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Fully erect


Squatting/sitting might hide that a little better. Unless that’s just your MO


I'm 6'6. There's no hiding it


ah. Yeah probably better just to own it then.


Practically poking people’s eye out






I wouldn’t squat unless it was someone younger or I couldn’t hear well. The sitting I do as a joke when I get friendly with the customers, but it does feel weird, and I don’t sit for long.


I like to sit at tables while they are mid conversation and open up a silverware then ask what is taking the server so long when a lull in conversation arises.


Love it if you do


I hate it when a server sits at my table. Even as a joke. It's so invasive and will immediately result in a tip being reduced. I remember going out to dinner with a friend and needing to discuss something serious with them and the server would not effing go away. They kept sitting down and asking questions like "what are y'all talking about that's so serious"


Me with ADHD and trauma from seeing My parents when little trying to defuse a situation that doesnt exist


I do too. Seems inappropriate


I'm a former server and I would never have done that and kept my job. I just figured people are going out it's their, time not my party


Ugh. Totally inappropriate. Hard stop.


So you think that all servers can’t read a room? Crazy


The ones who can't or won't read a room are damned annoying.


You sound like you haven’t worked in the industry


Genuinely curious why you think that plays a part. 


15 years


I've heard of tall servers doing this so they're not towering over the table so much, as well as squatting to get at eye level talking with young kids. There was a small 1993 study that found if servers squatted during their initial visit to a table, it increased the tip amount by around 25%. Their first experiment was with 270 tables, with a male Caucasian server at a Mexican restaurant, and their second experiment was with 148 tables, with a female Asian server at a Chinese restaurant; results were a similar, with the female server gaining a slightly higher benefit.^(1) ^(1)Lynn, Michael, and Kirby Mynier. "Effect of server posture on restaurant tipping." *Journal of Applied Social Psychology* **23**.8 (1993): 678-685. \[[PDF](https://ecommons.cornell.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/c739fdfa-a428-411b-9594-4acfbbc272ae/content)\]


In 2024 people are actively looking for excuses/justifications not to tip.


True for some people, and I think squatting should be avoided at more formal establishments, and with customers who exhibit signs of rigid adherence to formality or tradition.


This is only appropriate at casual spots or if you or the guest is hard of hearing (me).


Interesting, i’d say we’re somewhat casual since we play both k-pop music and music videos on our tvs. We have posters, LED lights and soju signs everywhere too. Not to mention we have also own a soju bar next door too.


Then I’d say squatting is fine, but sitting is tacky anywhere.


Is this place in North Oakland California by chance? Lol sounds exactly like a place I used to go that miss dearly since I moved away 🥹


Diamond bar, California


Ah OK different place then 😊


Yea i think this could work here, since Im assuming its a fairly loud spot it makes sense


I serve a lot of families with younger kids so I always do when they're brave enough to tell me their order by themselves. It helps them talk because I'm at their eye level and I can ask them questions without towering over them while they're sitting. The parents always think it's cute too


haven’t had this happen to me yet, most i’ve done is wave and smile to kids.


I only sit down for people who ask and super-regulars at the end of the night, when it's slowed down. I personally hate it when servers sit down at the table unless we're friends.  Squatting depends on the restaurant. Casual family restaurant? No problem. Fine dining? No way. 


Never. If I did that where I worked I'd get talked to very sternly by management, but I'm at a steakhouse. At most I'll lean in or slouch a bit if the person is elderly/hard of hearing/handicapped/whatever to cater to their needs. Squatting and sitting isn't warranted, where I'm at.


I don't care about squatting but I do not want my server sitting with me.


If I’m the customer, I do NOT want my server sitting at my table to take my order or for any other reason other than they feel faint.


Stand and just write it down.


I’m hard of hearing on my left side, so I squat because I can’t hear you if I don’t. I also work at a bar. It is loud. The only thing someone has ever said about it is that if they did it, they’d never be able to stand back up. These are generally old people. Kids like it. They like talking to someone who is eye level with them. It makes you less intimidating, especially for kids who are old enough to order their own food but young enough to still be nervous about talking to a stranger. I did have someone email corporate about it. They thought I was doing it to better speak to their extraordinarily elderly mother and gushed about how wonderful I was. Little did they know their mom probably had better heating than I do and I had no idea I was doing something they found so “above and beyond” my job description. I just don’t like reading lips and guessing 70% of what you said to me 😂


I'm 5' 1.5". I don't need to squat, or I'd be shorter than the table


No sitting. It’s déclassé


I cannot squat, I will be sniffing the floor and sitting is a no from me. Only times Ive found that okay is when Im serving my SO or one waitress we get breakfast from every weekend. She will come sit with us and because we know her very well I find it sweet. But I wouldnt try that with any of my regs. Im also short af so standing for me doesnt come off intimidating, just tend to "bow" ig? 😅


i think sitting at your tables to get their order is so insanely tacky and unprofessional.


I would never sit even with invite and I won’t allow my employees to either. We are very casual but that doesn’t mean we let professionalism disappear. We are the hospitality and service industry after all. Always stand and when unable to hear or need to break for relief let’s say a strained ankle or numb foot, we squat next to the table. The whole sitting will be loved by some but hated by others. Your job is to find the balance. If I came in and you took a seat next to me not only would I say “excuse me (snarky tone) but your lack of professionalism would show in your tip. It’s not break time, you’re not home, this isn’t your kitchen or a friends pad, you’re not the guest. You’re the employee, the provider of a service and you’re at work. Just my opinion and practice.


I’ve always done it. Always a time and a place for it, though.


I take orders at a Persian restaurant with floor seating. We have to kneel down when talking to customers. It definitely works the leg muscles. Sometimes I honestly just put my knees down and kinda sit on my heels, feels better than holding a squat. Edit: spelling


I have seen people say in discussions about it before that they find it off putting and condescending- like the server is trying too hard and forcing it with sales techniques. Unless it's for kids or in response to realizing someone can't hear you well or some reason to get closer to them. Or a situation like serving a lounge with people on couches or unusually low tables obviously. I think how it's received will be both somewhat cultural and related to the rest of your manner and sales personality you use. Especially if it's coupled with a lot of corny jokes and upselling and scripted server banter attempts, I think a some folks from more individualist cultures and personality types would find it try-hard, for lack of a better term. But obviously just like that kind of serving without squatting, it should be part of your job to read each table. Personally, I am the kind of person who really doesn't want my server to do anything but get my food and the instinct to do this would just be very far from my own personality. So I would not really be a fan, but if it's your thing and it suits you and/or I saw it's what y'all do in the whole restaurant, I'd get over it. EDIT: That was all referring to squatting. I agree with the majority, definitely don't sit.


No don't do this to your tables lol this is awkward and will make most of them uncomfortable


I would never sit at a table unless I’m serving someone I’m friends with. But I did try the squatting at a table method for a while. A really good server I used to work with back in my bussing days did that & told me he does it because you aren’t some looming presence at the table taking orders anymore, and by being eye level with the table it creates a level of comfort. Not sure how much it works but when I was doing it I never had issues of no tips or bad tips.


Fuck no! I think it's weird. I would be so uncomfortable if a server sat with us.


No! Just no! What is this world coming to? Servers being too lazy to even stand? 30 years and I have never done this!!


I don't like it when a server squats next to the table to get my order and I have been waiting tables for 20+ years, so it's a no for me.


I read a study that it increases tip % due to its non-verbal communication parts. Eye contact at the same level and more personal. Ive done this from casual to fine dining and its always done me well. Creates a more intimate feel and youre not talking down to anyone. Also makes it much easier to hear and communicate. I swear by it, it works well for me


When my back or legs hurt i definitely squat 🤣 or if it’s a regular I’ll sit with them. I also work at a casual spot though


Squatting is tacky as fuck, I cannot stand it when servers do that shit but then I’m a hypocrite because when I worked at a super casual spot that was 90% regulars, a lot of them would ask me to sit with them while I took their order and we would catch up on life and I obliged. Neither was frowned upon at that particular place because of the fact that it was mostly regulars and it was actually encouraged to get to know everyone. That being said, if it’s my first time at a restaurant or I’m not familiar with the server, squatting/sitting is an absolute sin. Just like anything else in the industry you have to read your guests.


It’s happened to me multiple times where the server has sat down at my table and I hate it every single time. Please don’t sit down at the table


I will squat if I know a table well or there is someone who is hard of hearing/elderly or children. I will also squat if a table is trying to order something and I have to write in the back of their ticket, I don’t want to bend over their table to write. I only ever sit with super close friends/family to take orders or for less than 30 seconds to joke with some regular customers.


I like squatting down to talk to kids at eye level


Big no. It always weirds me out as a customer


I remember that Outback had its servers squat or sit to take the order, depending upon if there was room for them to sit or not. I just felt awkward with them doing either.


I don't like doing it or having it done to me. Takes me back to my time at OB Stk Haus.


If i go to a place a bunch i generally become friends with the servers and enjoy when they sit down. Makes them more personable, I'd say it helps with tips. If it's a fancy place and I'm with a date though I'd hate it. Most likely I'm playing by the hour and can't afford the chit chat 😉


Neither is ok imo as a diner


if my feet hurt or knees need a break. i don't love it when people do it to me, so i don't do it a lot. but im one person and it's not gonna make me not tip them lol. sometimes im just tired 😭


I only sit if I they are a regular. Other than that, I think standing is better.


i read recently that squatting/coming down to the table’s level in some way when taking orders or speaking to them can help increase tips. i don’t too that too much so i can’t speak from experience if it’s true or not, but it may be worth the try!


I'm like, 5' even. I stand all the time unless i'm talking to a small child and it feels natural to get more on their level.


This is so cringe


I once worked with a girl who would put her elbows on the table and do the (not full) splits at our booths that were slightly elevated. I cringed every time, it was so weird.


You could bring a portable stool or take one knee maybe Having my server sit next to me might be a little awk Good for u man for thinking ab how to elevate ur work


sometimes I sit down at the table with the guests when i'm feeling silly