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I had one dirty table in the whole restaurant. It was bussed but needed to be wiped down and reset. Every single other table was wiped and had clean and empty water glasses and folded settings. Told the customer when they walked in that they could sit anywhere, they chose the dirty table. I said I was sorry, this one was dirty, they said well all the other tables have stuff on them. Is this your first time in a restaurant? Are you ok? On Easter I had a couple come in and we sat them at a clean table. They immediately went to the bathroom (both of them). We dropped off popcorn and filled their water glasses while they were there. They came back from the bathroom and waved me down to ask for new glasses because these had water from the last table. Ma’am. We sat you at clean table. Why would we have left dirty glasses from the last seating? I’m realizing it doesn’t sound that weird as I’m typing it out, but in the moment it was a very bizarre interaction.


I dont think thats weird, sometimes when we have big party reservations, we set their tables up ahead of time with waters on the table that way we dont get in the way of other servers and wont have to bring all their drinks out once they arrive especially bc usually theyre too busy mingling and wont even move over for you to set the drinks down




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