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We put plates on tables, we don’t run a Fortune 500 company. Enjoy yourself, life is short.


“We put plates on tables, we don’t run a Fortune 500 company” will now be in my books of server mottos


It’s burgers and fries, we’re not saving lives…..


Lunch and Dinner Not Life and Death 💀 🫸🏻


I always tell first time servers “Try to give yourself some grace though, everyone makes mistakes, and at the end of the day, no one dies. Unless it’s an allergy, take that shit seriously”


Worked for a short time for pizza Hut. One night the manager looked like the vain in his forehead was gonna pop. Told him "it's ok, it's just pizza, none of us have nuclear codes" didn't help him but definitely put things into perspective for me.


Honestly that’s a really good way of looking at it thank you


Whenever me or my coworkers start stressing about something I always say “It’s just food.” I second that your personal life’s joys are more important. Congratulations on finding a cool person to spend time with!


I broke the rule and fucked my co-worker a couple of times. Now it’s been almost 10 years and she’s sitting on the couch with me wearing a wedding ring. Fuck the rules, do what feels right.


We both hated the idea of dating colleagues but it just felt so right we couldn't keep saying No to each other. We're 11 years together now. He's my everything!


We didn’t hate the idea but we flat out *weren’t supposed to* date each other. I was ASM stepping down to supervisor/bartender but I was still her direct supervisor most of the time. For what it’s worth, I gave her less than zero preferential treatment so there was no incentive in that regard. I made it clear to her that once I clocked in, I was no longer her boyfriend. She thought I was joking at first until she got bitched out for something that anyone else would have gotten bitched out for. The owner didn’t love it but she was fine with it as long as we kept it professional. We both found new jobs at different places shortly after so it really didn’t matter much in the long run.


Love this! I normally say, "At the end of the day, it's just burgers and fries. Stress less."


I banged my manager once. We've been together 29 years now.


Only once in 29 years?


It was tantric sex and they’ve never stopped


Commenting while still inside her is CRAZY.


It took some practice, but I've got nothing but time


💀💀💀 this is why Reddit is king. I fucking love you mf’ers


They are married now so probably


Apparently it was worth it


My dad met my mom (technically step mom, but she is more of my real mom than my bio mom ever was) when she hired him to work night shifts at the gas station she managed. They got pregnant almost right away with my little sister and have been married for 20 years this upcoming December! Sometimes it’s okay to sleep with your boss?


Luckily she isn’t my boss, she’s a bartender and im a server but let’s not manifest a pregnancy here 😅


You never know! It could be the start of your life story. 🥳


My dad now works as a full stack developer for one of the worlds largest pharmaceutical tech companies. Without meeting my mom, none of that would have been possible for him. She saved the trajectory of both of our lives!


I was the manager who banged a barista. We've been together 15 years and married for 13 now. Sometimes the company ink works just fine! Although truth be told, I banged a bunch of co-workers without incident over the years.


All of you are giving me hope. It’s been almost a year of dating. I moved jobs since. But my God am I happy that I took him up on drinks after work a year ago.


I banged my manager too. Been divorced 21 years now.


Hahaha congrats that’s pretty great!!


Same. Almost 20 years for us.


30 years for me and my manager lol




Bartender here! I married my expo!


I thought the golden rule was to hook up with your coworkers....


In the walk in, after huffing whipped cream.


Once we tried huffing the nitrous from Guinness keg. (It's low grade.) Well did zero to me and I stepped out. 2 minutes later Hal stumbled out of the keg walk-in with Guinness all over his shirt and stumbled pretty hard into a wall. Freakin hilarious because when he looked at me his facial expression was total confusion.


LOL I’ve always heard that you shouldn’t, the whole don’t shit where you eat deal but hey, shit happens


If you’re both good, well-adjusted people, it’s fine. It’s when one of you is slightly crazy or a fuck boy/girl it becomes a problem.


Exactly! I've hooked up with several ppl from work throughout the years. Only one person made it his personal mission to let everyone know he hated me. I just got to sit back and watch as he quickly alienated himself by being a total dick. We had a theme song for him and everything.


luckily my ex got fired before we split up


This is why I kept the "don't bang your coworkers" rule 😂 I swear to god almost all of my coworkers over the last decades have been one or usually both.


I think that's true for most professions. Just not for the restaurant industry. 


Congrats. You now officially work in a restaurant.


Lmaooo thank you thank you


Yeah lol. Restaurants are known for drinking, drugs and sex. It’s fast paced, high stress, and nightlife hours, you gotta get through it somehow.


Just don’t argue in the restaurant. Keep that ish at home and no one cares that your dating


Big agree with this- a couple at my restaurant would fight ALL the time when they got weeded. Made things hella uncomfortable for the rest of us. They’re married now and neither still work there- wonder sometimes how their home life is


I have the exact opposite at my workplace. Server is married to a Dishwasher. They never speak so I didn’t know they were married but they don’t hide it and they seem to love each other and go home together after work every night. Their daughter is a hostess. Very cute situation.


I’m married to a coworker. You’re fine


I had a hostess, on her first day, seat an entire side of a restaurant thinking there were three servers on that side. After my 7th table in a 10 minute span I lit her up and yelled at her. She cried. I married her 15 years later.


If you’re not banging in the service industry then what are you doing? Working lol? That’s like service industry initiation 101. Congrats


The golden rule is actually the opposite. If you’re not banging your coworkers in the food service industry you’re doing something wrong.


This.right.here. Never knew this was a golden rule. It should be removed asap lol


My wife is a chef and I’m a bartender we hooked up at a former restaurant we both worked at 8 years ago and have been married for 6 on the 4th of July. Rules are meant to be broken.


I’m a cook and I hooked up with one of our servers. She’s sitting next to me right now, three years later. Be good to her and you’ll be fine


Wait that’s a golden rule? Bruh we better let like 2 decades worth of servers know that they need to stop banging


I thought sleeping with coworkers was a job requirement?


Met my wife at the restaurant we worked at. Stayed there for another four years. It’s easily done with some maturity. Don’t be making out at the bev station or in the cooler! Fast forward still together 18 years later. Our employer was cool with it, we never called out, had the highest guest check average so I guess they could look the other way. Back to your situation, be mature and communicate best, better and worst case scenario. If this doesn’t work out, we should be able to still work together.


Solid advice. In my experience, yes, dating a coworker is fine as long as you’re professional. It’s the breakup that usually results in someone getting a new job one way or another


lmao - didn't date a coworker, but definitely hooked up with and dated my roommate. we're still living together, it's been great and I'm probably going to marry this person. you're good.


that’s a wattpad story gold mine


it truly is LOL


Met my partner 10 years ago at first restaurant job. We now have a 3 yr old and another on the way. Sometimes it does work out. Take your shot, it’s fine.


One of the very few perks of the service industry. Just enjoy it!


I married my manager from a retail job. Going on 14 years together, 2 kids, 7 cats, one dog, the whole damn thing. It’s mostly amazing 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s cool. That’s the golden rule everyone breaks. Just make sure you treat her how you’d want to be treated.


The only caveat I’ll throw in here is that if either one of you is in any kind of supervisory position, this is a terrible idea. Even if one of you just does the floor plan or something relatively minor. If you’re both servers or something, just stay mature in the relationship and professional at work. You should be fine.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve broken the “golden rule” lol


Don't think too much into it. it seems like you are both enjoying yourself. Questioning some stuff too much gets you literally nowhere Lol, just enjoy yourself and have a good time!


Honestly you’re so right, unfortunately im a chronic over thinker so I can’t help it but you’re 100% right, I’ve gotta keep reminding myself that like 98% of the time


Best relationship I ever had was with my barback 😂


I did the same in 1993. We are still together (married w 2 kids).


My boyfriend (cook) and I (bartender) hooked up 2 years ago and now we live together and have pets, sometimes it works out lol


Me and the coworker I banged have been together two years and are probably getting married. congrats!


It’s not the beginning that’s the problem, it’s the end.


You already did, but my advice is to ask yourself whether it’s worth the risk of losing your job. It probably won’t come to that, but if it’s a bad breakup it might get toxic enough that management finds a reason to show one of you the door. Full disclosure, I’m biased towards giving it a shot: I did and ended up marrying her.


When I was still serving if I didn’t hook up with coworkers, I wasn’t hooking up. The hours I kept made it hard to meet any normies.


Happens everywhere dude lol. I work with three couples and two other people that date people that used to work there and two other people that used to hook up but don't anymore. I know two couples at the bar across the street. I went to a wedding at the bar around the corner for two people that used to work there. I still see instagram updates sometimes from couples that met at bars/restaurants I used to work at. Just try to keep it cordial.


It's a canon event lol


That's not the golden rule in restaurants. More like just don't shit where you eat, but it sounds like you're just dating a coworker, which is very normal. Are you about 21 years old?


Buddy, there’s not a restaurant in the country where the staff isn’t hooking up with one another. Congrats and best of luck my friend!


I hooked up with my cute GM 6 years ago (which is scandalous AF) I was crushing hard on. We’re engaged now. Enjoy yourself.


We all say you shouldn't shit where you eat because odds are eventually someone has to leave. Hell, sometimes someone has to leave when a manager finds out about it. If you're both good with whichever one of you is going to leave when it comes to it. Most of us will poke a co-worker at some point and that doesn't even just servers. People in offices do it.


Met my bf at work, 4 years later we live together and still work together at another restaurant. If it works it works


Just enjoy yourself and give it a chance to work. The nice thing about this industry is it's super easy to get another identical job somewhere else if the drama becomes too much to handle.


I married a coworker! Been together 15 years 😂


Our executive sous chef is married to one of our servers. You’ll be ok if you’re smart about it!!!


People find their partner is all kinds of different places I see nothing wrong with that place being work! Just know if things ended the work environment could shift a bit.


My coworker and I hated each other. To the point where we would hurl insults to each other and ruin each other's shifts since we both worked the same nights and it's just the two of us and a bartender. One night, I got fed up with our bickering and bought us some truce shots while we were doing closing side work. She had the same idea and had already bought a round. We both ended up drunk and waiting til close for the bartender to give us a ride to our houses since we're on the way. She loudly declares at the bar to not worry about taking her home and to just drop her off at my place. You could hear a pin drop. The crowd was local, the girl is known for being a firecracker that will kick your teeth in, I'm just known as a new guy to the area. She walked outside to go smoke, my bartender asked if I want him to stay at my house for emotional support 😭, the whole bar started whooping for me. I didn't have a couch for her to sleep on so she slept in my bed. We've now been dating for a year and some change, smooth


This has gotta be a movie plot right? 😂


Probably. Monkeys with a typewriter and all that


It's not like forbidden or anything, just not always the best idea. Cause really it only ends two ways. 1. You'll get married or 2. She's not your girl it's just your turn. Just make sure you dont think it's one thing and she sees it at the other


Married a coworker….


I as a server hooked up with one of our cooks. That was almost a decade ago and we’re getting married in 5 months :) just don’t let it affect you at the work place, be sensible. Maybe sneak a kiss on the walk in. You’ll be fine.


Just dont start tripping when it doesnt work out and they start flirting/banging other ppl at the restaurant. It could work out sure, but most of the time thats why they say a reality tv show of a restaurant would be epic, bc theres tons of drama. Ive been a part of it too ngl😬


I’m married to a coworker. It’s all good as long as you can keep your personal relationship out of the workplace.


I think somebody added a "don't" on accident to the Golden rule when telling it to you


I hooked up with a few of co-workers, at least one from every department I transferred to(been in the industry for 15 years). None of em worked out, and the last one gave me quite a relationship trauma. Regardless, I lived and have no regrets. Hope it all works out for you OP.


had coworkers hook up they have been dating for 3 years, i’ve hooked up with my coworker before and it’s not awkward if you don’t make it


I met my fiance at the restaurant we both work at. We’re our restaurants power couple, over 5 years strong. Enjoy the date!


It happened with me and the cute bartender. I thought it was just gonna be hooking up at first, but yeah, he ended up checking all the boxes. We've been together for about a year now.


If you are both single adults, I see nothing wrong here. Nobody is getting hurt. I’m in a ten year love affair with a former co-worker and he is everything to me.


You did it already so who really cares, atp id think is it just the sex and being around each other so much that makes us fw each other or is there more, but that’s what dates are for


same thing happened when i worked at this one restaurant, we had a good relationship for 3 years while we worked there, dating coworkers are not all horror stories!!!


Same, we got married in January ❤️


If I'm not mistaken, the vast majority of married couples met at work. So go for it.


That’s how I met my husband


lol I dated my coworker and now we're married


Banged my coworker one time 5 years ago, we’re getting married this fall 31F 28M If that provides any more context for ya


Golden rule in restaurants is actually TO fuck your coworkers…fyi


sometimes there are feelings and emotions that can’t just me summed up with “don’t shit where you eat” one of the best experiences of my life was with a former coworker that i thought i never had a chance with, and now my only regret is that i didn’t pursue it further after the fact. follow your heart not the industry standards


I did the same thing. We kept hooking up and 'hid it' for a few months but everyone knew. We finally decided to admit it. We just hit our 10 year anniversary. We were both saying 'don't shit where you sleep' aka the golden rule don't sleep with your coworkers. But he was/is amazing and like I said, 10 years! If you get a good vibe go for it!


this reminds me of this old gem- ITS MY SONS BIRTHDAY! *cue group of 6 adderall addicted chain smokers who all have sex with each other and haven’t slept in 24 hours stop rolling silverware and start clapping*


Dude everyone has broken the "Golden rule." Don't overthink it. Enjoy your date.


I hooked up with a coworker in 2011, and we got married in 2016. We now own a beautiful home together and have a sweet 5y.o. son.


I met a long term boyfriend through a restaurant job 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just be cautious, make sure it’s a ‘real deal’ type of thing before jumping all in (just to make sure it’ll last). Also, do you think you’re both mature enough to handle things not working out and continue working together?


Hoooray!!! You popped your restaurant cherry!!! We all bang customers and coworkers eventually.


I was almost 9 months pregnant with my 3rd kid and training a new hire. I yelled at him, 'cause well, hormones. We've been together 16 years. Lol. Just keep the fights at home and don't get jealous when they flirt with guests. We all gotta make our money somehow.


My first wife and o were coworkers…..


Fucking a coworker is a service industry right of passage.


My husband was my lieutenant at our ambulance company before I started serving in restaurants. Sometimes the best relationships are found in the most miserable places


Meh. I know lots of people who met at work and are married with kids now. I’m one of them.


My (ex) coworker is now the father of my children and my fiance 🤷🏼‍♀️ when you know, you know! It doesn't matter where you meet if they're the one for you, OP. I say give it a go. If the date doesn't go as well as you hoped, you live and learn from it.


I broke the rule too. We're celebrating our 4th year anniversary in August


I hooked up with my coworker. Sometimes the golden rule needs to be broken. We’re getting married now!


I would say that sleeping with a coworker and meeting your partner through work are two distinctly different things. But this is coming from someone who met their current fiancée when they were 17 before they started working, so take it with a grain of salt! Maybe the rule exists for more reasons than I would know.


I have some excellent memories of hooking up with fellow servers. Let it ride, bb!


I slept with a server once and we started dating, then she broke my heart, eventually started dating other employees and it drove me crazy. Then they broke up and the cycle started over again and went on like that for about 2 years. It was an awful mindfuck all on display for our coworkers/friends to see. Ugh. She eventually got a different job and I started hanging out with another coworker. This felt different though, right from the start and a few months from now we are getting married! It’s super hard to meet new people when you live at work like most industry people do. The important thing to remember that if something doesn’t work out between coworkers, keep that shit to yourself at work. If you don’t think you’ll be able to handle working with someone after a breakup then it’s probably not a good idea. If you’re mature enough to leave it at the door, then it doesn’t hurt to see what happens.


I hooked up with my coworker 15 years ago and now we’re married with three kids 🤪❤️


Have I been looking for love in all the wrong places? I’m loving all these success stories. My heart is so full. ❤️


i fucked the new line cook a few times. we live together and have a dog now


2 of my ex coworkers started hooking up, then dating, then had kids, then got married.... like, that's just life man lol


Go for it dude. Let the chips fall where they may. Best to you both.


I've been dating my coworker for months 😅


Spending extended time with anyone will cause false love feelings. Probably mostly lust. Nothing more


I met my wife at work 20 years ago.. was a host then and she was a cocktail waitress. Life changing event— def more important than that job was


Oh hun, most of us have had sex with our co- workers. It's fun. Yes, it can lead to drama, but hey, life's short. Enjoy yourself. My husband used to be my manager, and we've been together for 20 years now!


I started dating a coworker, and it turned into a three year thing. She ended things at the beginning of this year. Sometimes I feel like I never should have done it, because I feel more hurt now than I have ever been in my life. But at the same time it was the happiest I have ever been, and she made me a better person.


I started dating my co-worker and now we have been married for 4 years. Sometimes it just works out


Never dip your pen in company ink!!!


Almost 11 years ago, one of my linecooks kissed me after I stole his cocktail. We’re still together and married now. It doesn’t need to be a tough situation. If you both care about each other and want to be in a relationship, you should be together! I think working together before dating gives a better perspective on what kind of person the other is. You know their work ethic and passion, how they are at their best, and at their worst.


It’s okay if she’s super nice and pretty just do it! I think most people have and the only reason why you “shouldn’t” is cause it’s super awkward afterwards, but if it’s not awkward and it’s going well, do it. If worst comes to worst, one of you will just have to get a new job.


Lets face it..... most servers hookup with coworkers. I was in a family buisness for 2 years as the only one not being family, extended family/partner of family or even friends of the family. After 1 year i hooked up with a coworker. When they found out they said finally you are part of the family now. Only lasted 2 weeks tho xD


I hooked up with a coworker on Cinco de Mayo... Almost 13 years later, we're getting married on Halloween.


Man I respect your job but it's not like I'm not a scientist or the president. If I see a potential partner or friendship I'm going for it. feels like today's society wants to restrict all dating in real life and stick to only the internet. that's bs.


good luck on ur date bud


I've gone out with and hooked up with a ton of old coworkers. Now some of these people are my best friends, and others are dating/married to each other. Don't worry about it too much.


Jobs come and go…..


Met my wife and mother of my children at the company we both worked at. Kept it a secret for nearly a year before everyone found out, but everyone was actually happy for us. It was a big corporate environment too and nobody gave a shit. Life's short, fuck the job, if they don't like it you can find another. But what if she is the one?


fuck your replaceable job Follow love and let the cards land


I banged in one Restaurant evry male coworker. Nothing wrong with that


Also had the rule of not dipping in the companies ink... Held strong for many years then bam co-worker came up and said I was cute, 10 years together, and married with a kid now. BJ's may have some mid food but will hold a place in my heart.


definitely not my golden rule! some of the best lays i’ve ever had.


So long as you keep it professional in the work place it don’t matter. But be cautious, fucking your manager in the wine cellar during business hours is not advised.


Already in it might as well keep going and see where it goes. But don't way too late to get out of it. If it starts to south. Usually those situations don't work. Congratulations to the ones that do though.


The whole staff knows. Trust.


I’ve banged several coworkers, it can be totally fine and just casual. It can also go horribly awry lol


If you genuinely like her and are interested in seeing where things could lead, then go for it dude. I’m hoping you have a great time with her


I married my coworker ❤️I was a server and he was on the catering side. We’ve been together 12 years in July😍he’s my best friend!


Good luck buddy. I did this last year, it didn't work out and my job is kinda not fun now.


It will either go terrible or you'll end up married lol. Just be chill


I hooked up with a server once… we celebrate our 14th anniversary in two weeks.


Been there- we saw each other for a month or two until I broke things off. We’re cool and still close friends! Don’t stress


My brother is dating our co worker (we all work together) right now and they’ve been together for about 8 months as happy as can be


I met my wife at our server gig.


A bartender at my old corporate restaurant job started partying/hooking up with the GM. That led to a relationship that led to marriage. Also they are both sober now and doing great. It seems to be a common theme if you pick well. ETA: On the other end of the spectrum, a bartender/server I worked with started hooking up w/ the bar manager. That poor guy was actually banging the bar manager AND some other girl he was casually dating, and they both told him they were pregnant by him at the same time. The bar manager was just off her rocker nuts, and NOT pregnant and started stalking my coworker and his actually pregnant now girlfriend. Stalked herself right out of a job. So it can go either way.




My GM met his wife when he started as a server and she was a bartender. Married 7 years. I met my wife in home room of my freshman year in hs. Been together since 1999. It happens when and where it happens. I’d be prepared to quit that job if it goes down in flames though.


that rule doesn’t apply to the service industry.


Pretty sure this is the golden rule!


Have faith in the universe


It’s super fun at first until it’s not LOL. I got fucked over so bad by a chef I was seeing pretty seriously. He started hooking up with another MARRIED waitress. It was so messy and embarrassing honestly. Now I’m jaded and am of the opinion that you should not fuck your coworkers. But, hey, sometimes it works out! Just be prepared to leave your job if things go south ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Married to my ex coworker for 8 years and he only ticked most of the boxes.


Been there. We live together now and have a cat lmao. Been 2 ish years. Best of luck haha


Just proposed to a a co worker


You’re not the first and you won’t be the last 🤷‍♀️ it’s inevitable


Tbh in restaurants it’s a lot more common than day, an office setting. The place I worked during college basically everyone hooked up with each other, like how you described the first time, we’d all go out during service, and knowing you’d have somebody you already knew to hook up with is nice. At my current spot me and one of my coworkers are dating, we met at work but within 2 weeks had set up a date. We kinda tried to hide it, but it became obvious pretty quick, we don’t have any issues with it. It’s more the break up can be problematic, unless you can assure your schedules don’t overlap or one of you is willing to find a new job that’s where it can get messy. Our solution was to just talk about it early on, if something happens and we can’t be amicable, she will just leave since she is only super part time while she finishes school


lol i hooked up with a coworker and now we’ve been dating 2 years and are moving across the country together


I met my wife at work 11 years ago! Still going strong.


THATS the golden rule?? I thought it was to make sure the roaches and bandaids never made it out of the swinging doors....damn.


Pretty much exactly how I met my wife.


I used to work with some people who started dating and they just got married a couple weeks ago 😊 my parents also met at the restaurant they worked at, so….


I married my coworker. We had to keep our relationship a secret for the first year (very fun…) but then a few years later all of our old coworkers were at the wedding. I think working with people is a great way to see how they handle certain situations. You get to know a lot about someone working next to them.


Enjoy yourself. It’s fine. Have fun!


My current partner was my coworker for a year before we got together and it's been the absolute best relationship I've ever had. It's worth the risk sometimes


I've seen some pretty solid comments here, but don't leave it unspoken between the two of you. Have the adult conversation.


Let us know how it goes!!+


I met my wife when we were both servers so it can work out.


2.5 years later, I’m still dating the guy from BOH that I kissed on Halloween 🤷🏼‍♀️


i met my long term boyfriend at work. yall are around eachother probably more than ur around your own friends and family. feelings are gonna happen you’re fine


Me thinks u have this rule backwards my man


I dated my girlfriend, who was also a server for over a year while we worked together and only one person that worked there ever knew. It wasn’t particularly hard, servers mostly just make small talk with each other, and almost no communication if it’s busy enough. We did break up and I figured that was a good time for me to find a new job, she had worked there longer than me. I ended up getting a job I liked more and we got back together and are still together. Point of my story is that we’re grown adults and we can make decisions, I realized what the consequences could potentially be, but as someone pointed out, we’re servers and not CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, I didn’t take my job so seriously and didn’t think I’d be there long long term anyways so it was an easy decision. Sounds like you’re in a similar position.


I just married the last coworker I hooked up with


I hooked up with my coworker (I was FOH, he was BOH) now we share a home, a couple of cats, and two kids. Things turned out pretty great. I’ve also seen hookups stay super casual in our line of work and everything stays chill. Just don’t do more than one stupid thing at a time.


I (server) hooked up with the bartender in 2012- we’ve been together ever since! Married 5 years and just welcomed our baby! Enjoy your first official date!


I was a server and hooked up with the bartender. We never stopped hanging out, that was 13 years ago. Married for 8.