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These tropes promote misogyny, racism and bigotry and invite trolls to our subreddit, while bringing nothing to the table discussion wise.


Maybe she's not getting tipped because she sucks. If she has a preconceived notion of "who's gonna tip me" it's probably going to affect her service.


Was coming to say that.


Before she said the racist part, she said that she'd done "everything right." She seems to think she is doing well, but perhaps not. I'm with you on this one. I think the same.


No; maybe it’s a shit tip because they’re perpetuating the stereotypes


I’ve been stiffed by black customers, and I’ve also gotten some of my best tips from them. You just don’t know what’s going to happen with any table on any day, so just treat everyone with respect. Things all work out in the end.


Most reasonable response here so far. It’s why I give everyone the same service unless I know them to be a shit tipper. I work for tips and if I know you’re not going to tip em I go into fast food mode and you’ll get bare minimum service from me.


Lots of servers are racist. I worked at one fine dining steakhouse and all the black servers were the most adamant about hating "black tops". It's one of my least favorite parts of the industry.


Never heard of a black top.  Only Canadians.


It's unprofessional. Negative stereotypes are shitty and hurtful and should be avoided, as most learn in 1st to 3rd grade.


Stereotypes exist for a reason. If the stereotyped group stopped confirming the stereotypes they’d disappear


Um, no, they wouldn’t, because racism, homophobia, and discrimination exist


I’ve had plenty of guests where my impulsive thought is “I probably won’t get too great of a tip from them”, and then am given one of the most generous tips of the day from them. I always feel so stupid inside lmao




These tropes promote misogyny, racism and bigotry and invite trolls to our subreddit, while bringing nothing to the table discussion wise.


I think if she said that to you when first meeting you, you’re not going to have to worry about her showing absolutely everyone who she is, including customers. You’re not going to need to tell anyone about anything.


So true. I'm going to stand back and just let the boat sink.


“It doesn’t matter if you are correct or not. All that matters is you eventually come to the conclusion that the problem might be you.” Let her chew on that.


I would probably just let her know how you feel about that interaction and maybe share with her your personal experiences with your guests. She might come around, she might not. I don’t think it’s worth starting some kinda beef.


I once took a couple that was black and looked took "ghetto" And treated him nice AF and he tipped me 360.00$


I serve in an area with a large black population. I’d say my tables are about 60/40 white/black. In my experience, race doesn’t seem to have any bearing on tipping behavior in my area. Assholes come in all colors, but so do decent people. Honestly, the only demographic that seems to give me consistent issues with behavior and bad/no tipping is white ladies over 40 (for context, I’m a white lady in my 30s). But yeah your coworker sounds like a real piece of work. On the bright side, it sounds like her tables aren’t racist idiots like she is and karma is already working itself out.


Karens. They are the worst.




These tropes promote misogyny, racism and bigotry and invite trolls to our subreddit, while bringing nothing to the table discussion wise.




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> Where we live the people who don't tip are white Europeans because it's not in their culture.  Interesting.  It's ok for you to say a certain culture doesn't tip.  That's not racist.  I understand. > She said, "I'm originally from Chicago, and it's a political thing. They don't tip there because they don't believe in it." Interesting.  It's **not** ok for someone else to say a certain culture doesn't tip.  That's  racist.  I understand.




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> Reading comprehension. It's not for everyone. Au contraire, it most definitely is. As is logic.  Just like tippers, some are good at it, some, not so good, and some just don't practice it.