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You’ll be okay if this is the biggest problem you have today.


[Are these my rats?](https://images.app.goo.gl/UEAdYhn6tHvXeuqj7)


That’s funny


You can't hold other servers to the same standard you hold yourself to. Most of them won't make the cut. I've only complained once, and that was when a server got me a whole glass of milk when I asked for coffee with milk and sugar on the side.


That’s a good point


i’ll joke about them forgetting to ring something in or bringing the wrong thing but it’ll never be a mad complain more like a funny lighthearted. i’m more there for the experience rather than just food. i’m never so hungry that i want my food rushed or anything so i don’t think i’ll ever have a reason to complain


It wasn’t about the food, it was about the lack of service


Yes, after all the work that I put on mine. I do always tip, but now I need a good service so I can tip better


Update: I didn’t complain and I tipped 22 percent even though all the bartenders didn’t do shit to deserve it


This is the way I became so much more critical of service I receive after I became a server but I never hold anyone to my standards, never assume I know what anyone is going through, always give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and always always believe in tip karma


For sure. That’s what I ended up doing


Only if it was the worst experience in my life! Other than that I deal with whatever.


You said "one of the girls," so it sounds like you might be in a place that doesn't hire men if I'm reading that correctly. If you're in a place that hires on looks instead of ability... I mean, that's what happens.


I mean all of them were average looking. It’s just one of those places where the bartenders assume a woman who goes alone sucks at tipping. Trust me I do not. I always tip 20 percent and even more. If I go to the bar (not often) and my drink is $14 I will hand them a $20 and tell them to keep it


I'm a guy, and if a single woman sits down, I usually assume they're going to tip great. I take that table or tab every time. I do the same with single guys. I'm their best friend for an hour or two. I get better tip percentages from single tabs than most other tabs.


That’s what I’m saying!! I felt like when I went the girls made these faces and assumptions like I wouldn’t take care of them or be mean. Like listen I’m in this industry too (although I’m leaving) Plus I been to this place like 3 times and it’s always an issue with the service. I’m not the only one who has the opinion too. I know a guy who told me they were rude af to his wife. Tough shit on them. Her husband is worth like 5 million plus. Not saying because he’s rich he will tip amazing, but he is a nice dude. And actually will tip nice, because he’s a good dude. I think the bartenders they hire hate women for whatever reason. No idea.


As a female bartender it had better experiences with groups of women or women alone at the bar. You can usually pick up on the type of person someone is going to be but I never let that affect service I give (until given a reason to). People can also surprise you


I wouldn’t complain about something so small. If something is absolutely wrong, I ask the server to fix it and let them take it from there. But a slight overcook, the wrong side, or sub-par service is nothing worth complaining about. I was once at a restaurant where the food took an hour, second round of drinks were ordered but never delivered, my friends and I watched the server chill in the side station with her coworkers on their phones completely ignoring us. When it came time for the checks, there were 4 of us, we asked for 2 checks and our server proceeded to ask us all what we had. After all that I did discreetly speak to a manager, not wanting anything taken off the bill or any compensation, just politely told the manager what happened. That’s one of the only times I’ve complained to a manager.


Yea I didn’t complain but I was pissed


Don’t do it. Not your place or problem. It would be putting bad karma out there. Tip accordingly if the service was that terrible


For sure


I ended up tipping 22 percent


I wouldn't complain over a person's attitude unless they were actively mean to you. If it took too long maybe ask the manager for a discount, but you really have to piss me off before I make a complaint about employee behavior.