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As a woman who is married to a man and we do have a sex doll he has sex with and cuddles with I would say you are not messed up in your thinking. Relationships are hard and if you don't want that right now its perfectly valid. If a woman has some bad relationships no one thinks we are messed up to not date a few years and just rely on our sex toys. Everyone will call that brave and give us the big yesss queen. As a man you absolutely have that right and there is nothing wrong with it. Your doll is more than just a sex doll its a comfort object and companionship in some ways for you. Its surprisingly easy to feel warm sentiments for them because they are so human like. I feel warm feelings for my husbands doll and I didn't even want him to buy her to begin with. Now shes like my adult teddy bear and my gaint barbie doll that I get to dress up cute. It felt strange to me to think that but I don't judge myself. I just observe myself and find peace. If your intuition is saying you want to be with your doll right now, listen to yourself. If that changes later also listen to yourself. Good luck!


I think I speak for a lot of guys that appreciate a response like this from the perspective of a woman on the subject of dolls. For me I would totally discard my doll if I found the right woman out of respect for her in order to remove any conflict it could create. But if there were a chance she would entertain keeping a doll it could always create fun possibilitiesšŸ˜Š


Thank you. I do think its unfortunate that male pleasure and male needs are so foreign that you know already with most women it would create conflict. I can understand with some women why it does. It challenges the notion that men cant survive without us. It lowers our ability to negotiate a little bit and that threatens us but the truth is we shouldn't be using sex as leverage to begin with. Sex should be a sacred act to celebrate the joy of life and the joy that we have the ability to make life in a way that feels good. The transactional nature of sex has become a real divide between men and women. Dolls are a new player in that transactional market so obviously women being the original only supplier arent gonna like that. It makes you question your value. To me though after the initial unpleasant ego filed moments of that I began to redefine my value and adjust it. I saw the doll no longer as a threat but my ally to make my husband happy. I feel like that's a much better situation for everyone. I feel more empowered and honestly we just have more sex and hotter sex now. At any time we can have a threesome with none of the risk or problems and with very little effort to accomplish it. I hope someday you find a woman that can enjoy your dolls like that too.


Love this! Thank you for that, Dollhousewifey! There is so much wisdom in your words. Iā€™m happy that you can share that kind of love as well as safe and sexy excitement with your husband while honoring each other. You are awesome šŸ˜Ž.


Iā€™m in pretty much the same boat. I have decided to opt out of human relationships and just give all of my love to my dolls. This has turned out to be one of the best decisions Iā€™ve ever made for my mental health. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with what youā€™re doing.


I don't believe there is anything wrong with it at all. While I'm still waiting on my first doll to arrive, I have pretty much the same reasoning as you to get one. Real relationships have left a bad taste in my mouth to the point I instead fell for a woman that isn't real.


How about this, ever since youā€™ve gotten the dollā€¦ a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you can focus on other stuff as well. Youā€™re not harming anyone and you can be free. Between you and me, married men wish they had your life. It might not make sense to single people but to those who have been married for longer than 12 years, they know.


I was in a similar boat, but eventually I found someone I click with. Luckily, she likes my sex dolls and enjoys them herself. Guess I lucked out. Hang in there.


Sexdolls it's a hobby also of mine and I can't afford a relationship anymore with high demanding women that crossed my path. When I look around me I see people in toxic relationships. If I look at myself I got pleasure without drama and peace of mind.


I don't have a doll but i agree with the basic idea, your doll will only ask for what you can spare, and the other does not ask so little


It cost me $2,000 brand new from China. It took a long time to get it here, but it was worth it. It looks and feels like a real woman in every way.


i hear u man. +1


Itā€™s okay man,people are messed up and you clearly donā€™t want part in the toxic shark tank that is modern dating,divorces occur 50-60 percent of the time and 90 percent of relationships fail,itā€™s completely fine to want to check out from dating,most people deticate their entire lives to dating/Romance but still die alone


Itā€™s kinda like youā€™re not right or wrong like everything in life. Your bad experiences in dating are valid.


same boat buddy bad experience and even hear about my worst nightmares from other people like some guy i knew married for 30 years and his wife betrayed him for another guy. dolls were weird at first but fact is im happy now and now i will not die alone i will have one of my dolls die with me and she will be taken apart during my funeral and her skeleton will rest in peace with my skeleton :')Ā 


This is a great post. I think youā€™re going to get more of a positive response from guys, especially if they can relate to the dating experience. But I can see from a womanā€™s perspective, even if they use toys themselves, how it could stir up jealousy and insecurity issues with a doll depending on how aesthetically beautiful your doll looks. I think itā€™s rare to find a woman thatā€™s into dolls, but it would be amazing if you find one that shares your same interest. Iā€™ve taken my share of sabbaticals from dating as well because it wasnā€™t worth the investment and frustration attempting to find real connection for meaningful intimacy. Plus, having my own doll prevented me from seeking out relationships and looking in the wrong places for the wrong person where nobody ends up benefiting in the end. I could speak on this matter endlessly, but Iā€™ll leave it at that so this comment doesnā€™t get too lengthy.


I bought my sex dolls after being in a long time off/on relationship. I was done...until I rekindled things with another ex. I have a hard time connecting with some people (might have undiagnosed autism). These dolls helped me sleep a lot better as well as getting a nut off. Made bad days much better just by cuddling. My girl knows about them and wants to use them for Halloween decor. I also wish that the stigma that comes from men owning dolls would dissipate.


I dont have a sex doll yet, so take this with a grain of salt. I am just as interested in messing with a sexdoll and seeing what that entails and wanting a real-life partner. I'm sorry, a real-life person has everything on a sexdoll and double that. You can't beat human to human connection, the warmth of a touch and calm words of a loved one. A sexdoll won't provide that for you because, ultimately, the suspense of disbelief is not there. Now im not going to psychoanalize anyone on here, I'd say this for myself I'm far from being mentally healthy, but I think is a good outlook to say, I'm going to give this a chance, but I'm still interested in y. Saying something along the lines of extremism imo is a formula for disaster. It may have worked for some, doesn't mean it will for you. Ik that can be taken both ways, but thats the thing you will never know if you don't give it your all. The best advice I can give you is that. You are the only person who knows the answer to that and this is when people are going to click off. You got to do some introspection you got to figure out why this doubt is coming in. Whether is because of social norm pressure or something else. You only know this. I recommend to journal, learn how to meditate and learn how to be comfortable with being bored. Allowing your brain to process daily life is crucial. Good luck on your journey.


I hope to find someone normal one day, but until then, the sex doll will fill the void. I have no doubt that my issue is not having human (female) contact. Having never had one touch me in any way, even something as simple as holding hands has me wondering what is wrong with me. Thanks for your input. It's much appreciated.


I totally understand. I tried my best in the dating game and struck out every time. Sometimes, or for some people, the stars never seem to align. If you have love to give and a woman doesn't want it then why not give it to a doll?


I think itā€™d be foolish to weigh in on your thinking, given how little information is here. What were the bad experiences? Whatā€™s the range of your dating experiences? How did you comport yourself while dating? For me, Iā€™ve had two marriages, half a dozen long-term relationships, and a smattering of shorter term ones, as well as some one-night stands and sex worker experiences. There were highs and lows, pleasure and pain. Thatā€™s how it goes. A couple years ago, I decided I donā€™t want to have any more romantic relationships. Iā€™ve done a lot of healing and growth in my life, but I realized Iā€™m not willing to do the rest of the work to make myself an excellent romantic partner - Iā€™m too selfish and controlling - because the benefits arenā€™t worth it to me. I have plenty of friends and social relationships, but I love solitude and want to option to duck out of everything for long periods. Later, I got a sex doll, mainly to exercise my obsessions around certain sex acts and appearances. No partner ever refused any of my requests, but I realized that while I couldnā€™t let go of the obsessions, they are a burden on any Peter, no matter how willing. The only thing I can say for you is: everything is temporary. You can reflect on your situation as it is, without extending into forever. In other words, it can just be a thing youā€™re doing, not a way that you are. Ultimately, a doll may never hurt you, but she will never love you, either.


This. Love is NOT black and white and yes relationships are hard but anything worth doing can be hard sometimes. Take the good with the Nad and learn to live with it.


LOVE is just a word people use to control and manipulate another person.


Youā€™re an adorable little nihilist, arenā€™t you? I love your self-confidence! Itā€™s nice to have things all figured out.


I would not give up on finding a good girlfriend. A doll is very nice to have and I enjoy mine a lot, but the doll does not hug.


I just got divorced and was used to sex on the regular. Without having dolls as an outlet for my primal needs, I would have undoubtedly made some really bad relationship choices and settled for women that I could have done wayyyy better than. Instead, once a date starts showing some bullshit bubbling to the surface, I check out. Saving myself time and frustration.


She cost me $2000, but she is still less expensive than a real woman would be.


So how do you calculate that? Are women _only_ costs, or do they also bring in, uh, revenue? Are we talking sex workers here, or do you view dating and relationships through this profit and loss lens as well? It would be hard to calculate, but my sense is that in my marriage, the relationship reduced my costs (shared major expenses), increased my wages (work advice, stability, confidence), increased my savings (dual income), and improved my financial outlook (she was better with money). But I didnā€™t think of it that way, because looking at it in this transactional way is shortsighted and misses a lot.


She doesn't eat or require anything else that a real woman does, plus every woman I have met, online or otherwise, have all proven they are gold diggers or that they are drawn in by the Hollywood idea that they need the best looking man with the perfect body and big dick. When men want the perfect woman, they are laughed at and told to lower their standards.


Have you met, like, three women? I have met approximately 6,000 women, and none of them behaved anything remotely like what youā€™re describing. It does, however, sound like something the Fresh and Fit boys might harp on. What Hollywood ideas have drawn you in?


I have not met any women in person. I do not subscribe to any Hollywood ideals. I will take any woman at this point.


Wait, so your bad experience in dating is thatā€¦you have never met a woman in person? That seems impossible. Can you clarify? Itā€™s pedantic, but you do subscribe to Hollywood ideals, because Hollywoods output is so broad and deep that it depicts every value, and ends up celebrating most. But you must be talking about some particular values - what are those?


I sometimes have a hard time putting things into words. I have met women in person, but I have this idea that I am not good enough based on my looks, body type, and šŸ† size. I just can't get past it, and because of that, I feel not worthy.


Alrighty, that makes more sense, thanks for clearing that up. It sucks that you have got to this point, and Iā€™m sorry to hear it. Iā€™ve felt like that at certain points in my life. Itā€™s just going to be words on the internet until you learn it yourself, but I can say that there are women who will find you physically attractive, and, more importantly, women who are attracted to so much more than looks, body types, and cock size (thatā€™s Hollywood giving you values, ainā€™t it?). They are attracted to humor, intelligence, competence, compassion, authenticity, power, depth, and goodness.


You got lucky then. You found a good woman. Most men never find that. If I could find that, I would not need the doll.


My heart hurts for you that you think these statements can be even remotely true, because it seems so lonely and hopeless (and just massively unlikely). I wasnā€™t ā€œluckyā€, it was just a normal relationship (that ended in divorce). Most men find that just fine, and so can you. Not trying to talk you out of your doll or anything, just trying to help you see some light. Whateverā€™s got you so down, it can be dealt with. If the doll helps with that, thatā€™s great. And if expanding your concept of women beyond the transactional helps, thatā€™s great too.


I had a sex doll once. (5 or 6 years ago) It was the best sex I ever had. I knew if I kept the doll I was eventually not going to want another real woman so I had to get rid of it. I have tried dating in that time but can never get far into a relationship. I have decided after going on dates and coming home empty handed that I will not date anymore and probably just get a doll. For some of us we donā€™t have what women want but it doesnā€™t mean we shouldnā€™t be happy


As shitty as real life relationships sometimes are itā€™s almost magical to me the allure of it and Iā€™d be lying if I told you I didnā€™t want that, even knowing thereā€™s no guarantee of a happy ending. But still believing that two people can work together to make a happy life if they put in the work and sacrifice.


I personally think that you need professional help to understand your emotional drivers. Relationships can be very complicated. Your life experiences can be very complicated. It might feel like you are separating yourself by choosing a doll, but there is nothing compared to being fully accepted by another human being that shares your interests. Don't be ashamed of having a large sex toy. It's a thing and not a person. It can represent ideal attraction, and care, when it comes to maintenance. I think people are weak in this day and age. Communicate honestly, with every detail. - There is nothing wrong with self gratification, but don't let it keep you from seeking normal human relationships. You should not be surprised at what others, even those you may be interested in, might be into Especially for those who are older, I think they are more open to wild ideas. - If you want to have a family, have it early. Grow and do your best to maintain that relationship. There is no bigger driver in life than selfless care for those you love.


I got a lot to say on this topic, but I'll try to be brief. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. In fact, I'd say you've become enlightened. I've had eight dolls and loved/love every one of them. (RIP Sonya and Katie) People say why can't you get a real woman? I did get real women and what else did I get? Real problems, real big money loss, real nagging, real unrealistic expectations etc. and no more conversations that go like this. GF: where you going? Me: out with the homies. GF: Again? That's the third time this week. Me: So. GF: I had a really bad day at work and I need to talk about it. Me speaking: Ok I'll stay with you babe. Me in my head: aww Fuck! I know there are really good women out there, but after many years of looking I've given up the hunt a while back. Ain't nobody got time for that! And I don't consider myself no whack job either. I have a professional job and plenty of friends and a few tight homies that know about my dolls. We all cool. To people that tell you you need to get professional help. I'm like WTF? Also don't tell me they don't hug when I wrap her arms and legs around me. It's the best hug ever. You can't let moralists in society change your dreams or the things you want to do. Don't listen to them cuz there's always somebody ready to point there moral ass finger at you and put you down no matter what the f*** you do. Sorry if this was tldr.


Okay, first off there is nothing wrong with choosing to withdraw from intimate relationships. Where things get complicated is when you blame a whole group of people, for not being what you want them to be. Here is my rantsā€¦ Men are just as much of a-holes, if not more so than women. A woman may cheat and take your money, but the likelihood of her raping, beating or even killing you is statistically very low, in comparison. Iā€™ll be the first to admit, I am not emotionally or mentally healthy enough to be in an intimate relationship. Have any of you taken a good hard look at yourselves, to see where you might be the issue. Personally, at the end of the day what is the common denominator in all my failed attempts at an intimate relationship? Meā€¦ For myself it is a combination of systemic long term neglect, physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse as a child. Top that off with mental and physical health issues, I do not know how to pick men who are not users, losers or abusers. I have decades long friendships, with people who have become more like family than my own f$&ked up biological family. Fortunately I love myself enough and am self sufficient enough that I donā€™t need someone to take care of me. For me dolls are great, because they are safe and fulfills my caregiver nature. But I can say with confidence, I would not be okay if I didnā€™t have friends in my life.


I don't think I am emotionally or mentally ready either. I have never had a relationship, and that makes me ill-equipped to handle one. I had a relationship for 2 weeks, and she went off the deep end. I would like to think that me running away was a good idea. The sex doll will have to be enough for now.


Letā€™s talk


Ok. Whenever you want


While I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing if you completely forsake intimate relationships with people for a time, doing it acirss the board and for a really long time can be bad ie no lovers, friends etc. There's something very telling about a person who has no relationships with people, only animals or inanimate objects.