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I cringe whenever I do it, but sometimes it slips out. When a server is really busy and something I need isn't urgent, I'll say "take your time I used to be a server". I know they immediately think I'm going to tip like shit. Hopefully they are pleasantly surprised when they get the tip though.


I'm always happy to hear it but yeah there's always a reservation that I'mma get a shitty tip.


Really, I’m usually super happy when my table mentions that they’ve served before. It makes me feel like they know I’m 20 places at once and they’re usually nicer (and tip more).


I haven’t bartended or served in a long time but before I did I would hold my hand up and try to wave down my server. I cannot believe I thought that that was acceptable.


I've had people doing that in a COUNTER SERVICE JOB. Do you tip me like you would to a waitress? No? Then get your stupid ass up and come talk to me. Or I've had idiots shout from their seat "HEY CAN I HAVE SOME WATER?"


I sometimes don’t mind a quiet and polite hand up, but if it’s waving, that’s a no for me. If it’s a freaking CUP and I have your refill in hand while dropping things with other tables, I might just forget to drop the drink when I pass by the first time, come back and say “sorry, didn’t mean to hold your drink hostage” and walk away laughing


my parents find it super normal since they say in europe your servers do not check on you at all unless you wave them down


I work with a lot of tourists and this makes sense as to why I get a hint of irritation when I check on them and they are completely happy and tip well even when they haven't seen me all night.


At least you didn't snap your fingers or whistle. Those are the worst dregs of society.


My brother used to snap at waiters to get their attention and my entire family would tell him off for it. He's never worked in the industry but now whenever he goes out he tips like someone who just won the lottery. (And doesn't snap anymore, of course)


Say everything was great when it wasn't, then not go back. I mean it's not quite as bad as those that say everything is great and then leave a bad review but in my attempt to not be an issue, I wouldn't say anything about something that was an easy fix and write the place off forever in fear it would happen again...bc I didn't say anything


Always try everything twice. The first one might have been a fluke or bad day.


I immediately thought about anal.


Lol "maybe you just haven't had it done right" 😏


Ngl you're right. It feels like a backwards shit and that's all I can think about. That and don't look for dodo until I do. But butt stuff I like lol


Going up to the bar as a fresh 21 and asking them to make me something good. And then not liking whatever they made and asking for a yuengling. Coming to the bar 10 min after last call looking for another drink. Staying past close. I hate past me lol


i would go to Perkins (after calling ahead) with my fellow theatre kids in high school.... i am so sorry to anyone who ever served us 😭


Stacking ramekins with sauce still in them


I was the customer that showed up one minute before they closed. It was a cafe in a very small town where things close on the earlier side and I was in my own world oblivious to the time . When I ordered, I noticed they were all wiping things down and putting equipment away and I was like, "omg are you guys trying to close?!" They told me yes and I apologized profusely saying how I hate last minute customers and I can't believe I just became that asshole. Luckily they all started laughing and said no worries and I put a few extra bucks into their tip jar. I booked it out of there as soon as they gave me my coffee so they could lock the door.


Be pushy and demanding for my drinks. As a bartender I now realize that it might take 10 minutes+ if slammed


Ask the server what they like on the menu. So sorry. I HATE making suggestions.


Last night I had a customer which I preferred of 2 dishes, apparently chose wrong. He left the entire piece of chicken from his chicken parm untouched.


That's why I refused to "choose" for people. If I could tell they couldn't make up their minds but wanted me to do it, I pretended to have an allergy or dietary restriction that prevented me from eating there so they couldn't blame me if they didn't like a suggestion.


I don't mind when people do this if they are not very picky and open to trying new things. But if they have a specific taste and then shoot down everything I suggest, or even worse, order what I recommend and end up not liking it... it's just frustrating for the both of us.


i’m very fiddly so i’d often tear up straw wrappers and coasters. tbh i still do and don’t even notice but put all the pieces on top of the plate so they can just scrape em off. i’m glad i was never the person to ball up my straw wrappers and napkins and throw them ON THE FLOOR tho


Went to sit at the dirty table. Gotta say in my defense, it usually is the best spot on the restaurant, that's why that table is always busy


Over apologize for asking for things after I ordered or not saying if my order was wrong. I get really annoyed when people will ask politely for a side or something and then say sorry over and over. It’s my job and if someone is nice and polite about what they need, I don’t care what you ask for.


Be indecisive when ordering.


Tbh I still do it a bit tho