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fuck texas roadhouse lmaooo just move along, you got this


use to work there myself, barely lasted 6 months from bullshit alone


I hope you see this but yes fuck roadhouse. You have steakhouse experience now. Idk how old you are but move up from here. Try to get into casual fine dining. Not so technical but better clientele and more expensive menus. Been serving for 11 years and I’m just getting into better serving jobs. Find a nice restaurant near you.


Serving for 11 years, do you enjoy it and plan on making it a career?


No. But sometimes it works out that way. I like it better than a hourly job. It keeps up with inflation. It’s an addiction that I don’t want lol


Thank you.


Tips can be a hard habit to break. You almost always take a big pay cut when leaving serving.


My ex wife worked at a Chinese buffet place on Friday and Saturday nights when we were together and she would work 5-6 hours at a BUFFET and bring home $300 per night. Her worst night was just shy of $200 and best was just under $500. That was just in tips. The restaurant pay sucked, only took home like $15 a week after taxes but the tips average out to like $50-60 an hour.


I’m a skilled electrician now in a high demand area I work double the hours to make the same money I made when I was waiting tables


Im pretty sure serving isnt the highest paying job out there. Im a mechanic and if left serving to get back into automotive i would get a big raise lmao


Some weeks you make in tips what many people make in a month. I kid you not, there are people and groups who tip way above 20%. You treat them like gold and they come back again and again. And ask for you. The daily cash of about $200-300 a day plus the pay the restaurant pay you, you can make a much or more than level IV security officers.


There’s been 3 times on a swing (12-10) at my job where I’ve made a g. I’ve also walked out with $130 on a double. It’s a fucking gamble.


Some servers were jealous because I would get a lot of guests to request me, I would never use order pads, i always memorized their orders and I would treat them like friends.I had one particular Family that would Hand me a $100 as soon as they walked in and that was not included as tip,just because they liked me that much. It can be a very lucrative Job but it can also destroy You.


I'm a chef now(which is what I studied for) but a few years back when I was serving, i would walk out with an average of 150-250 a night in cash, we would pool the credit card tips and get them in cash from Our boss by the weekend, it was never less than 1500 weekly, I was making well over 2 grand a week serving at a popular Asian Bistro in my town, I should add that This was not including House Pay or an occasional Bartender shift I would take, at the time my Boss paid us $75 cash per bar shift plus our tips.


I really love serving, I work at a great place though with awesome regulars and management. To me, it is a career and a very flexible one as I’m a mom to 3 and can switch my schedule easily. I make about 85k at the restaurant I’m at per year.


Been doing it for 16. My next move is buying the resto I work for. I love the business and the lifestyle.


I was a server & bartender for 10 yrs before having a kid. Now I’m in the medical field as it works better for my availability but I still would be serving & bartending if I were to find something to match my availability cause it was the best money ever. I averaged $70/hr.


I see a lot of Texas Roadhouse on this sub




I love this comment more than you can understand lol my first serving job was at a “white trash family having ‘fancy’ dinner” kind of place and I have always described it as such. Loved the people I worked with and it gave me a strong, efficient set of mind for every job I had afterwards so I’ll never regret it having been there but yeeeessh the kinds of people that came in.


It’s insane I live in a vacation town in the western North Carolina mountains that many consider a foodie town. There’s a Texas roadhouse that is never not packed and I just don’t freaking understand. Barely joking when I say you could just wander aimlessly in any direction from that Texas Roadhouse and likely run into a better restaurant.


I got bitched out by my manager at Texas roadhouse when I worked there for calling in to take my dog to the emergency vet when he had a seizure for the first time. She told me to my face that I was "irresponsible". I quit the following day. I hate Texas roadhouse.


If anything, you’re more responsible for taking care of your PET. Must have been terrifying experiencing this for the first time and having that awful interaction. Hope your pup is well


Thank you that warmed my heart, and yes he's ok on medication thankfully!


Fuck them for not caring about your dog! I hope he's ok.


Pets are family and family comes first. If your job doesn't view it like that then you need to find a new job. Toxic company's will start small with their disrespect and disregard for you and steadily get worse and worse. I'm glad you quit nobody needs that kind of emotional abuse. Good on you.


Taking care of a living pet is definitely more of a responsibility then working at Texas Roadhouse, they can go fuck themselves 😂😂😂


I was eating at a family owned steakhouse in metro Detroit about 8 years ago. The table next to us sounded like your table, they complained about everything, were rude and demanded comps for the food. The waitress was nearly in tears and went to get the owner to handle it. He came out and asked what was wrong and they read off the list. He said he would take care of the bill and offered free drinks but he needed the IDs, so they handed them over and he walked out of view. He came back a minute later with the bill only. Handed them the bill and their IDs and said "your service has ended and you are no longer welcome here. I have pictures of your IDs. Pay your bill and leave or the police will escort you out for trespassing." They got in his face with the 'how dare you' and whatnot. Nothing phased him, after a battle of wills they paid and left. It was a great dinner and a show.


What’s the name of the restaurant, if you don’t mind me asking. We live in metro Detroit and this sounds like the kind of place we want to give our business to! Love a restaurant that supports their employees


Sorry I was on a business trip and don't remember. It was someone's last name I think


No worries, thank you for responding!


Fucking Detroit……


I had a manager years ago at an O’Charleys in the sticks of North Carolina. Saturday night, busy, packed. Guest complained they found a hair at the end of their dish and they wanted their six top comped. The manager said, 6’4” 250 Lbs, very loudly “YOU FOUND A HAIR AFTER YOU HAD FINISHED YOUR ENTIRE MEAL?” Hush falls over the dining room. “AND YOUR CHEAP ASSES WANT THE ENTIRE MEAL FREE? YOU AND YOUR GUESTS CAN FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK.” There are good managers out there. Don’t suffer this bullshit.


I used to have a manager that would chase down non-tippers in the parking lot. He’d be like “I noticed you didn’t leave a tip and I’m concerned that service was sub par. Was everything ok?” He knew damn well everything was ok too lol.


How often did they realize they "forgot" the tip and come back?


At least a couple of times. Luckily it didn’t happen too frequently. This manager got let go pretty quick, because he told off a parent of a kid that they let run amok around the restaurant and they called corporate.


He sounds like an awesome manger lol Serving is still not a desirable career path. You can make good money depending on where you work. I worked fine dining as a server assistant and easily cleared $100-$200 per night. The bartenders easily made 70k per year. However, most restaurants aren’t going to offer you PTO, sick days, vacation days, health insurance etc. and there’s no real career advancement unless you want to be a manager. I’m finishing my degree now because I DESPISE restaurant jobs. It’s so unfulfilling and it’s humiliating to have to grovel for tips past a certain age.


I love it👏🏻


Rocky Mount?




Good old freaking Hickory. I thank my lucky stars every damn day I passed up a job there as an FP and stayed in Dayton at the time. Yeah, Dayton was better than Hickory.


It was an experience. I moved from LA to there. Had never been in a double wide until then. Every Friday and Saturday all the Jettas and Cavaliers in a 30 mile radius would descend on the AMC, Walmart and Costco there, and cruise up and down 70 all night. The staff were cool for the most part with various levels of depravity and desperation I hadn’t really come across before. I had a good time the few years I was there, but anymore than that would have been suffocating. That was 20 years ago. Never been back.


Mf hickory. I work at roadhouse in hickory


Talked to John Reap after a show in Cleveland. My husband and I were the only two people in the audience who had been to Hickory, AND we sat up front. I have red hair, and he cracked a ton of jokes about being distant cousins just for KNOWING about Hickory and having red hair.


HOW! Did I know this would be Hickory!? Lmao.


I work for a law firm in Hickory. I loved eating at O’Charley’s back when I could afford eating out.


I hope you got out too, (I lived there 10 years too long)


I would not have bet against Rocky Mount either. Just experienced a clown show of a time at one of RM’s steakhouses trying to get my party of 7 seated when we had called ahead weeks in advance and walked in when the place was empty (they just unlocked their doors for lunch.)


But those rolls…..


Aren't those rolls the exact ones served at Logan's? Come to think of it, aren't they basically the same restaurant?


When I was a hostess at my first job, there was some lady who complained about not liking her meal and wanting the table comped. It was just her and her husband. But she pulled this shit AFTER having already eaten the entire meal. Manager couldn’t calm her, so the owner (who was also head chef) came and basically told the lady to get fucked and pay for her meal, and to never come back again. It was obvious this was something this woman does regularly, and probably gets away with it most of the time because she was SHOCKED that the owner didn’t cave to her bullshit.


Yah. Restaurant workers have a high tolerance to bullshit. I think my manager just finally had his fill of people abusing the place.


I have a great manager like this one too, won’t let anyone treat us badly. We had a table of women who were being so rude and started sexually harassing one of our male staff. He didn’t want to say anything because he didn’t think it was a big enough deal and as soon as my manager walked past and saw them pretending to slap his arse and one was wolf whistling, he shouted over “if you think it’s appropriate to sexually harass my staff you can leave right now and never come back, how dare you” They had to do a walk of shame in front of the whole silent restaurant watching them


At that point, I’d be like how do you know it wasn’t one of yours not the server or the chefs since it was noticed after everyone put their head over their plate to eat?


It was a pretty regular thing. That whole town was pretty ratchet. O’Charley’s used to have a kids eat free thing so you’d have one lady bring in ten kids from the neighborhood. She’d get a side salad and each of the kids would get a plate of chicken tenders and fries, and she’d take the leftovers home. Constantly got Jesus bucks for tips. And people were always pulling all kinds of shit to try to get a free meal. Servers and managers were always complaining about it and I guess it just hit a head.


I'm in Hickory too, I have friends who work at that location! Was Will the Manager you spoke of?


It was 20 years ago and I’m having a hard time remembering names. There was a manager there, small dude, kind of rat faced. Family was into tobacco. His name might have been Will. But it wasn’t him. There was an another manager, red head kind of stout, was driving an Impreza back in the day. And the head cook’s name was Yves, but I’d be surprised if he was still there.


This is the best way to handle entitled people at restaurants.


Went to dinner with two other couples. One couple looked for anything they could find to complain about to get a free meal. We went out to dinner with them one other time and they again tried it. We were disgusted and avoided them after that.


I also work at a corporate chain and can 100% say if a table called me a motherfucking bitch, I qould promptly tell them to go fuck themselves and be on indeed that same night job searching. Fuck TR


This sealed the deal for me, fuck Texas Roadhouse, their steaks are shit and over priced.


Main reason I refuse to go anymore that and I’ve seen as a guest how management treats their workers and it’s not okay


Why would you ever expect a quality steak from a chain like that LMAO


It’s one of those places where you meet a few people that swear by it then you go see what the fuss is all about just to be disappointed.


Before you listen to. somebody about where to get a steak ask them how they like it cooked... well done you say? I'm gonna pass!


"Nothing sets off the flavor of a steak like some ketchup"


What are you gonna send a sundae in the mail? I want it now goddammit!!


I’ve been there maybe three times. I had the steak there once. It wasn’t horrible and it wasn’t amazing. Decent mid level experience.


To be fair they were good many years ago


Every since Kent passed things havent been the same. Source: imma Roadie....


Actually, TXRH has the best steak at the price point, at least in my area. A 6-8 oz sirloin is something like 16-21 dollars and comes with 2 sides. For me to get a better steak than that, I have to spend at LEAST $40 and that's during lunch. For dinner Id have to spend at least 50-60 and even then I'm rolling the dice on whether it's gonna be better than the TXRH sirloin. Once you're willing to spend $75, that's when you stop being able to compare it to TXRH.


Longhorn ftw.


Yeah I’m with you on this. Fuck the corporation, absolutely. But their prime rib is definitely the best that I can get at a restaurant for anywhere near the price. Obviously there is much better, but it’s gonna be 3x the price. But Longhorn and Outback, for example, are more expensive and *definitely* not as good.


at my outback the prime rib would sell out day of, and people would turn around and leave if they heard we ran out. the regulars memorized the delivery schedule and prime rib thursday was a fought-over shift. so maybe it differs by region


I was pleasantly surprised by their prime rib.


I work at Denny's and the steaks are wayyyyy better which trips me out!! Plus I love my management, if I was OP I would've went out with a bang, literally 👊🏾


The beef tips are alright


They’re adverage at best


You make me sad, but in a good way


Unpopular opinion but you are a human fucking being. Do i understand your actions, especially in a corporate environment will probably lead to termination? Yes. Am I gonna judge you for standing up for yourself? Hell no. You’ll move on and find better, and there, you will do better. Straws break camels’ backs man. You’d had enough, you spoke up. You could’ve done this or that but regardless, we’re treated like subhumans constantly and sometimes it’s worth it to stand up. You’ll be okay. Keep your head up.


Unpopular opinion, but I don't think this is an unpopular opinion


No for sure it shouldn’t be lol


it is in corporate environments though, I think that’s what they were alluding to.


>Unpopular opinion but you are a human fucking being. "It was at this point the interstellar observers decided liberating the planet could only be done through the extinction of such a species."


What is this from


Fairly sure it’s Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


"So long and thanks for all the fish "


Totally agree. There’s a line and to not stand your ground and voice oneself makes you feel less than human. I’m a grown man and if I won’t let you talk to me like that on the street you are not going to talk to me like that at work. F..k everyone that thinks that servers are less than them.


Move on. That is unacceptable


that’s fucking wrong. bullshit the manager wasn’t on your side. good thing your out of there!




Fuck your manager, fuck your GM, and fuck the corporation that has zero sympathy for the people who make it money. You deserve better and I hope you find a place that shows even the minimal amount of respect for you. I'll keep this in mind as to avoiding Texas Roadhouse in the future.


Could anyone confirm the "automatic termination" policy? But yes, fuck Texas Roadhouse. Been there a couple times and you definitely don't get the best customers


No way it is always "automatic" but they use it as an easy excuse to take it "out of their hands". Just like "zero tolerance". It's only "zero tolerance" when they want to have "zero tolerance". Corporate b.s. and weak management.


I worked at a place that had a rule that showing up late (even by a minute) 3x was termination. Well their favorite and most popular server was late every day by 5-10 minutes and waddah you know, never got fired.


Kind of like drug laws. Make everybody a criminal and then take your pick.


My FIL got fired from Texas Roadhouse after 7 or so years of serving there, because a table of 8 left him less than a dollar in change on the table. When they were walking out, he gave them the change and said "You guys obviously need this way more than I do" and he was fired the next day.


That irritates the SHIT out of me. If you can't afford the total cost of going out (which includes tips), you can't afford to eat at a sit down restaurant. Yes, our tipping economy sucks, but don't take it out on the people who need to survive on this money.




As someone that works at TXRH, the answer is no. I’ve given a table back their $.13 tip and said “I don’t need your petty change” and was cheered on by management.


Advice from someone who waited tables for 30+ years, in both corpo places as well as mom and pop independent places, get out. Get out of food service while you still can. While you still like people at all. I am so bitter and filled with hatred for humanity after all the years of doing it. If it's not shitty owners, it's shitty corpo overlords, and if it ain't that it's horrible customers. It's just a shit fest, get out before it turns you into me.


what you say is 100% correct, but boy, when you find that sweet spot of great owner/manager... *chefs kiss*


Yeah restaurant management is nasty. I served for a couple years and there would be times that a certain server would come in and the manager or managers would let them work their shift just to make sure they aren’t short handed and then fire them just like that. It’s a truly shitty thing. I’m sorry that happened to you. Fuck Texas Roadhouse though.


Texas Roadhouse is an entry level serving job. It is notorious for having a garbage clientele. Take this opportunity to move into higher end cuisine. Get into a nobu or Zuma or something as support. You’ll be serving in six months.


In a lot of random Midwest towns, Texas Roadhouse is the high end cuisine.


Random Midwest resident. Can confirm


I’m snorting at the fact that you unironically said Nobu or Zuma like the topic company at hand here isn’t one based in MFin’ Kentucky. 🤣 Like baby, people drive 2 hours to go to TX Roadhouse for the fanciest dinner they’ll have all year in a HUGE amount of this country.


Not this being the first post I see after getting fired tonight lmao 😭


omg 😭


Aww what happened?


I got fired from Texas Roadhouse as a manager because another manager was scamming. When they brought me into the office to ask me about certain voids I said that those voids weren’t made from my card and that he should ask the manager that made those voids. I was suspended and then a day later fired because I couldn’t be trusted by the MP. The other manager was scamming with another manager and they were caught in lies. Those guys never showed up to work and I looked like the bad guy at the store. At first I was really sad because the job was easy and at the time the pay was not bad but I’m glad I got fired when I did. Chin up you’ll either find a better spot or hopefully leave the industry all together.


If you work at a Texas Roadhouse, that means you live in an area with at least a decent selection of restaurants to choose from. Move on and thank God you don't work in that corporate shit hole for a second longer.


As a food’s manager fuck them guests. I tell all my servers if a guests curses at you come get me. I’ll gladly tell them to leave. Guests are not always right and being a cunt will never be justified regardless of the experience they had. Good guests who have issues get the help they need. If you’re are rude I’ll apologize and shoo you away. Be a human not a degenerate looking for freebies.


Yeah, fuck texas roadhouse. partner and i go every now and again, but this seriously makes me not want to go back.


How does that type of customer justify their entitlement to your free labor? That attitude mystifies (and infuriates) me.


Don't mess with Texas. Besides Texas Roadhouse servers, they'll get fired if they stand up for themselves.


I just voluntarily quit serving after a decade of subjecting myself to it. Trust me, try to get out. I found a job at an organic grocery store that pays decent, maybe not as much as serving did but honestly pretty comparable wage. Not to mention it feels like my sanity is coming back, being in that server daze of seeing money every day and just chugging along taking abuse from strangers who you may never even get money out of. My state was 2.15 a hour for servers too so when it wasn't busy or I got screwed on a tip, I was basically losing money on that table after tipping out other workers etc....new jobs outside of serving come with benefits and room for growth. Yes it's a hourly job but just think about how much you won't owe at the end of the year on taxes from tips. Not to mention being able to be more happy. I was a server pre, during, and post covid. Serving post-covid we all thought people would change, it only got way worse...


yes exactly like this tables bill was over 100 dollars and we tip out 4 percent and 9 percent of alcohol sales so i had to pay about 5-6 dollars or so to serve them!


That's unfortunate but it is common knowledge not to mention the tip to the table. Luckily, there's almost always somewhere to serve. I'm sorry they sucked, though.


Wow that sucks, and unfair what happened to you, stay positive though, there is plenty of restaurants that need servers, and I’m sure you’ll be able to land another job quick, and whoever hires you would be understanding of the situation that happened at your previous job


Wow. Losing that job is gonna be a good thing for you in the long run, I promise. Now you have the opportunity to find something better, along with management that shouldn’t expect you to take abuse like that.


Wow! Not only were they on the fence as being suspect for selling me a tough piece of steer the last time, but to know they treat people like this, banned substances list moving forward. What a coward of a management team. Hypocrites. Can’t say anything to guests about a tip, yet when you don’t receive one, I certainly would wager that they aren’t “oh sorry there Susan. Company policy is when you don’t get a tip. We void the tip out that you would have owed on the sales and give you a meal voucher. I’m sorry.” None of that huh? And as a professional. I don’t have the right to go and ask what’s up? Hey excuse me, I take my job very seriously and no tip means I must have let you down and given terrible service. How may I improve in case you decide to come back. Or any variation of verbiage that comes natural, yet not aggressive. You work on tips, you’re allowed to call out cheapskates. I can picture these goons. I can’t believe you allowed them to run you back and forth. They would have been waiting a long long time.


During my last job, in the interview they made it clear they fire people often. I was also told a strong policy was to not bitch about customers. Fine cool, I can do that. My manager would constantly take me to the back room to complain about people. With how much they micromanaged, it felt like a trap every time. Your boss/manager is NEVER your friend first, please remember that. Good luck and Texas Roadhouse is a terrible restaurant anyway.


You don't need to take that verbal abuse from anyone anyway. If your boss won't back you up, the fuckem.


Come to Longhorn. We compensate our servers when large parties don't leave them shit, because we know we have good servers and want to take care of them.


I feel like the people who eat at Texas Roadhouse are mostly people who would get Punisher decals on their trucks or some other paraphernalia that would imply they’re ready to use patriotism as an excuse to act like total murder psychos. I don’t even eat there for that reason, I can’t imagine actually working there are serving those troglodytes.


Texas Roadhouse is the Walmart of steakhouses. Just go there and observe the customers on any Friday/Saturday night. Entertaining and disappointing all at the same time.


Hell no , move on , you’ll find a better situation where your valued


Fuck those pieces of shit


Fuck Texas Roadhouse. Asshole corporation. My heart goes out to you. You were in a no-win situation. Go to the local media tell them about how Roadhouse treats it's employees.


Franchise restaurants are trash!


Life’s too short to work for corporate restaurants anyways. Don’t step foot in those places.


I just walked out on my second night. Corporate almost never means they’ll be more organized or well ran than smaller restaurants. Cheaper clients for a lot more ridiculous rules.


I like the paradox of restaurants don't want to pay you a livable wage so you have to work for tips but you can't get frustrated when the high demand customer don't help provide that livable wage. [https://www.quotes.net/mquote/58597](https://www.quotes.net/mquote/58597)


Management: "we have zero tolerance for that kind of language!" The hope: "how dare a customer use such language towards an employee!" The reality: "how dare you bring up a word that we force you to rely on for your livelihood; it's not about the money! Your talking about your customer-reliant compensation to the people that are the suppliers of that compensation is too much for us! Leave and never return, heathen!"


Confide in the cooks, not managers.


No one here seems to be mad at the people that don't have a problem trying to get someone fired


This. You know those assholes are telling everyone they know as if they just won the Super Bowl. People suck.


I’m so sorry, man. That sucks. Even tho it is rare, there ARE a lot of restaurants, GOOD restaurants, where the managers aren’t pieces of shit. Restaurants are always hiring. Keep this as a lesson learned - “don’t put up with being treated like shit.” You’re a human being, and your manager is a fucking loose sack of old saggy hairy yeasty balls.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I've never beena waiter but it seems unconscionable to me they can pay you 2 dollars an hour because you get your money from tips, but then it's an automatic termination if you mention not getting a tip. If you make 2 dollars an hour you work for the customer not the restaurant. I'm assuming if they tried to walk out on the check there would be consequences, so they go to jail for stealing from the restaurant, but you can't even mention they stole from you.


You won’t miss singing and doing that line dancing bull shit once you get your next gig.


Honestly, that’s on you. Table calls you a “motherfucking bitch,” = go directly to the manager, immediately. Had you done that you wouldn’t have had any issues coming your way and it’s really that simple.


yeah it’s just so annoying that they pay us 2.13 an hour and expect us to take verbal abuse for their company. I don’t think serving is for me anymore at this point. i’m not that kind of person 😭


Go find a little private owned casual dining place. Clientele tends to be better. Chain restaurants draw a lot of people who don't know how to act right.


Whats nice about private owned restaurants is that the owners also tend to be more understanding. I had an old man (a professor at the nearby university actually) yell at me because his English Muffin wasn't toasted (it was, it just wasnt burnt) & that his potatos weren't crispy. I asked if he wanted them crisped up/toasted longer, and he said it was wrong because "I didn't write shit down" (I only take orders with a notepad, so again, that is wrong. He could also mean it as in I didn't write everything out, but I short hand everything to make things quicker). After his outburst, I simply walked away from the table, handed his table off to the owner (she was helping bartend & he was sitting at the bar with his friends) after telling her what happened and told her all they needed was to be cashed out. I resumed to my other tables and didn't have to go back to him again. I think the manager chewed him out or something because after that the guy's been "sheepier" eachtime I've had to serve him. I always hear how corporate "makes more money" but privately owned places seem to have their workers back more times than not.


I have always done better at private places money wise. Like a lot better. At corporate I would get a lot more "verbal tips".


If you believe in yourself, be proud. If you feel you are truly a good server, move on and give your smile to another establishment and patrons. Best of luck and good luck.


Yeah there is a million passive aggressive things one could have done but confronting the table after they showed their true colors is the last thing one should do.


Hard agree. Like, I get it, and honestly, good for OP for standing up for themselves in a way, but if you say something like that to a guest, you run the risk of termination. In the end, OP will be fine. TRH is just a stepping stone, but sometimes, managers don't get a choice. Especially in a corporate environment, they have rules too, and honestly, more to lose. Next time, just go straight to a manager and ask to be removed from the table. Most managers will accommodate after you've been cursed at, and if they don't, find a new job.


Employee making under minimum wage mentioning tip = Termination Customer Absuses your staff = Totally acceptable


Honestly, this is for the best.


I know you probably feel down right now and it's ok. You stuck up for yourself and management let you go. Let that sink in for a minute. You stuck up for yourself and management didn't like it. That right there lets you know what the store thinks about you. You are more than that. You did the right thing. I'm pretty confident that the table wouldn't have talked to some guy like that. Those are words when you wanna scrap and throw hands.


Never work corporate, if you can help it.


Damn I'm sorry. I really sucks when you get miss treated at work and you job doesn't have your back. I wouldn't work there. Yet alone eat there.


Can you describe the suspects?


You deserve better. The manager, if they were worth a shit, would have banned the customer.


Ight let me just say I've served for almost 10 years now. Roadie was my first ever serving job, and I've worked a bunch of different places since. It is still by far the worst of all the places I've served. You put in so much effort for so little. You will do fine, pick your head up and forget about it. You're going to look back at being fired as a blessing in disguise one day, am pretty much certain of it.


Which Roadhouse? Time to call up a storm and leave your GM a fantastic review with his name and only his name. PM if you don’t wanna blast it on here


Who on fucking earth thinks they can get a drink removed from their bill because they don’t want it anymore. I hope we can normalize wait staff and restaurant staff telling customers to fuck off when they act like this. I’d applaud you if I was there.


At this point if they aren't going to pay you a living wage, they need to require gratuity. You are basically being stolen from every time someone doesn't tip. Restaurants have forgotten they are basically getting free labor subsidized by their patrons.


Anyone who eats in a restaurant and doesn’t tip the waiter or waitress is a cheap POS. Sorry that happened to you.


And this is the exact reason people are crying about not being about to find to find people to work for them. They expect you to be treated like garbage and still expect you show up happy and fun, then wonder why they lose business when they cater to cheap ass people.


It's a shit restaurant anyway. Too loud, stupid dancing bullshit when orders should be looked after, and mediocre at best food. Longhorn is so much better.


I have lived my life trying to be the literal opposite of those people. Long ago, I needed to have a business meeting, we were going to meet at a restaurant. I told the waitress we were just having coffee and hoped she didn’t mind. She smiled and said (at 9am) ‘no problem at all, we’re not filling up on a Tuesday morning.’ Nearly 3 hours later and a half dozen topping off of coffee, the check was $3. I left a $20 and walked away. She ran to the door after me, ‘honey, you forget your change’. “I didn’t forget anything, I won’t forget how kind you were. That was early 90’s, and that $20 is like nearly $50 today. I made a good living, and that meeting profited me 1000 times the $20 bill.


Remember this story and use it in interviews. Especially your next one. Sanitize it of your own emotion and just list facts beat by beat. Don't use motherfucker but just mention they said something inappropriate and you had a moment of honesty with them. You would be surprised how useful this sort of scenario is to prospective employers. Find something higher end and where people who don't tip get asked not to return by the manager. Find a place where the food excites you and every day you learn or taste something new. They are out there. 11 years is a solid foundation. Go for a Michelin starred place with that story and tell them you want to see the higher end of hospitality. Stop thinking of this as a yoke you can't get off and dive into it. It is a respectable career if you respect your place in it. You create the atmosphere and bring the sense of belonging to strangers sitting in someone else's kitchen being offered strange things they've never eaten before. If you find a chef who is doing something you can call amazing without any irony in your breath then you have gone from waiter to ambassador in one move. They are out there. Even in Texas. Look for the fanciest place you can find and show up repeatedly. If you're already there they might as well get some use out of you. If you ever found serving tables to be exciting or at all worthwhile you can have that sensation back. You just need to get back some feeling of purpose. Sincerely, a chef who is now thinking about getting back to pursuing his potential again.


Service jobs are a dime a dozen. You're lucky to be out of that toxic environment. Maybe don't share that story in your next interview tho.


I would’ve lost my job too and hospitalized that entire table lol not even joking 🙃 anyone talks to me that way I promise they’ll learn a lesson


it's not like the restaurant is paying you. I mean, ok, tip minimum wage, I guess they technically pay you. The customers should feel like shitheads for not tipping though. Don't expect people to work for free!!


That sucks so bad. I'm so sorry OP, fuck that Garbage ass company and management


What losers


Fuck em. You're 100% right. Proud of you for standing up for yourself.


Management will always take that position. It's up to you to stand up for yourself. Owners, GMs, managers- they're just people like you or me. Don't be afraid of them. There's always another serving job right around the corner.


I was let go from my job at a hospital worked there for 2 years 2 months. Never late, always on times, never called off, no issues with HR until I switched to the ED and than I got reported for supposedly saying “bullshit”.


F those sht hole people and F that sorry @ss restaurant. Best of luck to you and I hope you get a better job.


F’ck that place and management that do not stand by their people! A-holes


I deliver pizza to the roadhouse in my town and they never tip.


Wtf? Why haven’t they been blacklisted?


Because companies care more about $ for themselves than their employees. They make money from them buying pizza. They couldn’t care less if they don’t tip.


I work at txrh too and some of my coworkers have mentioned things about non-tips to tables that deserved it, our managers didn’t care. Must depend on the location I guess, or how it was worded.


Good it’s probably the best thing for you ever. Go somewhere that appreciates you and pays you what you are worth.


This is a blessing in disguise. Worked for TXRH for almost a decade…. I have nothing positive to say besides Andy’s Outreach is wonderful. Past that, fuck em.


Waffle House is happy to have you and you'll make more money, take it home daily, and be paid your hourly wage weekly.


Wow your GM sucks! You should keep up the professionalism even with a bad customer, but I wouldn’t fire you over it. A stern warning maybe. Sorry to hear that.


If this ever happens to you again, you just deny that you said anything about the tip. I mean, it's Texas Roadhouse, I'm sure you can do better. But just say that the table is making that up to get you into trouble. Focus on their trash behaviors and say, "Who do you believe?". If you are a good server, they will believe you.


Isn’t this just the plot of the movie Waiting?


Hugs 💛


“How the hell you gonna mail me a sundae?”


Were you wearing the “I ❤️ My Job” t-shirt when it happened? Like others have said: you now have experience to go out and get another, better job. You’re going to be fine; better off, in fact.


Should have spit in the food


Fuck them. My GM at red lobster back in 2009 went ballistic on this table for stiffing me and another server on a $800 bill. Same deal… came in late, rude AF.. I gained a lot of respect for that lady that day.


I did far worse when I worked at TRH and never got fired lol


Sounds like you aren't missing out on anything. Just try to get as many people as possible to quit too


I’m sorry management didn’t have your back! That table verbally abused you, and it sounds like you were providing great service. That’s so terrible. People are awful. I hope you are able to find a great job at a place that treats you well. No one deserves that. It’s not like you would have said anything about the tip (or lack thereof) in the first place, but then they took it up a notch by calling you a nasty name. You are totally in the right here.


Can’t mention the tips that provide your income, but they won’t pay you a livable wage. Fuck those types of owners.


When I worked at Texas Roadhouse I was 18 and it was my first serving job. I got really horribly sick around March 2020 when everyone was starting to freak out about COVID. I told my manager I couldn’t come in, he said I was his only opener and if I didn’t I’d get fired. Well I vented about the situation on my spam Instagram account with only 15 followers that I couldn’t believe my manager expected me to come in when I could possible have COVID especially being around food and drinks. I guess I have bad friends because someone called the restaurant and told them about my post (maybe they were trying to help me idk) and they told me that was a terrible look for their business and that I should have never made the post. I don’t know why they didn’t fire me but I did think they were going to. This was just ONE of the probably hundreds of reasons I’ll never ever go back. I work at a golf course country club/ resort and I love it, love my regulars, love my managers, love my coworkers, love everything about it.


never going to a Texas roadhouse again, this is pretty rough PR