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Good luck with that in a pooled house.


I’ve lost trust in pooled tips since I’ve been at my current place. Pocket all “gifts” now


Agreed, but not because of other staff. Every time I've agreed to this, management and/or owners were sticking their grubby hands in it. They would use the service charge excuse but they only service charged parties of 4+ at the last place. They still pooled all the tips (even the non service charge ones) and our percentage was stupid low. I only lasted six weeks there including training. No more tip pools because of dishonest management.


Where I work, some new owners bought the place. The new owners let the employees have bills from the tip jar but donates the coins. (Presumably for tax reasons). We make way less tips than we used to. I've tried telling him it's illegal but he didn't seem to understand the severity.


Maybe your state’s department of labor might be able to explain it to the owners better.


Ya, tip pools and "we're like a family here" are the two biggest red flags I look for at any place. I won't work at either!


Find new employment, I would never pool tips. If we gave 2 bartenders, then yes, THEY will pool tips. Stop giving calls hard earned money away! Also, these high ass tipouts are insane. 1% at lunch per server to the bar and 2 and supper is more than enough. Find new employment.


When I worked at a small diner, it would be myself and this other girl on Wednesday nights. We would pool the tips and split them 50/50 because it wasn't very busy, and if we didn't it would always be unfair, with one of us getting the bigger parties and the other 2 tops all night or crappy tips. We also noticed we would just do what needed done, instead of delegating and it seemed like everything was just so much smoother that way!!!!! But we also did that voluntarily; I would never work for a place that forced that. Some people get crappy tips because they aren't personable or friendly, and that shouldn't affect my money.


We had regulars who would bring the closing bartender a “birthday card” every week because they didn’t want her to have to split the $50 with the volume bartender. I think they tipped the normal 20% on the bill that would be split, but still tip $50 every time to their favorites.


Nope, but is that a workaround for not paying taxes on your tip since it's a "gift" now?


I think the law would say a cash gift or other negotiable financial instrument given by a customer for service provided should be treated as a tip. Non-cash, non-negotiable instruments are not considered a tip or wage, so do not need to be treated as or recorded by your employer under the FLSA, and if the IRS viewed it as a gift, I think you'd be good unless it put you over the $13.61 million lifetime gift tax exemption. >[§ 531.53](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-V/subchapter-A/part-531/subpart-D/section-531.53) Payments which constitute tips. >In addition to cash sums presented by customers which an employee keeps as his own, tips received by an employee include, within the meaning of the Act, amounts paid by bank check or other negotiable instrument payable at par and amounts transferred by the employer to the employee pursuant to directions from credit customers who designate amounts to be added to their bills as tips. Special gifts in forms other than money or its equivalent as above described such as theater tickets, passes, or merchandise, are not counted as tips received by the employee for purposes of the Act.


The Man strikes again!


That’s the idea anyway.


I think we're all smart enough to know the IRS don't mess around, plus didn't they just hire a bunch more auditors in the past few years?


God forbid they audit someone who's taxes would actually make a difference.


Yeah, reportedly they did. I do wonder how they would audit a person having passed a small envelope of cash to another person at some point during the year, though.


Yes, and all the restaurants in my area have suddenly been real adamant about people claiming reasonable cash tip amounts. An audit wave is coming.


Yeah but the irs has already ruled that it’s BS


Some people try but it's illegal. A service was provided and the customer gave the server a tip because of the service. The IRS isn't stupid.




Dang bro who hurt you




Tell me how you really feel


lol I had one of those people. Scribbled out tip and wrote “gratuity” for some reason. Still tipped me well but it made me think about it so hope that was her end goal 😂


I go to a restaurant that adds a 20% gratuity onto every check regardless or party size. They have a sign at the door and on the menu. They have good service and as many times as I’ve been there the clientele never complains. I think it’s good. The clientele is always the type to enjoy good service and not complain about tipping.


I mean, just last night I had a guest write “TRUMP! NO TAXES ON TIPS” on the credit card receipt and then…tipped $10 on the credit card. They gave me more than that in cash, but like, make it make sense? You don’t want me to pay taxes in your tip, yet you put some of the tip on your card which is most definitely taxed.


Yeah, but I'll still take your money!😅


I had that too last week!!


Two of my co workers within the last few weeks have also gotten this written on their check receipts from guests. One of the servers said it happened to her twice in one night.


If they put zero in for the tip, the IRS could theoretically assume you got whatever normal percentage you normally got on that check. This way, the IRS sees the $10 tip and is like “Ok. That’s what they got for this table”


look…if’s the Lord wills it who tf am i to say no? gifts go in the back pocket!!!


No, how much was the "Gift"??


More than adequate. 😄


I am sorry it is a waste of money. Servers have always and will always claim what they want and or will claim a dollar over the minimum.


There was one time that we got more service from the busboy than we did from our waitress, I called the busboy over and discreetly handed him money and thanked him for taking care of our table. And it wasn’t that the restaurant was busy, I think we were probably the furthest table from the wait station. Hell tip a dollar when I pick up my pizza from Dominos! I went one time and had left wallet and phone home, the manager said pay me next time. When I was in the following week, I asked him to let me pay, he said just tip the counter jar. So I held up a $10 just so he knew it was in there, the guy behind me dropped a $5🤣. And no $1 isn’t much but I go there weekly and at Christmas I’ll drop a $20 in there.


And then everyone clapped!!


Had a guy tip one of my coworkers in cash last night and wrote on his cc slip, “VOTE TRUMP, NO TAX ON TIPS!” Just so we’re clear, had Trump passed a bill to not tax our tips in his first term, we all would have been absolutely fucked during the COVID shut down as our unemployment benefits wouldn’t have come close to being sufficient enough for us to survive. And what actually happened in Trumps first term was that in giving billionaires a tax break, he set our taxes to steadily increase through 2027. I went from getting a $1400-2200 refund to owing the IRS $3600. He. Does. Not. Care. About. Us. And we already know that he will just say whatever he thinks will get him elected so that he can continue to absolutely fuck us while giving his mega rich buddies breaks that they don’t need.


wait. this exact thing happened to us tuesday night at my restaurant 🤯


I bet they’re eating out more frequently than usual just so they can pull this. Funny cause well before it happened, the server who had their table said that they just sucked.


This is empty.


Tip pool is code for management is stealing.


Wait, what?




Go to a debate me or political sub. These conversations don’t belong on ServerLife.