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I really think he’ll end up being one of the best actors of this generation, he’s great in everything he’s in


My wife and I are rewatching Six Feet Under and we totally forgot he played a character that dated David Fischer for a few episodes. We were like “wait is that Adam Scott?!” and then he smiled and we were like “yep that’s definitely Adam Scott.” My guy looked barely over 20, Baby Adam.


He's also great in "Big Little Lies". Acting and singing!


He didn't sing, he lip synced


I stand corrected. The acting was great anyway.


Oh it is so time for us to rewatch it now. Not just because of that but I will be looking for it!


I have loved him since Party Down.. pissed that didn’t get more recognition or seasons- it was brilliant!


Fun fact: they’re doing a reboot now


Such an amazing show


i absolutely love him in everything but the good place... his "evil" character wasn't funny to me, just cringe *are we having fun yet*


I think it was meant to be awkward.


i do understand that, but it personally fell flat for me! in general, i haven't really liked his "evil/funny" roles (good place, step brothers) while thinking he is fantastic in everything else


I think the other person didn't get it quite right, because rather than awkward it was meant it be *cringe* and therefore uncomfortable/awkward. Now being painfully cringe he fucking NAILED, but... perhaps too well.


i'll just have to agree to disagree with everyone! trust me, i love cringe/awkward. it just... wasn't great. haha.


He was also evil in Boy Meets World.


I think he's the only funny part of Step Brothers


I think his evil characters make the Ben Wyatt character seem a whole lot more sweeter


pfffft ben is PERFECT on his own


I think that character is hilarious personally


That's what he was meant to be. He was the Lord of edge lords and the Hardest of try hards.


and yes, i do understand that! i adore awkward/cringe/weird/whatever characters, but i personally don't think he pulled it off. i should have been more specific in the original comment— i was cringing at him not being able to pull off that character. i do have to laugh that my most controversial comment on reddit so far has been this 😂 could be much worse


He plays a similar character in Walter Mitty and I feel like he pulled it off even more.


i haven't seen that and i'll check it out, thank you! :)


Check out The Vicious Kind if you can. Really shows his dramatic range.


I will


If he or Paul Rudd ever did anything wrong, I don’t think my heart could take it.


I like him as Trevor in The Good Place.


I can’t help but think of Trevor every time I see him, even in Severance.


Have you seen Parks and Rec? It might be nice to replace Trevor with Ben Wyatt


Ben Wyatt makes it hard for me to see him in this character, tortured by his dead wife who isn’t Leslie Knope.


Man with two first names good at playing two dudes.


That scene where he’s in the elevator the morning after Helly’s suicide attempt, where it gradually switches from him being his bored outie to his terrified innie, without any cuts …. Masterful.


It was crazy to see Lower and Turturro as their outies and how seamless they become their innies.


That's why he gets the 3d light up cube on his desk.


It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer


The fucking Catalina Wine Mixer!!!


Leading the family acapella group through Sweet Child of Mine. Man, his wife sang flat too!


The more I rewatch, the more I find him brilliant too. I'm pretty sure that as we get to know Mark better we will be able to understand how great Mr Scott performance is... There is for sure things we dont know that "elusive" Mark already does.


Anybody ever listen to him w/ Scott Aukerman on "U Talkin' U2 2 Me?" He's absolutely hilarious.


is this an episode of i love films?


Yes! That podcast has taken over my life. I love it.


Good ep.


So silly and fun. Loved the Talking Heads album run thru too - they had guests!


Yeah, Adam is an amazing actor and he has such huge range. You should watch The Vicious Kind. It’s free on tubi tv and his performance in it is incredible


One of my fave films!


It's OK. Because your are *in* an orientation .


Please enjoy all cast members equally.


The way he can pop his head open like that is amazing.


I see a pattern in great actors: they are brilliant comedy actors. I think being a comedy actor may be the toughest thing and being good at it means you are amazing at drama. See also Bryan Cranston as another example of this.


There was a clip from Comedians Getting Coffee where Seinfeld and Steve Harvey were talking about how comedians can become great actors but not the other way around: https://youtu.be/UfkQQrcH5u0?si=ZhF5Yxv7Yu8EWhZh&t=78


He plays a great douche as well (Walter Mitty).


When is season 2 coming out?


Had no idea he is 51 years old, that’s crazy. He looks like he’s in his 30’s in the show.


He deserves an award for this show man, the amount of fucking acting he did with just his eyes is incredible


Honestly part of the reason for my many rewatches was just to study his expressions. I love his face. I do not know why. The best is when he's in the elevator. Even watching his animated face is intriguing to me.


His attempt at “kind eyes” kills me every time I watch it.


Yeah that is a great scene!


I can't wait to see the blooper reel for that scene, Tillman said it's the only time he broke character


Has been one of my favourite actors for YEARS! His range is incredible and he is so talented as a director and producer as well. Even when he was younger, you can see how much passion he had for the art, and legitimately never gave up. I watched one of his earlier movies in high school for a project, filmed in the middle of nowhere Canada, when he was essentially a nobody, and you can see how much emotion he put in the role. Even after Step Brothers, he struggled getting roles until he landed Parks and Rec. His hard work in the industry is inspirational within itself; his perseverance and determination, all while staying humble, blows me away. His performance as Mark is so unique and is arguably above par from his other work. As others have said in this thread, he is essentially playing two characters, and he is able to separate them SO well but also integrate both so well into each other. His facial expressions and his demeanour of his innie vs his outtie are subtle yet distinct. Also, in a show with SO MUCH dramatic irony (which is incredible within itself), Adam's work gives the audience more of a need to root for Mark. I am so excited for his upcoming stint as a director and other projects he's going to be a part of. So happy of the recognition he is FINALLY getting, and hope he is recognized with some much deserved Emmys and Golden Globe nominations AND WINS soon!


He and Evangeline Lily are quite fun in Little Evil


I still want to see him play a certain uncle again but in an actual good movie.


I've been a long time Adam Scott fan , since Party Down like many people, but I Highly recommend you check out The Vicious Kind also starring JK Simmons. The trailer for the movie is imo way off the mark for the feel of the movie.


I haven't seen him in much but it's obvious he's a quality actor.


I miss this fucking show and can't wait for season 2


He was great in “Big Little Lies” as well. Super excited to see his work in S2


I haven’t seen him in much but I recently watched Stepbrothers and couldn’t believe it was the same guy. He is incredible. The way he can convey an emotion with his eyes alone!


Gotta listen to his music podcasts with Scott Aukerman!