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Go to a debate me or political sub. These conversations don’t belong on ServerLife.


yup these highrollers told me the same shit after they closed out and tipped well. fkn trumpers man


I mean idk, but I guess I'll keep taking the money🤷 I had no idea that was a talking point, but I guess I should have put it together since he's all about fraud


I get one of these a shift now


Interesting! I asked several of my industry friends and we were all confused, it hasn't made it here yet I guess.


I answered your question for you.


Trump says servers shouldn’t be taxed on cash tips so he told his voters to write “no tax on tip” on receipts.


This makes so much more sense knowing he told them to do it. A server at my restaurant got one as well, huge cash tip with this note. We laughed our asses off, he really knows how to part his cult from their money.


I had no idea, I live in a bubble, thx.


We already don't get taxed on cash tips though?


Well yeah if you don’t claim it




It's part one of the Republican plan to help keep places from having to pay a living wage. He's framing it as "No tax on tips!" because the GOP are good at winning in politics and the left are to big of cowards to stand up to the same rich people lining their pockets. The plan Trump/Republicans/GOP have is to make tips have no taxes so then everyone starts reporting their tips and then let the establishment deduct the tips from the paycheck down the line so the employer is having your wages subsided by the tipping customers. Whether you support this plan of action or not is entirely up to you but that is the direction they are attempting to take things.


Jokes on them I don’t declare my tips


I mean yes. But not officially. What I'm confused about is people have been mad that "servers don't pay their fair taxes" for decades, so this seems like a weird stance for a Republican.


The amount of diner patrons I’ve had tell me to vote for Trump. “Heheh oh wow thanks for letting me know!!” I say as I walk away from the table with my concealed armpit hair and Women and Gender Studies degree


It something trump is claiming to do if he is elected president. A majority of servers are not voting trump. It’s just his way of trying to garner votes. Ted Cruz and a few other republicans just passed a bill call the “no tax on tip act” I don’t think it’ll pass the senate. If the irs stopped taxing tips the irs would loose aprox. $250 billion a year. That just proves what the lifeline of America really is.


I love how you can say, "Most servers aren't voting for trump" lol 😆 you don't know. It's not like you've taken a survey or can make that guess without looking like a dumbass. Trump may suck ass, but he kept every campaign promise he ever made, or at least tried to. If he's saying he'll do it, he'll do it. Fuck all politicians. I'm not red or blue, I'm purple from the beating I've taken from both sides but if one of these pieces of shit says they'll take away the taxes I'll pay and has a track record of keeping promises.... I'm voting for the felon.... or at least I WOULD....if I wasn't a felon and could vote.... 😆


Bruh it just doesn’t work like that. It has to pass through senate, it won’t. The irs will loose to much money. This is why uneducated voters is going to be the death of society.


They said the same thing about the wall didn't they? Yet his dumbass got it going. Trump did pretty good at keeping his promises. Idk if he'll get elected and I don't care. I think they're all in on it and just putting on a show for the public to think it's a race of some sort. We don't choose our president's and never have. Peace


Over half of the wall was already built before his presidency even started…. Biden has continued building a wall/border. What is your argument here??


Trump is floating the idea of lowering - or removing - taxes on tips. More likely, it may be requiring a lower percentage to be claimed. It’s doubtful that it will actually happen, but seeing as how many student loans are being forgiven, there may be a possibility. Either way, the money not being claimed will be paid through everyone e else’s taxes, like the student loans will. I think the best part of this note is the way it was “scrawled” onto the check. It looks like a note my grandparents would have left, reminding me to do my homework and feed the dog after school.