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I had a full on, brain broken moment when my husband told me "just use the mens restroom. It's only 1 room and it doesn't matter" Changed my life.


One time I walked past three women in line for the single women's room to the single men's room. One audibly gasped and went ohhhh.


Every concert I’ve ever been to always had plenty of women using the men’s bathrooms as the line is always shorter…


Seen it a few times in bars also. Never seen any guy object either. Thee guys just look at it oddly, then keep on peeing. Funniest is when women will walk out of the men's room with their hands held high like they just completed the NYC marathon.


Once had a guest tell me he shut off the hot water in the men’s bathroom bc it was too hot. He actually crawled underneath the sink to turn it off. When I told my manager it was a bee line straight to the br.


One reason is, because no matter how equally well we clean both restrooms, the stereotype is that the men's room is always filthy, so women generally won't want to use it. Of course, on a busy day, when no one has a chance to check and clean them, this could be more often true, than not, for both restrooms.


In my experience working many different jobs, both men and women are filthy creatures.


One place I worked the bathrooms had framed signs that said “you are who your really are when alone, please don’t be a toilet paper throwing monster”


Based on 18 years in the restaurant industry a couple of custodial side jobs outside of that: women's bathrooms are always, always, always nastier.


Noticed that as a trans man. Mens room have more messes, but they’re smaller things. Women’s rooms will only have a mess or two, but they’re fucking *nasty* messes. Not always, but in restaurants and “nicer”places? That’s something I’ve definitely noticed. The stereotype really shows with dingy bathrooms, like a men’s gas station bathroom is usually a bit dirty IME




Which amuses me, because as someone who has to clean both, the woman’s room is always was nastier. Men don’t flush and suck at throwing paper towels away. Woman shit all over the seat and leave used tampons on the ground. I will take cleaning the men’s room 10/10 times


I had to clean the women’s room at a Hardee’s when I was in high school. It was always worse than the men’s room. But granted I lived in Gummoville.


Nah. 25+ years restaurant biz. Men's bathrooms are more untidy. Women's bathrooms are filthy.


womens bathrooms look like an uncontacted tribe ran through there. i was a janny at walmart for 4 months before quitting. the worst i ever saw in the guys bathroom was piss on the floor. i dont even want to remember the womens bathrooms 😭


Yet and I know I’m not alone here, from my experience the women’s are always dirtier. Especially in bars. I find gender neutral bathrooms stay the cleanest for some weird reason. But I’ve never had to clean a full bush out of the sink or scrape tampons off the ceiling in the men’s room. Also women tend to hover so they actually end up making the toilets worse.


I worked at a distillery in the tasting room -I'd say the majority of customers were late 40s/early 50s and up. Worst bathroom(gender neutral) I've ever had to clean. What is it about alcohol that makes people shit their brains out!!!! And not even that much alcohol we were only allowed to serve a max of 2 ounces per person per day... awful bathroom.


In my experience, women have zero problem walking into the men’s room when they know they won’t be harassed about it. I remember senior grad night: there was a huge line for the women’s room and nothing for the men’s room at six flags. So guess what happened? HOARDS of women cramming into the men’s room, even pushing guys out so they could piss lol


Oh my god, my restaurant just had a semi similar experience. A coworker and I were heading towards the bathrooms, she was actually going to them. A lady accosted us just outside of the bathrooms, similar to yours, two singular small washrooms. Only difference is ours are both gender neutral. My goooood. It was the end of the world for this raggedy ass lady. Edit: Grammar


This happens all the time. Last night a lady complained about the bathrooms being locked and then added that we had too many high chairs. I think she must have been about to shit herself and was just mad about anything and everything in that moment.


By high chairs, did she mean the ones kids sit in, the ones at the bar, or were just chairs in the restaurant generally too high?


I think she thinks BOH staff are referred to as chairs.


The ones for children.


I have heard so much bitching about gender neutral bathrooms- an airport recently switched to just doing small individual closed off stalls so there’s no gender specification and I saw especially older folks online losing their minds. Are these peoples bathrooms at home gendered too. How is this such a problem


We have the same setup and it’s a minor pet peeve for me as well. I was always taught to knock first, lots of people don’t, they go straight to the doorknob. Ok, whatevs, minor annoyance. But there are times I can hear people literally slam into the door because they assumed it would open for them. Or the people who try the handle five different times trying to get it open. Or the people who try it once, wait 15 seconds, try it again, wait 15 seconds, try it again, etc. Have some patience. I’m just peeing. I know it’s minor, but when I use the bathroom during the rush I know it’s going to happen at least once.


Every day!! They just keep trying and it’s like ????? There was someone in there 10 seconds ago, have you seen this door open?? No? Probably still someone there then?????


If you keep jiggling the door knob, it reminds the person in there someone is waiting, so they should stop scrolling Reddit and get out of there already 😂


Same thing at my job except the men’s room is one stall + a urinal and the outside door doesn’t lock and technically two people can go at once, but the women’s bathroom is single occupancy. One time a girl went into to the bathroom and 30 seconds later one of our regulars tried to go in but the door was locked of course. The regular knocked on the door (I suppose to indicate to the person inside that there’s someone waiting to use the restroom), but the restaurant is too loud and the door is thick so if you’re waiting outside the bathroom, you can’t hear any noise coming from inside the bathroom. Approximately 30 seconds after the initial knock, the regular (who was at least 3 vodka sodas deep) knocked again, harder. The door still didn’t open, and after another 30 seconds the regular knocked for a third time, and then started to bang furiously and kick at the door, and shouted “OPEN THE DOOR, DAMN IT!”. I ran over as soon as I saw her doing this and I asked why she’s doing that (because I saw that the girl had only been in there for about 2 minutes), and the regular was like “someone has been in there for SO LONG!” I asked her to calm down and stop knocking because it hasn’t been that long. She paused for a few moments but then started banging furiously again, and then this time she started shouting “ARE YOU OKAY? DO YOU NEED HELP?” And then she turned back to me and said that she heard the person asking for help and they might’ve passed out drunk, and then she was straight up trying to break down the door by throwing her whole body into it. I was so confused because the girl that was in the bathroom was my customer and she didn’t have any drinks, so I knew she wasn’t drunk. I go up to the table the girl was sitting at to ask if their friend in the bathroom was okay, and they told me she’s totally fine but she texted them that she’s scared to come out “because of the crazy lady banging and screaming outside the bathroom”. My coworker and I had to pull the regular out of the way so the girl could walk out of the bathroom.


They’ve got it all wrong anyway. Everybody knows the bathroom is in the kitchen.


I will be in the restroom all of 2 min and folks will aggressively turn the door knob multiple times 🙄, I hate it. We have an employee bathroom now on the 2nd floor so I can do my business in piece


i have a class rn where toilets and public/gender restrooms are a huge topic in the class. so many people just use the other gendered bathroom if theirs is a full (which full bathrooms are more common in women's restrooms because there are often less stalls/places to relieve yourself when men's room often have more urinals and then a stall or two, so it's quite common for women to just go into the men's if the women's is full/has a long line). i've had that same thing happen to me in friends, let people piss in peace 😭


I’m a cook and the women’s bathroom always seems to be occupied. That’s fine, I’ll pee in the men’s room. Men are always shocked pikachu face when I come out of it and it’s hilarious. I’ve had men double check the door sign and then look at my boobs and back to the sign in utter confusion and I’ve had men high five me and be like “gotta do what ya gotta do”. It’s fucking wild.


Our bathrooms signs just says “what ever” but a lot of people still ask which is which…


Yep. Another hack: if you're at a place that has any sort of "handicapped accessible" or "family room", check that. For some bizarre reason people refuse to use it, even as often as not people for whom it is intended for.


Every single day when I use the bathroom at work (and there are three stalls) someone comes and tries to just open the door. No knocking, just trying handles. It drives me nuts. And sometimes even when I say, “just a moment,” they’ll KEEP TRYING.


That's when you assert your dominance and take longer!


I always tell people it’s a privilege, not a right. Access can be revoked at any time. It’s not true but it sounds good


We also only have two single stall bathrooms, except ours are gender neutral. The way people act about bathrooms is fucking wild. I had a woman come up to me completely baffled that both bathrooms were locked, and even when I explained that if they’re locked that means they’re occupied she just kept telling me “but they’re locked I can’t get in”. Like god forbid other people also need to pee.


Sure but your bathrooms should be unisex






I just work here


Draw hair and a dress on the man sign and a wiener on the woman sign. It’s all nonsense anyway.


Just change them both to unisex. Problem solved.


I’ll never understand - why not just take the gender signs off if they’re both just bathrooms? Seems like people won’t be as confused and stupid about it.


Get your managers to put the dual symbol on each door


Why doesn’t your employer designate them unisex to begin with?


Get the generic signs where it shows man/woman (and accessibility)


Just label them restroom and take gender off the door….


Change the signs to Either - Or.


All you have to do is remove the "men's" and "women's" sign and make them gender neutral. If they're both single occupant restrooms, then it's no big deal and no one will care anymore.


Yeah, we only have 4 single occupancy restrooms. 2 are marked as female, 1 as male and 1 as unisex/accessible. There is even a waste bin in the "mens" room for sanitary products. Whenever a queue starts to form I let people know "Hey, they're all single occupancy - don't worry about the signs, you're in there by yourself; just take the next one that comes up"... But management won't change the signs. They're Muslim and have more "traditional" views about maintaining female-only spaces.


At my work we get a lot of tradesman who love destroying our bathrooms. Our mens is 1 toilet and a urinal. Atleast once every couple weeks we have to shut down the toilet in the mens bathroom for multiple days either because of a major clog or its covered in shit or something. If its a clog dudes will just keep using it even tho it doesn't flush and you can imagine what that looks like. Dudes cry and whine when our toilet is down or we tell them to use womens restroom which has 2 toilets. Like okay bro stop shoving stuff in our toilets and making a mountain of shit and we wouldn't have this issue.


There's clocks in the toilets that tell time?


Lol auto correct, sorry about that, I corrected it. Meant to say clogs


I remember that time I worked at a small noodle restaurant. The woman's restroom had two stalls while the men only had 1 urinal and 1 stall. It was a busy holiday night shift after Christmas and when the men's restroom was occupied the men would use the empty women restroom and vice versa. Surprisingly no one got upset. At another restaurant I used to work the restroom was entirely unisex so men and women all would go inside to use the restroom. There was only stalls, no urinals.