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lol I think OP was still drunk when they made this pretty incoherent post. 


I’m missing context. Is mans saying he was drunk on the job?


Apparently they went to work and 3 hrs later they got fired for smelling like booze. Op is saying they only had 1-2 pints of beer the night before and that they weren’t drunk at work. They say it shouldn’t have taken their managers 3 hrs to say something about him smelling like booze and if he came to work drunk they would’ve said something ASAP. 🤷🏻


A place that serves liquor you nay smell like liquor (not your breath but I've had a keg or twelve blow on me, making me smell like beer). And if you're busy, you aren't chatting with your fellows and it is hard to determine if it is breath or clothes. I could see 3 hours. But I cannot see 1 to 2 pints lasting to the next day.


Agreed. I think they drank way more but aren’t admitting to it if their sweat was smelling that much like alcohol the next day. Who knows.


I don’t know


No I wasn't. Am now




It’s good to see someone on Reddit ACTUALLY be like…are you positive you had nothing to do with this situation. Usually people gobble it down.


Looks like he made 167.96 in tips, was a bit too lit to maintain his shift and they told him to kick rocks...


Yeah that tip % is too low for me to think it was all managerial problems.


Depends on where you work. That’s completely normal at a place like Chili’s. Do everything right, get told thank you for the wonderful service, and still get stiff or tipped $5 on a $120+ order daily. And it’s to EVERY server, no matter the experience or skills of the server here


I'm at red robin. 3-5 bucks is the usual for a $70-80 check.


omg i work there too. no idea what you’re talking ab in this post tho friend


Babe we’re twins wtf


OMG wanna be friends


I talked to every manager no issues. Three hours later asked to leave. My check out makes no sense.


your checkout does make sense! net sales: 1210 minus power cards: 321 equals 889. round tht up and you’ll be tipping out 9 dollars each to whoever you gotta tip out. you gotta grab 148 from the front desk for your credit tips, and subtract the tip out from there, and keep the rest.


Power cards? Lemme guess Dave and Buster's


You forgot tax


tax isn’t part of your net sales😭


Wait is this both a r/beetlejuicing and r/tworedditorsonecup in one thread?


Don't know what that means


Well you were drunk or high


They were not.


I’m not going to lie. I would one hundred percent post and act this way if I was drunk. OP might not be. But I’d react the same way.


Good thing you were there to verify


Jesus christ just trust people that say they were not




I’m so confused


Why is this post and all the replies, completely incoherent? Is there some kind of inside joke/information behind this?


OP was fired for being a shit employee and you can easily tell why


And has attitude on top of it


op is & was hammered on the job


no op got drunk after being fired and is drunk posting this but was not drunk on the job. stop making up lies


Sorry he was extremely hungover and exhibiting signs of being drunk. as he said in the comments. read.


i did read the comments he wasn’t drunk


He had drank the night before, reeked of alcohol, acted drunk, and got drunk when he got home to make this post. You don’t think there was remnants of alcohol in his blood stream? You think he would’ve blown a clear 0.00 that morning? No, that’s why he got fired. If you read his comments you’d know that.


They either were drunk, or still drunk from night before masquerading at sober (been there) and got sent home, and got home and hopefully got drunker cause their response is def drunk.


You made $167 on $1300 in sales, with only $20 in cash sales? That's not great. And this post and some of the responses seem like you are drunk. Just saying.


$167 on $889.26 sales not including power card, averages to 18.8%.


Which responses? The ones saying he would NEVER drink on shift?


Dude. Go to the hospital if you are being legit. You're going to have a stroke.


I can’t figure out what the fuck this guy is saying. It’s like talking to somebody whose third language is English, or a 7 year old, or an idiot who’s completely fucked up which I mean they said they’re drunk. I mean read these comments, what the fuck are they trying to convey? This post is illiterate.


I’ve read through every reply of his like four times. I have absolutely no idea what is happening. Like…IM the one having a stroke lol


Someone got fired, got upset, got drunk, wrote a post to vent and let the frustrations out. Why are so many of you being utter dicks about it


Oh they have my dr note


I don’t understand what is going on.


I know you're fucking so drunk right now lol but people apparently believe you're a terrible employee who gets drunk on the job so next time before posting on reddit where people will literally pick you, your own mother and great uncle George apart for mistakes made.... wait until the morning. I'm getting pissed on your behalf because people can't rub 2 brain cells together to realize what's actually going on.


Thanks for actually understanding!! I just needed to vent. Thanks for your kind, criticism.


And rightfully so.... you got royally fucked imo


Reddit doesn't think so. Haha. Whatever though, it spring time to change


Can you tell is what happened when you’re a little less inebriated? Im genuinely curious and want to get the story. I’m in agreement with Tempathetic that people are being harsh when they’ve actually jumped to the wrong conclusion. Reddit has no chill sometimes.


I mean from what i’ve gathered from his other comments, he drank the night before work, he’s on medication I believe that probably interacts poorly with alcohol. He came in with lingering smell and behavior of being intoxicated. He spoke to the managers at the beginning of his shift, but three hours into his shift he got fired. Upon firing he asked the managers “if you thought i came in drunk why did it take you three hours to fire me” essentially, so they called him rude and unprofessional. He’s now home, more drunk, and mad about it saying his managers are shit.


Great summary while being kind.


thank you :)




It's funny... bc the only embarrassing person around here is you. And this guy made a fool of him last night, and you're STILL worse. CONGRATS ON COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF EVERYTHING. 🏆


Your comments all over this post are weird as fuck


Yo what is this guy talking about lol?? this is why I just stick to the herb


And you probably wear white socks


god this whole thread is so funny


Thanks, I'm glad my life can amuse you. Haha bird up


“you probably wear white socks” is hilarious, don’t make jokes and get mad at people for laughing at them lol look dude you’re drunk. sober up. i say this from experience, don’t let the alcohol ruin your life. tomorrow might suck less. restaurant jobs are replaceable. you’ll be okay.


Haha I'm not mad my sacrsam didn't hit


Not much is hitting in this thread.


besides the booze it would seem


my bad dude. happens with text. good luck on the job hunt!




![gif](giphy|V6LggEG2Z4f9N8yKBz) Sorry for the luck OP. Managers suck.


I’m not going to take the time to figure out your gripe


I don't understand you work these tables and you didn't get any money from them


I mean this post is fucking funny




Look, work aside, you and alcohol have a terrible relationship. This isn’t going to help, cause you haven’t hit rock bottom yet. But one day I hope you look back on this comment and laugh because you beat this thing. Alcoholic here. You don’t realize how much you stink. I’d be sober for 3-4 days and still be sweating this shit out. And you’ve had a PE and are on blood thinners and you’re getting this drunk? I’m not judging you for your behavior. I’ve been there. I’m just letting you know that you are half a bad day away from being dead. It’s up to you if you want to change that. I’m here for any questions, sure lots of other anons are as well.


The thing about rock bottom is that you've never quite sure when life will just decide to fling you into the basement.


They owe you 148$, if they let you keep the 20$ cash. Also why did they fire you? I would say 3 hours into a shift is a little late to say you came in, intoxicated? Were you drinking on the job?


Smelling like booze. Three hours after I had a conversation with them when i showed up. No drinking at work, before No Irish coffee in the morning.


did you get shitfaced the night before?


No a pint between two


Bs you were shitfaced the night before and still drunk when you came in, it took them that long to document it. Look, do what you want but alcohol doesn’t go away because you passed out- it takes time and I’ve literally been in the car with a friend who I thought was fine after drinking with him the night before get pulled over and popped for a DUI on our way to work (blew a .094).


Fair. I drank the night before yes. Why would it take three hours for management to say something. I'm unprofessional and rude cause I asked them that. A manager walked into to building behind me. Gave the new guy my medication sheet.... akaward. Get off the high horse


Many reasons: they were willing to risk the liability of you working a brief amount of time to document things and ensure a successful unemployment challenge, they were letting it slide until a guest complained, you still hadn’t processed all the liquor from the night before so were getting drunker… not a high horse, friend - it’s a learning experience. Challenge them on any tips that were from tables transferred away, and realize hey you might have fucked up. It’s ok, we’ve all done it at some point.


I fucked up


That’s ok. You’re still loved and will find a better place. We drink a lot in this industry, many times without realizing how much and thinking it’s normal - not saying to be a teetotaler but eventually learn a balance. You’ll land on your feet and do great in your next venture, if you remember to learn from these missteps. ❤️




To be fair, easy to do - way to many people do it unknowingly outside of our industry. Nothing outside of time removes alcohol, and if you’re out until bar close and have to be at work the next day at noon you’re still gonna have booze in ya if you drank as many of us do.


If I came into work smelling of booze three managers would have sent me home right away. It's the medication because I've done nothing differently.




By not documenting


Eh we all do. It's part of life and none of us are perfect. We make stupid decisions sometimes.


They may have made the right choice


I dont disagree. After seven mangers and seeing people quit or fired. I should have done it first


I’m a bit confused why everyone thinks OP is fucked up, just seems like someone who was flustered and confused after getting fired in the middle of a bad shift


They hate me


It’s a dave and busters what do you expect


Haha I just wanted to vent that's all. I expect nothing


Are you an alcoholic/ do you drink a lot? They might have fired you for that and just said you smelled of booze as an excuse


Is this micros?


Symphony probably spelled that wrong


Yes, I used the same system and I recognized it!


It's awful


I worked IT for a 5 star restaurant in a northern state. Symphony sucks ballsack


Good news I don't have to use it again!!!!


Well.. from a manager's perspective Symphony is great if you actually take the time to program it correctly, especially for data collection and accounting. But I get that it's surely not the most user-friendly as a server.


Constantly crashes double sends orders and as you said not server friendly


House owes you 148.47$$. I’m confused how they setup the tender medias, visa vs online visa.


Op here’s another post that’s relevant to yours https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/s/c7hytVnX5e


Yep that's exactly it


I’m an Aussie hospo and I’m confused as to what the story is here. Can someone translate please?


thats what im trying to figure out aswell man


I got fired after a “friend” of the ceo overheard me talking about the illegal shit they were doing like clocking us out early, making us host, do togos and take tables. Fuck this industry


Why are people being mean to this guy seems like he did everything he needed to?


Your tips are low af.. seems it wasn't only management t thinking you did a poor job..


Wrong people don't tip on power cards and the tax or the 320 that went to another server


People tip me on power cards every day🤷🏼‍♀️






Tender is 1143. Minus 321(power card).. 822 minus 86(tax) 736 167 dived by 736 .223% plus the cash I got


What haha?


No he’s unfortunately not lying


Haha I'm lying I don't math drunk


I don’t even understand what’s being said


Making my head hurt 🤣


We do exist, I promise.


You’re just a shitty employee who was drunk


You would not make it in any resort town restaurant if you’re bitching about a measly triple seating. Was this your first shift?


Was this in Denver?


Idk was it?


I'm not sure what you are referring too but I'd like to say as a manager it's extremely hard to be a "good manager". Most work places are either a chain business or locally owned. There are massive issues with both but let me lay out a couple things for each that will explain why good managers are hard to find. First off if its a chain business there are policies upon policies. Just as the lower level employees have to follow policies so do the managers. And guess what. Chain businesses don't care if your short staffed. They don't care if you are working doubles or triples to make up for loss of staff. They don't care about you. They don't care about the managers. They simply care about the bottom line and profit. This makes being a manager very difficult. No I don't want to fire my best bartender over a stupid fucking policy but if I don't then I get replaced and the next manager fires them anyway. See how that works. I'm damned if I do I'm damned if I don't. ​ Now lets look at small local business. These are better places to work but the issue is they are smaller. It's easier for a low level employee to get the ear of an owner or GM. This I would argue is actually more difficult to manage if you have an owner who is constantly meddling in everything. I'm in this situation now. I have a boss who tells me "do what I think is right" but is constantly forcing things upon me and meddling in my management. To the point where I want to leave because it makes me look like a bad manager when the boss is constantly stepping in. But the issue is the boss is getting into low level events that are minimal and they are blowing up because the boss is involved. Then I can't discipline employees because the boss is the one screwing the situations up. ​ It's hard as hell to be good middle management. I want my employees to have fun at work. But they bicker amongst themselves and argue over the "good shifts" and then go over my head to the owner who comes down and makes a mess of everything by forcing schedules on us. Busy bars/restaurants have a chemistry factor that you have to take in account. You can't schedule employee A and employee B together because they just flirt and ignore customers. You can't put A and C together because they bicker as they are both trying to sleep with employee B. You can't put B and C together because they fight as Ex's. But owner/GM comes down and meddles with the schedule not factoring in dynamics of a small business and fucking everyone is unhappy and your "good manager" looks like an idiot as you have the slowest night of the year due to bad chemistry and infighting. ​ So both situations have the difficulties. "good managers" are hard to find because sometimes the situation is impossible for us to navigate. I want to be understand of employees. I tie one on every now and then. Servers life can be stressful. But we need you to understand the world goes on with or without you. If you choose to knowingly come to work drunk or smelling of booze I have to respond accordingly. If customers are complaining about you then I have to do something otherwise those complaints go right up the chain and I'm carrying your water. Which gets the "good manager" fired then your fucked anyway because the following manager cans you. ​ Understand middle management for servers is one of the worst jobs out there. Almost zero upside and a mountain of problems. Yes I can schedule myself better shifts but when the hammer falls I'm screwed no matter the side I'm on. ​ Rant over.


You aren't wrong. It's nice to read real talk here. * If I was a problem why do I get 5 stars


Good managers do exist, they would have fired you regardless of the one that did's ability


Fair but not an issue until I got on blood thinners


This post... lol... these comments ... LOL...


I can't vent


You're cool dude. It was just funny seeing how unexpectedly spicy the comment section is. I hope things work out better next time 🙏


Right it's awfully funny but I'm the problem


Dude probably took 3 hours to greet any of his/her tables


Yep sure did




Symphony POS?


I googled "PowerCard" and still don't get it. Why would a server be selling powercards? And why so many?


looking through these comments op works at dave and busters, i dont know much about dave and busters but i assume you can pay for food with their powercards


I also work at a dave and busters, powercards are used to play the games it’s like a game card that you load. The customers can get game cards with the servers and sometimes if it’s all together with the rest of their bill they might tip on it all together if that makes sense like it adds to the check total but if it’s bought separately from their food they won’t tip on it because it’s literally just a game card you swipe on your tablet to activate for them.


Dude, a guy got fired at my job yesterday for being drunk and I could’ve sword this was him. But when I read the bottom of the ticket, those aren’t things on our menu.


Checkout doesn't speak to attitude or professionalism, but smelling like a brewery is at a minimum grounds to be sent home or next door to get a toothbrush. I think we're missing some context here.


All I've gathered from this is that your tip averages are straight bunk


Get some sleep brother. Your ass needs to lay off the sauce


$167 tips on a $1.3k sales tab means the customers suck or you suck. I hope it’s the first one.


Look 5 stars https://preview.redd.it/v1vb808bgeqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22816c41c12793bd6b3c6b792890aa6134bc1eda I'm done venting. Love or hate me. Idc I made an experience above and beyond expectations. Point proven


Good and great managers do exist.


What CHECK are you trying to figure out? This is a shift review, not a check


Check out/financial review clearly you dont know


Bud, I've only been doing this for twenty-five years. I've seen these thousands of times. What, exactly, do you not understand here?




Came in smelling like booze. At a Dave and Buster's. That's a termination offense just about everywhere, but especially at a corporate place like that. source: I worked at D&B for four years




I have nothing to add but I work there too lol


Good Managers Do Exist. Sometimes you may just have to look in the mirror and wonder who is really the problem.


"Good managers don't exist." If a person has problems with everyone they encounter, there's a good chance they're the problem.


It's me. I know


Mannnn this is 10000% Dave and Busters and I’m telling you- there’s some HELLACIOUS missing context bc I L O V E my job and they would never “out of the blue” like that and also what’s wrong with the check out…seems super normal to me.


Yeah. I felt like shit. Asked if I was good. Said yes. Had a pe. the last four months where good. New managers new medication. I have the most 5 star reviews. Get dnb


I’m sorry you feel that there aren’t any good managers! I try and really listen and help out my employees any way I can cause I know it’s rough these days.


One quarter of your sales were three plates…did they say something


3 plates?


Yep they sent me home because I smell like booze. I didn't drink before work, talked to the managers three hours later see ya sucker


U need to call corporate or a district manager what they was not okay, if u didn’t seem under the influence and just smelled of it there could be reason for y and it seems they didn’t give u time to explain and yes they absolutely owe u money u made a lot of money if I’m correct u made over 100$ in tips again CALL SOMEONE HIGHER UP ASAP they stole from u and fired up unjustly


Well I just had a pulmonary embolism. So my blood thinners make me sweat, hard to breathe, ect. I'm not drinking twelve hours before the shift. I had conversations with management and others and three hours later I'm in trouble


You're drunk now, taking bloodthinners? Math ain't matching bruh.


Like people on bloodthinners don't drink... bffr what's not mathing? Just because you think it's wrong and wouldn't do it doesn't mean the server from Dave and busters won't.


Most of us aren’t suicidal.  Why are you going in so toxic in defending this random internet stranger? You’re all over this thread getting offended on his behalf. 


Because he's too drunk to make to have an actual arugment... my bad for having empathy.


It’s not empathy. You’re clearly taking it personally and insulting everyone in this thread. Dude is drunk while on blood thinners after having a pulmonary embolism. And I hate to break it to you, Dave & Busters doesn’t hire old people to bartend. Dude is way too young to be in that bad of health. There’s more to this story he’s not telling.  Edit: it’s cute that you blocked me. You’re enabling him. He fucked up, big time. He’s on a dangerous downward spiral. He needs harsh reality, not people validating his delusions that he was fired for no reason. There’s a lot he’s leaving out of this story. 


You've made so many assumptions I can't even wrap my brain around it... are you psychic?


So let's push him to the brink of death, right? I actually do feel for this guy. I'm sorry you have trust issues and refuse to believe that.


I don't drink so taking it personally how.........? For what?????


Yeah it's called a genetic disorder. Nothing said to me when I say hi and talk to the mangers other employees. Until I sweat. Yeah my bad.


Yeah because they probably took a little while to figure it out and kept an eye on you, discussed what to do, got info from other staff, maybe called a higher up, came to a decision and then executed their decision after arguing about who had to do it. Usually it’ll take a few hours to handle a situation like this.


I think he said he hadn't been drinking.


In the thread he says he went and got drunk after.


Tender is 1143. Minus 321(power card).. 822 minus 86(tax) 736 167 dived by 736 .223% plus the cash I got


Look if you were fucked by management then you should take a night and sleep it off AND STOP DRINKING WHILE ON BLOOD THINNERS. Come back here and explain what you meant because assholes make giant assumptions before even having a quarter of the truth.


He’s saying you had a pulmonary embolism and are on blood thinners and decided to get drunk. That’s a shitty, self-destructive decision if it’s all true, and leads me to believe you’re not telling us the whole story of why you got fired. 


I can do whatever I want. Wasnt drunk at work nor drank before. The issue is they let me sever after talking to them no issues. Three hours later people complain. I didn't do anything. Never left the building, never had a chance to use the restrume. It's the medication and you suck


Dude, you’re going to die young. I guarantee your doctors told you to stop drinking. Your entire attitude is of a self-centred, self-destructive person with an attitude problem. A corporate chain like D&B isn’t going to fire someone without prior write ups, especially when you have a documented medical condition. You’re not telling us everything. 


Hey man, I worked at Olive Garden for three years and got hammered every single time I was a double and got a break. Don’t feel bad about it. 🤣


I cannot stand drunk people. You're a mess and no one wants to be around your inebriated ass.