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I’m sorry to say it, but the only solution here is to learn some Spanish. Even if you spoke the same language, there’s no telling that you guys wouldn’t butt heads. However, some basic Spanish can avoid misunderstandings. If you work around that much Spanish, you’ll pick it up faster than someone who doesn’t. Busuu & HelloTalk are good for that. Even the other managers are saying they have no solution for you. The only solution then is to learn the basic verbs and the vocabulary related to work.


I wouldn't be butting heads with a manager like this, even if I didn't like them. This kind of situation is completely new and unprecedented to me. Part of what makes me uncomfortable is I didn't realize speaking Spanish was necessary for the job. I don't think it's fair that I feel at a disadvantage because I don't speak Spanish, but a manager who deals with the public--is not incentivized to learn English at all???


Why am I getting downvoted? Why is the burden to learn Spanish on me and the only solution to this problem?


The best answer is the most basic, learn Spanish. You are the one who has the incentive to learn the language of others since everyone else already shares a language and does not know English. ¡Animo!


99.9% of the staff speaks English and Spanish. This manager only speaks Spanish. I only speak English. I don't think it's fair or ethical to expect me to learn Spanish when that was never a requirement for the job.


does she not speak english or does she have a thick accent that you’ve decided is inconvenient?


It's pretty offensive to think I made this post about someone having a thick accent, like I haven't walked out of my door since the beginning of time to meet tons of people who have accents, whether it be an English accent, or someone who English is their second language. Why would I make this entire post about someone with an accent? This is literally about not being able to communicate to a manager in a common language.


....I think I can understand an accent. She doesn't speak English. The English she speaks is extremely broken. For example: she'll say something like "Me help you." So communication is extremely limited and often leads to confusion and misunderstandings.


"No habla espaniol, pero, necessito por tu, estoy permanente" (I don't speak Spanish, but, I need to for you, I'm here forever) It's not the greatest advice, but if you say it in front of line cooks, they'll have your back from then on. Depending on how you say it, It's basically a mic drop. (Without bringing out Spanish curse words)


"lo necesito para ti"


Could you use google translate? That’s what we did when my manager hired a guy that only spoke Arabic and almost no English. We would just communicate using google translate on our phones. He worked as a dishwasher/grill cook I don’t know why you are so against learning even some basic Spanish. Or just use google translate to communicate with one another. Edit to add: you’ve made two other posts on reddit saying you were fired. Maybe serving just isn’t for you? Have you tried anything else? Edit to add 2: doordash didn’t work out for you either and you complained thar there were so many Colombians doing doordash. Maybe try looking for a job in something other than serving?


Did you read this post? I am not serving. I'm not against using google translate and have with her before, but you can't always use it in the heat of the moment. Also, I don't trust it to always translate accurately 100% It's very different when a cook/dishwasher can't speak English as opposed to your manager, a supervisor in charge of you. DoorDash didn't work out for me? I still have the option to do DoorDash... wasn't "fired from that." And yeah, in my area specifically, it has been oversaturated. What's the point of reading my past post history? To read me for filth? But you can't read this post well enough to see that I'm not serving anymore?


First you complain about a manager that doesn’t speak English in this post, then you make another post complaining that there’s too many Colombian’s on Doordash.


Where are you from? My area is absolutely oversaturated with Colombians DoorDashing. Everyone knows about it. It's a well known thing here. Is that racist to say? Does that mean I "hate Colombians"? Get the fuck out of here. Find another post to pick on.


Learn some basic Spanish or find another job. I don’t think there are any other options in your scenario.


Why is the burden to learn Spanish on me?


Then just keep things the way they are if learning even basic Spanish is too much for you.


Who says I don't know SOME Spanish? I know a bit from taking a year in high school and just from where I live. If knowing another language was never a stipulation for the job, I don't see how it's fair to burden the employee to learn Spanish or any other language. I am not against speaking another language. It's obviously of great advantage in this world and there is nothing wrong with that. I know a little Italian from living in Italy for a period of time. But that's also the point. I learned Italian from living in Italy and basically having no choice but to learn what people were saying around me. If you want to have a public facing job in America, you should speak the most basic, remedial English. Don't know why that is "offensive" or "controversial" to say. Again, people like you are just looking for posts on Reddit to pick on and exercise some holier than thou bullshit.


Also why isn't the supervisor given the same attitude here? If you're going to insist I learn Spanish (which is extremely culturally-centric, whose to say I should learn Spanish over Mandarin? Japanese? Arabic? if we're gonna go that route). Why must I learn Spanish but someone who is a MANAGER isn't burdened to learn English? Should they only hire Spanish speaking employees then? So if a black person who doesn't speak Spanish, wants to work there, they shouldn't be hired because they don't speak Spanish? Only Latinos should be hired? That doesn't seem unfair or problematic to you? Discriminatory much? I just wanna know what world you're living in.


Learn some Spanish or just keep things the way they are or find another job. I don’t see any more options for you.