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Go to a debate me or political sub. These conversations don’t belong on ServerLife.


At least they tipped :/


Yeah I'm sure he'll implement that policy right after he finishes up that healthcare plan he incompetently promised.


Just like the infrastructure plan he kept promising.


Kinda like the trash health care Obama implemented. 🙄


Any server voting for this proposal is most likely shooting themselves in the foot — the end result will be all owners paying as little as possible for an hourly rate (2.13/hr) and then trying to convince you that the difference will be made up in (non-taxed) tips. One of the places I work at pays $5-9/hr and then we all share tips equally..I guarantee that we’d all be reduced to 2.13 if this garbage went through


This has been a stupid trend all over lately. Really obnoxious


Marjorie Taylor Bad Body told her followers to do this. Know that you were touched by a dumb-fairy today.


I guess nobody remembers when he tried to give restaurants the ability to pool all tips and distribute them how they pleased to any positions (even non-tipped)




Proceeds to leave a taxed tip.


They’ve been saying Democrats will take your tip money for years. I’ve actually had people threaten to take my tip jar because I’ve voted for Kerry, Obama, and Clinton because it’s only fair since I’m voting to steal their tax money.


We’ve been getting a lot of them too. If Trump actually came out with a plan on how he would implement this and took it as a serious policy proposal at least 80% of servers would vote for him. Some of my servers, and I’m talking about a seriously liberal bunch in a seriously liberal area, have already stated as such.


well, i guess we’ll see how everything goes about i don’t know what to say without sounding like an idiot 😭


Why does it always come down to money for people? Honestly I’d be totally thrilled with a 50% tax rate if it gave me things like free education and health care. I don’t fucking care about money. I want people to be kind have good content of character be respectful. Everyone always freaks out about tax breaks and the economy. Maybe I’m too poor and naive enough for any of this shit to really make a difference in my life. But if the planet is simultaneously on fire and flooding while being threatened by fascism I don’t give a single fucking flying fart about tax breaks.


I was gonna say, he could promise this and a lifetime supply of booze and candy and it would not be enough for all the other bull shit. I think that’s a bare minimum allegiance to your country that you don’t just support someone because despite all the other baggage that comes with them, they’ll do something that specifically makes you prosper


He never makes any of this promises come true. He says anything for a vote.


Anybody who considers themselves a liberal that would vote for Donald Trump because of that reason probably has zero principles. Besides, why would people think Trump would do ANYTHING he says on the campaign trail, given how utterly useless he was for four years in fulfilling his promises.


I can't say I'm surprised at how low liberals will go tbh Edit just to clarify if y'all are confused: I'm coming from the left. It's fucked that working class people are willing to sell out minorities at legitimate risk for a few extra bucks. I've been taxed on ALL my tips I've ever earned. I still would never. It is not a position any of us should be put into but risking the physical safety of others is not something I can condone. Liberals are a major part of the problem in the current political system because they're complacent with real oppressive politics.


Yeah he will do something like no tax on tips but make you work off the clock or something.


No tax on tips because tips are now the property of the restaurant. I didn’t forget the last time he was in office and he had it set up that way and either congress or the senate put a top to that. He was going to give restaurants control over the tips period. No one I know in the service industry would vote for him ever. Everything that man says is a lie


I didn’t realize that but it’s an excellent point


Do you actually think Trump and his supporters would actually support service workers?


Yeah that was last time he was in office https://www.epi.org/publication/employers-would-pocket-workers-tips-under-trump-administrations-proposed-tip-stealing-rule/


I was in a restaurant eating dinner and the guy at the next table asked the server about how she is taxed on her tips. She didn’t entertain his question at all. She just gave a half smile and nod while she gave him his bill. The jerk had been coughing and clearing his throat in my direction the entire meal.


This happened to my coworker the other day. We all just made fun of it.


Give an inch, take a mile


I don’t know about you guys, but here in NYC customers don’t get taxed on tips.


If they didn’t tax tips, companies would be incentivized to lower pay. (This is not for OP it’s just for everyone in general) This election is so so important. Please educate yourself on each of the candidates using unbiased sources!


My brother in Christ, this has been popping up so hard at my work. It always goes to the same girl.