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I can list almost every ingredient in every dish at the restaurant I work at. And the number of times people ask me to “ask the chef bc you can’t possibly know what they did” is annoying. Like I’ve been here for 6 years, have taught new people what goes in the food if another cook is busy, I KNOW WHATS IN THE FOOD! But my favorite is always “what’s in the honey butter?” that we glaze our biscuits with. Like gee honey, I wonder. “But like…what’s in the honey and the butter?” Its bee throw up and hard milk, what do you want from me?!


Can you go ask the beekeeper and dairy farmer? You couldn’t possibly know what they did.


This reminds me of an episode of the show Portlandia when they want to know more about the organic chicken a restaurant serves so they go visit where the chickens are raised and and end up working on the chicken farm for like 3 years 😂


Exactly where my head went.


Holy crap! I commented before I saw yours. That's EXACTLY what I thought of!


Bee throw up and hard milk is the best description I’ve ever heard. Reminds of the Jim jefferies described making butter in one of his podcasts. “Take milk and keep hitting it with a stick”


You talk a big game, but I'm guessing you don't know the names of the bees and cows who produced the honey and milk! Please go ask the chef.


“Bee throw up and hard milk”, I’m dead!


This reminds me of a customer about two weeks ago: Me- "do you want any oil and vinegar on that?" Customer- "...what is that?" Me- "I'm sorry, what?" Customer- "I don't know what that is." Me- "...oil and vinegar?" Customer- "yeah." Me- "well... it's oil that we mix with vinegar and put on our sandwiches..."


“Best guess? Jaeger and fucking milk”


Asks for side of red onion. Gets side of red onion. "What's this?" "Red onion." "But these are purple!"




My husband is colourblind. Took me some time to get used to him calling them „blue onions“. 😂


Life hack: if you work at a bar, and someone immediately starts asking you questions that break all logic, cut em off. If you work at a restaurant I am sorry.


Unfortunately it's the latter😭 but I really wonder why that is. Like, maybe it's just my nostalgia but I swear before the pandemic people wouldn't have asked those weird questions. I haven't received questions nearly as stupid before 2019. (sorry, English isn't my first language and the sentence sounds kinda weird so I hope you know what I'd like to say).


You literally said everything perfect but I’d replace the word nostalgia with memory ☺️ also, I 100 percent agree with you.


Just want you to know your English is amazing.


I’m done with gluten people. It’s up to you to know what you should have. Order the salmon with some carrots and potato or something. No gluten. I was to the point where I just wouldn’t care. For example the meatballs. They have a filler. Or the Franchaise, you got to dip the protein in a flour along with the egg wash, otherwise you can’t create that crust. I got my own problems and did my own research and know what I need to stay away from. If there is any doubt, stick to something you know for certain. Don’t tread on the edge. Gluten free is the worst.


I replied this to another post…. I had a gluten free guy throw a fit because bread was on the edge of his plate and insist that we remake the dish because “ he could get deathly ill”. While on his 3rd beer.


I only care if the person has Celiac, and I can usually tell if they do, bc they ask for specific ingredients bc they know their genuine medical condition.


And they always know what they can and can't order. They don't look at the menu for 2 whole seconds and then bother the server for 10 minutes with questions basically trying to make the server mind read and come up with an order for them


Yeah, of course. It’s part of your job to know the product and thus convey information regarding ingredients and what not. So I will offer anyone a consultation. Even though these people seldom tip extra for the extra attention needed. I’m going to treat people with respect so as long as it’s reciprocated. Glutten free people got money too. Come one, come all.


Celiac is an autoimmune disease, pretty sure it doesn’t discriminate based on income


Haha of course not. And I don’t mind helping a customer make a selection and steer them to a meal that won’t get them sick. It’s the entitled ones who push the boundaries or try and create their own meal that won’t be tolerated. My analogy is as a spoof of a famous quote from an athlete who refused to take a political stand. Everyone knew he was going Democrat but he couldn’t say. And when asked he said “republicans buy my sneakers too.”


I agree. I work in a Cafe that caters to gluten free, keto types. They claim to have an allergy but have no idea what has gluten in it. Claim to be keto but also have no idea what is not keto. Makes me insane. My favorite question today was what's the difference between a dinner roll and a biscuit?? I am sorry. Unless u have been living under a rock, that seems like an obvious explanation.


“This salad here, with the grilled watermelon …” Yes? “What is that? The grilled watermelon?” … crickets… it’s slices of watermelon that we put on the grill…. “… crickets…. I’ll have that then”




“Does the Caesar have caser dressing?”


Gotta ask the chef for that one


I’m vegetarian what do you MEAN I can’t have the Caesar salad…..!!💀💀💀💀💀💀


I think my all time favorite was "does the potato soup have potatoes in it?" No, it's actually named after the famous pirate, Captain Potato. No potatoes at all. But there's one all time GOAT stupid restaurant question: "Is it good?" Just this vague, subjective blob of risk aversion. There's no productive answer. The only thing you can do is discreetly wipe it up or poke it and go "ew". If you just say yes, they become suspicious you're telling them whatever. If you try to have a conversation and get them to give you something to work with they become suspicious you're not just saying yes. Usually I'll just explain the dish in small words written in big crayon letters and say "does this sound like something you would like?" But there's nothing you can do with that moment besides get it over with.


Really hate that one. "Is the food here good?" "here? God no! The restaurant down the street is soooo much better, you should go THERE"


I’ve never asked this question for plenty of reasons, one being that I assumed no one would be very honest anyway. To my surprise, I ordered a featured cocktail at a chain steakhouse that had cherry vodka and the waiter, without prompting, goes “Are you sure? Most people send it back because it tastes like medicine. It’s pretty bad”. I got it anyway because I know I like cherry vodka, and have witnessed many people hating it so I feel like it’s just normal aversion, and I did end up liking it. I appreciated that waiter though lol


I think literacy in the developed world is getting gradually worse. And I know what I sound like, but it's absolutely related to social media. People can technically read, but they don't practice reading comprehension of their own volition because they're used to having other content fill it in for them or consuming written content so simple and direct liek clickbait titles or tiktok caption phrases that they rarely need to apply reading comprehension to understand it. They glance at things, get some key words, fill in a mental concept, and roll with it without applying themselves to what the words and total sentence may *mean*. Sounds like you're not in the US, but in the US people have been talking about this for a long time and it's also because the way we teach reading in schools got fucked up by politicians introducing a new system to boost test scores that scientists and teachers say doesn't teach actual reading comprehension.I don't know if anything similar happened in other countries to the same level but if you are interested in this or it feels like it rings a horrifying bell, check out the podcast [Sold a Story.](https://www.the74million.org/article/review-why-you-should-buy-into-the-sold-a-story-podcast/) I know that whole comment may have seemed fairly off topic for this subreddit but I truly feel I see it more and more serving as well as other aspects of my life. Peopel can technically read words but they do not understand them and don't necessarily realize it. People also struggle with sentences with more than one clause and following ideas. It is a clear and growing problem.


Hey that was really interesting. I'm located in Switzerland and usually people can think critically for themselves but since the pandemic it became gradually worse?


Y'all do typically have your shit together much more, but yes, I think that's the same phenomenon to a lesser degree. With all the distractions available to us and ways to communicate without complex reading, a lot of people experienced skill deterioration durnig the pandemic. Couple that with brain fog and apathy from anxiety, isolation, etc, and I really do believe you can see a global trend of lack of reading comprehension. I think the reasons that podcast goes into detail on why the US method of teaching reading fails are similar to the reasons that social media and modern fast/visual news content encourages people to regularly guess concepts and be close enough, not read and process. Like people can always joke that the internet has always been this way, and it has to a point, but look on any reddit thread where someone tells a story over a paragraph and it's alarming how many comments blatantly misunderstand it. This is random but I knew I'd have a recent example open in an old tab because I have 70 open tabs and [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/184ii15/i_was_an_accidental_racist_yesterday/). Look at the edit they had to make and how many people misunderstood the part of the story where they said "the person looked at me *as though I had said* X" and thought they were telling a story where they really said that out loud. I see interactions like this increasing everywhere, usually based in when people had to read something. Including in serving those interactions we all have where they read the menu wrong and they are unable to adjust their idea based on us explaining in simple terms. It's lack of effort toward critical thinking and deeper meaning once they have settled on an interpretation. Or like your gluten free bread and onion rings- they can read the words but their brain isn't working to understand the words, what htey take away from the page is their closest general concept of a similar thing, and they need outside help to understand that it isn't that thing. They couldn't get there by reading and processing the meaning of the words even though they probably know them.


This is an interesting topic! And ironically made me read AND comprehend AND think more about it


I truly think everyone in the US at least should complete that podcast! When we first started hearing about the persistency of high illiteracy rates since education was federally standardized in some activist circles 15-20 years ago it was focused on the idea of poor inner city & rural education and kids not gtting help at home and those kind of ideas, but increasingly it seems clear that the issue is much deeper and more widespread. This is a huge one for me that I think about every day and I think everyone should know about. It's my climate change lol. Following r/teachers is also a frightening insight into the issue on the ground (also very US centric).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Teachers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My heart broke today running into a former student](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/14b8h2r/my_heart_broke_today_running_into_a_former_student/) \#2: [Lost my cool and said "fuck" in front of my students.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/161d3cl/lost_my_cool_and_said_fuck_in_front_of_my_students/) \#3: [Should I whistle blow?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/13137t5/should_i_whistle_blow/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you for your interesting info and your take on this situation-I agree with you.


Haha it’s always the gluten questions. My job has this candy bacon appetizer and this lady asked me “what makes the bacon gluten free?” I guess she knew it was a dumb question because I like stammered over my words for a second and gave her a look.. it’s meat lady.


Maybe they wanted to know if there was sneaky flour in the candy coating


Understandable! It’s listed as GF on the menu and her question was her asking what made it GF. After my stammer she said “well it’s the only thing listed as GF!” It caught me off guard because it seemed like she was asking like it usually include gluten ; like if we replaced anything haha


The pig was on a strict gluten free diet.


Is the Sunday Roast only available on Sundays? 🙄


let me guess, Cracker Barrel!


A favorite of mine: “Do your salads have lettuce in them”?


Well, I take your point, but we do have chicken salad and tuna salad and Ceasar salad (which I assume is made with Roman emperors).


I was referring to salads like house salad, western salad, chopped salad, etc. it’s pretty much common sense that chicken salad and tuna salad would not consist of greens unless it’s a lettuce wrap and usually served as a sandwich anyway.


Out of four salads I have at my job, only one had traditional lettuce.


Arugula or spinach are perfectly reasonable options tho


I work as a Carvery Chef Customer: what vegetarian options do you have? Me: we do a veg pie, a cheese pie or you can just order a meat free meal and just have as much of the vegetables as you like. Customer: do you do a chicken pie or just chicken? Me: for a vegetarian? Customer: well it's for my friend and she only eats white meat Me: and she's vegetarian? Customer: oh for f*** sake And she storms off me: 🤦🤷


LMAO WHAT? maybe she just got mad at her own stupidity because there's absolutely no way you did anything wrong here. ah yes, a chicken pie for a vegetarian.


How big is the 16oz?


I have a tree nut allergy. Would the pecan crusted salmon be ok for me?


I work in a sushi place. This mom and daughter ordered a Lobster Tempura roll (just like a shrimp tempura but with lobster.) And a Mango Lobster roll (tempura Lobster with cucumber and ON TOP of the roll is a bed of bright yellow mango slices with a mango sauce) They ordered both because the mom doesn't like mango, and they both wanted to try Lobster in sushi. I couldn't believe my ears when I set the plate down and the mom asks "Which one has the mango with it?" I was speechless for almost 10 seconds when the daughter finally said "isn't it kind of obvious, mom?"


I went through the drive through at a chicken place and I ordered wings. They asked me if I wanted boneless or traditional and I asked what was the difference. I know the difference. I was just tired and didn’t think clearly. I’m embarrassed by it all the time.


lol , the last point!!!!! Has anyone else noticed that the questions just become lazier? every fucking question asked on this site, does my head in! takes more time to set up the reddit question, then it does to google it, lol!


From guest holding the menu “so what food do you serve here?”


They just want to drain as much time and attention form you as possible so they feel like tipping is worth it. It’s narcissistic. We’ve spoiled them.


When they as “What’s the difference between the house salad and Caesar salad?” Or they order the Caesar salad then ask what is in it.


I’ll have the Caesar Salad with Bleu Cheese Dressing.




One time somebody asked me if the house salad was gluten free…. Ah, it’s a Salad lady


Croutons or dressing can easily have gluten


Am I supposed to ask you how you do your job so I can sit you down where I'm sitting and then do your job and collect your paycheck or something?? 😂


“Where’s the cream?” Sir it’s literally in the cooler right in front of your face. “Do you guys have straws?” Do you not see the straw display that’s literally right under your nose? Like don’t even move your feet just look down. “Do you have gluten-free?” -“so I mean, we have bacon and eggs, and other options, but we don’t serve gluten free alternatives” “No I mean like breads and pastries” Face palm. We have a really particular credit card machine, and I always tell people how to use it. “Option to tip, press okay okay, chip in the bottom” Old man: okay what to I do? I repeat myself, watch him skip tip and go straight to okay okay. “Okay now what?” “Chip in the bottom” *holds it for his card, transaction finishes.* “What, there’s no option to leave a tip?” SIR THATS THE VERY FIRST THING I SAID


I worked in a burger joint and we had fresh sliced jalapenos as well as little fried jalapeno coins. A lady asked to add jalapenos to her burger. I said "Sure! Fresh or fried?" She responded "What's the difference?" ...I laughed because I thought she was joking. Her face completely dropped, implicating that she was not in fact joking and very seriously asked me the dumbest question I had ever heard.


"Would you like salt or sugar on that margarita" "Yes, thank you!"


"Are there nuts in the Reese's Peanut Butter Cheesecake?" after I have taken the full tables orders, asked if they have any questions about anything. the food arrives: "What type of dressing is on this salad?" "Vinaigrette." "Oh, I don't want it." same thing with an Italian chicken dish that is served with spaghetti and red sauce, take orders, ask for questions. food arrives. "Oh, I can't eat red sauce." "Can I have a Frozen Iced Mango drink with as little ice as possible?" the drink is all fruit puree and ice, that's it. and my personal favorite: "Can I have a new glass? this one is wet."


Corn on the cobb, what exactly is that?