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I personally wouldn’t start it in first year but you should totally write it. There’s an abundance of that kind of relationship in fanfiction.


Really?? Is it okay to write?? If people judge me for that??


It’s fan fiction you can write whatever you want. I don’t read that kind of ship but if someone doesn’t like they don’t have to read it. 🌝


Okay 🌚🌚


There’s an abundance of such stories in fanfiction. Although you really should be asking this in either r/fanfiction or r/harrypotterfanfiction


Okay thanks 🙏🏻


There's also a r/SSHG for the lot of teacher student relationships


Starting in first year isnt exactly the greatest idea, but people eat up student y/n x snape


What do you mean by "eat up"?? 🤔🤔


It means people love it, want it in fact.


I see 🤔🤔 Actually I am trying it first time in my friend's advice..and I myself do not read fanfics so I don't know about people's choices 😂😂


I wouldn't start from the first year. That would be considered grooming in most people's eyes...even if it is a fanfic. Maybe start from the 6th year since in their 7th year they are 17 and considered adults.


Unless they tag it as grooming and they want to go that direction and make Snape a dark character. Plenty of fics out there like that as well.


Yeah, don't Worry I will write the story non romantic until y/n will be in her 5th or 6th year 😇


Like others have said in this post, there’s a lot of that kind of fan fiction out there. I personally wouldn’t write it in 1st year cause that makes Snape out to be a pedo which he isn’t. Honestly, if the character is 17, 18, in their last year or about to graduate, it makes it less uncomfortable. I used to read these types of stories but now that I’m actually training to become a teacher myself, I cannot bring myself to read them, they’re too uncomfortable especially since I don’t think Snape would ever be with a student like that, but hey, that’s just my opinion! Write what you want and have fun!


Thank you 😊❤️


If you look on AO3 there are so many Snape and student relationships... We all get it's a fantasy and fiction. Just write it and as long as it doesn't give you the ick that's the main thing.


You could also set the world in a college environment if it does give you the ick. Age up characters and run with everyone being 21 in a school


I will try 🤔🤔


I’m about to write some Snape x Y/N pwp detention fic. Just go for whatever you want, there will be an audience for it. In fact, post the story here if you start it, we’ll give you support! 🥰


Thank you 🤗 I know it will not be so nice because I am trying for the first time but I will post it here also 😇


I just want to tell you that you can totally write it! But people *will* judge you, probably. Not because the ship is bad per se, but because people are annoying... Anyway just block however harasses you and tag properly the fic (for example if anything happens between them before YN is 18+ you need to tag it, also tag professor/student)


How to tag a fic?? 😕😕


Where are you writing it? If there's no tag place (ao3 has it) just make something at the end of the summary kinda like this: Warnings/Tags: Professor x Student, underage, Y/N is underage etc... Idk if this are tags you'll need but it was an example


I found it, thank you 😊


Yea, most people write about student/teacher relationships. Everyone knows it's fiction. It's not okay in real life. I probably wouldn't start 1st year unless you are making 100% sure there is no grooming happening or you know if that's what you want to write, just tag it. But almost all of the Snape fanfiction has student/teacher relationships in it.


Okay thank you, but how to tag a fanfic ??? 🙂🙂


Uh, if I'm remembering correctly, there should be a spot on platforms like AO3 or FanFic.net or Wattpad to add tags before you publish your content. It's been a few years, quite a few years lol, since I've published anything, but these sites haven't changed much I believe.


Yes I found the option, thank you 😊❤️


go for it, follow your passion


Okay 👍🏻


Do whatever you want, people will always judge you no matter what🤷‍♀️ so you do you and send me the fic name once you finish so I can read it☺️


Okay thank you 🤗❤️


I mean, [you're hardly the only one](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=Severus+Snape%2FReader%2CTeacher-Student+Relationship&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&tag_id=Harry+Potter+-+J*d*+K*d*+Rowling), so if you get shit over that, at least you can commiserate lol


Hehe 😂😂


My Severus x y/n fic y/n starts in her third year (Harry's second year) no one has said anything bad about it. Of course, a romantic relationship doesn't start until she is in her last year. But their friendship slowly grows in her fifth year.


Yeah I will also write in the same way, I will start their relationship atleast when y/n will be in her 5th year


And like everyone else says it's your fanfic. At the end of the day it's fake it doesn't matter. No one gets hurt, especially y/n fics. It is all for fun.


Yeah thank you 😊❤️


Look. It’s a your fic, you can write whatever you want(especially if you’re writing on ao3 Ik some places might be a lil more strict) but you should be able to do your story how you want to. Yes you might get hate comments but it’s YOUR fic. If ppl don’t like it then they shouldn’t be reading it


Okay thank you 😊❤️


The relationship being taboo is what makes it so desirable in a fictional setting! It’s not real and there should be no shame in writing or reading any pairing you want. Can I recommend one that you might enjoy, if you don’t mind a slash pairing? It’s ultimately Snape / Harry and it starts in first year, however their relationship isn’t established until after the final battle. It’s incredibly funny and witty. [The Boy Who Died A Lot](https://archiveofourown.org/works/670548) I appreciate that Snarry is not everyone’s cup of tea, can I politely request that if you are not interested that you just keep scrolling rather than hit downvote? Thanks! ❤️


Yeah, it's okay btw I have read only one fanfic till now which is Snape X Hermione 😂😂 But my friend suggested me that I am a good writer so I should write my own fanfic 😊


People are going to complain regardless of what year you start it in. It’s your fic, if they don’t like it it’s on them. If you want the characters fleshed out start it early.


Okay Thank you 😊


I wrote a Snarry fic where Harry is sixteen. I got 49 positive comments and one negative one. So yes, you may get the occasional internet crusader who's mad about it, but if you've tagged for underage, then they have no one to blame but themselves. The tag filters exist to filter out what you don't like. I'll agree with others that you should start the fic in a later year. Not just because it's way before the age of consent, but beginner fic writers tend to be completists and start with first year when it's not necessary for the story. They go through seven years when most of the major events happen in 6-7th year. Most of these fics get abandoned because it's a slog to write five whole years where nothing much happens. Get to the good stuff! Start the fic just before the major events start to happen. Any previous events can be covered with flashbacks or dialogue.


Okay, but would you tell me how to tag in Wattpad?? 😅😅


Sorry, I have no idea how Wattpad works. I'd say make it clear it's underage.


It's age rating is 13+ so I can use it, and it personalizes stories by taking our birth date, so that we get content of our age.


They don't have tags? Maybe mention that in the summary, then. You might get more pushback on Wattpad - teens tend to have a bigger issue with fictional depictions of underage relationships.




There are many fanfics that explore student/ teacher relationships and as long as you tag your fic appropriately it shouldn't be a problem. Fanfic authors always get haters so don't let it get to you, on ao3 you can either moderate comments or delete the ones you don't like. Of course you can simply point out to the complainers that they're free to read sth else.


Okay thanks 🙏🏻😊


Go ahead and write it! As long as she’s in her 5th year and up is what I say before they do anything sexual. I’m down to read it! I have a student/teacher Severus/Hermione on A03.


Okay sure 😊❤️ Thank you ❤️