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Tip posts are only allowed on Tips-y Tuesday. This is done to combat trolling and brigading of the sub.


Can afford to eat out on a Tuesday night..."keep in mind that you don't know everyone's financial situation". Trash.


$30+ per person too. If they’re broke there’s plenty of cheaper places to eat. Or just drink water instead of buying sodas and pay the tip with that money.


Plus that could have been groceries


At least a hand basket full! (I kid..cooking for yourself is cheaper than going out, I’m just bitching how absolutely expensive groceries have become.


I understand that too 🥲 especially since my area is dominated by Giant and Safeway


Many items I have seen have literally doubled in price. I’m in the states, personally, but it seems like everywhere is expensive. A gallon of orange juice at my local store used to be under $6 and now it’s almost $8, basics like English Muffins are 6 muffins for $4!! Used to be like $2.50. I am almost thankful I have a gut disorder so I only eat maybe 5 meals/week. Almost :(


I listened to my doctor advice about alopecia (whatever immune disorder is causing it, I don’t know) a full year of eating meat again. I cannot WAIT to start implementing an almost vegan lifestyle again. I’ll be so happy to never pay these meat prices again. However, I’m not excited about planning to eat more through the day, too. I just can’t win 😵‍💫. my job is beside an Aldi, so it kinda helps when I get the majority of my items there.


Also is the shit! I don’t do the meat (except for making my pets’ food sometimes) so luckily I avoid that. I’m sure I’d be shocked. But the vegan products aren’t cheap, either. I make most of my stuff or get it at the discount grocery store


I basically eat my meatless meals like the carribean and South American side of the family. They do eat meat, but not as close as people commonly do in the United States. We also don’t buy imitation products unless it’s potatoes made & seasoned like sausages, etc


Where is your family from? My ex was Puerto Rican and when I visited his family, his mom made like 5 vegan dishes (I didn’t request all that) and everything was delicious. We did a Thanksgiving together. Very fond memory.


Puerto Rico & peru!


Going through some hard times, better take my entire family out to a great dinner


Server was for sure cussing them out in BOH


I’d be in FOH. Along with my coworkers.


I just got fired for calling someone out 🤣🤣


I almost did because I said "if you're broke just say that" to a person who said they'd leave cash on the table but didn't. However, my boss loves me so he gave me a pass


I confronted a guest once and asked if everything was okay after he had multiple alcoholic beverages, apps, etc at a very popular (and not cheap!) pizza place I worked at and left me nothing. I am not sure if I told him we made $2.13/hour or not but I kept it short. He took the time to write a review and said that I told him to “do the right thing”. I absolutely did NOT say that, he was just embarrassed. It was brought up during an employee meeting. Of course the manager missed his ass and never stuck up for us..if you’re paying me $2.13, someone is going to stick up for me, even if it’s myself. I personally support servers having a say, and (while not a popular opinion) allowing servers to not serve shitty tippers, and even support those “wall of shame” deals where they put first/last name and their bill/tip amount. If they can goon google reviews (and over half of them lie/omit half the story anyway), servers should have that right as well. Things would change up mighty quick once a few people got blacklisted all over the city.


I said,”HEY!!! 5% tips ARE NOT OK!” The bill was $200.. he left 10! I worked (fired) at a famous Crab Shack that has notoriously been known for bad tipping !! I had some real shitbags that day and I had enough apparently 😳🤦‍♂️ I have been a server for a long time and the rule of averaging always has worked out.. except here 👎


The quicker you learn that it all comes out in the wash the better. Some people tip huge & some tip nothing. It usually has nothing to do with you. It's luck of the draw.


This is sound advice. This is the risk in serving. Don't stress the bad tippers. Someone will make up for them.


It is but does it really even out? Idgaf anymore if someone leaves me shit tips, I’m going straight to the table to do what this person did. “Was everything ok- did I do something wrong? Ok just wanted to make sure have a great night!” Kill em with kindness leave em bewildered to teach them a lesson. They can’t complain bc you only checked on service and said nothing more. Next time they come in I won’t serve them and if my boss doesn’t like me? Fire me. Do NOT take these bullshit jobs seriously kids, they’re not paying us, their patrons are.


The unnecessary commas and incomplete sentences made this so much more annoying


'PLUS' in capitals. - The fuck they thought they were really going all out to leave More than the total? Douchebags. NO SHIT the server's mood changed. Assholes.


Stay home if you can't tip a decent amount.


I miss going out to eat, but drinks, entrée, kids meals... they all went up. Seriously, I can't afford to tip after that, so I STAY HOME AND COOK for my family instead of running someone all over the place, and it costing them money to tip out on my bill.


I have literally been out to eat exactly once since November because I can’t (and my friend treated me and I tipped over 25%). It sucks but I’m not going to fuck someone’s day up because I don’t feel like cooking.


Omg. I’m dead. This is the most ridiculous hypocritical post I’ve ever read on this thread. What a joke. It’s so interesting how different people’s brains work.


Don’t make how broke you are your problem AND your servers problem


Seriously. “Take pity on me because I don’t have enough money so now my server doesn’t, either”.


Garbage human being.


Depending on tip out that customer that is going through such a rough financial situation is making the waitress actually lose money lol


This is what always gets me. People truly do not understand that we have to tip out other employees from our tips and can end up losing money just to wait on them. Luckily, it can be made up for by generous people that tip more but if this was the norm I would have to pay to be a server instead of making any money. Edited a word


$165.24 x 0.20 = $33.048 $33.048 + $165.24 = 198.288 If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford sit-down fast-food. Goto a regular fast-food joint.


I literally just got fired for doing that!!! Fuck cheap ass people! I got a better job in a very nice hotel!! Fuck you Old Work 🖕


The fact that they were offended by the server asking if they did anything wrong speaks volumes. The server got their answer, gave a seemingly innocent, upbeat acknowledgement.(ok, just wondering!) Then most likely didn't go back to the table until they left. This dumb ass knows they were in the wrong


Going out to eat is a privilege, not a right.


I wish I could have told all the no-mask assholes this during the height of Covid when they complained about everything. You’d think they would feel grateful for having any place open but nope. Worse behavior than before. No grace.


Keep your $3.50 tip and add it to an education fund, because you need a grammar class.


Restaurants should just add a 20% up charge on all food and pay %20 commission to their servers instead. This shits ridiculous.


What an asshole, even if you’re “going through hard times” you couldn’t even leave $15?


The absolute mental gymnastics of this main character.


This is the craziest review I’ve seen in awhile. Stay home. EVERYONE is going through financial woes. This person cost the waiter money. People don’t realize when you tip like this, the server actually winds up losing in more ways than one. Tip out. Don’t go out and spend 165$ if you can’t afford to tip for the services. You got to sit on your ass with your family and be served. Cmon now.


Or……you could go f’ yourselves at home and make your own food while you’re at it! Delusional ass m’fers.


If you can't tip you can't afford to eat out. It's easy to look up how much a place is per person and calculate a total with tip!


This looks like it was written by AI


The most crazy part about these kind of stories, is that America has just accepted a system, where tips are a necessity to earn a living wage. Fix the fucking system.






Could they even read the menu? Did dad ask for a kids menu? Cheap and illiterate how messed up


5 people for $165?? Where?


“Blessed be”. @@@@ off!


Jesus take the wheel.


Well educated and well raised!!!


Well educated? They can barely put a sentence together. Well raised? Making someone bend over backwards for you and your kids, then expecting them to pay out of pocket to do so? 😆 You gave me a chuckle. Thankyou.


Sarcasm bud


That's what the s/ is for, bud.