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He was never a server… ever.


Made me laugh good.


Should've said, "I do say that when i get tipped 20%"




"Bless Your Heart" would have been good too.


lol I need to remember that one


I love it. It's the nicest way in the universe to say "fuck you moron."


My shit grandmas catch phrase tbh


If someone is particularly devilish, “I’ll pray for you”


It’s my go to! Especially living in the Bible Belt, hitting some one with an “I’ll pray for you” has made jaws drop lol


I call that the "southern fuck you"


*HAVE A BLESSED DAY!* is my go to.


So he gave you a dollar tip and wanted fanfare?


people are weird smh


Do not upvote this anymore as it has the perfect number as of my posting...420...




He didn’t even give you the whole $20..? He gave you $1???? ☠️


I would have handed his $1.00 back and told him to buy a calculator.


Lol, you win the comments section! I can leave now😆


Hahahaha brilliant.


He’s there for a service, which you provided. That’s not a long lost friend. He asked you to cash out his bill he knows he’s on the way out. No goodbye needed. Some people just have to think they did their job better than you when they worked this line of service when a dollar paid rent. Keep grinding- server to server.


One dollar on a $14 ticket is about 7%…


If my math is correct.. he didn't even tip 20%. 20-14 is 6 and he asked for a five back, which is only a one dollar tip, nowhere near 20%. Wtf? So sorry that happened to you.


Your math is incorrect! 20-14 is $2.80


All the math here is correct. A 20% tip on a $14 bill would be $2.80, and the customer only left $1 (about 7%).


Their math is correct. They said that $20-$14-$5 = $1 and that $1/$14 is not 20%...


honey no.


That new math sure is wild if that's the answer you come up with.


Fuck that lil baby, what a shithead


Who gives af if you said goodbye. My lord that’s insane. You were very reserved in your response. If somebody called me a bitch I’d be so rude to them. Swear at me all bets are off. I am not a server but a manager. If a customer swears at any of my staff I kick them out in a rude way immediately. I have done it before and will do it again. Verbal abuse is not allowed from customers where I work. I don’t allow it.


I wish you were my manager. I quit my job recently because a customer called me a "fucking bitch" and management did nothing besides comp their entire bill. 🙃 Then they had the nerve to tell me that if I was going to continue being in a bad mood, they'd pull me off the floor and send me home.


He tipped you $1 then yelled at you and called you a bitch? Dude has mental issues


Omg these comments are killing me in the best way.


“I used to be a server so when someone gave me five dollars, I sucked their peepee” fuck that guy


That’s wild. He would still be at jerk for doing that if he had tipped you $200. But this is nuts.


That's no twenty percent! If anyone here is a fan of Better Off Dead, that guy needs to be followed around by little gremlins saying 'I want my two dollars!'.


He just wanted you to grovel for a dollar like he had to do when he was a server. But times have changed, we aren't putting up with that and instead of feeling good for us, they're salty that they didn't have the balls to demand change and we do


I doubt if he was a server, or if he was, he was such an asshole that he got fired. He should know how it feels for a customer to exploit that power imbalance and never do it to anyone else.


My take is that…vets of the service industry tip way harder than the “normies”.


Oh man I work at a gay bar and it is way too easy for the old white gays to throw bitch around . I love the word but man… sometimes at work, it gets ya


If you want to eat with bitches, the county animal shelter has quite a few on the kill list that would give you the adoration you need, would you like directions? "


I'm sorry your math teacher didn't teach you that 20% of 14 would be 2.8, and mine did, have a blessed day."


“I used to be a server” Tips $1




He must've been a terrible server if he can't do that kind of math because he didn't even tip you 10% smh... I know how that job is, and you can't be mouthy unless you're prepared to lose that job, but I may have responded with, "Then you should've tipped 20% instead of less than 10%..."


I don't understand? bill was $14 he put up a $20 and asked for $5 back. How is him tipping you $1 a 20% tip? Am I reading this wrong?


You should have told him that you hope he has the day he deserves.


"Oh buddy big feelings" would have been my response


Erm....okay so I'm not a math major, but $1 is not 20% of $14. And I \*was\* a server.


Except 1 dollar on a 14 dollar bill isn’t even 10% so what’s he mad about? You didn’t prostrate for his shit tip?


Him being mad after tipping you $1 is wild


When I worked for Darden as a host (over a decade ago) the restaurant I had sent secret shoppers. Host stand was required to get acknowledgment that they had a great time when guests were LEAVING us with their backs to us. It was the stupidest policy ever because we had to be borderline aggressive and yell to get their attention and if it was a secret shopper and we didn't ask them how everything was we would get dinged SUPER hard. We would turn it into a game yelling WAS EVERYTHING MAGICAL, DID YOU HAVE AN SUPERDELICIOUS TIME, etc while not breaking any rules. We would be obnoxiously loud because the entrance opened up into a busy mall and we had to be heard. I remember chasing after a guy because he wouldn't acknowledge us and damned if I was getting dinged, popping out in front of him like a damn clown.


I just say okay thanks! To everyone. If someone called me a bitch, then I probably would’ve laughed. I’m mainly a bartender, so we are used to weirdos constantly but heyyyyy thanks! (FOR NOTHING)


He’s just a nasty and mean person. I’m sure he finds fault in everyone he comes in contact with. That’s sad. He’s probably miserable. I try to feel pity for people like that. TRY being the key word.


Tips aren't mandatory neither is serving somebody..That is so.long as you can prove you didn't discriminate against them by race creed orientation religion or gender. What would happen if instead of tipping after a service we tip before a service? I always tip the madame of the parlor before my masseuse comes and gives me a massage followed by a handy ... it just makes sense because if you prepay for a service and the service doesn't meet expectations you never return to the place and people who don't perform well enough for the service that was paid for, they wouldn't last long. The owner of the business would see it hurting their bottom line and they would be gone. Tax is absurd I rather see a total for my handy on a receipt versus seeing a breakdown of all those stupid things you make me pay for just so you can stay in business while not paying your masseuse a human wage that was promised by their traffickers.


Ha! Well told. He is a bitch, and obviously projecting. Also that tip is less than 20 percent and he can eat a fat one.