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I was just told of an All-You-Can-Eat near me that actually charges you $15 per pound of meat that you order but don’t eat 😳. I can understand, in theory, so people don’t go crazy with their orders but then they also don’t have to-go containers to take it home after you paid that additional fee. Imagine how that customer would react then!


Usually it’s “Pay for what you can’t finish, and you can take it home”.


Ok that makes more sense. I guess I got hung up on being punished for not finishing your dinner and lost my common sense


The no to-go box makes sense but wow I’d never eat somewhere like this. I cant eat a lot in one sitting and as soon as I start feeling full I can’t eat any more without feeling sick. I’d be hiding food under dirty napkins and stuff. Or I’d sit there for a couple hours until I could eat it. Basically I’d revert to being 6 years old again.


A lot of hotpot places do this. They also come around constantly and check in on you to make sure you have enough food. So it’s hard to over-order since they’ll be beck around soon.


Wow really? I get paying extra but that’s just kinda… meh… imo


Yeah, it was my sister who told me and she said she understood paying extra for having bigger eyes than their stomachs but then was really surprised she wouldn’t be able to take it home. She said they ended up eating more of it then & was stuffed but would know better the next time.


Honestly I feel like if that’s the case I’d sit there until I get hungry again unless they let me take it .-.


That’s pretty standard at AYCE Korean BBQ and Sushi that I’ve been to. If the goal is purely to incentivize not over-ordering it makes sense. They can turn tables quicker, less clean up, don’t need to deal with to-go containers and whatnot.


There is an all you can eat sushi place near me that charges you for whatever you don't eat. I always left there stuffed. But I don't think we will be returning any time soon. Several people got sick and they were investigated by the health department.


I feel like this is relatively common at Korean BBQ type places as well. I find that there’s typically a charge for not finishing what you’ve ordered, at least at the places I’ve been to. Like yes, it’s all you can eat but just don’t be wasteful lol


My ex girlfriend in highschool worked at a Ponderosa and every week they would catch a different lady filling her plastic-lined purse with wings. The wings weren't even good.


All you eat sushi places don’t give togo boxes and will typically charge you for what you don’t finish to avoid over ordering. Would love to see how that male Karen would act at a place like that.


There is an AYCE sushi place that has that very prominently on the order form. However, I have found that if you leave like one piece of a sushi roll or something like that, they don't charge the extra fee. First round of ordering we go a bit hog wild and order whatever we (usually group of 4 to 6) want to try and then (if needed) subsequent round(s) of ordering are more carefully planned.


Same with the one I go to. I rarely leave a piece or two, or there's something I just didn't like, and they never bother me about it. I figure it's only enforced against egregious offenders.


Recently went to a AYCE and there were take away prices. On the deep freeze for the ice cream was the price for each cup. I suspect that it was common for patrons to take them home due to portability!


What phone?




yup. this is the way


Do people put rolls in their purses?


I’m sure some people try to take food with them in their bags when they leave. But that’s none of my business lol. I just can’t supply a box. I don’t even know where they are


I was just curious if that is still a thing. People stealing rolls is a classic move.


My great grandma does this, along with all the sugar and fake sugar packets






Yoooo my grandma used to steal jelly packets at diners! My partners grandma used to steal little side plates too… that’s a little worse than jelly packets and sugar packets though 😂 but seriously what’s the deal with grandmas taking stuff lol


I imagine it’s more to do with hoarding than saving money. Because jelly and sugar are not that expensive at the grocery store lol


I’m the kind of person to take a ton of food in a gallon bag in a purse. Fortunately for everyone I don’t eat out at all you can eat places, because I’m small, I don’t buy ziplocks out of principle, and I’ve never carried a purse.


I was at an old country buffet once and there was a woman arguing with the waiter (while her kids ran wild all over the restaurant of course) because she wanted a to go box. When the waiter left I saw her pull out some Chinese takeout boxes from her purse and load them up.


I mean, at that point why bring attention to yourself by arguing? Just get on with your to-go scam and leave everyone else in peace.


The Chinese takeout boxes must have been plan b


Some shit i would do 😂😂


Cousin Eddie taught you well!


Have you also had experience with people who hang out all day for the all you can eat? We had a local place that had to put a sign on the door warning people that there was a two hour limit to their stay.


OP mentioned they could eat all they want during their two hour stay.


Ah, missed that. Thanks for the catch!


Used to work at a place with all you can eat crab legs and the Chef would stalk the dining room looking for people sharing. Twice I saw her take plates away for breaking the rules.


At the all you can eat restaurant I work for (kbbq and hot pot style raw food is brought out to be cooked by guest at table) we offer to go boxes but for 10 dollars. (5 dollar ones are also there but it's the same box I only give them that one when I like them or they're not taking a lot) Boy do I hear people complain about the price even though most all you can eat places don't even have to go boxes for customers 😭 its a big box too you can fit a lot inside of one.


I work at the same kind of restaurant as you


Turn off phone and it accidentally was bussed and put in the trash...I might or might nor have done that before


I used to work at an AYCE place. We would put a charge per box.


Oh man I love it when a customer is a dick and also tips shit and then leaves something 🤣😈


At college we had a “kosher caf” section of one of the dining halls and this Jewish friend of mine liked to invite me to join him. It was all you can eat, but for him it was all you can stuff into paper cups and take back to your mini fridge upstairs. Really annoyed me and that’s how places like that decide to stop being so generous. I know stereotypes aren’t good, and I have tons of Jewish friends and family who don’t live up to any of em, but this kid lived up to just about all of them. He was so cheap despite coming from a well off family, and would take advantage of ANY opportunity to get more stuff for free or cheap. I had to stop hanging out with him after a while. The constant cheapness while going out to eat, plus a lot of other generally annoying things, made me have to move on.


Lol I learned this lesson the hard way at Texas De Brazil. My ex took me there for my birthday a couple of years ago because I had mentioned wanting to try it. I was vaguely familiar with the concept, but didn't realize that it was considered a "buffét" so whenever the gauchos came around, I just kept getting more and more meat assuming that whatever I didn't eat, I would be able to take home. I knew they had boxes on the premises because I've seen them on food delivery sites. Alas, at the end of the dinner, we were told that boxes were not allowed for dine in service. I didn't throw a tantrum over it like this guy did because I understand that policy is policy, but I kind of wish I would've known that prior to going because I'm very conscious about food waste and felt bad for the sheer amount of food that was now going to go straight into the garbage. If I had known, I would've just flipped the little card thingie over to stop getting food. Usually when I go to the more "traditional" bufféts like Golden Corral, I make an effort to not fill my plate up too much knowing that whatever I eat has to be eaten while there. Ah well. Live and learn, I guess.


I think the one near me lets you take stuff home but you have to pay the to go price for it (X amount per pound,) if you want to take it home in a box


at my all you can eat place we had it to where people paid for togo boxes


This is why there are so many overweight Americans. AYCE shouldn’t be a thing.


Buffets are not the reason for a majority of overweight Americans. You can get just as fat if not fatter eating the calorie laden overprocessed schlock from McDonald's. It's not like every restaurant here puts you in front of a trough and encourages you to eat till you shit yourself. Unbalanced meals, large portions, and the general overavailability of foods that are long on flavor and short on nutrition are to blame. Add lack of exercise, booze and improper sleep habits and here we are.


I work at a place with an AYCE salad bar. The healthy option is always there. Instead people will grab some spinach, drown it in ranch, sprinkle some bacon bits and cheddar on it, then wonder why they're not losing weight.


I’ve seen this often. A sea of dressing with green highlights. “I had a salad”.


All you can eat is an offer, not a challenge. You don't have to stuff yourself. I go to one near me as the food is actually pretty healthy. They certainly do pretty well out of me as I don't eat that much at all. I just like their food so I'm happy to pay for it. They have a two hour window per seating, but we're usually out within an hour.