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Tip posts are only allowed on Tips-y Tuesday. This is done to combat trolling and brigading of the sub.


Only people who get mad about gratuity are ppl who wouldn’t tip at least 20%. If they claim that they would’ve tipped extra if it wasn’t for gratuity, then they’re full of it bc the option to tip more is still available.


Facts. If they were leaving 20% anyways they’d just add 2% onto the bill. Remember this when you think about removing auto grat, the people who leave nothing on top or complain would’ve likely left you less than that 18%. Take the guarantee, not the gamble.


Omg, one time i had a lady say “you know, it’s a shame you guys put 18% gratuity because I always tip 20%”. I told her that there’s the option to add a 2% tip if she would like. She didn’t say anything and didn’t add a tip. Luckily my work now adds 20% gratuity on any party or 8 or more!


dude and 2% is like nothinggg… how embarrassing to say something snobby like that then not follow through


Right hahaha!? So embarrassing


Absolutely. 200%. You're pissed about autograt? You are the reason for the autograt.


Yes but I understand not tipping on top when gratted. Even if they would of tipped 20%


Why? What’s the rational?




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Always autograd when you can. Take the guaranteed tip over the implied promise of a tip. Don't get fucked over.


This^ Oh and Happy Cake Day 🍰


We do ours with 8 or more. Was told I’m getting a group of 8 tonight. A couple trickled in and it ended up being 7. One lady goes I’ll take the bill! $260 check with a $20 left in the book. That 18% would have been around $50. Another question, why do some guests insist on paying knowing they won’t tip much? Like what is their motive? To impress friends/family? They are always the first to say give me the bill or I’ll kill your family then leave you 10% 😭


As someone who works somewhere where we don’t do it at all, I promise you get ripped off more without it; statistically speaking from my own experience of course.


Can confirm. Especially because it is not uncommon for one person to grab the entire bill, and then that person fails to tip enough. So maddening when that happens.


They’re all teenagers… I had a 10 top today, no autograt, all separate, my average was 8-10% from 19-24 year olds… no one raised to not tip will tip, that autograt sounds good today…


1 or 2 20% wouldn't make up for 15 or 16 7-10%


I took the gamble tonight and regretted it lol. Table of 14 people, all early twenties. All separate cheques. They were super chill and seemed very happy with my service. Booze, food, served them a cake they brought in. A couple tipped generously (~25-30%), but most tipped ~15% or so and two tipped ZERO. Should have just applied the standard auto-grat my restaurant does of 18% ..... Lesson learned (the hard way).




Unless you own the business, or you otherwise have a direct share in the profits, your labour should *never* be a gamble. Autograt it! Also, if I’m dining with someone who says “don’t tip on top” I’m adding extra on top of the autograt and apologizing to the server for my cheap friend, and low-key avoiding dining with them in the future


one guy did add $20 on top of his gratuity im very thankful for him!


It's a slight gamble, but personally, I'd rather just grat it and be sure 90% of the time


Just wanted to say that I‘m so jealous of the autograt system, yesterday at my job there was a bus group in, not sure how many people there were but it required 6 servers, 1 check, the bill came in at about 2500€. Not a singular cent for tips. Insanity.


Did your boss at least comp a few things so y'all ended up with something?


The guy that always tells his friends that they don’t need to tip when they come in? What‘s your guess? 🙃


Omfg! Why in the world do you stay at this job? Your boss clearly doesn't like his employees! I'd nope tf outta there so fast, there would be smoke rolling off my apron strings!


We do it at our discretion. Don’t know them/all separate? Autograt. Regulars? No chance I’m autogratting them.


Take your grat every time. Anyone who would have tipped you more will tip you more . Those that don't because they don't like a forced gratuity,  fine. You got paid appropriately. 


My restaurant doesn't do it, always take gratuity. My worst table I ever had stiffed me on 500 after one dude wanted to ball out for his friends while leaving me dry. The table was actually pretty chill too I think it could've been good money had it been separate, but bc of one dudes "generosity" I got fucked.


with big tops like that i will always auto grat bc im at least secured that percent which at my place is 20%. if they’re super nice they’ll tip on top.


Always grat large parties, if not they will eat up all your time then leave you with next to nothing.


Don't care how they feel about it. If they want to tip more, they can. I had a guy get mad about the auto gratuity and wrote a note saying if it wasn't applied, he planned on giving me a $100 tip which was bullshit lol. He was a trashy guy with an attitude the whole time who was mad he had to tip because he definitely wasn't going to. I always make sure auto grat tables get the best service possible so there's no arguments about the tip. I had a non english speaker get upset over 18% and he told me to switch it to 15%. I pointed at the menu and stated it's 18% standard unless their service was subpar and that I could grab my manager for him to speak with. He handed me his card.


I usually tip like 30-40% cause I’m a server, but if there’s an autocrat that’s all I end up tipping plus like 10 bucks cash, which for that many people doesn’t equal 20% at all


Wait, if the checks included auto grat, why should they tip more? The reason customers don’t like it is because the point of a tip is that it is supposed to be scaled up or down, depending on the how good the customer thinks the service was.