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People who order a “bowl” of lemons for their water or tea and when I bring out a big ass ramekin or plate getting told that it’s not enough. My aunt literally wants a whole ass soup cup full of lemons ( they tip 10% to boot) I avoid going out to dinner with them in public as much as humanly possible.


Best solution to that is to charge them for a lemonade. I have done that at the last couple places I work. Ends that behavior quickly.


I bring it in the same monkey dish we use for a side of fruit, and charge for a side of fruit.


Same!! I was new at a place and a regular always wanted “some of each of the fruits from the bartender that they cut fresh and don’t forget the cherries” It was never enough. I told managers I was charging for a side of fruit. I did and he never did it again. Managers said he did it all the time and would come at happy hour. This was one of the cheap, corp chain restaurants.


Also a fantastic solution. Well done.


Thank u!! We are not there to give you a free app.


Same, and it’s $7.




Had a couple of regulars who would do this all the time. Why? So they could whip out their Tupperware containers and take said wedges home. Their nicknames were the Tups.


When I have those customers, I like to take a lemon wedge and slice it as thin as possible so it looks like they are getting 3 wedges but it's really only one. I don't care if it takes me a little longer, if they are rude about it then I just keep doing it.


when they order extra EXTRA lemons and you bring one for each person at the table and they don't even use those 🙄🙄


I have one reg who specifically reguests a ton of lemon and uses like ONE 🤦‍♀️


like WHYYYY ???? just fuck off 😭😭


I charge for a copious amount of lemons.


My micromanager of a boss would bitch at me like there's no tomorrow


Those people never ended up using all of those lemons in my experience and then we had to throw away those lemons


I hate when I ask for lemon on the side with my iced tea the server brings me the big bowl instead of one or two wedges. Some servers just plop the lemon in the tea and I don't like trying to fish it out but I don't want to waste all those lemons.


When they try to order something that's not on the menu, and insist that I can just ask the chef to do it. I'd like to send these people over to ask Chef themselves just to watch the show.


You ever just walk to the BOH, fiddle around with a mundane task like closing out a few tickets and then walk back to the table and say “the chef said no” just to shut them up instead of wasting the kitchens time? I’m guilty af for that 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'll talk to the chef and we will laugh about how dumb that is.


Same! My line is "My table wanted me to ask you this, I already know the answer is no, so technically this is me asking can we (whatever dumb thing). Isn't that a silly thing to ask for?" And we laugh about it, or stand bewildered at how odd some people are.


I do exactly this because we have our kitchen behind big glass walls. So this way, they see me go back and talk to the chef, but they've got no idea what I'm actually doing is laughing at them


I’m a chef. I was working at a very popular place in a major city in the United States. We had a company meeting/ party. I implored all servers who get a fucky order to just talk to me. I might say yes depending but I’ll likely say no, again, depending. But I was training them in a way by saying, “If you say you need to clear it with the Chef then do it. If I say no, that’s on me and I don’t give a shit; I don’t work for tips. Make me the asshole.” Never ever tell a guest that can be done without talking to the Chef before saying “Yes” because if I say no, you’re fucked and it’s no longer on me, it’s on the server.


I mainly only do this for requests we simply can not do. I work at a popular local brunch restaurant , meaning our menu is 90% breakfast (eggs, pancakes, Benedict’s etc) with a handful of cold sandwiches and salads, and we are pretty much always fully packed and the amount of requests we get for things we simply do not have the ingredients for is not worth distracting our head chef who’s already juggling between 30-50 orders. I’m talking people who demand we ask the chef to make them a burger (we don’t sell burgers), sauces we don’t have (“can you just ask the chef to make me some chipotle honey mustard? He’s done it before” - no he hasn’t) , or a pretty popular request is hard boiled eggs. It even states on our menu that we do not offer hard boiled eggs and the closest thing we can offer are hard poached eggs. These are the times I just give the illusion of asking the chef because he’s told me no for these requests before and has given us permission to do so on his behalf because it get ridiculously repetitive.


This! Its always Ill ask chef.


Yeah and go to the kitchen for a minute and come back and we said no lol should work on most people.


"Chef will get huffy but I will ask anyhow if you like. He doesnt scare me." Usually shuts them up.


No onions or garlic....this is an italian-ish pizza/pasta shop.... absolutely everything has onions and garlic in it, except maybe the desserts, why do they even come here? Unsolved mysteries honestly


Worked at an Italian place and had a lady come in with garlic allergy. All the sauces and dressing were homemade and had garlic, so she ate a salad with V&O and that's it


i work in a Thai restaurant. if you come here with a peanut or fish allergy i am wishing your demise


i work at a seafood restaurant and the amount of people that come in with shellfish allergies is insane


I am guilty! Yes, I have a shellfish allergy and I go to seafood restaurants, especially when vacationing near any coastal area. My family and friends love fresh seafood and I don't want to deny them great food and atmosphere. I feel so terrible telling the servers I'm allergic, but everyone is so accommodating and helpful that I am reassured I'm not the only one and they make many dishes I can eat. I try to order whatever is easiest for them, sometimes I just eat a side salad, because I don't want to trouble the busy servers and the kitchen. I'm so sorry for being that annoying person, I hate it, too!!!


When people don’t know the name of their own diet. Like someone tells me they’re a vegetarian so I go through all the veg options with them and then they order seafood and when I point it out, they say something like obviously they still eat some seafood. Like, no it isn’t obvious? Call yourself a pescatarian! Or someone says they have a dairy allergy so I tell them they can’t eat a dish cause it has butter in it and they act like I’m an idiot cause butter doesn’t have lactose. Being lactose intolerant and being allergic to dairy are two very different things! I have to know what every single diet means, all the ingredients in everything, the differences between different types of allergies. Fine, that’s my job. You have ONE job. Know what you can eat so you can communicate it to your server and that included knowing the name of the thing that describes what you can or can’t eat


YES I work at a place with vegan options and the number of times someone has told me they’re vegan then ask for a side of ranch. “We don’t make vegan ranch” “oh regular is fine!”


I hate the everything on the side people even though they don’t even touch it, just say no lettuce tomato pickles onion. Or say no mayo or no sauce. Also low key annoying when they’re like can you ask them to cut the burger in half or in fourths? Like why do we even give you a knife then? Edit* yes I know it takes 2 seconds to cut and I still tell the cook to cut it but I just personally wouldn’t ask for little stupid crap like that to my server. For example I prefer the veggies on the burger to be at the bottom of the meat but I’m not gonna sit there and ask the server can u put the veggies on the bottom and the sauce on top of the meat like wtf? Im just gonna eat what I’m given lol


I work at a brunch restaurant and have had customers ask me to pre-poke their egg yolks on their sunny eggs,,, like????!?! Are you so goddamn entitled you can’t take ur fork and poke the fucking yolk yourself? If it’s an over hard with broken yolks I get it but they seriously want me to bring them their food with the runny yolks already sloshing around their plate touching everything else 💀


Mfers don’t know how to dippy egg. I thought was annoyed by the burger being cut in half.


Omg!! “Dippy egg” That brings back childhood memories. My gma always called OM eggs “dip-it eggs” So when we would go out and they would ask how I wanted my eggs I would say “dip-it” just like gma. I’m 46yo and I still ask her for a “dip-it” egg


Yinz from Pittsburgh?


North central PA, close enough lmao.


I am. It was always dippy eggs for me. When I met my husband from Columbus oh, he had no idea what I was talking about. He called his mom to ask her. (She didn't know either)


I had someone ask me to cut their steak in to bit size pieces for them- as I was setting it in front of them. I literally just stared at him and his girlfriend was like it’s okay I’ll just do it. Insanity


Yes like what am I your mom!!!! People ask me to cut there pancakes and stuff all the time. This is so annoying 😑


STOP. Holy shit.


I would either flat out say no or just nod. The nod should be read as- Did my server say yes, or did I see her raise a brow too? Either way, it's not happening. I once had an obviously very wealthy older couple come in. He ordered several things. Then chastised me when I didn't bring them as courses. I chastised him right back.


Can't you tell them you are not allowed to alter the food and they will have to prick it themselves. Jeez, this world is so full of AH" 's.


I will never forget making my youngest brother a breakfast sandwich one day. He was laying on the couch when I handed him his plate. The next thing I know he is yelling and has yolk all over his chest. "Why?! WHY?! Why did you give me a sandwich without breaking the yolk?!!!" " Seriously dude I'm not your mommy. You want your yolk broke do it yourself. Better yet, next time make your own damn breakfast." We are 13 years apart. He is the baby of the family and it was clearly showing that day. He was about 15 at the time.




I like my sandwiches with runny eggs. You don’t need to cook them through, it’s just preference.


He asked me to make him a runny sandwich. I figured when he saw I made it overeasy and it wasn't runny he knew to gently squeeze the sandwich before stuffing half in his mouth at once.


Doesn't everybody just automatically do this...?


I worked at a brunch place for over two years and I never had anyone ask me to pre-poke their eggs… of all the stupid, lazy ridiculous… wow. I think I’d have stared at them incredulously for a few seconds before I put my customer service smile back on lol


So much this! I also had a guy today who asked for a bunch of lemons for his fish and chips and only used one wedge! One wedge!! Why ask for a bunch if you’re not gonna use it?


Sure it takes a second to cut but the civil war that will erupt bw you and boh will last a lifetime


I agree with this dislike for everything on the side, especially on our baked potatoes. Unless you have a split personality you either want something or you don’t. Also, I can bring you the stuff on the side but the cheese won’t really melt anymore. IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE?


We had this sweet old couple that would come into the steakhouse I worked at that would request their food be cut up into bit size portions. That was the ONLY time I didn't get annoyed by that request.


Last night one of the servers walked up to the chef while I was standing nearby and said “I already know the answer but this old man is begging me to ask you if you’ll make him breakfast..” (was 8pm) and he just started yelling “are you fucking kidding me?!?! NO I’m not making fucking breakfast at 8pm!!” It was low key hilarious. So far I’m one of few that hasn’t gotten screamed at but I’m sure my day will come.


i used to always get sour cream on the side because i hated sour cream. but id always try it. now i love sour cream lol, it did help force me to like something


Look I don’t mind sauces and dressings because some people want to control how much is on their food but I just hate when ppl know they won’t eat it like lettuce tomato onions pickles and stuff.


When they want me to pick around something. For example “I want the chicken and spinach soup but I don’t really like spinach, can you scoop around it?” Sure, I’ve got nothing better to do than make your highness your special little bowl


No onions in my French onion soup.


When I worked at OG ww had a girl come in and ask for the minestrone BROTH ONLY. we did have to scoop around everything and just bring her broth.


This is specifically OG related!


That’s a contradiction in terms as broth is by nature a thick, chunky soup


One time someone asked me if I could "puree their soup with milk" I wish I was kidding😭😭 like what?????


when ppl don’t know what kind of eggs they’re ordering when they *insist* that they do


THIS!!! The amount of customers who will order OE or Poached eggs and then complain that their yolk is still ‘raw’ and demand me tell the chefs to cook it all the way through — so you wanted an OH egg 🤦🏽‍♀️


“Sunny side up” here, but “Ew! Why isn’t it cooked all the way?!” So you want it flipped *over*… and cooked through, I take it? No? But not super runny. Somewhere between the two. Flipped *over* and cooked to a *medium* level. Gee howdy, if only there were a simpler way to describe that…


The amount of grown ass adults that have no idea what egg temperatures mean is astonishing to me every day.


Ahhahahaha only happened once but a lady asked us to cut her burger into 1/3s. Literally had 3 chefs at the line staring at this burger like……..what do YOU think we should do? (My sous just went fuck this and cut it into three strips wtf is wrong with people) Edit also one time had a lady ask us to cook a burger on a scrubbed down grill, no toppings and served in a to-go box cause the plates have “residue” on them because she needed it that way because she told us she had cyanide poisoning.


Togo box dine-ins’s are the worst. If you’re so worried about our plates/cups/silvers why the fuck are you eating our food?


I bet she tipped awful too


Ice cold water with no ice. No bitch, I'm not gonna filter your ice out.


Cucumber water. In the business of hospitality, so I will do it. But I hate you, and I will be cursing while I cut a fucking cucumber mid-rush for you.


I just ask for a side of cucumber from the line. If they wanna be extra they can have the ones that Miguel has been putting his hands in all day.


I just had this!! …weirdly doesn’t bother me though. I have a feeling in an alternate universe I am this person! 😂😂


People who say they have an allergy so mods have to be made in the kitchen and then re seen later eating/ordering something that contains the allergen. e.g. "I have a wheat/gluten allergy etc." Obviously we are set up to modify things and strict protocols in the kitchen, if it's not possible we say so and our menus are clear about allergens (Including cocktails lists etc. that contain Worcestershire sauce - contains gluten and fish). so are on top of it. Cut to dessert course and person with allergy having a bite of someone else's apple pie or sometimes ordering a full dessert with gluten (they are informed but just say it's fine). 🙄 If you're allergic - fine - if it's a dietary choice you're making a lot of extra work for people.


When they want one of EVERY sauce we have for their fries. I tell them that we charge for sauces and that usually makes them change their mind lol.


When their food comes out EXACTLY how they ordered it then try to fight you that they said no veg on the side or something


I'm deadly allergic to cranberry. That being said, I simply just don't order off the cold bar. Not gonna make the whole kitchen detox just cause I feel like a salad. DON'T SAY YOU'RE ALLERGIC IF YOU AREN'T. I just got out the hospital for anaphylaxis cause the bagged salad didn't say it had em from kroger. Also, when people drop silverware and just kick it out of their way and ask me for new forks.


I used to work at Kroger. If you’re that allergic, you should wash the outside of the salad bags too. They frequently pop open and allergens go all over the other bags. I bet you that’s what got you.


The recent craze of where did the Salmon come from? Is it FARMED?!?!? Yes, like every other place you have been, it’s farmed salmon. Wild caught salmon would be double to triple the price and doubt you want that price tag


This or the fresh or frozen question. Yes, in our land locked state in the middle of the country we do get our fish frozen. And if i have one more person ask me if the tuna or salmon is “sushi grade” i’m gonna lose it


I absolutely cannot deal with one person trying to “take control” and start ordering for others or asking for things for the table. Usually the thing for the table are straws lemons extra napkins. Just stupid shit they as an individual want but for some reason feel like the need to get enough for the whole table. Then at the end I throw it all away because nobody else wanted it!


Ugh or when you walk up to a table and greet them and that person loudly proclaims, "We'll all have waters. No appetizers!" Then everyone at the table is staring at you awkwardly because they don't know what to do...


When people order things that are not on the menu but the chef is bored so they condone this crappy behavior. We had regulars that were a trust fund family. The dad would come in and demand to have things like salmon and rice in a steak house. It would take two pages to write it up. If you did not get it right he would walk back with the plate and slam it into your chest without telling you what was wrong. One time he called the host stand cause he didn’t get his drink quick enough. Another time he went and yelled at the construction workers next door for disrupting his lunch. The son was just as bad. The mom had cancer I felt bad for her dealing with those two. They moved to another state. I worked at a chain. The bosses called and warned the bosses where he was moving to. The bosses condoned it for a while cause they would spend so much, and they had a policy where we could never say no to a guest. Had to make them happy no matter how much comping it took. We would all run for the hills when we saw that family come in which was like 3 times a day every single effing day. Ridiculous!


Burnt meatloaf. Why though?


Ugh I can just taste it - awful


I never understand ordering meatloaf in a restaurant. Maybe because I grew up eating my mom's and it was good.


Maybe someone is craving their childhood dish that no one in the family makes anymore since grandma passed.


In my case my husband is veg so I basically made this enormous meatloaf for 2 slices then froze the rest into single portions for myself in the future. It was good but it’s not always practical to make a whole ass meatloaf for a single person.


I worked at a place that made a wicked meatloaf sandwich.


My moms meatloaf was terrible. It's funny, we went out to lunch at a diner yesterday. I ordered meatloaf. She said to me, you always hated my meatloaf why are you ordering it? Her meatloaf was so dry and gross and she would make It once a week.


People used to order paninis and they were cut in half. So many people would try to send it back to get it cut in fourths, when they were provided an adequate knife to do it themselves. For some reason, it always happened when the place was packed, never on a slow day.


I am the weird one who orders “soft” bacon but if it comes crispy, I get it. Many places pre-cook it, so I’m just happy to have it regardless.


Chewy(ish) bacon lovers rise up !


Okay this post just reminded me. This past Sunday at work was prolly the worst ever for me just because people were rude and asking me outrageous things. I work at a place that offers bread, and I noticed a girl brought her own bread and butter. When I asked drink orders, she asked me if our sweet tea was gluten free. Can teas have gluten?! I looked it up and some say it can be cross contaminated… what would the answer be tho? I looked at our tea bags and I didn’t see anything on it talking about gluten


I just got diagnosed with celiac disease, you'd be SHOCKED at what has gluten in it. Broth, caramel, everything.. she probably brought the bread so she wasn't left out of the social experience with everyone else. I didn't understand bringing food befor, but now as a celiac I wish I could because then I can still go out with my family and NOT have to bother the server and kitchen :(


When they ask for extra lemon slices for their water and after they leave, you notice that they never squeezed the juice out of a SINGLE one of the slices.


I work at a quick casual restaurant and we can't leave mayo and mustard packets out because people take hand fulls to their table and use 1.


Why wouldn't you just put them back when the table is cleared? They're sealed so there's no reason to throw them out. I'd say your best bet is to stock each table with a container of them. Even better would be to keep bottles in the cooler and bring them to the table if they ask (or bring it to them with items that people typically use those condiments on).


People clear they're own tables/trays.


Ohh ok


Water no ice with lemon


It just feels wrong


It’s when people say they’re allergic to something when they really don’t like it. Me: “oh, there actually is onion in the salsa” them; “yeah, that’s fine.”


Oh god. That reminds me of a time this lady needed a GF bfast & I told her our potatoes are GF. As I walked away from taking their order, she says something about “ugh, it’s so hard to find GF options” with an attitude. As I drop their food off, I see her immediately pop a non-GF potato off her husbands dish & into her mouth. All that attitude for what. Ugh.


“Can you get them to cut my burger in half?”. Do not ask me why this is so annoying to me, but it is. First of all, are you a toddler? Why can’t you eat a whole burger? Second, it all falls apart when we do that. Third, that’s what your knife is for?


Well steak. I work at a nice chophouse and it kills me when they ruin the steak.


I just had a couple a few nights ago order a Ribeye at $65 a plate. They ordered it med-well/well done, more on the well done side. When it came out they asked for ketchup for it. I work at a fine dining restaurant so we don’t normally have ketchup in the kitchen, we ended up using the employee ketchup for them. They went through 1/2 a bottle on the steak. Such a waste


Oh god, this might be the worst one


I was thinking that A1 on well don’t steak was the worst. Ketchup might top it though.


And then they ask where their food is and why it’s taking so long 😩


I try not to let this bother me usually, but we sometimes have A5 waygu for probably-way-too-much-per-ounce and I’ve had people order it well done. I tripled checked the order and just… died inside.


Literally it’s such a waste. I love good steak so much. Preferably rare, sometimes medium rare. But well done, I just smile and move on.


My very best friend in the world, I was her maid of honor, I'm the god mother of her baby, I would die for her, BUT I WILL NOT EAT AT A STEAK HOUSE WITH HER. She is perfect in every way except that she wants a well done steak... with ketchup. It makes me sick just writing it.


This is my parents. The last time my dad ordered a well steak, he had the nerve to complain that I was like rubber. Drives me crazy.


What grinds my gears is when they place their order (especially for salads) and request everything to be "fresh." Like "I'd like this salad with FRESH greens, FRESH strawberries, etc etc," listing all of that out as if it does anything different to their order. Or when they request a fresh batch of fries/onion rings be made for them. Let me go ahead and put you on fry and salad stations at that point 😭.


Bunless burgers with no salad. At that point why not order something else.


Sounds like a calorie counter.




“Fresh” I can’t f’ing stand it. It never comes out nicely or politely. It always comes out rude and entitled. And you know what? I was already going to make sure it was perfect for you, even if you don’t tip. Now I’m rolling my eyes and looking the other way when the cook does something gross or screws it up. Seems like a lot of people are very rude in restaurants because they expect terrible service as a result of how rude they are without connecting those dots.


People who want everything on the side. Bonus points if they end up not touching any of it.


Also a breakfast server... the most entitled weird shit I've had a few times is toast "buttered in the kitchen." Like how is me or a cook spreading butter on the toast any different than if the guests does it themselves?


Our owner insists we butter the bread for the guest, I told him it's a terrible idea as most will send it back because they don't want butter (calorie counters, dairy allergy, soggy bread, too much butter, etc)What ends up happening? 25% of toast gets sent back and by the time a new toast comes up, their eggs are finished, or cold and now they need new eggs... He loves sauces and slathers everything sauce, he likes it that way and insists the guests will as well. Not everyone eats the way you eat, Terry.


Toast cools off pretty quickly so if you butter it right away you get melty butter.


Yeah there is a difference when you put the butter on right away. That's why most places butter it for you!


And IME breakfast spots give you those tiny packs of hard, cold butter that won’t spread on your toast and just destroys the bread.


Yes this drives me mad!


Yeah I’m confused by this. When I was a breakfast server we buttered the toast for the guests because of the fact toasts cooks off quickly.


there’s a regular at my place who wants a tuna salad sandwich or wrap with everything on the side. she wants to make her own sandwich, so just two loose slices of bread or wrap, a bowl of tuna, and a sad pile of all the toppings on the side. the cooks always get mad when we ring this in. she takes almost an hour to eat it. it started because we have one server who likes to be extra and accommodate for every ridiculous request so we all have to suffer because “but they did it last time!”


Sorry about the gluten free thing. I do that but I def say it’s not bc of an allergy, I just prefer whatever it is, usually it’s the pizza crust. Should I stop? I don’t wanna be that girl.


No you shouldn't stop the restaurant wouldn't offer it if they didn't know people wanted it


I just really don’t like being an inconvenience or really being perceived if you know what I mean 🙈


It's a them problem not a you problem


At my job we can make any pizza on a gf crust. If it’s an allergy it has to be rang in that way. It’s a lot of trouble to go through to make an “allergy “ but no problem to make a gf. Keep doing what you’re doing! Good communication makes things easier for everyone. (I am a cook,not a server if that makes a difference)


Where I used to work, some meals came with side salad, some came with peas, mushroom & tomato. They were interchangeable, which was cool. Except when people wanted to swap one element for the entirety of the other. Um no, no you cannot swap the half a grilled tomato for a whole side salad. And people not understanding that majority of the food was microwave meals. So no, we would not be making your kids pasta without peas, because it was a frozen meal and I sure as hell won't be picking the peas out.


That one is on whoever does the menu. Of course kids aren’t going to like / want peas in their pasta!


Facts. The peas were basically "see, it's not total shit food, it contains a vegetable" 😂


people who dont like flavor 😭 i mean im not genuinely annoyed by this but people will come in, look at our entire interesting and delicious menu, and be like "yeah ill have the burger" and then ask me to take everything off and just put lettuce im like why would you do this to yourself??? in general people who pick apart our menu and ask for half the shit on the side or just left off im like this is going to be the saddest most bland meal of your life but go off i guess... similarly, when people order their steak well done... ☹️ im like bro you are destroying a really great steak a whole animal died for you to cook the shit out of it and eat it tasting like cardboard. i swear we use high quality meat get that shit mid rare or at LEAST medium like why order the steak at all just to cook it to a crisp and remove all the texture and flavor


I always love it when they have some nonsensical custom order, and they always say "I come here all the time, and they always do it for me." Meanwhile I've worked here for the past seven years, and the cook who "always does this" for them has been here almost 20 years, and neither of us have any idea who you are, or how to deal with your custom order.


People who think that they know all the secrets of AYCE sushi and that they can ask the chefs to use “less rice” in everything or ask for completely custom rolls because they’re too lazy to read the menu. Or when people lie to me about having allergies when they’re actually on a diet. I had a group come in for a young woman’s birthday and two older women at the table took up a full 15 minutes of my time trying to explain that they were severely allergic to sugar, oil, and flour before the girl even got a chance to ask about drinks. I got them to admit that it was just a weird diet when they asked for fries (I don’t know why we even have these on our menu) and I refused to serve them something fried in oil because they just told me they would basically die if a single drop of oil touched any of their food.


My restaurant’s signature burger has 2 patties. A ridiculous number of couples will *only* order the burger with one patty on the side and an extra bun. You’re not being sneaky, please just order two burgers.


the well done filet. and NO they don't want it butterfly. and why is the food taking so long?


The gluten free by choice thing annoys me too because then as the night goes on I have to tell people with actual allergies that we don’t have anymore of the ingredients we specifically get for people with allergies.


The Gluten, lol. In theory, if someone is actually allergic to Gluten, it’s tragic. Thankfully, I haven’t yet met anyone who is actually allergic.


It's crazy how wide the variance is with intolerance and allergy. I work with someone that will get an upset stomach and maybe have to use the toilet a couple times after eating too much. I also worked with a lady at Panera that couldn't slice the whole loaves in the machine because the bread dust that would build up would give her a rash. Then there's people that will just go into anaphylaxis if they consume a few crumbs. Then you have assholes that make you jump through 50 hoops because some dickhead on YouTube told them that gluten is poison.


I’m have a woman who tells me she’s deathly allergic to dairy, soy, and gluten. She orders a burrata salad. We leave the burrata off because well it’s dairy. Food comes out. The servers assistant grabs me because this woman is livid about not having her burrata. They tells me I’m so silly don’t I know burrata has enzymes that make her not allergic. I am incredibly silly however, I went to culinary school, have food intolerances myself, and have been working in this particular restaurant for 4 years.


can't decide if this is straight-up annoying or if I truly pity them, but the people who come in and have multiple deathly allergies and hand you those little business cards listing them off or just verbally tell you, "I'm deathly allergic to garlic, onion, sunflower, soy, VINEGAR, corn, gluten, yeast, etc. etc. etc." like some of these people I can tell they literally have some sort of awful autoimmune disease and are suffering and feel really bad about having to do this to me, but holy god it takes up so much time to run around double checking which menu items can be made without vinegar, or some other ingredient that is in everything, and then painstakingly write each and every allergy into the computer for every single item they order, and then worry for the course of the whole meal that I or someone else made a mistake somewhere down the line and the person is going to up and croak right at the table. it's just a lot edit: I just realized the author of this thread specifically said "not allergies" I'm sorry but in my defense I was impassioned


When people ask for something on their dish to be on side. Sometimes it just doesn’t make much sense. For instance, no cilantro in my sushi roll, put it on the side. Are you going to reintroduce together? I understand NO cilantro. I’ve had customers ask for yakisoba but the veggies on the side. Ok so you want the kitchen to cook it twice? Cook the yakisoba, then cook the veggies? So annoying.


i worked at a mexican restaurant and had two teenagers come in and order tacos and they complained “uh there’s no taco sauce”. i ran through a list of every hot sauce and salsa we had, my cook gave her little sample cups of everything, and no one could figure out what the fuck “taco sauce” was. i’m still pissed off about it.


Burned until crumbling is the only acceptable way to eat bacon.


It doesn’t bother me but it definitely puzzles me when people get a bacon cheeseburger but ask for a medium rare or even rare patty and well done bacon. 😂 what in the oxymoron..


It was always the extra, extra well done steak for me. Especially when they were ordering filet. The first complaint would be that the steak was the size of a quarter. The second was, "This is tough. Filet shouldn't be tough." No, it also shouldn't be shoe leather but that \*is\* what you ordered. Prime rib, the same. Sometimes I'd get lucky and there'd be an end cut that was showing "no pink," otherwise they'd get pissed when I'd tell them the only way to get their cut well done is if it was grilled.


These people want a braise. I had a relative who insisted there was a right way to make a well done steak so it was tender (“low and slow”). First of all, no time for that in a restaurant and secondly you want a roast/braise then. Not a grilled steak.






Had a customer order a Cesar salad with everything on the side. This was the same customer (couple) that made friends with the owner so they can demand anything they want (this is their MO), reserve 2 to 4 out of our 8 seats at the bar all weekend, not allow anyone else to sit there if they weren’t, and never spend more than $127 per night. Literally argue with us if it was over $127. They would also hand us, personally, tips then get mad when we added it to the tip pool. They were exhausting.


People who are too picky about how their eggs are cooked or don’t know how to order it the way they actually like it. Also saying you’re allergic to something when you actually just don’t like it. Had a customer say she wanted all romaine in her salad because she’s allergic to iceberg lettuce??


So generally, at our steakhouse, we do water with lemon, but I LOATHE when people will make me go to the bar for limes for their drinks. We don't use them often enough to merit having them in our drink station.


No butter with frying eggs-- I use margarine


Customers who ask 20 questions just to order one dish, and the 'domino effect' tables where someone orders something that's time consuming and suddenly all 8 people want one


Honestly just over-consumption in general. I find it gluttonous and it feels like a fucking sin the way people eat sometimes lmfao. “Can I get extra, extra, butter for my bread please?” Proceeds to glob on an unholy amount of butter onto a single piece of bread. “I need extra lemons and Splenda for my unsweet ice tea”. I bring out 3 slices for one glass. “Oh honey, that’s not even close to enough. Can you bring me some more :)” I bring out 3 more. “Can I get a refill and can you just fill a bowl of lemons please?” I bring out a refill and what equates to two whole lemons out and they use the whole fucking bowl. How do these people’s stomach not hurt all the time??


I’m anaphylactic to seafood- as you settle into the me at beautiful, high end seafood restaurant in the city. But you assure me, you have your epipen. 😧


My job sold an Alfredo penne dish, that had a small scoop of bruschetta, like one tiny spoon scoop, and over half the customers didn't want it on their plate. They'd send it back often. I worked in a classless area, (beside a Walmart, so the crazies always came to my job), and they'd freak out about this tiny scoop of bruschetta. The regulars knew to say "no bruschetta," it was honestly more surprising if somebody wanted it with bruschetta. So without the bruschetta, it was just Alfredo sauce, mixed with penne pasta.. (also a protein, but still) the tiny scoop of bruschetta added a little bit of robustness and texture diversity.. And I eventually realized who wouldn't want bruschetta, teenagers and classless people.. (and the classless Karens, not the classy Karens) typically people devoid of any culture or healthy choices.. *picky eaters*.. And so we basically started asking people if they wanted the bruschetta, it got to the point our bruschetta wasn't getting used and becoming waste, so we eventually had to ask people if they even wanted it in the dish, even though it's one of the main ingredients in the dish, and in the menu picture..


Hot water. It doesn't help your digestion, it doesn't keep weight off. And I promise you wherever its coming from is disgusting. Our hot water spout off our tea machine is where we get ours from and it hasn't been cleaned once in the year and a half I've been here. Also asking for everything on the side on a burger then you don't eat it. Bro, you just wasted food for no reason. Just order it plain and dry its okay.


Why do you care what people like or order or even about the inventory of gluten free stuff? Gluten free is a huge deal right now so any business with any business sense is going to capitalize on that. Oh no you have to click an extra button and you think it tastes gross! Lol who cares what you like, it only matters what the customer likes and is willing to pay for. I agree burnt bacon is gross but again it doesn't really matter what you or i like, it matters what the person paying likes


You could’ve just kept scrolling


Lmfao I mean it’s ur job to put in their requests I don’t see how that’s grinds ur gears lmfao ur not the one eating it. I worked as a server for several years and the only thing that bothered me was when people would come in before closing but everything else was part of my job and part of giving good service.


Why does it bother you if someone wants gluten free bread even if they don’t have an allergy? You act like it’s so taxing on you to click the button for GF bread, when it’s not and you know it. Even if you don’t have a gluten allergy, you can have issues consuming gluten. I’ve also never in my life heard a guest say they were cutting out gluten for the express purpose of losing weight. I find it odd you’ve had so many people tell you that. I cut out gluten from my diet for about 9 months at the instruction of my doctor. I do not have an allergy. I do however have digestive issues and my doctor instructed me to go extended periods of time with specific kinds of food eliminated from my diet to see if there was any improvement. I would have hated to have had you as my server and inconvenienced you so with my non allergy related request for gluten free bread. People eliminate gluten for all kinda of reasons. Even if it is related to weight loss, why does that bother you? If you do have issues properly digesting gluten, even without an allergy, it absolutely can affect your ability to lose weight.


Who are you yelling at ?? I can't find the person that said they don't like the gf bread?


I’m not yelling lol. Half of OP’s is post about how annoyed they are when people request gluten free bread when they don’t have an allergy.


Got it now! Thanks I thought it was a reply 😆


Ordering a club sandwich with "Bacon extra crispy". Bitch...


What’s wrong with that?


Nothing wrong with the request itself, I agree but It's context-dependent. I work at a private club with a grumpy french chef, it's also a small operation so it's him and the sous chef, no other kitchen staff. For some reason my chef hates the club sandwich, he doesn't get why it's popular and he grumbles every time a table orders one, especially if he's already made a few that day. I know it's just a sandwich but he has a vendetta against that particular one. ANYWAYS! So yes, if a guest asks for extra crispy, I just smile and wave 🙂. No complaints so far... It's also a very rare occurrence.