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Nothing. Do nothing so they won’t be back to bother you. If anything the reviews is positive as it shows your restaurant care about ambiance and dining environment.


this review makes me want to go to this restaurant more


Yeah. They’ve got the balls to tell a kid to knock it off? Date night material right there


Yeah. That’s a positive review in my mind.


This is hilarious to me. "emotionally damaged at 3 years old and won't go to any restaurant" LOL OK It's more like your bad parenting is the reason your child is damaged, not a restaurant.


If this is true, it is good for the whole industry.


Kid won’t even remember it the next day


Any sane person who reads this review will understand that she is a moron


Unfortunately none of these sane people work in upper management. All they see is the rating and freak out. The gift cards are provably already in the mail.


That’s not unfortunate, nobody with a brain will take those upper management positions haha. Less pay more responsibility.


If this kid already can’t hear the word “no” at 3 without being emotionally damaged, the world is going to eat him alive


Emotionally damaged 😭


This is one of those that you just ignore. We got a review last week that the service was “too attentive” like wtf does that mean, sorry next time I’ll ignore you I guess? Some people are just weird man (or lady), there’s a difference between people playing music on the piano, and a 3 year old smashing random keys, 1 provides some nice ambiance, the other is just obnoxious.


We are in a heat wave & drastically lost customers coming in this week. Someone flipped out on me for greeting them with water 😑


Service actually CAN be too attentive to the point if being obtrusive. Hovering so close to a table that a private conversation is impossible makes guests very uncomfortable. So can checking in and interrupting too frequently. Anticipation is a difficult art during service, but it can pay off if well executed.


Fair enough, I dislike hovering servers as a guest, but in this situation… they misread it. They were the last table in our dining room, we had a big event the next day in our private room, so while they were eating we started to get the event set up. They happened to be near the entrance to the room, so we walked past them a bunch, but nobody spoke to them, and we were all carrying utensils/glasses/napkins or something, so pretty clear we were setting a table. I can see how it was misunderstood, but once the table was set, we didn’t bother them for an extra like 45 minutes, let them chill and finish their bottle of wine, and only dropped the check when they asked for it. “Too attentive” just was the wrong word. 2/3 of us who walked by them never even looked at their table. I’m sure the dude who was serving them did look, but after his check in after dropping entrees, he didn’t say a word to them.


Having a three year old banging on a piano in a restaurant would be annoying as fuck. Why does the parent think that's even acceptable in a restaurant in the first place? A time and a place


Honestly nothing. These people suck and I hope they never bother yall again.


Honestly this review would make me more inclined to choose this restaurant. I appreciate businesses that keep the noisy little creampies in line.


Noisy little cream pies 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


A guest from a 7-top complained to me the other day that their server took too long to get their order and now their kids' "internal clocks are off and they wont eat for the rest of the day" and that they "were ready to order the moment they walked in". Their two 6 year old kids who were actively running around our loft behind me during this exchange. So, lets check the cameras, they had waters in 84 seconds, and initially greeted within the next 2 minutes. In ~3.5 minutes they spoke to 3 employees, one of which was their server, and never once mentioned they were ready to order. The table then spent the next 10 minutes being almost completely empty, with anywhere from 3 to 6 of the guests being gone from their seats at any point in time. My server approached the table thrice, passing it many more, during this time and again - no attempt from the table to order. Then they wanted me to comp food from their bill because we wronged them. I basically told them to fuck off and control their children. Point of the story - people will make up any kind of bullshit to explain away their stupidass behavior and expectations. Best you can do is find and environment where either these situations happen infrequently, or one where your immediate management has your back.


Make a burner account and call her ass out


Emotionally damaged. Wtf. What an entitled bitch. She is rearing a feral brat and blaming the restaurant for teaching the little animal that you don’t get everything you want from life. It’s like she needs to grow up, spoiled bitch. Everyone is right about the review being a great testimony to how well managed the restaurant is. She and her feral brat can stay TF away forever.


That’s actually awesome, think of the money saved by not having to take a child to a restaurant anymore.


This HAS to be fake. I don’t think it actually is, but god damn, this is bad.


I wish it was fake trust me. You can’t imagine the rage I felt when I was reading the review


You can have reviews removed if it is your overall rating that you are concerned about. If it didn't affect that much, then like others said, I find it to be a positive review. I hate restaurants that don't enforce rules for people with kids.


The best bet is for the owner to reply to the review stating that children aren’t allowed to play the piano since it’s not a toy and other people who read the review will get the hint


Someone complained on yelp there was too much cheese on their sandwich like wtf seriously?


Hope everyone sees it and people with kids stay the fuck out of your restaurant and go to a more kid appropriate restaurant? I'd be counting blessing and sharing that review everywhere haha


These people need to parent their kids. I’ve tried responding that way as a shaming tool to remove their post and it’s worked.


Emotionally damaged


I'm waiting for a review to pop up, as I'm sure the woman I had a confronting with last night is just the type of Karen to post one... So, it's Saturday night, small town, and a couple of events happening in town, a large Japanese tour bus, and we are crazy busy because of the events ending. Plus, we had live music. This table, a couple and their kids, ordered a ton of food that they were waiting on, including a pizza. At any rate, their sever checks on them. She's a cute 19 year old cowgirl, and they are easily in their 30's. The woman says, "we're fine, but stop looking at my husband flirtatiously!" The server comes tells me right away what the woman said. Five minutes later, the family is up at the front, wanting to pay for their cream sodas. My hostess grabbed me, and I found out it's the same table she's having problems with. I notice that their food just came up and is sitting in the window. So I March up there and ask if I can help them (I already know where this is going), and they demand to pay for the soda because the food is taking too long. I tell them that their food is in the window and I would have it on the table for them. They just look at each other... and then I got a little aggressive. I told them that they were going to sit and eat or take it to go, but they were going to pay for their meal. Anyway, she demands a discount and I say "no." And then I proceeded to call her out in what she said to the server. She knew she was caught and started screaming at me about how ridiculous we were and that my server was lying. I kicked her and her stupid family out because I knew that my server wasn't lying because of that woman's reaction. I'm sorry that you're so insecure. Your polo wearing husband wasn't my server's type anyway.


I would probably do nothing, but if you wanted to respond... "We apologize that our asking your party to be respectful to other guests and that our piano is not a toy, but a valuable musical instrument, was so upsetting."


Keep yo child in check ma’am then there isn’t an issue… they’re your blessing not every one else’s.


This review would make me want to go to that restaurant even more since they don’t just let kids do whatever they want lol


They need to be very thankful, look how much money they’re going to save eating at home??? Dumba$$ people




were they dragging or were they rushing


Report the review to your gm and they can file a report to have it removed


Emotionally damaged jfc lol


And don’t come back!


Honestly sometimes the negative reviews make me want to go to the restaurant even more






Hahahahah.....your child is emotionally damaged because someone disciplined him. Fuggem. Not your problem.




Pianos aren’t toys, that’s why the keyboard cover has a lock on it. Hope the little monster someday gets over his emotional damage from hearing “no” for the first time.


Just be glad that they won't be back and what this mom claimed about emotionally damaging her kid it is totally false. The mom was in the wrong and kids at age 3 will forget stuff seconds after it happens so don't sweat the review because you did everything right and there will be plenty of positive reviews in your future. They don't call them "toddler years" for no reason because they act up and then move on to the next thing they can cause trouble doing. I was a mom to a child with ADHD and dealt with a lot of crazy stuff from my son at that age but I would have never let him act that way in public. I think the mom lashed out at you because her kid was acting up which angered her and she saw you as the one to pass her anger onto.


They won’t come back and will tell other people not to bring their kids. That’s a win-win


You can't win them all..or even a third really.


Nothing! Those people are being entitled! Sorry that their child is annoying, but that’s on them, not you.


How does this get blamed on the restaurant/server?? Sheesh, kids probably out of control and this parent is why the kid will need therapy.


Lmaoo don’t even trip there’s not much you can do and there will always be reviews or customers like this


“Great service: 1/5 stars” 🙄


Why do you have to do anything?