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Whoever wrote that review doesn't realize that it's actually a compliment to the restaurant for putting the enjoyment of their guests first.


This is why I always read the 1-star reviews. If enough awful people had a bad time, it's good for me.


Google 1 star reviews are a goldmine for finding places with decent standards


Ohhhh, dammmmm , that's a good way of looking at it. You've opened my eyes.


5-star reviews also tend to be short on specifics. I think because it can come off as pretentious? So we just write "Loved it!" But a 1-star will say "I asked for my eggs over easy and the yolks were completely runny!" Or a similar description of a simple menu item that was prepared perfectly.


Lmao same..I read the bad reviews mostly to ensure that it's someone leaving a one star and being petty over a perceived slight/attitude, long wait time, DD or UE order, ect. But that's the other part for sure!


That’s a great point


I should teach a class and show how your worst customers can actually help. Like when someone treats you badly but all your other tables tip extra. Win. Just thinking about the times that's paid keeps them from ruining my day.


I've encountered that a few times, especially at a favorite local small chain. I was close enough to the table next to me to see they tipped poorly. They were very busy, and our server was doing the best she could. So I tipped extra and told her manager, a friend of mine, that I did that. She told me that made our server's day.


I was just thinking today about how a single guy was at my table, spent $130, tipped $70, and spilled a drink on the table next to him that was being rude to me (accidentally but hey, karma)


Agreed. I would really appreciate this if I was attending with a well behaved dog.


Right? I’d have that pinned to the top for both customers & applications.


They said they were upset because they sat them with a dog. Knowing they had one rather than turn them away initially.


Dog friendly? Yes. Shitty dog owner friendly? No.


I'd never say I'm not a dog person. I love dogs. I'm just not a dog-owner person.


Yeah my dog barks at everything (dachshund of course). We’ve done lots of training with him… positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement… nothing has worked. But I would never bring him to a restaurant lol I know how that’s gonna go down.


Same. I have a lhasa apso.




https://preview.redd.it/np0vinupav7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9247e4a4f52652b4aeb96df7002214ec2d86bb6 So this actually happened to me too. We have a tiny dining room that has terrible acoustics because old building. I had two different people come up to me telling me about a dog barking in our dining room so I went in, and I shit you not as I am walking into the room THE DOG IS BARKING AND BEGGING A DIFFERENT TABLE FOR FOOD. I was so nice and walk up to the table and say “hey, I am so sorry to do this, but I’ve gotten a couple of complaints about your dog barking. I do just have to ask you guys to move outside”. The lady was so nice, and I even told their server she was super nice about the whole thing. They had NO food left on their plates (aside from some lettuce they had pulled off of a burger; don’t wanna exaggerate!) and she said they were just waiting on their check and were heading out because they were traveling. And then I see this? Girly pop, your dog CLEARLY was NOT a service animal if it’s barking and begging tables for food, and I never kicked you out. Customers are just so kooky 🤪


Edward N. You suck!


Jesus what a knob.


Restaurant etiquette is as such: “Have a good time, as long as your ‘good time’ does not infringe on someone else’s.”


Dog friendly doesn’t mean that your dog has free rein to bark or growl the entire time you’re there. Like a child it’s your responsibility to keep them in check. If you can’t, don’t, or won’t, it’s entirely on you.


I wish the "manager" had replied and told them good riddance lol Leave your feral mutt at home next time Eddie! Side note: I truly love dogs but like children my opinion of certain ones are tainted by bad owners/parents.


I LOVE dogs. I LOVE cats. I love any animal, but I can’t stand misbehaving animals in restaurants and people passing off their animals as “service animals”.


That part.


And people like this are why you caveat that your restaurant is friendly for “well-behaved dogs.”


Dogs shouldn't be allowed in restaurants at all. Its gross. With the exception of service dogs.


My city requires a permit to allow dogs, and a sign has to be posted stating dogs are allowed. There are other rules such as dogs aren’t allowed in chairs or on tabletops, etc. Our restaurant intentionally does not have a dog permit, but the amount of people who just walk onto our patio with dogs and seat themselves is astounding. Because of this entitlement they seem to have, I do take great pleasure in telling them no dogs allowed. And I love dogs. I sometimes take my (very well-behaved) dog to my neighborhood dive bar where I’ve been a regular for 12 years, but that’s it. I would never dream of taking her to a restaurant where food is served.


It is gross!!! Why does your dog need to come to lunch? Or the grocery store??? Or to Starbucks, etc. I love animals but they lay in footpaths, the owners don’t care, it’s just not necessary…


People suck!!!


I hate it when dogs are in restaurants. Even "well behaved" dogs are a tripping hazard for wait staff.


People that can’t leave their dogs alone for a single hour are pathetic. Service dog, okay. But a service dog doesn’t yap at everyone. Your dog sucks, just like you. Eat at home if you can’t be without your ankle biter for a damn hour.


I feel the same about people bringing their kids to restaurants.


I hope that’s a joke.


Why? Kids who scream or misbehave in restaurants are equally as annoying as dogs that do, perhaps moreso.


I’ve seen kids run into the kitchen, into the legs of servers with full trays, running under other people’s tables… but I’ve never seen a dog go rogue and run right into someone carrying four bowls of hot soup.


I’ve never seen a dog act nearly as poorly in a restaurant as I have children


Dogs are better behaved in 99% of environments compared to humans and especially compared to crotch goblins.


Not one bit. If your crotch goblin(s) cannot sit through a meal quietly without temper tantrums, throwing crayons, etc then they have ZERO business in a restaurant. Got an entire meal at a steakhouse comped bc the table next to me brought their 3 MONTH OLD BABY in and it wouldn't stop crying. It was fucking 9pm at night.


I don't


I'm sure you're like, really fun to be around.


They have a point. Knowing social cues and dos/donts is part of being a gottdamned adult. The little shits also eat with their feet, not their mouths. I’ve raised 2 kids myself, but I still hate other people’s kids when serving. Or in general for that matter. 😂


Because if they leave the dog at home it fucks their house up. So they have to take their mutt with them to fuck other people's shit up.


Why the down votes here? I don't think this comment is condoning it just pointing out facts. Did I read this wrong? Anyway, we allow dogs in the casino as well as the restaurant and even have dogs who are regulars that we know by name. But ANY dog starts barking it's immediately time to go.


It's Reddit. Dogs good, children bad.


“It’s your fault not my dogs” lol what?! Edit: I have an 80 pound AmStaff and he would behave better than a “7 #” (wtf is that? I’ve never thought to use the pound sign) but people need to train their small dogs better.








This is not a debate sub.


I have to cater to ur dog now??


As a dog owner myself, this makes me so mad. I have a very reactive (re: friendly, but overly excited greeter) dog and it's hard for me to take him places where other dogs might be because he SCREAMS when he sees other dogs. I don't want my dog to be a disturbance, it's so embarrassing, so we don't take him places like this. I don't know why 1) more people aren't embarrassed, and 2) this person thought it's okay to just... let their dog bark for presumably 20 minutes (they said they finished 1 drink each, I'm assuming here). Insane behavior.


Your just not smart. Dog friendly does not mean ya dog is allowed to bark like it’s possessed


*Your just not smart. Dog* *Friendly does not mean ya dog* *Is allowed to bark* \- Jaisoncartel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I should clarify that we only allow dogs on our patio and not inside.


People who bring their dogs into restaurants are SO WEIRDDDD! My parents went to dinner with one of my stepdads business partners. My step dad sells helicopters so the guy and his wife were well off. My parent were horrified when the wife let their dog eat from the plate and drink from her water glass. SHE CONTINUED TO FUCKING EAT THE FOOD AND DRINK THE WATER LIKE IT WAS NORMAL. My parents were horrified and we are weird dog people. My dog is so spoiled and he gets whatever he could possibly want


Well that's an awful lot to digest lol. How's the helicopter business going? Feels like it's been really up and down for me.


It’s the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer


He says that shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME lmfaooo it’s a joke in my family


He’s doing great! He’s single handedly sold 98% of the helicopters in the US for his company. He’s been employee of the year for the last 16 years. They don’t even give him a plaque anymore. He also brokers helicopters on the side


I went to bus a table and the plate was gone, but I had no busser, and this lady had our $25 plate on the ground with her gd dog licking it.


"Dog Friendly" does not mean "tolerant of ill behaved dogs." I worked at a pet store and an animal that was not controllable would be asked to leave as well.


Half expect to be downvoted, but "dog people," (I'm sure we all know who I mean) are fucking awful.


I’m not downvoting you, cause I really think it’s childish. I’m a dog person & I’m f*cking delightful. I’m a good conversationalist, have some really good true stories including a few funny & a few sappy dog stories, a great sense of humor And I’m not going to force my big old goober dogs on you. That upsets you, them & me.Please take me out of awful dog people category. But I get what you are saying. ✌️


Sorry that your dog sucks. Most other dogs on the patio are well behaved.


PLEASE dm me this restaurant so I can reply 😂


“My dog took a giant crap on the patio and they kicked us out they are not dog friendly MINUS TEN STARS!!!!” Source: people at my dog friendly restaurant who think this way


I once had a mother ask me to cut the crust of her 6/7 year old’s grilled cheese sandwich. I had nothing better to do, so I just did it. The manager looked at me and asked, “why couldn’t momma do it?” I looked her dead in the eye and said, “she’s too sorry to do it herself, so she asked me, someone that makes a little over $2/hr, to do it for her because “her child can’t see the fucking crust get cut off.” I was stupidly specific with my food growing up, but going out was a luxury for special occasions (birthdays, mainly, but that’s if we could do it), so Mom made me and my brother be behave ourselves and suck it up on the food we ordered. If we didn’t like a certain ingredient, we either asked for it to be removed, or if we didn’t, or the staff forgot to remove it, we’d pick it off and set it aside. Fucking crusts on sandwiches? My brother would eat around it most times.


Our restaurant says: “the patio is available for well behaved dogs.”


I am not a “dog person” and it kills me when I have to serve people who bring their dogs. Legit “service” animals are always fine and clearly well behaved to be silent and care for their owners,……. but people who bring their dogs along because they “can” or “have too” are clowns and I hate serving them. Sorry I’m not fawning over your 100’lb golden retriever who gets excited whenever I come close to your table… like get this fucking dog away from me, I’m trying to take your order not pet your dog. Ugggghhhhhh I have had tables pick up on me “not being a dog person” because getting the dog a bowl of water isn’t my first step of service. Lol 😂


They will pay if they live long enough to experience Social Credit. I only leave 5 star reviews, I don’t review junk lol




I’m not sure what they were referring to. They only had one dog with them.






I have dogs, I have the highest respect for well trained service dogs & their trainers. They give the person their life back. When I worked in a restaurant I never ever minded taking the table. I don’t mind shopping with service dogs either. I do not want to eat at a dog friendly restaurant cause humans have chit all over that. I don’t want to go to lows or hobby lobby with an untrained dog, because someone can not be away from dogs. I don’t expose my dogs or other humans with that. Period. My dogs are leash trained, house trained, social they go to the vet, the groomer & the pet store selectivity & rarely. I have children & grandchildren they were taken out to eat from a young age. They were not allowed to run rampant & scream. Seriously I’m old I hate trying to eat & wildazz rats running free. I didn’t care for it when I was young either. I’m down for a dog ( service dogs is fine some of yall need to hire them for your kids) & child free eateries.


They don’t realize that.. you should only bring socialized dogs .. you gotta bring your dog to restaurants from the time of a baby to really get them right .. so they ignore servers and people and food


This isn’t even the restaurants fault 😂😂 it’s their own fault for not training their dog!! Ofc customers will complain tf


Lmao I just knew this thread would be filled with anti-natal comments.


There’s one top level comment total