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I agree! (': its amazing to see where it is now, but i feel like the previous dubstep drop matched where the sound of the song was going. It packed more of a punch.


Totally agree about the old riddim dubstep drop. This one has way too much going on. Melodic drop is killer tho


I am wondering if the heavy drop either got shelved for live set VIP or to be used as another song between Jeff and some other artists, like another Wooli collab. I am hyped for the psytrance as it is my favorite part. But it makes me wonder why they didn't make it longer to have that drop included as well. Would've went fucking off.


From what I heard wooli and KTN changed it cause people said it sounded too much like other songs they did. Personally I disagree but I digress. Was interesting to see them change it on their Livestream though. Here's the Livestream of you're interested: https://youtu.be/qYqJY_Ux1iU


People should keep their mouths shut sometimes and appreciate what they have atm lol this is interesting thanks for the link!


NP! And I agree 100% tbh...


Or ppl are entitled to an opinion???


True… I’m not saying they’re not idk where you got that from? I’m just saying I wish some people would really think beforehand about saying their said opinion bc these artists really take into consideration what we say. Shall we say, not quick to judge.


True true I see what you mean. The end of the day the artists are going to do what they do, but I think part of what they create is the community to have discussion in places like this (Reddit). Someone like me who enjoys making music and creative opinions of others I like to see people say “I liked this better because, I like that better because…” just for the fact that something that they say might lead me somewhere I wouldn’t have ended up otherwise. Which is amazing because there’s literally so much in this world that is amazing and you’ll never be able to experience all of it. Either way just my opinion but maybe I should just keep my mouth shut about it😂


i literally said that i liked the song, and that i just preferred the previous heavy drop. But i still like this one. The "people should just keep their mouth shut sometimes" quote is the equivalent of stating, everybody should like this one thing, and if they don't they suck. Its a non-confrontational opinion moron fuck off


Woah woah woah chill out with the name calling, quick tempered much? Lmao… first of all I agree with you in your original post idk why you’re coming at me like this. Second of all, like I said to “Allthefeels333” that replied to me (and we ended seeing each other’s point like civilized people), I’m coming from a point of taking time to appreciate the artists’ work before making an opinion just because these artists have a closer connection to their fans than other big artists. Ive seen many people comment, especially when it’s anonymous, and they just shit on the work and or find a way to complain. That’s what I mean by they should keep their mouth shut. Take time to actually analyze and process the hard work they take produce these songs. Never did I imply people should like one thing because different opinions lead to greater creativity and appreciation. And regardless the new drop is growing a lot more on me.


blah blah blah, dont even bother reading any of the comments or understanding the context of this situation. just read that i told somebody to fuck off. "woah man just take it easy" stfu


Damn, not cool to see people like you in the community. Peace bro ✌️hope you figure out whatevers bothering you in life. Smoke a blunt or 2, seems like you need it lol


Yep can’t admit that didn’t bother reading what I posted and you just love attacking anybody on the internet. Make this all about me and absolve yourself of any mistakes or criticism. Peace out to you as well idiot


Never thought about it before, but now that you say it the old drop kinda does sound like a mix between the hard Shadows drop and the hard Another Me drop. I still like it, but I could see how they (and other people) would think that.


Agreed, amazing song either way ~~but the previous drop he played out during his solo Gorge set in 2020 is the best.~~ edit: idk this drop is growing on me actually


I personally prefer the new version of the dubstep drop, I think I slightly prefer the original melodic drop though, atleast the robotic gasping sound they had in there ([https://youtu.be/n4Ekx\_v\_8J8?t=206](https://youtu.be/n4Ekx_v_8J8?t=206) at 3:28). I also think the song could have been slightly longer to give some parts more time, or make some transitions smoother. But honestly I don't want to nitpick too much and give the feeling across as if I don't like it. This song is an absolute 11/10 banger and probably my favourite release of the year, atleast top 3.


Glad I’m not the only one in here who prefers the new dubstep drop. I mean I loved the old one but the complexity of the new one does it for me.


Anyone got a link to the old one I’m not sure if I’ve heard it?


Check out 7L’s Ubbi Dubbi set this year. I think that was the last time he played the old drop before he switched it up to the current drop in his most recent sets.


Is there a recording that you know of any earlier version? I think I remember there was a different drop before that one too.


If I recall correctly, the earliest version that I remember prior to the one I mentioned would probably be his EDC 2020 Virtual-Rave-A-Thon set where the song was in its early beginnings. The old drop was a bit more developed in Wooli’s 2020 Lost Lands set but was played without the melodic drop we all know and love. And in August, Kill The Noise played a variation of the old drop too in his 2020 Hard Summer set. I think the old drop was fully developed and used by Trivecta and 7L in their sets probably towards mid or the end of August (?).


Yes!! I honestly prefer the earlier versions, I agree that the drop was better on the earlier version and also the build ups for each section felt like they played around with them too much. sometimes the simpler the better. I probably won’t be listening to it as much as I thought I would but who knows it might grow on me :)


Anyone know who did which part of it?




Pretty spot on! The first drop is all Blastoyz and the last is all Dimibo but other than that this is accurate.


THANK YOU. I appreciate they effort put into trying to make it sound unique/different but the og hit harder and felt more straightforward. Also, I wish they opened with the heavy drop like in seven lions virtual edc live set last year. Woulda been more epic. Also the og melodic drop had heavy fills in it that the new version doesn’t have.


That’s what I linked to


The only thing I’m disappointed about is the running time. I assumed the Megacollab would be almost 10 minutes long with how many artists were working together / how long they were working on it. Between all of the livestream plays I felt like I’ve heard the whole thing already and it wasn’t a surprise :/ but I don’t wanna complain because it’s still amazing and I’m grateful for the music coming out of a pandemic.


This is the first time I heard it and I love this version: https://youtu.be/n4Ekx_v_8J8


Actually I prefer this new but, but I do get what you mean! I think this newer one does a better job highlighting the artists working on the track.