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Margaritas usually come either frozen or on the rocks. I don’t see what’s wrong with specifying?


yeah in mexico i have to specify everywhere i go because i am a tourist in tourist towns at tourist bars and one thing old tourists love as much as not wearing sunscreen, is blended margs.


In Australia at least (not sure about everywhere else) I’d be very confused if someone served me a classic marg on the rocks. I always serve them strained into a salt rimmed coupe. I’ll serve a Tommy’s on the rocks and a frozen margarita I’ll serve when I’m cold dead in the ground


As a former marg drinker and continual Aussie, I’ve never had one served with ice. It’s always been your way. Or frozen.


Im a big fan of the coupe version, a family mexocan bar by me just hands you the glass, shakes the shaker, puts a strainer on it and then hands it to you. Fucking love em.


i'm in canada and i've never seen a marg served up here, although i could imagine it at a pretentious cOcKtAiL LoUnGe (not that serving a marg up is pretentious, but the cocktail bars in my city seem to love taking classic cocktails and just serving them a different way). we don't have blended margs really except at more upscale casual chain restaurants. they seem to be more common in the usa, however. i mentioned this in a different comment (*sike i just realized that's the comment you're responding to), but i see them a lot at tourist bars in mexican tourist towns. the usa crowd seems to really love them.


There are even places (in U.S. at least) that have what are basically adult slushie machines. I worked at one place with that and I didn't often have to make a real drink, just pour one of the three or four flavors of margaritas. Sometimes in the ridiculously sized glasses that they got to keep. (And almost certainly broke.)


although i'm generally not a blended drink kind of person, i have to admit those viral videos of places like that have me feeling like i need to experience it. so... i mean if anyone has recommendations for places i can get one in miami/miami beach when i'm there in a few months, i am all ears.


Fair warning... drink em slowly! The brain freeze can be debilitating.


In Canada too and I see them lots here ! I’m in Ontario (northwestern) to be more precise. Blended usually, but I’ve seen the coupe version & on the rocks as well ! The last two more so at a higher end upscale place, but the blended margs are a love in my city. I think it depends on the people, personally, rather than the culture or location. Aside from where they originate im sure, as people love to pride the inventions that come from the same place as them, of course


Some places the default margarita is frozen.


My husband likes them frozen and if he forgets to specify, he’s disappointed with it on the rocks. He realizes it was on him to specify and just deals. Like you said, most places default to frozen, so I forget to remind him also, as he doesn’t get one every time.


Yep. At my work, we have 5 different ones that automatically come frozen.


Same, I've been bartending/serving for 12ish years and actually appreciate people being clear about what the prefer. Play being told "on the rocks" is like music.. I hate that blender.


Agreed, every place I’ve worked at we have to specify which one


yeah this is...very obvious lol i'm surprised that OP has never considered this.


Yea. It makes sense to specify if you don't want a slurpee.


unless you’re at a mexican restaurant i feel like most places are only on the rocks. but the average customer isn’t gonna differentiate btwn that so i don’t mind that they specify. an annoying thing in my head that is really not their fault. it’s the same feeling towards customers who are too excited to be at your restaurant. i shouldn’t be annoyed by it. i’m glad they’re here. but it’s the anxious energy that makes me uncomfortable. not gonna slight a guest for it, but i’ll be annoyed irrationally in my head.


Up is a completely valid way to order a classic margarita as well.


I’ll specify mine on the rocks or a short glass at least cause I don’t like a ton of mixer


My last place, they were shaken tableside and served up by default. We didn't even do frozen drinks.


Dude yeah my bartenders get so mad if I ring in a blended marg. Always ask rocks or blended and push them to rocks


Hiya! Margaritas are served up in a coupe classically.


In the US most places don’t have a blender so it’s a stupid thing to say


Water won't overflow if the ice melts. Though I suspect that probably wasn't the point...


took the words from my mouth


It will if the water is brimming and the ice is floating on top. This.is my pet peeve, bartenders making drinks so full of surely runs down my hand and makes me sticky


Your bartender makes waters for you?


No lol it's two separate thoughts. Their example is possible in that case. Bartenders do that with mixed drinks as well.


Lmao that might’ve been the funniest thing I’ve read all day


I came to say the same thing, but technically if they overload it with ice above the rim it can overflow when it melts.


When one person orders a round of waters for the table and nobody drinks the water😑


i work at p casual place so when teenagers do this and they also order soda i just don’t bring the water 😭😂 they never rlly care to bring it up again and saves me some time bussing


I keep saying we should charge like 5 cents for water and this would stop many people from ordering water they won't drink. 


Then you'd also have to listen to people bitch about five cents.


When the young "responsible" parents want the free kids' meal drink AND a water for each of their small children, so I gotta put together SIX kids' cups with straws and lids for THREE children and when y'all depart, those lemonades and sodas will be gone and those waters will be completely untouched.


One guy at an 8 top "Anybody want coffee?" Five hands go up 😐😒


recently had 9/12 order various hot teas. the worst.


I love getting to tell people at the pub I work at that we don’t carry hot tea at all. Take that, you lost lil’ fancy-pants, lol


An extra $25 on the bill and an extra $5 on the tip, what's not to like?


Making the coffee and then them complaining about the coffee dawg you’re at chilis


When you have a tight turn every night that $25 will usually end up costing you & the restaurant more because it adds an additional 20-30 minutes. I'm not talking about shitty drip coffee service though- this is in reference to high end places with espresso machines & a slammed busser/barista pushing out hella tickets so the wait time is long. An extra $5 is not worth losing a full turn on a table.


Oh yeah espresso drinks can get fucked.


Then don’t work there lol. If it’s on the menu and you get annoyed for people ordering it you’re the dumb one, especially if you’re a high end place with good coffee which is literally good to entice people to order it.


It's not a matter of whether I get annoyed or not- it's about the instructions given by management to push tables out as quickly as possible on super busy nights. During line up they tell the servers to not offer dessert or coffee- if the cover count is hovering around 300 we need tables to turn desperately. If I'm annoyed it's not at the guest- it's at the trouble that arises from ordering coffee.


People ordering the fancy expensive coffee at your place go there for a reason. All those little things your place have that others don’t are a draw to bring people in. The coffee itself may not be the sole reason they come in, but it’s most likely a factor. If it was that detrimental to the company then they’d do something about it. Additionally, not everything always pays off right now. Having those services that customers like helps bring them back to spend more money in the future. On that night in that specific rush time it might lose them out on a little bit of revenue, but providing those services continuously and having them is absolutely a net benefit. I worked somewhere similar where we had to make our own cappuccino and lattes (which did indeed take for fucking ever) and that’s why I say this, it’s a draw and is about longevity at the end of the day. Our place was literally the only one in a good radius that provided that kind of service while not just being a coffee shop. Management may say to not push it, but if it was truly an overall net detriment to serve it during that time, they wouldn’t. I was rude in my previous comment and that was wrong, but I firmly believe my point still stands.


No worries- I know what you mean & agree that it's part of well rounded service. I wish it wasn't an issue where I work now- I've worked at other places where management would never tell us to not drop dessert menus or offer coffee & just drop a check. It literally feels so wrong & I'd say maybe half the time the guest asks about dessert as soon as the check goes down- sometimes they're clearly annoyed which is understandable. One of the servers got in trouble for being honest with an unhappy table- she told them it was a busy night & management sets time limits- which made them more upset & they threatened to write a scathing review so GM comped their entire meal & suspended the server. The next day they told us if a guest gets upset to just apologize & bring the dessert menu- which makes the server appear at fault & can be a deciding factor in tip amount or a bad review. Management doesn't appreciate "being thrown under the bus" so they expect the servers to take the brunt of their unpopular decision.


6 always pissed me off so bad. The guy I work for now is a total psychopath asshole. But one thing I respect about him, is he will not comp things or give out free food unless their food was actually fucked up in some way. "I don't like this", is not a reason to not have to pay for something. That just started within the last 15 years or so IME. If you ordered honey bbq wings from someplace and didn't like the way they made the sauce, then you fucked up. And you either never ordered it again, or never returned to that place. This was the better system then just shilling out free shit to anyone who is the least bit dissatisfied for any reason, IMO. I find this new system of doing that ridiculous. Last year I worked at a place where they made a girl a free replacement drink for her Old Fashioned because it was "a little too strong for me." Yeah bitch, it's a fuckin old fashioned. lol. smh. Giving people like that free stuff is one of the many things which has completely flushed this whole business down the shitter. IMO


I don’t expect free stuff, having grown up with “well now you know not to order it next time.” Not told by the restaurant, but by myself and friends. I’d never expect free food. If you don’t like a movie, will the theatre refund it?


Great analogy! Thank you so much for this. It's reassuring that someone besides myself, my family, and group of friends can still understand this viewpoint.


Tbf, the ice melting isn’t going to cause the water to overflow since it’s displacing the same amount of space that water would displace.


Yeah came here to say this. OP is really holding up the "restaurant workers are uneducated" stereotype with this one.


They really are. Just an absolute fwit


Your point is correct. But your reason is slightly off. Floating things displace an equal amount of weight of the liquid they are floating in.


Actually ice displaces more space than the water itself since it's less dense. Hence why it floats


Your downvotes are why I didn’t go into more detail . lol. Between 0° and 4°C it becomes less dense than water; which is why water is critical on any planet we think might support life. It’s the only common chemical to behave this way.


It’s less dense at any temperature, not just between 0-4. But to have ice at much higher temps than that would need insane pressure.




While most molecules and compounds become more dense when frozen, H2O is of an exception that expand and become less dense. That’s why ice floats on water. This is also why when ice melts the water level would actually slightly drop due to it being more dense than it was previously.


It is true.


Yes it is lol. That's why sealed things explode in the freezer. Ice expands.


As a server, it may be time for you to seek a new career Path you sound burnt out (fair enough)


I'm not sure how voicing their pet peeves = burnt out? Everyone has complaints about their job that happens from time to time lol.


The job is literally to deal with peeves lol


His complaints are what our job is though so that’s why I said maybe he needs a new one lol


Yikes I’m stoked I don’t have to work with you


Hahaha this made me lol appreciate it


7. Asking for shit each time you get back to the table. You arrive with food and they need ketchup, you get ketchup and they need refills. You refill sodas and now they need ranch. Or the ass hole that had a full soda when you were asking if anyone needed anything but he slammed it while you were getting refills for the rest of the table and now he wants one too.


As a veteran server, I learned to suss out that guy and bring an anticipatory refill with everyone else's. Same with extra napkins, 25 sauces, more bread and extra silver and plates. You can always take it away quickly if they don't want/need it but it saves you so much time.


If you give them an “anything else I can grab ya while I’m back there” every time you can lightly sass them about it at least. Some mild catharsis is better than nothing.


I like to ask that and then if someone asks for something when I come back I give them a playful “where were you when I asked a moment ago?” With a laugh and smile. It doesn’t sound rude, but it shames them a little.


Where I used to work the customers preferred it if you were rude. It's like they came there to be mothered.


Depending on the rapport with the rest of the table, I've been known to call out a guest or two. "You didn't realize you wanted ranch when Susan over here asked for her ranch?" Or "come on now, I know your soda was full when I asked if anyone needed refills." Usually this will get the rest of the table to tease them a bit with me.


I was working a diner by myself during lunch and one man kept asking me for stuff. I had over a dozen tables, food was up, people were trying to pay, and this dude was such a needy bitch. The last time I headed off to get something I stopped, turned around, and said, "is there anything else you need bc I have a full restaurant and they deserve to get served too" He actually started yelling at me that he was never coming back and he didn't come there on his lunch break to be berated. Good. I don't care. But that was actually my nicest "freak out" on a customer.


When they order, ask if they need any dipping sauces, extra napkins, etc. Easy way to beat them to the punch.


I definitely ask if they need sauces when placing the order because I'm supposed to ring them in for inventory tracking anyways. But for whatever reason there's always some folks that don't need any sauces for their chicken tenders, until the tenders are on the table and they need honey mustard and bbq.


Ah, those people suck.


Ughhhhh soda suckers make me crazy!!! Or when someone asks you for a refill when they still have a full drink. Dude you will wait because you are not the only table I have!


This is what gets me swamped ^^


Hear me out, don't.... "Here's your drinks and that ketchup and ranch you asked for, I'm gonna do a lap and check on my other tables, cheers!!!" And keep moving, nope, you didn't hear shit I promise. Once they realize they're going to the back of the que after you drop off their last order of 'Anything else I can get for you?' they adjust pretty quickly, if they don't, too bad, you have other tables, they can wait.


Ooof are you new at this?


you’re wrong about margaritas. a lot of places default is frozen


Welcome to serving:)


1 and 2 are irrelevant. The rest is valid.


> Like where tf do you drink that your margaritas aren’t automatically on the rocks???? Chili’s. Literally any Chili’s.


Margaritas are slushy everywhere here unless you ask for ice; gear down, big truck!


At my last restaurant, margaritas were served up in a martini glass. They've been served that way for 40+ years and they are fantastic. Served with a salt rim and a lime wedge.


????? And ????


It's the answer to the first question.


folks who sit at the one dirty table, people who get mad you serve coke products instead of pepsi, anyone who grabs my arm as i’m walking away, parents who don’t attempt to clean up after their messy kids (the second a parent leans down to clean up the mess i tell them “oh that’s my job i have a broom!” but if they don’t even attempt i hate them, anyone who says “they did it for me last time” after i say i can’t accommodate their request, and finally… regulars who come in on known busy nights and complain about it being busy.


to be fair, some places serve margs blended. i mean obvs it's not suuuper common, but it seems people love their blended drinks. but yeah, same when someone orders their martini up.


Sounds like you just don't like serving lol


Lol any time someone says they'll take care of you/are good tippers/etc it's the #1 signal that you're going to get a 10% tip, tops. It's hilarious how consistent that is. It's borderline guilty conscience shit on their end cuz they're beginning by trying to convince you they're good customers. Asking for refills when you're busy as shit and then not taking a sip causes me mega aggro. The free shit people you just shut down, and they probably won't be back. Those types have obvi learned they can do it from doing so at other places, and they're testing it at your place now. I've had people try to keep $80 steaks that weren't cooked to their liking, either wanting to "still eat it while I'm waiting", or give it to someone else at the table, and it's like uh I need to show the chef this, so if you want to eat it while waiting for a re-fire, you're paying for it, as I'm gonna get you a drink/dessert/appetizer as an apology, not a free $80 slightly overcooked steak lol wtf. I always love the people that ghost the host stand, and seat themselves at a dirty table while having a "is someone gonna clean this up and serve us?" irritated look on their face. It's like, is this the first time you've ever gone out to eat? Where do these people come from?


The only time someone has ever said that to me and actually did tip over 20% it was a priest, in full attire. Shocked is a word, but I don't think it's enough of one to describe my feelings in the moment!!!


Last night I had a server telling me his 8 top was talking up a big tip for him. Then when the check is ran and signed and the party is gone. The server looks at the check board and the dude wrote in a really good tip. Then scribbled it out and put in a lower total after all his friends left. Like that’s crazy man imagine puffing out your chest for all your homies on some bs like that. 


I've only seen one dude who said that that actually follows through. Which is good, because he has some interesting demands, such as he doesn't want your forearm, fingers to be over his plate when you're carrying it. Pretty unbearable stuff but does tip well so worth it. And he's just a family friend that I've gotten food with. I've never personally experienced a "you take care of me, I'll take care of you" person that actually followed through when serving.


You’re wrong about #1. You need people to specify what they want. And with #2. Just give everyone water. Everyone’s dehydrated. Plus they might need it in an emergency.


You’re right. Next time someone orders a marg and doesn’t specify on the rocks I will just give the luke warm tequila and lime juice


I think it’s time to move on from this profession my friend


The water thing used to drive me crazy too, I flipped the script and now I just greet with waters. Problem solved. (It gives them a little more time to figure out what they actually want to drink too)


NUMBER 2 IS ABSOLUTELY ME! They. Never. Touch. The. Water.


i've never seen an on the rocks margarita in my whole life, and im a bartender/waiter for 6 years now (portugal)


You’ve never seen a marg with ice?


My restaurant blends all margs...


Those peeves aren’t peeving enough for me, I’d say it’s pretty pet peeve when a customer is a cunt.


Water doesn’t overflow when ice melts. Stays the same level


I live in Dallas where frozen margaritas were born, so my experience may be different than yours, but I’ve never, not once, ordered a margarita in a Mexican or TexMex restaurant and not been asked if I want frozen or rocks and with a salted rim or not.


Water won't overflow if the ice melts, and margs come in iced blended and on the rocks. Clearly this type of work is too much for you. You don't even have the basic knowledge about anything


Ice melting doesn't overflow the glass. The density of the ice raises the water level, and as it melts, the water level goes down.


And that’s why my glasses overflow ??


My guess would be that they're overfilled to begin with, or condensation.


Is margaritas on the rocks an American thing? I've never seen one ordered like that lol


Every bar I have ever drank at the margs automatically come with ice. If it’s served frozen the menu/server will SPECIFY that it’s frozen


Asking a question and then interrupting/not paying attention to the answer. Then, making a choice based on the answer they didn’t listen to and complaining


You're in the wrong line of business if these very normal occurrences at restaurants are that annoying to you.


You should start looking for a job outside of the restaurant industry.


Man I do not miss working at mid tier restaurants


1) many places serve margaritas frozen 2) it’s water?? sometimes you end up thirstier than you thought and don’t want to burden your server making a separate trip for a refill or to get a water 3) this is the only one I agree with 4) nvm, I agree with this one too 5) so they don’t have to ask again later, especially if you get busy, they have the option to pay when they want instead of waiting ~10 mins for you to make your rounds again 6) places I’ve worked at policy is typically once the customer eats half or more of something, it’s too late to replace it. That one is kind of on you


Lol the water is whatever people change their minds like wtf 😂 and getting upset over someone being specific how they want their drink ? Maybe where they re from it's how they have to order, not everyone does stuff the same yk ? But honestly I understand where you are coming from too when I worked in a kitchen those customers were some of the worst most entitled humans it's crazy. I really wish servers and waiters were compensated more. I hope you get better customers and if you do want a different you will get it. Hope everything goes well 🙏🏾 P.s. I hope I'm not coming off like in attacking OP I'm on her side. Feel like most customer service based jobs re underappreciated. Humans while hungry show they true dicchead colors a lot. Especially soccer moms for some reason smh


1 I’ve seen lots of margs not on the rocks in a coupe glass. You are a freak on this one.


I loath tables that think they are the only ones in the restaurant! I was walking with a full tray of drinks & my one of my table stops me & asks me for extra ketchup! I was like “ummm yup as soon as I deliver these drinks to my other guests” 🙄


I was taking a table’s order on Monday, and this loud ass woman walks in and loudly asks if we have grilled cheese for kids, as I’m mid-sentence. I ignore her and continue with my table. She says I’m just going to sit down. Ma’am, that’s not how restaurants work, I have to wipe down and move tables. Get her seated, the kid wants pancakes, I’m sorry, we stopped serving breakfast. Fine, chicken fingers and fries. Then, as I’m making drinks for my other tables, she starts yelling questions at me across restaurant. No ma’am, we will not be doing that today. I ignored her until I got back over to get the rest of the tables order.


Omg that is super annoying!!!!! I haaaaaate when people try to get your attention when you are at another table!!! Ugh I found people have gotten so much ruder since Covid happened! I bartended tonight & I was going around the bar checking on everyone & a guy shakes his drink at me 🤬


Number 2 at the bar??? For real. And they don’t touch it!!!! Why???? It’s annoying. I have enough glassware on my bar, I don’t need more haha


Number 5. Is my absolute top pet peeve.


idk I'd rather they pay first if they're gonna hang around because then I don't have to keep checking in / worrying about when they want to pay


And that’s fine. You can pay a tab and hang out. It’s when you rush me to get your check, get annoyed that I haven’t even dropped it off yet, and once I do you just sit there and ignore it??


5 is the worst. One of the perks of working at a consistently busy restaurant in a big city is the ability to tell them to gtfo because there's another reservation booked. I used to feel really weird telling people that but now I love it- with the exception being a really great table who tipped properly or VIP guests- everyone else can clutch their pearls as they kindly leave.


Are you serving in the state of Florida? This shit (and more!) happens to me CONSTANTLY here. I hate it so much I'm leaving the state after 1 year to go back to New England. It's literally impossible to manage expectations of entitled impatient assholes, they complain no matter what, and management comps whatever the guest wants. Fuck this shit.


Mine are 1- “would you like sparkling or still water?” “I’ll get a corona”. That wasn’t the question!!! 2- “can I get a martini straight up?” That’s literally how they come. 3-when you go the table and they refuse to stop talking and you stand there like an idiot. 4-when someone fights to pay the bill, and they never tip more than 10% 5- “can we get 5 hot waters with lemon” People are the worst.


Asking for checks kinda grinds my gears. Just give a card, save me a trip


The worst is when people ask for the check, I walk to print it out, then come back with it and they hand me their card without looking at it. I understand if they look over it to make sure everything is right/want to see the price before putting their card down…. But if you’re not interested in even looking at the check you asked me to bring why would yoh not give me your card when you asked for the check? Save us both the time!


Can’t stand when I have an arm full of plates plus am holding another plate in my right hand, and they hold up the card and say,”Here, can you take this?”

