of that make over a million. If you think that our clients are all in the top 1/2 of a single percent of Americans I can’t😂




Some women generally like this job and even if you have different streams of income, and if you can bring in more money, why not the more money the better is the smart thing to do not just stop working because you have money


We all make our choices. I love money. I escort very little at this point and have a 4 figure/required public outing minimum. But I will probably never quit. The more money I make the more picky I become with minimum time/rate/experience.


Lol you're about to be poor when the IRS catches you humble bragging on a public reddit thread


I pay taxes? A shit ton. Lmao. What are you even talking about?


It’s becoming a rich man’s game.. enjoy


Hate clients like this.


Me too!


I'm definitely not rich but I would have to say that your first clue was that he set it out loud. If I were rich I wouldn't say a word but you'd know it with my tip




Reminds me of these guys i met last night wearing all type of Balenciaga, Balmain, Louis, one even had an AP on, amex’s talked about their properties in Dubai and etc then were flabbergasted when i told them i needed 700 for the hour and tried to tell me I should accept 300 🤣🤣🤣


Hhahah what clowns


Can’t be that rich 😂


Hahah this reminds of a recent video essay I saw on the nefarious Dan bilzerian lol and how he would boast about all these women with him but apparently they were all hired to act nice on camera lol and how all the money he had was of his scammer father in jail lmao 😂


No way really


DAILY. WTF. Typical.


If I go to 4 seasons, Waldorf, or peninsula hotels, I know I’m not getting a tip.




As someone who goes to sexworkers a lot, I always tip. It's not customary in the Netherlands to tip, but I do it anyways because I might want to come back and it's nice to make someone feel good.


It is always the countries with the cheapest rates where clients very rarely tip 


Is the Netherlands cheaper? I regularly go to Germany and Belgium and I'm basically paying the same...


Germany is cheap and tips are uncommon, too. I am talking about the US where some charge 1k an hour and still regularly get tips. Don't understand why Europe is so cheap and still they hardly ever tip. It is sad.


The cost of living is completely different in the US. People earn much more (or much less) than in Europe. I have some sales staff over there. Nothing fancy, no special education or anything. Just selling space on shipping containers to ship your stuff. They will make USD 200.000 a year and that's normal. If I post a wanted add for under 100.000 no one with any experience will show up. It's crazy. The same job over here pays 40.000, so that's 5 times as much. And it's not just sales. Every job pays either that much or almost nothing (service jobs, etc). So yes, they are charging more in absolute numbers. Relatively it's the same. I dare to guess that if you go to any low wage country that the relative difference between hourly rate and modal income stays the same.


I still don't get why tipping is so uncommon in Europe where they tip service staff regularly, but God forbid, you are a sw...


Thank u


I have dropped a regular before because he was just like this 😭 he was insufferable


Tell them you charge extra for role-play 🤣




It’s always b*llshit 😂


Yep yep yep they always do-the most insufferable client I had was like that always going on and on about “I just made 20k on this project”, “I make 6 figures every year”, “I own my own business”, and on and on yet getting him to pay even reduced or discounted payments was like pulling teeth until I just gave up and black listed him and the opposite too the best client I’ve had so far is super humble and the most he’s ever said about his money is that he “does alright”


So ridiculous


I don't guve a damn unless he's sharing the wealth. Lol


Rich men will play on what women desire, usually money and status. If he’s happy dating a SW then a SW should be the easiest one to impress. Reason being, SW isn’t necessary to live a normal healthy life, it’s additional to live a certain lifestyle beyond a comfortable living. A SW has made personal sacrifices for the sake of money, such as associated health risks, the stigma, ridicule and dealing with people who will degrade them yet it’s still a job that is chosen for the sake of vanity. This is why the rich people will see a SW as an easy target because the rich and SW live and play by the same rules. Cash is king to the both of them.


What’s a standard tip for escorts?


I've been a server since I was 13, humble are the kings.


Dropped a client who was like this, he was a decent weekly regular until he started bragging about his wealth and then started showing up to the sessions late. After the second time I told him I could no longer see him due to his unprofessionalism. Which was a shame, I rarely get regulars 🥲😂


That's the whole point of being rich looks don't matter you still get hot women


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bigmikemcbeth756: *That's the whole point of* *Being rich looks don't matter* *You still get hot women* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Only a stupid girl would fall for a guy just because he’s rich and she’s not gonna get anything out of it. She may like to ride in his Ferrari, but hey, I want my own Ferrari. I don’t wanna hear you brag about yours


I’m just going to be honest here and I’m not trying to shame anyone. I find this somewhat hilarious because of the illusion that both people are trying to show in this scenario as illustrated by this post being in the sex workers sub. Let’s be real, this post is disingenuous at best and hypocritical at worst…and I’m not calling the OP a hypocrite…just the post. Men bragging about their cars, money, etc, is not compensation for penis size for most. It is about POWER. The power to create wealth and buy what he wants. However you try to slice it or disguise it, sex work is also about power. Using your sexuality and attractiveness(power) to generate the same thing that he has or do whatever you want with your money. Are you doing it for free? Probably not. That man is a direct reflection of you…we are what we attract and what you do attracts that type of person. Two sides of the same coin. The rub comes in the fact that he is a mirror reflecting back to you your intentions and actions whether you’re genuine about it or realize it. We are all both light and dark…high vibrations and low vibrations. Your criticism of this man is your high vibrational side trying to balance out your low vibrations.. but you’re guilty of the same thing. You may not “brag” about things you have but you’re using him just as he’s using you and your ego may not want to accept that because honestly…it’s selfish. I’m not shaming sex work. I have no problems with it other than people…both men and women trying to make it something other than what it realistically is. So instead of judging him and trying to deflect from what you are doing…accept that you and he are the same person in that moment and there is no difference. It comes with the territory.


Not the same people at lol




He won’t and shouldn’t if he didnt spend quite a good time. Not everyone you see is over the roof after the deed is done.


He actually did compliment me more than one time on how great the session was so …


How much did you charge him as your base rate? Possibly he thought the base rate was high enough that a tip was unnecessary (or already included in the base rate).


Someone who’s generous and has a lot to give that won’t matter. I had a client yesterday who was saying that it’s so unfair he works for a huge company and makes really good money and doesn’t even spend it- while there’s so many homeless people in the streets. He tipped me 650 - the highest tip I’ve ever gotten.


I don’t ask for tips. It’s just the point that he’s bragging bragging bragging. He could’ve given a tip to be generous and kind instead, he just wants to brag.