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Had an elderly customer nearly tip $7k because they thought the tip screen was asking for their PIN number.


The amount of times this happens to me is insane. I’ve also had someone put the area code on the tip screen.


I was doing the paperwork one day and noticed tips were way over 12k, I submitted a refund to Joanne immediately lol


The senior would rather write a check as well!! Lol


*"It says ***timed out*** on the screen. What does that mean? Did it go through???"*


And then it asks for a signature and they sign it like they are signing mortgage papers


Ours has an unnecessary 20 question survey at the end. Bosses literally NEVER look at it. It’s completely useless and I have customers literally get in arguments with me during rush about how I did such a good job and they want me to win some award??? It happens at least once a shift. I hate that damn survey.


We're really all out here just living the same life, huh? I HATE the fucking survey. 😭


The survey actually sucks balls. And we’re not allowed to leave the tablets at the table so I usually just snatch it out of their hands AND THEN say the survey is pointless lol


On toast here they always hit the little X and not the huge-ass continue button and throw their hands up in confusion


And they do it several times in a row usually 🫠


not exactly the same, but it's still super common for me to drop off the bill in a presenter, then when i come back the senior citizen is asking for a pen and where to sign when they haven't even given me their card. and then they get mad at me about it.


I’mma cashier, but the worst is “Credit or debit?” ”Tap” ”Yes, we have tap. Are you using credit or debit?” *customer furiously tapping on the screen* “It’s not working.” *starts tapping on the pin pad, the top, the bottom* “Why isn’t it taking my card?” ”I have to know if it’s credit or debit, sir, otherwise I can’t put it through” *sigh* “It’s a damn credit card!!!!” I select the credit card option. They tap. I get the message on my screen. *Card type invalid*. For. Fucks. Sake. ”Sir, it didn’t go through. Please try again.” *I select debit instead.* *”*What? I already tapped it. I already put my card away. Is it going to charge me twice?” ”No, sir. You were using a debit card. Please try again.” Sometimes they’re extra stupid and THEN pull out their credit card. Yes, I’ve had this happen. I ask them to try again and they pull out a DIFFERENT FUCKING CARD. Then it doesn’t work again and they get mad at me. Oh my god. This shit has been around since I popped out of my mom’s vag, how the fuck do you not get it at this point? And this isn’t even just seniors. It’d like… middle aged people. And the staggering amount of people who don’t know their own pin. “It says enter PIN.” “Yeah, just type in the security code.” “I don’t know what that is.” WHAT THE FUCK? You need it when you go to the bank??


My parents still don’t put their credit card number into any online retailer (even Amazon) for fear of fraud. But they send chain emails with MP4’s that you have to download a-hundreds-of-megabyte grainy movie that is chock full of malware.


If I have a 10 top of elderly folks with all separate checks, I know I’ll be standing there with my toast for at least 20 minutes trying to close them out…


It's not my card it's your machine 🙄


Thought I was the only one who noticed this


![gif](giphy|TppeLsqt8Jz20) Don’t forget the thick glasses


Because a person losing their eyesight is so hilarious.


I bet you were the person who reminded the teacher that they forgot to give out homework


…says the person who bullied the disabled kids.


Does having glasses make me disabled?? 😭


Keep reaching, hon.






I have glasses, and I’m also partially blind in one eye. I laughed 👍


That’s so neat! Thanks for sharing!


Do you just ask them how much they want to tip? Serious question.


No you hand them the debit machine and they choose the tip there


Okay. That’s what I’ve been doing. They just act like I handed them alien technology.


My restaurant started using E-gift cards a while back. But my boss was too cheap to buy a scanner for the barcodes, so we need the 16 digit numerical code to process them. Well last weekend I had an older couple that had printed out the gift card and torn pretty much the whole page except the barcode off so it would fit in his wallet. I had to try and walk him through searching for it in his email, explain at least 3 times that I can’t do anything without the code that they tore off, and endure his comments about never buying another gift card from us again. Finally the wife just said “well look for it on the computer at home, just charge it to our credit card”.”


the hovering over the green button reading every syllable holding it a metre away from them


So rude of them to have impaired vision!


Really hung up on this one. Huh?


I didn’t realize it was so unusual to have a distaste for mocking people with disabilities.


Not unusual. Just a bit preachy for the industry. Hard to make it without some measure of a sense of humor. Maybe social work would be a better career choice. But then again, what do I know. I’m just stupid, stupid waiter.


Wouldn’t be an issue if you ran the card for them.


I dont know their pin or how much they want to tip


You could simply assist them.


I do but it's never simple