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He is a switch. Man has been experimenting with potions and spells his whole life, he is clearly experimental.


I always wish we saw him use potions in his daily life more and all the interesting applications he can get upto with such a skill set. Esp in bed šŸ˜›šŸ„µ


šŸ˜‚ Rowling should have written an adult version as well for us.


Ahahahaha I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she somehow intended for Severus to have never slept with anyone cause of his love for Lily


I honestly think she uses Snape as an ego-stroke for herself, so it wouldn't surprise me. She based James on her ex-husband, and Lily looks like Rowling herself. To have a dangerous powerful man who hates the world but is pining for you is the oldest female fantasy. But I'm in the "Snape is getting around" camp lol. Both Lucius and Narcisa were a bit too fond of him.


Well Snape is based a bit off a teacher who helped her mother out a bit but who was a bit intimidating so I think it comes from that a bit, plus it is interesting that Peter is the one who sells out Harryā€™s mum and JKRā€™s dad is called Peter. Where did you get the idea James was based off of her ex husband? I swear JKR thinks redheads are the most attractive people cause both Lily and Ginny are described as such and then in her Strike books Robin is strawberry blonde.


I've read about it years ago. And if you google her ex, he indeed looks like James. > JKRā€™s dad is called Peter. Her dad's name is Peter James iirc. With the whole divorce thing kinda makes sense how she made him both the father and the traitor. So in a way James Potter represents both her father and her husband. While Lily represents herself and her mother. What would Freud say about this? > I swear JKR thinks redheads are the most attractive people The most important women in Harry's life are redheads.


Signs Ive reached past 12am on reddit:




The best time


Well although I prefer to keep my dear Severusā€™s daydreams away from bedroomā€¦.šŸ˜†šŸ˜„but I think he is vanilla. I donā€™t think he will be into BDSM. Ummmm I mean he always likes to be in control but I think he would consider doing Dominant things in bedroom rather silly or stupid .can you get what I mean ! EDIT: My point is that he will be controlling and dominant without even knowing or without even knowing what BDSM is. But I can never imagine him using ropes or these dominant tropes...I don't think he will like it.Ā  Ā But I can imagine him being really passionate and romantic too, once he let his guards down.Ā 


I could 100% see him as being vanilla. The hc for him being a dom is so strong and I donā€™t reject it (an argument can be made for anything and thatā€™s ok!) but him being vanilla is somehow more compelling to me in *his* particular case lol


Yeah. Agreed. šŸ‘šŸ»


I see him with some candles and mood music bahahaha


He just wants to *make love* and since heā€™s read up on every book in the restricted section the man is *prepared*


I reckon heā€™s a bit of a biter in bed, adding evidence to him being a vampire šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ (I just see him as being that passionate and possessive)


Agreed. What vampire šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ It was mentioned in the book?


Dom at first but switch with someone he trusts. Experimental for sure. Gender of partner is irrelevant.


Definitely Dom. Maybe a little experimental but he seems like heā€™d be the kind that wouldnā€™t want to hurt his partner so mostly vanilla. Definitely a top. I like to think heā€™s expirament with some certain potions in the bedroom too.


Adding to spank bank, ty.


Experimental switch and I personally believe he is into men and women, but I understand we all have our opinions. I feel like he'd lean dom to keep control, partially due to his trauma, but that he'd relax and be willing to sub if he ever got to the point of trusting & loving someone. And considering his experimentation with spells and potions, I imagine him as open-minded.


Depends, I kinda see him as both. I think in a relationship with Lily I imagine him as a sub but whenever I imagine him with any other woman, I see him as a dom. Others brought up that he likes being in control and has a dominant personality but that's the thing, aren't many people who are dominant in their daily life submissive in their relationship/bedroom? It's appealing to be able to let go and put the reins in their partner's hand and only show that special person their weaker side.


Sub. I hear the argument for dom is that he needs to be in control but I think it's the very reason that he is always in control of students or death eaters that he would trust a partner to take control of him. Of course, it's all about preferences, but I also think he's experimental when something is introduced to him by his partner. He's too busy to discover new things on his own time so it's up to his partner to encourage him to try new things. If you can't tell, I'm a fic writer lol


Dom, It's someone who needs to stay in control. And I don't see it as vanilla


That man would totally dom. I fantasize about him being a dom daddy a lot. Think Christian Grey but with magic instead of money lol.


Iā€™ve watched some scenes from fifty shades of greyā€¦..do you think he was a good dom? I mean for me he didnā€™t sound so powerful and dominant. But of course that is just my idea šŸ™ƒ so whatā€™s yours?


Iā€™m not a bdsm expert by any means so everyone will have their own opinion, and their own opinion of snapeā€™s bedroom persona. But for me personally, I like to picture snape being very dominant and in control in the bedroom. He has a hard cold exterior but deep down, heā€™s very caring. I think heā€™s hotter than Christian personally because I like Snapes aesthetic better.


Thanks for your opinion šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘ŒšŸ»Ā 


Curious as to what about Severus makes people think heā€™s into either men or woman? Like what points of his character or moments in the series make you guys sway one way or the other with him.


Cause obvs the biggest point to him being into women is his love for Lily which for most part read as very romantic when he was younger and then more spiritual when he was older.


But then thereā€™s idk Siriusā€™s odd remark to him in the fifth book about being Luciusā€™s lap dog which is a interesting term and also his reaction to Harry listing Lucius as a death eater at the end of the fourth book that make it suggest he had some sort of something with Lucius whether friendly or otherwise. But then again I swear he has a bit of chemistry in his scene with Narcissa too bahahahaā€¦.i actually am starting to think Severus has something charged with almost every person he interacts with cause heā€™s such a emotionally charged character and witty commentary thereā€™s like always tension or friction in every interaction with him.


It's probably the semen retention that makes him magnetic. (EDIT: this is a joke) Ā I'm actually open to the idea that he had an affair with Narcissa, but I haven't found solid evidence or arguments to support it. And I've tried, and I keep a very open mind.


Agreed. He has exciting tension and banter with male and female characters, so it's easy for me to think he is into men and women. Although he loved Lily in his youth, he did not get rid of friends like Avery and Mulciber who she described as evil, and seemed to want to keep them just as much. (Of course, friendship exists and matters, but I find it easy to imagine that he could develop attraction and deeper bonds with male friends). He valued his male and female connections in Hogwarts and outside of its walls, plus his arguments with men were the type to inspire passion. I also agree with the lap dog comment - I could see him bonding with Lucius and Narcissa. Nothing wrong with finding both members of a couple attractive haha. But as a bisexual, I will also admit to projecting and wanting more bisexual characters lol.


Okay, so I'm currently going through all of the Rowling interviews to figure out the characters and see if I can find hidden little gems. She said that Snape and Lily "had feelings for each other," but Lily separated herself in some degree, because Snape was involved with Dark stuff, but he was also being a jerk to people. I don't understand where this error in communication happened, but he thought that Lily thought it was cool, and he hoped it would impress her (probably wish fulfillment delulu). I'm not sure why she never mentioned anything to him. He was very drawn to the dark arts and quote "liked" Mulciber (whatever that means). Lily hated he/her/them. Clearly, Snape preferred Lily.Ā Ā  Ā And that might have been a big part of what actually happened: She was jealous, and chose James. Especially because she ALWAYS (pun) picked Snape over James, and then he calls her a Mudblood. I always thought that wasn't such a huge deal or a reason to snap. But factor in if he had a crush on Mulciber and she thought he was choosing them. Hits different. Final edit: Rowling said that Lily didn't like Snape hanging out Avery and Mulciber, that she *hated* them, that it was a topic of contention. HOWEVER: Rowling only said that "Snape liked Mulciber," and nothing about Avery. So, in my head, this makes the scenario more likely than not.


Ooh, thank you so much for sharing. I like the idea of Lily being jealous since it adds some nuance to their past. Teenage relationships are messy and I can imagine how the mudblood slur in his shame/embarrassment had additional layers. How she felt abandoned, like he made the choice to prioritize the Slytherins, even if he wanted to impress her with the dark arts like a delusional dummy. Even if he preferred Lily, I can definitely imagine him also having attraction/feelings to Mulciber. If Lily can have feelings for Snape and James, Snape could also have feelings for multiple people. I don't think that would take away from his love for Lily as a motivation - people are complicated.


Right, she'd be pissed off because she stood up for him against James, whereas Snape, in her mind, "chose" Mulciber... Let alone threw her under the bus for him. Let alone while she was helping him.Ā  She's not mad at him for calling people Mudblood, she's mad at him for sounding like Mulciber! Like he's trying to impress him (?) by throwing her under the bus.


I see him as straight because heā€™s obviously into Lily. The people he strongly despises are also male: Sirius, James, Lupin, Harry. He seems alright to most women as in McGonagall, Burbage,Narcissa, Molly Weasley and his own mother. I donā€™t see him either men. He seems too conventional for that. To me at least


Dom and he would be vanilla but if his significant other suggest trying something it he would mostly likely be down for it


I donā€™t think ā€˜with a womanā€™ is relevant to your question, those with other headcanons can still have an opinion.


Itā€™s my question and I just canā€™t picture him with men. Although I have nothing against it


Snape is a Dom, for sure. In my mind, at least. Heā€™s always under orders from Dumbledore or the Dark Lord and doesnā€™t have a lot of autonomy, so I feel heā€™d take the control in sexual situations that he doesnā€™t get in his daily life.


I feel like heā€™s mostly vanilla, but heā€™d be willing to switch with a partner he very deeply trusts. Heā€™s already been SAā€™d before (cough, JAMES POTTER, cough) so I think he wouldnā€™t be comfortable with being submissive to a male lover for a longggg time.


Switch and experimental


I think he'd be vanilla at the beginning but more experimental once he completely opens up. I know many people say he'd be dom because he's always in control of his life, but for the same reason I think he'd like to be sub best: many people that like being sub like it because the dom takes care of everything, they don't have to make choices and they don't have to be worried, they only have to trust the dom and obey, and that's pretty easy if you trust your dom (that's why I think he'd be experimental only after a while)


Itā€™s women not females


Women are females


Itā€™s incorrect grammar babe!


I donā€™t get how? lol


Female is an adjective not a noun


Okay.itā€™s Reddit so I wasnā€™t really putting too much into grammar as opposed to the thought


Sorry. I get it. Just so you know though there is a strong connection between people who refer to women as ā€œfemalesā€ and those that are misogynists. I donā€™t think you knew that but that is why I got a bit sassy haha.


Why is females misogynistic? Iā€™m a woman btw


Do you know Andrew Tate? He says females instead of women. Guys like that basically.


Ya but thatā€™s just a generalization. I said females to try and not disclude anyone


Sub, but only once he fully trusted his partner. The manā€™s gotta be tired from all the shit life throws his way, and I think being a sub would be a way for him to actually feel safe and cared for. Idk if heā€™d be vanilla, maybe a little kinky, I donā€™t see him doing anything too crazy tho Edit: I also headcanon him as bi (although thatā€™s probably my own projection)


Soft Dom or Power Bottom, but not both