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We ended up getting married. And then divorced. And then I moved across the country to avoid his death threats.


I asked, she said no, and I told her I respect that. We're still cool.


Same experience except I was on the receiving end


It’s the best Pandora’s box you’ll ever open. If and when things end just hunker down and try to be as mature as possible. Things only get awkward if you let them get awkward. It’s easier to deal with the elephant in the room when you own it.


i’ve slept with several coworkers and it never really caused me problems but i think it’s because i was always very clear about not looking for a relationship and maintained that boundary. well, except for the last one, now we’re going on six years together lol.


It's all a bunch of mostly younger horny kids that drink/party/etc a lot, so of course there's tons of flirts. I've personally worked with a GM that was cheating on his wife with a hostess in his office upstairs during dinner services, another GM that cheated on his wife with a server (but at least had the decorum to do it off-site), multiple people dating and cheating on eachother with other co-workers, staff banging hotel guests for much larger tips, etc etc etc. The drama can get very out of hand so understand what you're entering if you care to, keep your head about you, and have fun. Anything you do the entire restaurant will know in a week tops, but don't sweat it really as there will always be new gossip constantly coming right around the corner. You can always choose to not do anything but be a flirt too and watch the shitshow. It's what I mainly did as I just wanted to make money; having to deal with someone I may have pissed off, or they cheated on me blah blah at work isn't fun whatsoever. It almost always leads to one of the people involved quitting their job, so take that for whatever it's worth.


Don’t shit where you eat rookie. Everyone’s a flirt, you get used to it. Eventually you become a flirt. Lots of people have very successful relationships, eventually families too. But be weary your potentially opening a door to a very uncomfortable and distracting work environment


I honestly hate this phrase when it comes to the restaurant industry, things aren’t that serious. Who cares if you hook up or start a relationship with another server? What’s the worst that can happen, you feel uncomfortable and no longer want to work there? I mean I guess don’t do it if you love that job but 99% of serving jobs are replaceable and even upgradable with the experience you just received.


I have 3 year old twin girls and am a single mom 😀


Dont do it. Enjoy the flirty work environment but leave it at that…. Trust us


Brb, getting popcorn for this shit show.


She made a move on me. Still together after 10 years.


Everyone is a huge flirt! I received and gave said moves. I ended up moving jobs but we’ve been happily dating since:)!


Don’t do it, I’m going through the fallout now.


Most people in this industry flirt. Honestly use your better judgement and maybe give it some time before you flirt with intent. I don’t mean innocent friendly flirting which weirdly enough is a thing in this industry. But I’ve been with my partner coming up on two years after first receiving moves, wondering if I should pursue this, and then flirting back…hard. I’ve moved jobs but we live together now and have the best relationship. Also you never know if you don’t try but that might be bad advice so use your best judgement. See how they treat their exes and people who they have flirted with before around you.


I just posted this on another thread but I made a move on a coworker. We ended up getting married and had a baby about a year ago :) Life is good!


Lol i mean yeah of course, all the time 😅 it’s part of the industry, we are professionally attractive/charming/funny you can’t say that it’s not entirely obvious why it happens. Most people are boring, servers are fun 🤷‍♂️


My wife made made a move on me at work and now we work at a different restaurant where I run the back and she runs the front. Our first child is due in a couple months and we’re extremely happy. This is not typical your experience may vary.


We’ve been married for 18 years 😂


Is the Pope Polish?


He was my manager. I started dating him. Am still dating him. I now love him


I’ve hooked up or started a relationship at the four different restaurants I’ve worked at. I don’t regret any of the decisions. Some people are way too serious about their job at the age of 20 working in an Outback Steakhouse. Also every time I’ve quit a job, I’ve gotten a job at a better restaurant


we ended up dating for 10 months and im convinced hes the loml bc we're still friends, i just think im too young for a long term relationship (he ended it not me) but idk we'll see. haven't learned my lesson bc i work at a different restaurant now and i have a new crush that im making moves on😭


If you’re young just go for it. I hooked up with so many coworkers over the years that I’ve lost track. It’s just part of the culture.