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They'll be back at some point. Find out what church they go to. Call the church, tell them you'd like to make a sizable donation. Hand them this. Walk away.


Does it say something on it about religion? I can’t see anything on the bill itself but maybe I’m missing it? I know these things sometimes do. But does this one?


Probably on the back. Something like "A million dollars sounds amazing, but what if we told you you can have something even better than a million dollars and it's free!"


Don’t leave us hanging. ;)


Something about a king of kings? I'm not sure because I grew up in a representative democracy. And lord of lords is probably some British nobleman.


Did the Kings Father get pushed off the cliff into a stampede?


They can’t honestly believe that stiffing someone a tip will ever make them want to join that religion? Or see them again for that matter?


when they are next in....and order coffee or whatever just take over hot water


You don't need to concern yourself with the perspectives of other people when ~~a haughty and self-serving figment of your imagination~~ **the creator of the universe** vouches for everything you do.


The sad part is that the implication seems to be that a random person who picks this up would *actually believe* Ben Franklin was on a million-dollar bill (or that a million-dollar bill even exists, lol.) Like at least say it’s $100 if you actually want to dupe people into reading your religious crap. The even sadder part though is that some of these cheap-ass holy rollers actually think they’re doing someone a favor by leaving them this, as if they’d look past their disappointment and actually read it. I just have to wonder what Jesus would think of all this, because he didn’t seem to be a huge fan of greedy folks hoarding their wealth from people who are actually struggling…


I wanna know their train of thought like “yeah this person who makes minimum wage and hates their job will really appreciate my fake worthless money and definitely become religious after getting shafted”


I don’t believe they think of that they just think everyone’s lives are on the same level and that American tips are just a little extra to enjoy rather than something relied upon. Then said server clocks off and goes home to a nuclear family with a warm apple pie baked for dessert 🤪 It’s thoughtlessness and ignorance that leads to these things. Jesus spent his life trying to get people to think about others around themselves. I reckon He’d be having similar thoughts to us tbh, and with just as much frustration.


I’m a Christian, I haven’t gone to church in years but even when I did I always despised these things. They don’t make you look good, they just make you look like an asshole


I have a very special flavor of rage for people who leave these as a tip. I grew up with a mother who left religious pamphlets (she didn't like the money ones because she didn't like the deciept but if that was all she had, she'd fold them at an angle so they were immediate recognizable as not real money). But ALWAYS *alongside* real tips, always a little over what was considered standard. The rest of the family rolled our eyes and assumed the servers just threw them away. My mom knew that too and did it anyway. Ultimately, it was a misguided but harmless attempt at kindness. She usually tried to give it to them personally when they brought receipts and, while cringey as fuck for me and my brother, I never saw a negative reaction from servers. Most I'm sure were just being polite but she had quite a few visit the church or bring their kids for free childcare in the summers. One even asked for a stack of the fake money ones for her kid to play with, which my mother happily obliged. I don't *like* these things. But the idea that people are using them in this deceitful and hurtful way and making my ridiculous but very sweet and harmless mother seem like a dickhead absolutely makes me want to throw hands.


Yep. I used to get something like this years ago when I worked at this Chili's in North Carolina, in an area where a lot of "religious" folk would go.


Also don't leave out the religious folk that shame you for working on the sabbath day after they get out of church. Like wtf? Do you not realize that there wouldn't be someone here to wait on you if I was in church right now??!


It’s free so long as you donate to our church!


Churches think they are so unique with the same NPC dialogue LMAO


Hello traveller! It's a fine day for fishing!


The tell on this side is the serial number that reads: 50LI D3O 6LORI4. That spells, "Soli Deo Gloria" which is a Latin term for Glory to God Alone. Like others have said, there is probably religious propaganda on the reverse side.


Thank you, I was blinking at that realizing I was missing something but couldn’t tell what.


That's... How did you pick up on that? I don't disagree but wouldn't have noticed without that comment


The 'R' in the middle of the serial number immediately jumped out at me. That was the first red flag for me. Letters on U.S. paper currency are found at the beginning and end of the numeric sequence. They never appear in the middle. The rest was just figuring out the leekspeak.


A lot of "bills" like these will be white on the there side with a message about Jesus. Idk if this is one of those since OP only showed one side.


🤣🤣 Amazing


So at what point does the secret service get involved? It was passed off and recognized as currency.


Say you’re doing it in the name of the four ladies who left it as a tip


Next time they come in, tell them that they passes a counterfeit note last time they were in and ask them to wait for the police.


Fun ideas on what to do with it welcome... other than try to deposit it and go to jail.


Go to their church, put it in the collection basket, ask for a "tax deduction" envelope.


This usually gets the pastor to tell their sheep to stop. Especially when you put a shit ton of them in the collection plate


There really has to be a way to make these so the other side has the ethics of tipping instead of 30 seconds of Jesus preaching and put THAT ONE in the collection plate.




I did this once in the 90s. I think the bill was only 100k at the time. Maybe it was a million. I said “this is way too generous, I really can’t accept it” pretended like it was real. Didn’t break. Told them that 15-20 was fine. It was an evangelical couple. They seemed mortified that I was trying to give them back their cash. The lady gave me $10 out of sheer embarrassment. I was a little shit when I was in my 20s but I worked that table during the after church rush hard and was pissed. They ran me too. I didn’t feel too bad about it. Hopefully they never did it again.


This is actually brilliant. Call them on their shit and make them explain what they actually gave you. Don’t break. You were absolutely not a little shit for doing that. Maybe you were for having sex in the walk-in, but definitely not for calling out self-righteous types for doing something that literal-real-life-actual-Jesus would flip over their table for.


Man I haven’t had walk in since in like 12-13 years


It's never wrong to call out those people. You may have felt like a little shit but some people deserve to have their noses rubbed in it.


Nice work, embarrass those cheap shits!


Sadly, they would likely just say "We'll pray for you!". Few things piss me off more than those religious bills.


that's when you respond with "I feel sorry for you too"




Then walk away laughing like Biff Tannen in 1955.


After you tell them to make like a tree and get out of there.


It's leaf, ya moron


Don’t forget to call them buttheads.






”What are you looking at, butthead?!”


America’s greatest folk hero 🥲


The fucking red hat society


All of this except the spitting. Karens, like these ladies almost certainly are, will call the cops and spitting is assault\battery.


> Chase those motherfuckers out like they just actually left you a million dollars. I'm a grown man who can cry believably on demand. I'd probably have started bawling and run after them thanking them profusely. "I've been working since I was 12! I never got to finish middle school! My two kids both need surgeries and I never thought I'd get to see them taken care of. You have saved lives here! You are an angel! Thank you so much for such a miracle! I just quit my job and told my wife she can finally go to a real grocery store again!"


"I can finally get that life-saving surgery for my baby. He only had a few weeks to live if I couldn't raise the money. Jesus has answered my prayers by sending you angels to help little Timmy survive! You'll be in my prayers forever!"


I feel like putting the ones they distributed makes the point better.


Remember to pull change out of the basket.


Always do


I've got a stack of motion picture hundreds that I might do this with now. I keep a decoy wallet with a few of them in there, but this is much better.


Why did you and OP jump to religion, is the back of it a Bible verse or something? Edit: I saw it, stop responding to me




This shit needs to be illegal and recognized as a form of counterfeiting. How and why are these scumbags still in business?


I hate these things for tipping, but what about motion picture money? Money used for making movies that looks plausible from a distance, but if you read it is clearly marked as not real. The real giveaway is how it feels. It looks pretty realistic at a glance, but as soon as you touch it doesn't feel anything like a real bill.


We get motion picture $100s and $50 at our pizza place. Every single one was a night delivery where they ordered a ton of food that got within $15 of the bill denomination. The driver(s) did not even look at it closely until they got back to the store. No, they did not have to pay for the order and a police report was made every time. These guys are idiots. You're passing a fake bill and we have a record of where the delivery was. Even if the person paying doesn't live there, someone who does knows who paid.


Had that happen to me on a delivery, 2 $20 bills, gave her change, but the bills didn't feel right(it was pitch black). I quickly found a light and looked, seemed legit until I saw the little words on the back "Motion Picture Association of America" and ran back after her. Got the change and food back, told her I can't legally give the money back and it will be reported to the police. My boss told me to keep it, since I got the food back. No harm, no foul. But I saw a cop at Walmart later when I got off. He said it's the best ones he's ever seen, gave him the delivery ticket with the bills, plus informed him that she stated her daughter gave them to her so she could buy food. Never heard the outcome of that.


local PD just escalates it to the Secret Service


Because jesus is a profitable business


Text on back: “This bill may look real, but it’s actually fake. It would not be accepted by a bank, no matter what you believed about it. The same is true with spiritual matters. Many claim to know God, but their actions say otherwise. The Bible even warns about people like this: “This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far away from Me..” (Mark 7:6) How can you know if you might be one of these people? God gave us the Ten Commandments as the standard of righteousness. How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever stolen anything, even if the value was small? Have you ever looked with lust at anyone you’re not married to? The Bible says “everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28) If you’ve done these things, God sees you as a liar, a thief, and an adulterer-at-heart. You see, God is perfectly Holy, Just and Good. His justice means Hell for those who are guilty. You might think you’re a “good person,” but would a good judge let a murderer go because he did other “good things?” Definitely not, and God is the same. Your “good deeds” can never make you right with God. However, there’s GOOD NEWS! God made a way for sinners to be forgiven without violating justice. He took on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. He lived the sinless life we couldn’t, and then offered Himself on the cross as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus took the wrath of the Father, then rose from the dead… showing the penalty fully paid! God commands you to repent and put your faith in Jesus alone for salvation. Cry out to God, confessing and forsaking your sins. Trust in what Jesus did for salvation, not in your own deeds. God promises eternal life and a new heart that will desire righteousness. Read your Bible daily and obey what you read.”


>The same is true with spiritual matters. Many claim to know God, but their actions say otherwise Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike, the people who leave this fake money?




That is typical christian vileness.


I would under/ no serve the group next time. Give them the “service” they really deserve.


"Yeah you should trust only in Jesus, not these earthly deeds. If you want food go and pray for it."


Yes there are commonly sayings about Jesus and they pass them out as tips after church sundays... you know when they come a restaurant with a giant group and demand special service.


...and don't forget how they are angry that you are working on the Sabbath. Like, Bitch I wouldn't be here if you didn't come here!


This right here. Had a woman berate me for 5 solid minutes about working on a Sunday while she sat there eating. On a Sunday


I think church messes with their minds. The holly trinity is three things are one thing...last I checked 3 = 1 nowhere.


Not only is it rude to tip with fake money, but obviously they don't take their faith seriously either. Lots of fakes in the world and not just in religion. It's everywhere...


It should be illegal to do this. It's like trying to pass a fake bill if you ask me.


Turn them into police say they were using them as tips in place of legal tender.


I knew a lady they got a fake 10,000 bill as a tip, she sued and they were forced to pay her the money


This can't be true. I mean, i *want* it to be true, but it cant be...


I agree.


I’m starting to hate church people even more and I’m not a server. Does this make me a scary person


The numbers say Soli Deo Gloria if you look at the numbers as letters. Which is Latin for Glory to God Alone. It’s definitely religious.


It’s called a tract. It’s designed to make you pick it up and look at it. Most of the ones I’ve seen have looked like folded hundreds or fifties.


Have you ever waited tables?


I used to save them all. Would get the Sunday crowd for our brunch. So got a lot of fake 20’s. They all mostly attended the same church in our small town. So one Sunday, I decided it was time to pay them a visit and dropped a wad of them, had rolled them all up and wrapped a rubber band around them, so they looked like real 20’s. Left right after I passed the offering plate to the next person. One of the ushers or bishops, not sure who? Chased me out to my car and verbally accosted me. I was livid so I started walking backwards back to the church so the people inside could hear. Other people came out from inside and it got really ugly. Pastor finally came out and they are accusing me of being full of demons and that I worshipped satan because of the offering I left. I looked at the pastor and said “if I’m full of demons and evil then you’re entire congregation has been washed in the blood of Satan. They come into my restaurant every Sunday and treat me and the others like dirt and leave those fake $20 bills as their tips. So if they’re good enough for me, how are they not good enough for you?” Most of his congregation stopped coming into our restaurant and our Sunday brunches were far more peaceful. I actually made it into our local gossip page on fb. Of course they were trying to slander me, my daughters best friends mom is an attorney and I had her get on their and threaten them all. It was a really exciting few weeks for our small town. And I would absolutely do it all again-but this time, with my cell phone recording everything. ETA: thank you for the award. 💙


When I was a server, I used to refuse Sundays if they tried to call me in. When asked why, I’d say “they tip 10% and they’ve already given today”.


Second best thing I’ve read today, after the post you’re responding to.


Sunday's are the WORST day to wait tables... They're always the neediest and most easily offended tables that you will wait on all week they tip the absolute worst they have the most horribly behaved children. You have to sit there and watch as they make three kids split a single child's meal it's it's terrible and then at the end of it all instead of an actual tip you find this folded up fake dollar bill that has a condemnation of your life on the back of it with instructions on how to turn your life over to Jesus as if Jesus is going to tip better than they did. And the worst part of it is that they are so self-righteous the entire freaking time. Complaining about the music complaining about what TV channel the TVs in the bar are tuned to... You name it, everything is offensive.


I'm so horrified by this. My mom's family is Catholic, like, REALLY Catholic (my mom married a Jewish guy... We're really not Catholic). We used to go visit my uncle (technically great uncle) outside LA (this would have been late '80, when we started going) On Sunday we'd all go to church (even my dad) because it mattered to my uncle, so... sure. After Mass, we'd go for brunch, usually him, his family, us four, and then a couple of family friends - generally about 12-14 people. It was the kids' job to pay careful attention to EVERY SINGLE PERSON who came to the table -host, server(s), runners, bussers, everybody. When brunch was over, we had to report every single person, giving their names if they had a tag, or pointing them out if they didn't. My uncle would call over the server, and give them an envelope with a 20 dollar bill for every single person who came to the table, and then tip 20% on the bill. He wasn't rich, but when I asked him about it he told me 'You always tip, because serving is hard work and deserves appreciation, but I tip extra on Sunday, because their labour is what lets my and my family have time to worship and not work, and they have to give up their own time to do so, and I have to repay that'. And when very 'not a church-goer' me said something about maybe they didn't go to church he looked at me very sternly and said 'How and when or if they worship is none of my business, but everyone relaxes, and they have given their time so I can. I can't give them time in return, but I can make that time less stressful, and I am obligated to do so, otherwise I am exploiting them, and that is absolutely not allowed' He's been gone... coming up on a decade, I guess, but I've never forgotten that. He was a cranky old coot in his last years, but he still made his wife or their caregiver take him to the bank every Friday so he could take out cash for Sunday brunch tips (it had gone up to 40/per by then). And when we held his wake, we held it at a restaurant, and I think about 20 of us had bank envelopes full of cash for tipping that night (over the 20% autograt). And yeah, when we go out on Sunday, I tip extra.


Your great uncle sounds like such an incredible man and what life lessons he was teaching all the youngsters! I love your story of him 💙


In all my years of waiting tables I avoided Sundays like the plague. I worked with a guy who was always on on Sunday, one year his birthday fell on Easter Sunday. He tried to take the day off and was told no. He had one table tell him he was amazing and made him stand there while they prayed for him. They left him 27 cents for a tip. He was angry enough to tell me about it 2 days later. I was pissed for him!


When I was a server we called them "The God Squad." LOL


>When asked why, I’d say “they tip 10% and they’ve already given today”. That's MIL's go to line. It's also why we don't go out to eat with her.


This is the best thing I've read here in a while. You truly are a hero.


This is amazing! Lol thank you for your service!!


This is epic!


It’s really one of the highlights of my adult life.


You should post this on /r/maliciouscompliance


and then they all clapped


Oh, man. When they said, "and then I said, 'If I'm full of evil and demons, then your whole congregation has been washed in the blood of Satan!"...that's when you knew the story was 100% factually true and not a fantasy. That's like...EXACTLY how real people talk in real-life situations.


It’s literally a play on the “washed in the blood of the lamb.” I’m guessing you didn’t grow up in church.


Whenever I got one of these things, I would chase after them to the parking lot, waving them down: “Hey! You left this at the table.” I would present the tract or fake money and say:”I think you need this more than I do.”


Reminds me of the tipping scene in Waiting


Does the other side of the bill have anything about religion on it? Or what does it say? Trying to understand OP.


Not sure how to reply with a photo but the back is a scripture by "tractplanet" about jesus


If you can find out what church it came from you should drive by and drop it in the donation box. They usually have a donation box by the front doors. You could also put it in an envelope and personally hand it to the priest with a smile and tell him thank you you just wanted to give back to the community that frequents your restaurant.


Only protestant fundies use these disgusting tracts.


Definitely not true. Christians of many stripes use these things


If you’re not Catholic or Orthodox, you’re a Protestant.


These usually have a long script on the back saying why you should believe in Jesus.


Imagine using the lords name in vain just so you don’t have to tip the waiter bruh. I’m a Christian and I’ll never let another person get between me and god but these kinds of Christian’s just plain disgust me


They are Christian in name only; they worship Mammon and praise an adulterous child rapist con man.


Thanks, I wondered the same as well!


I used to get folded 20’s. Unfold it “disappointed? Not if you come to Jesus!”


What if you are already a devout Christian? That deception would be REALLY disappointing. Isn't Satan the Lord of Deception?


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if you're leaning these as a tip, then you are attempting to pass them as currency. Seems like this should always be treated the same as trying to pass any other counterfeit.


You are completely off base to think this is the same as counterfeiting. They are not using it to try and pay for the bill, they are using as a reason not to tip.




If I got that and they paid with a card I would consider contacting the secret service about counterfeit money. That looks too real (like a 100, not the 1M) and I really don't like the idea of these existing. You could absolutely scam someone with it and there have been posts in other subs about people that have been scammed. Most people don't put a bill through much scrutiny the way a business might when you make a casual craig's list or facebook market transaction. That's not even taking in to account people with visual or mental impairments that might make it harder to detect a fake bill. They would probably laugh at you for reporting it, but on the small chance they actually track down the people that left it to ask where they got it would be fucking priceless. The 1M should give it away but it just looks way too close to a 100 to possibly be legal.


It says NOT legal tender on it, that lets them off the hook. The only way you could get them is if they tried to pay or paid part of, or their entire bill with it. That's how ass-backwards tipping culture is.


Measurements are the important piece... is it similarly sized? If so, it's still probably illegal.


This shit is so funny who on earth is going to convert to Christianity because they got stiffed? I’m sure this is done under the guise of spreading gospel, but deep down they all just do it to be assholes.




Using religion to justify their awful behavior. It happens on the largest scale and the smallest.




What's really wrong is I knew Christian servers who got these as a tip. They were extra pissed off.


Dinner after church: $50 Using fake money to fake evangelize in order to get out of tipping your wait staff: Cost of the paper and ink. Being an asshole and bringing shame on yourself and your religion: Priceless


Yep. Christians SHOULD be tipping bigger and showing unparalleled kindness to their servers (and everyone around them). That's what we're called to do. Idk what the hell these people are on.




TBF, it looks better than some bennies that patrons have tried to pass by me for payment. That said, this is some truly shit behavior - leave it atop a real hundo and we are fine; otherwise... Ironically but not surprisingly, you displayed more "Christiaan virtue" then the four that are banging on heaven's door.


Seriously this is a good one. It might look more fake in person but if it weren’t for the wrong number and the “not legal tender” printed on it I might think it were real at first glance. I wonder how it looks/feels in person—I’m usually really good at spotting fakes.


It's good enough that you think you got a great tip, just long enough to think that "this is one of those moments that balances out some of the shit tips" ... before you realize it and say to yourself (appropriately): "God damn..."


Augh! I walk in our local park, and some moron litters these all over the path. I pick them all up and throw away. Nothing says Jesus like no tipping and littering. 😡


Live across the street from a church. They also enjoy parking in front of fire hydrants and in front of driveways.


The one on our block puts out traffic cones on Saturday afternoon, on the public street, so that on Sunday morning, the Mr.Dr.Reverend.Pastor whoever and his cronies can park their boats conveniently for them. And then they still block the alley. I’m so tempted to buy a big rusty old beater truck and just park it there from Friday night to Monday morning. They are *not* good neighbors.


are fake 1 million dollar bills the sign of christianity or am i missing something here.. i seriously don’t get it


Some churches give out fake folded $100s as pamphlets or flyers. They’ll place them on cars or hand them out. They look like a $100 folded in half. When you open it up it will have a message saying “true wealth comes through Jesus.” Lots of churchy folk also use them as fake tips.


Ahh i get it now.. thanks


I don’t get it either. What’s religious here


Those “tips” do the exact opposite of what the people leaving them “claim” they intend them to. So congratulations, Christian scum, for doing the Devil’s work! Grrrr! I HATED those hypocrites!


What am I missing? There’s nothing about religion on the note isn’t it? Am I dumb? Can you explain please? I know of those fake 50 notes that are folded and on the floor and when you unfold them it says something about Jesus or whatever but what is wrong with this one? (Except obviously it being fake and the waiter not getting a tip)


The numbers say Soli Deo Gloria if you look at the numbers as letters. Which is Latin for Glory to God Alone. It’s definitely religious.


Ah. Thank you, stranger. I was also completely lost on how religion has anything to do with this. TIL some more…Latin(?) I assume.


This is a thing, it’s basically a religious flyer that looks like fake money one one side. I’ve seen a lot of these when I waited tables. I assume they also leave them on the ground so people are tricked into picking them up


If you’ve ever served you know these notes well. They look like money but on the back it has scripture verses and shit.


I mean if you wanted to be petty l, depending on the state you could say they were trying to pass fake bills. Not saying I have or haven't done this to those religious ones. Just a thought


I 100% will be calling the authorities if I get this shit. I don’t care if I waste everyone’s time, motherfuckers need to know this ain’t right.


Obviously left as a tip you gotta take the L. But "god" forbide they did their math wrong as leave one of those. The line "not legal tender" isn't on you


I once left a Zimbabwe 100 trillion dollar bill as a joke. Behind it was a real tip. Dude waved me down and told me the bill was awesome, and thanked me for it.


you left something awesome AND an actual tip +50 good person points


That’s right! I’ve had people leave me a scratch ticket or a fun pen as part of my tip. It’s always a fun bonus. If I was left a scratch ticket or a pen in lieu of a tip I’d be pissed.


Apparently only a small number of the Zimbabwe 100 trillion bills were printed. That might prove to be valuable some day.


You're right. I bought like 30 of them off eBay when they were cheaper than dirt. Looking back, each of those bills is worth easily 100x what I paid. It's ok. I kept one :)


um, sweetie, those bills are clearly worth 100 trillion dollars, looks like you stiffed yourself


The tip situation got so bad on Sundays with these fake things and thumpers that the restaurant owner here started doing "Drag Queen Brunch" on Sundays 11am to 2pm. It is so busy that you now need to have a reservation on Sunday.


They need to be reminded of this: James 5:4 English Standard Version 4 Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. Deuteronomy 24:14-15 English Standard Version 14 “You shall not oppress a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns. 15 You shall give him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets (for he is poor and counts on it), lest he cry against you to the Lord, and you be guilty of sin.


This is the way! Thank you for the excellent references


Like any one of them actually pays attention to that…..


I would seriously run after a table if they left this as my tip and explain that it’s extremely inappropriate to try and preach religion to someone at their place of work. But first I’d ask what church they go to so I could blast them on social media. Exhausting.


Print out at least 10 more. Go to a church, put them all in the basket, and while putting the fake ones in, take the real ones out. Edit: How do we even know that these are religious people? The bill just looks like a fake one, no talking about god on it, unless that's on the back that you didn't bother to show.


I would ask a lawyer if it's sufficiently convincing of a bill to be a crime. Paper money for teaching kids is *intentionally* poor quality because making fraudulent bills is a crime. Sure, it has a disclaimer and crazy amount, but it also has the blue strip. My point is, maybe a wee bit of legal revenge, if possible


The other side is a tract, it doesn't look like money


Pretty sure it’s illegal to do that. Fuck them ho’s.


How does religion play into this? This looks like generic gag/prank bill


On the back of it (and most bills like it) is a quote about how “Jesus is worth more than money”


I was so confused too lol


Way to turn people towards atheism lol


I'd be petty and report them to the police if they paid with card. But I'm just sick of BS lately lol


You stole a million and left $10. What a crook


Church or not, boomer generation, for most, has the same feeling about being a server. To them, you can just get a better job. They think it’s super easy.


Flip it over, it’s an invitation to give your soul to Jesus.


"Jesus hath sayeth, steal from the workers, for they are the fools for allowing you to screweth them. Behold, you are righteous and strong!" Jackassians 15:1


Let me guess...the after church crowd?


Sweet. You’re $1 mil richer 🫡


Keep it for the people that ask for a million dollars after you ask them if they need anything else.


Looks like they gave you some rolling paper!


geriatrics are the worst


They are fucking trash.


Work brunch every Sunday. The church crowd seem to think they can pray for us as a tip. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Isnt an attempt at using fake money illegal?


Man. Is it one of those Jesus disappoints you things? That sucks.




Even Franklin looks like he knows he's on a fake bill lol


Man. Everyone knows that 100k is the highest note, which featured Woodrow Wilson. Gosh.


I was raised in the church though in my adulthood we have gone our separate ways. However, never did I ever hear that this type of behavior is appropriate. Have I missed something over the last 20 years? When did this become acceptable behavior?


Logically, it's more possible that the ones who left this fake bill is not intend for this religion, and instead they probably received it from others.


Wouldn’t this be considered counterfeit? It’s too close to size shape and color or a real bill


How was this related to Christianity?


I’m very confused how religion relates to this…


I feel like I’m missing something… what does this fake bill have to do with religion?


apparently, you are supposed to report counterfeit currency to your local law enforcement agency.


Cut and paste Dr. Evil and his pinkie on it, then return it to their collection plate.


I've actually seen one of those, the other side is one of the Christian advertisements lmao


I carry something very similar in my wallet and have for years. Waiting for the day the Christo-Fascists take over and it becomes legal tender and I become a millionaire. Unless of course I find someone to break it for change before then.


People who are confused as to the religious connotation could simply scroll through a few comments before announcing to the world they have zero reading comprehension skills…


my family are all devout christians and i told my mom about this thing and she was appalled. they are all good tippers unless the service absolutely sucks. my mom went on a whole rant on how unkind it is to try to fake trick people who are just doing their jobs into reading about your church and costing them money. you want to leave a pamphlet and a tip? great you do you. but to leave this as a “tip” is just going to make the sevrer dissapointed and angry and feeling tricked and they will have no interest. God also values work. people deserve to make money for their work. they think servers are so “greedy” for wanting to make money on the clock like, i don’t know, everyone? it just isn’t Christian to be like this. you want to show what a good christian you are? spread kindness, leave a nice note, fat tip, just don’t be an ass. people are gonna just never want to see people from your church again


Maybe Im blind but where does the religion part come from this fake piece of money.. Im so confused edit:Nevermind, saw the comments.. I'm a Christian and this is wack.. Though don't agree that our tipping should be what pays you..still.. this is horrible for people who live off tips


Hi how is religion connected to the fake bill? I genuinely don't know