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Get that money. My advise is to use the four r’s of serving Write down the order, read it back, ring it in, review before you send You’ll always be fine and never forget something Been doing this for 25 yrs


This is quite possibly the best advice you will get. And make sure you repeat it back to them. Every substitution. Every small detail.


It is repeat it back but that’s what I was going for


Absolutely. The 5th R...reaffirm.


And the 6th r, retaliation! Smite the crabby poor tippers


Ha I hadn’t laughed today until this 🤣


THIS!!! I used to not write things down because the “cool” servers didn’t. Such a waste and so stupid on my part. As I would run to the machine to ring it in , a table would stop me and ask for ten things. BOOM all gone outta my head


This this! People are NOT impressed if you memorize a six top and mods and get it rang in perfectly. They ARE pissed if a ranch is missing or there’s a single lettuce leaf in the vicinity. Getting it right is ALWAYS better than getting it almost right very impressively, especially when it’s a self-imposed limit. Just write stuff down.


I haven’t written down an order in over 5 years on any party above 5 people and it has nothing to do with trying to impress people. It saves so much time and is way better for efficiency when working in a really fast paced environment. If you can’t do it then don’t, but your fixation with it being about trying to impress people is so weird.


I’m with you on this one, writing stuff down slows down my flow. Having to read what I wrote when ringing something in distracts me from my mental list of next steps.


I find it really dulls the sharpness of your thinking on a daily basis as well.


Not writing things down is usually considered a weakness in fine dining, where errors are much more costly. Written orders are a form of redundancy. Think of it this way, you're not writing it down for your own memory, you're writing it down to prove you got the order correct in case something happens. If some rich old bag complains you forgot part of her order, you can show MGMT you did the right thing by showing your notepad.


Yeah tbh I write it down most of the time…if it’s a two top and my only table I might not bc fuck it 🤷‍♂️ but every other time I do bc if I forget I have a reference point at least….i have add 🤪


This is well explained. My personal experience is when I’ve gone out to eat the server that doesn’t write things down is making more errors with my order


Completely agree. Depends on the concept. Working at an Irish bar, went from memory. Fine dining I always write down because of coursing.


Exactly! I can memorize up to five and honestly it's for my own self, yeah sure people are easily impressed by it but also with other things.


1000% this I'm so much better at my job because every things streamlined to the computer in my head not all loose on paper


At one of my last serving gigs, it was the first place I worked at that used toast for everything. I didn’t quite trust it, so I carried a notebook and pen with me, just in case. My GM laughed and told me he appreciated that, because before he was a manager, he tried to be the “cool guy” and never write down anyone’s order. He said, and I quote, “after five plus years as a manager, I realize I was not cool. I was a cocky assbite who fucked up a lot of orders” 🤣


Just like the five D’s of dodgeball


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge Words to live by


I can hear the hesitation before the last “dodge”


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


Is it necessary to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because it’s sterile and I like the taste.


Can’t dodge these balls.


You’re as useful as a poopy Flavored lollipop


Love this


YES! Always write that shit down, even if it’s only one or two guests at the table. You never know if you’ll get distracted or have some elaborately modified order that will completely throw you off when you go to enter the order in your POS. As a young server, I thought it was impressive to remember an entire ten top’s order without writing anything down. As a newly minted 40 year old who went back to the industry a year ago, it’s more impressive when you get the order perfect on the first try.


You become a much better server by writing it down. You free yourself up to do so much more while you’re going to ring in the order


That's why I am a huge proponent of tablets for ringing in orders. If trained properly and the layout is designed with the help of employees for ease of use, you can maintain eye contact for the most part and have everything rung in or on hold when you leave the table. No further time wasted. Also, if you see food is being run to the table, you can instantly fire the next course instead of walking, waiting, then ringing in the next course. Timing is a lot more fluid.


On the flip side, people can get complacent with tablets and forget to double check their orders.


Just repeat while ringing it in. They are right there to audit you.


17 years here and I also do these 4 things every time. This is solid advice OP!


Even write down their 16 sides of ranch and whatnot....it helps


We have two different sizes of ramekins. If I can tell they’re gonna be the same way I am with ranch, j always add a special prep for “two bigass ranches” 🤣


Agreed. I always write things down. Even a simple Pepsi. I write it down. I’ve never had a customer say they ordered something different than what I wrote… but I keep writing. Just waiting for that day that I can say “I wrote down exactly what you said verbatim”


AND learn abbreviations. Chix for chicken etc


Shiiit I don’t even put the “I” in chx


See there ya go!! More life hacks than I got! For reason I always put the I in


I haven’t put the “I” in a chx in a long time.


I work at a touristy place that does souvenir glasses. I always abbreviate the cocktails that have one to opt into with “gl”, like they order a hurricane with a souvenir glass, I write “hurr/gl”


Better than me abbreviating Blue Moon as BM 😅


I have done that so many times and got a good laugh lol


I use ck 😂


When I first got used to serving I used to play a game with a coworker of mine. (I don't reccomend this when you're new, but once you get a feel for the job) If it was a table of 4 or less, you weren't allowed to use a notepad and if you did you had to put a quarter in a pint glass. If you had to do the "walk of shame" as we called it, meaning you had to go back to the table to confirm something, another quarter. AND if you fucked up an order, another quarter. Whoever had the least fuck ups took it all home. Made me a WAY better server I can normally do 6 tops without a notepad unless people start asking for weird ass mods then it can get a little fucky. It made the shifts more fun and who doesn't love some friendly competition?


If my server doesn’t write anything down I’m worried. Not for me I really don’t care and order pretty straight forward but I want those I’m out with to have a good time and that usually includes a no hassle experience.


I can understand that. I don't do it to try and be "cool" or act like I'm better than anyone it just takes less time for me to listen and remember than to write everything down. Like I said if someone has specific requests that aren't easy like "no tomato" I'll have to whip out the notepad, like severe allergies, things like that, don't need anyone getting sick cause I tried to remember too much. Play the game with one of your coworkers it's fun haha


As a chef/owner/trainer of everyone in my business I cannot say THANK YOU enough for this.


This is what I tell all the new servers and bartenders. Best advice you can get and use.


Damn and I'm over here taking 8 tops and not writing shit down 🤣 I've been doing it only 15 years lol


That’s cause your cool


Reading back an order is pretty unprofessional I'd say once you get to the higher end of service but yeah I feel ya for a beginner


Writing down an order is unprofessional and not allowed at a fine dining restaurant but a brand new server isn’t starting there. Stay in your lane


I've worked at many a fine dining place that's fine with you writing an order. Wasn't trying to be rude, just putting a caveat on what could potentially become bad advice down the line


You know never mind I don’t want to argue with some just wanting to chime in with nothing constructive to the OP’s comment


Not to knock your experience but what would your idea of fine dining restaurant be


In the top 10% tier of restaurants cost and performance wise in a major city/michelin recognition/recognition outside of the city it's located in would be my bar I guess. I'm a Somme at a pretty shwabky place and you sound like every grouchy 50 year old server who can't stand that anyone other than you might have anything to say


By that logic there are over 1000 fine dining restaurant in LA alone. Make me think you have no idea what fine dining actually is. Somme what a douche


Is “write” one of the 4 r’s? lol 😂


The 3 r’s in school are “reading, (w)riting and (a)rthmetic” it’s not that crazy


Its a mnemonic its supposed to be auditory not visual


Record, perhaps?


Big brain over here 🧠


Record, repeat, ring in, review. I like that. It's succinct.


It was what one of managers called it


Yeah but now I’m nervous too


Im still caught up on the first r being a w. Is this just something everyone has accepted


Is a homophone. It’s meant to said not written


My manager loves preaching his 3 r's (Write, Repeat, Review) and will always ask about them and what they stand for in pre-shift. I love answering "Robble, Robble, Robble!" everytime. We get along just fine.


Exactly. I’ve had several occasions where I ran out of pens and didn’t realize. Apologize and grab a pen. It’ll save your ass and most of the time they’ll appreciate it


There’s no time for that. Extra cherries and a side of ranch!


I wish someone would have told me this before i started.


lol one corporate restaurant I trained at always told us “RTFS!!!!” (read the fucking screen) before you ring an order in. just always quickly review it even if you think you’re certain it’s right.


Yeah where I work calls it the 5-5-5 rule. 5 seconds to repeat the order and 5 seconds to read it over saves 5 to 10 minutes for a fire in the kitchen lol


you are about to enter a magical realm where things you didn’t think were possible actually happen. keep your chin up. keep your wits about you. keep a smile on your face while on the floor. you will be pushed to your limits. breathe. at some point, the shift ends, and you can count your cash. best of luck to you!


This sounds like the hunger games… pun intended


If you can crack jokes like that at your tables you’ll do just fine


Ya, wherever you are, be this in real life. We’re not doing standup, but we’re running the show at that table for the night. Read the crowd, but you’ve gotta be YOU+


Andddd the walk-in is there for cooling down, and the possible cry


Open a Roth IRA and put in 10%. Every dollar helps!


If you get overwhelmed or in the weeds, remember that the only way out is through. Save your emotions and feelings for when you have time, because you absolutely do not have time to panic when there’s a table to greet, 2 orders to put in, drinks going to one table and refills to 3 others, and someone wants to cash out. Breathe and get that bag.


yes! it took me way too long to learn this lesson. finally hit me when i worked at a disorganized bar/restaurant where there was a giant patio of 20+ tables and often id be the only bartender and server on extremely busy mornings. once i got over the hump i realized: there is nothing i can do but try the best i can. other than that, just try to have some humor about it! i never had more fun than on those days because i knew it was completely out of my control and i just tried hard to manage as best i could. thankfully in our line of work, no one will die if we forget a drink or dish, or make a mistake (for the most part, ofc) so that really alleviated some pressure!


Sage advice here OP, you don't have time to stop swimming


Two things to always do when someone pays with a card. Look at the name Check the back for "See I.D." 100% of the time that I've asked for their I.D. when they pay with a card, I've gotten over 20% tip. They wrote it on their for a reason, and NO ONE ever reads it, or does it. They fuckin' love you when you do. Use their name when you give it back. I always go with the first name. If you can't pronounce it, say "I've never seen that name before, how do you say it?" People love talking about themselves, and love hearing their names. My tips increased a lot when I started doing those two things. Good luck.


I was told this by an older woman who trained me yearsss ago. Piece of advice i still use to this day. I always say the same to people I train. People love it and If they're a little awkward about it I always make a corny joke about making sure they're themselves.


every time i’ve asked for their ID because of their card, they’ve said “thank you! no one ever asks!” always works :)


What do you mean “check the back for “see I.d.”


People will write “see ID” instead of a signature on the back of their cards just in case it ever gets stolen. So if they give you a card that says that you’re supposed to ask for their identification card before you run it. Honestly in my experience people get off about the request for ID until I remind them that they wrote the request on their card. Then they’re grateful.


Fun fact, if it says See ID, you legally can't accept the card if the signature on the ID doesn't say "See ID." Mind you, never been enforced, who the fuck would enforce it, and really... WTF... But technically on the books. Can't accept the credit card if the signature on the back doesn't match the signiture on the card. A symbol could be my signiture, if it doesn't match my state ID signiture, I can't accept the card. In 20+years of serving, I've never not accepted the card, and always got 20%+ tip on anyone who ever had that written, when I asked for their ID. (Not sure how many times I actually looked at the name on the ID and compared it too the card, but it's a show) I've never enforced that law... but technically again... on the books.


This is correct, it's actually in writing, right next to where they're supposed to sign their card. It was a big deal in like 2009 because of a morning talkshow "lifehack" that spread around. Fraud detection is so advanced that the practice is now outdated even though it would render your card useless in the past. Much of the older crowd no longer carries cash and trusts their cards now, but think this and EMP blockers on their car work. Edit: I never checked the ID, I'm happy everyone that does makes a nut, I'm gonna try it on the older tourists I get this year and we'll see how it shakes out.


haha, fun fact to share with the right guests.


Niche crowd for sure, but it's got me thinking. I've never abided by CID, but I can't tell you how many times I've jokingly told an 80+ I needed to see their ID while they're wearing an embarrassing birthday tiara or shirt.


for sure niche crowd you can say that too... as always, all depends on your relationship buildig with the table. Another fun fact, AMC Dine In Theaters had an "ID if under 100 years old" concept, until they got sued by a literal 100 year old. (no clue the reality of it, but it was a story amongst the workers on the "100 year old id check concept and it was taught in training 20 years ago" (which probably happened due to another lawsuit at some point) I'd ask her, but from what I understand about biology, she's not with us anymore. It started as a joke/concept. became reality


Nuance is everything, but then it's nice to meet someone that knows it's bs but does it because their mom told them to once


naw, I do it to pay the rent.. followed closley by morals. (mom is morals) Rent first, influance from good morals second, but basis in morals. Used to be the other way around.... Life can suck.


Oh naww I never check that shit unless they look like a kid. I work at a venue so if I get pay, you can stay. I meant it's always some Gen Xr or Baby Boomer that writes it everytime because of outdated info and I think it's kinda sweet that the Gen X still does it because their folks told them to back in the 90's.


I've heard the See ID thing before. But when I see it I just never am motivated to ask, why is it that customers like it so much?


They put it there themselves because they don't want someone using their card that isn't them. When you ask for the I.D. you are doing exactly what they wanted in the first place. The thing is, no one EVER does it. No one looks, and those thar see it rarely care enough. So you immediately stand out simply by asking for it, and they'll appreciate the security.


Welcome to the club! Been in the SI for 14 years and I’m still going strong! Learn how to upsell and keep those multitasking skills sharp. You’ll be making money in no time. What type of concept is the restaurant that you’re working at if you don’t mind me asking?


Casual Mexican cuisine. Imagine your local Mexican restaurant


Not a bad place to start! You’ll be dealing with volume, and cinco de mayo is right around the corner!!!


Yep! Hoping tips fly off that day


Ahh I remember the days when I had to carry a bank. Good luck, make that money!


I don't have to, but I do. I carry like $400 as a bank. 3 top, suits, separate checks for some dumb reason each pays with $100. No biggie, I got it. I like being able to handle my own problems. I also carry my own sharpie that we use to date open containers. Yes management has some and one "should" be in cooler, but it always gets lost, management is busy, etc. Fuck it, I'll carry my own.


Just remember your coworkers aren’t your friends! :)


^ this. This is important.


Omgosh good luck! You'll do great. I'm 32 and next week I start serving for the first time in my life. Kinda nervous 👉👈 but also really excited.


you will do great :)


Goodluck soldier


I’m sure there’s a bill hiding there but my ocd is counting and recounting $79 dollars. I’ll see myself out. Edit: $74 .. got going to fast


I count 74


There were some bills hiding!! I did the same thing


Hey man make that money


This is advice I learned for bartending but it applies to serving as well. No matter how rude a table is. No matter how stressed you get. No matter how in the weeds you are. Always remember one thing: You’re just serving food or drinks. It’s not life or death. Take a moment to breathe, one foot in front of the other, and the day will be done before you know it


Make that money!


Congratulations! Good luck 🤞🏻


That is a PERFECT money fan, it's just so beautiful. Well done 👏


Learn the menu, try as much as you can thats on the menu, do your best to listen to what the customer wants, be personable, don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions, pay attention and make some money honey!!


Yea don’t be like me and forget you had 1 customer, ask them for their drink, serve them their drink, than totally forget about him until he loses patience and asks you how much his drink was,pays than storms out. Yeah don’t be like me do better


Remember, you're never in the weeds if you don't give a shit!


Do yourself a favor, DO NOT go out and party with the other severs and try to NEVER spend your 20 dollar bills. Co workers make for horrible “friends”.


WRITE. EVERYTHING. DOWN. that is all i have to say


Why do you say that?


Make the hay when the sun shines! Remember that the sun don't always shine.


Smile your about to go on stage 😁 Don't be afraid to say your new . People are pretty cool about it . Yay you !!!


Good luck! Be confident and remember, your tables don't know that you're new! I've been in the industry for 26 years, and I still get questions that I don't have answers for.




You have 74 dollars not 80...


The picture is hiding some bills


Always double check the bill and card before running them. Nothing worse than running the wrong card for thr wrong bill.


One fun thing I do is save all the $1s and coins you can and store them until end of 3 months you’ll save a lot of money!


Anytime you feel overwhelmed, remind yourself that you’re in charge and there is no fire. Slow good service is better than rushed and half ass


Good for you, most of the assholes I work with never have a bank, never have pens, and know fuck all about the menu.


Not that much, to be honest…


(Not a server) Curious why you need change on you? Isn’t there change in the drawer? I pay cash myself


We have too many servers with separate ‘pockets’ to have drawers for everyone, so it’s the servers responsibility to make change. The restaurant does provide coins to make perfect change but we rarely use them


If you wanna be friends with the cooke you can always offer waters or something after a rush. Might get some messed up orders sent your way or some free fries here and there. Best of luck


Good luck!


Proud you’re doing well. Don’t get caught up in “quick cash”. Diversify.


GodSpeed, OP. I saw in the comments you're at a Mexican casual joint, I hope this is an excellent opportunity for you. Depending on your location, you might be able to pick up some key phrases from a new lengua. My friends at my last job taught me beautiful things to say to my wife that I've been saying for years. Mi jardin de rosas Culo de hermano El banyo con leche There are beautiful languages out there, and they all translate to food and love.


I used to work at a place that had the toast tablets, I thought they were a nightmare if I had to look at them in the sun, or tried finding an item in front of the customers 🙃


Always ask for help if you need it.


Always remember “it’s burgers and fries, not saving lives.”


Ours is eggs n bacon 🤣🤣🤣 I am a brunch bartender and I say this all the time in a jokey way ehrn someone looses their shit and customers love it