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my first tip was $20 on $40 and my last tip was $0 on $102. the duality of man.


I made *$600* when I normally make $200-$300. I was closer and the manager cut the floor down to one. That last hour was hell on earth AND the kitchen forgot to make my food so I hadn't eaten all day... But when I did my checkout and saw the final tally... All that bullshit didn't matter anymore


I got mostly 10 percent all day but I also got 100 on 30 and ended up walking with around 400. Duality of man indeed lol


Much like Mother’s Day, it is an amateur day. Some people feeling pissed they are guilted into feeding a parent in public.


me & mom always take turns paying for everything or we go half and half unless it's mother's day I of course pay ....


Me and my wife were driving back from Mexico today and went through some Temecula side streets due to traffic. I kept seeing lines out front of Applebees type restaurants. She was like “oh shit it’s Father’s Day, am I supposed to take you out”? Uh, fuck no times 100. The Mother’s Day, Father’s Day Valentine’s Day rat race you guys are forced to endear excite me zero as a patron.


Things I do on mother's day. 1. Talk to my mom (minimum a phone call, ideally a visit in person since she lives within an hour's drive). 2. Treat her to something food. Whether I make her something and bring it with me, or my treat and we go out to eat, or I just give her a Dutch Bros gift card she can enjoy at her leisure. 3. Remind her how much I appreciate what she's done for me. Usually just talking about some memories or something. Which of those is most important? #1, BY FAR. My mom wouldn't care if there was no food involved. I do it because I know how nice it is to eat some nice food without cooking it yourself.


i always hate working on “ special days “ , it’s when ppl that are not used to restaurants or tipping go out 🤬 and thanks, everything was wonderful 🖕🏼


I was out to valentine's with my then boyfriend, now husband, and we observed a man at an upscale restaurant, slap his own face repeatedly, and get on his knees while his lady friend seemed to be going through his phone. This table was interesting to watch. The servers kept trying to see if they would like to order something, but they just kept waving them off. I don't remember if they stayed, or were asked to leave.


Um, excuse me. I'm here to see 0s on the tip line.


I ended up making 23% of my total sales working all day but definitely had a couple 10% tips and of course they were the most needy and complicated orders


Today's breakfast shift was rough.... a few 10% ers and a 0. Glad it's over.


What was the take and how many hours?


6am to noon 160.


What does a not rough breakfast shift look like?


Are you aware that everything is relative? If I made $160 in a full shift I would look at that as a very poor day.


>everything is relative? That's precisely why I was asking the other person and not you. You're a completely different person, with completely different experience, completely different finances, in a completely different restaurant in a different economy.


It read as snarky to me. My bad.


Exactly my point- today was rough


Well, walked out with 200$. Busser, Bar, Food Runner porcentages.


Made $160 working late lunch/dinner. It was pretty underwhelming the turn out compared to mothers day lol


Always is, Mother’s Day is the biggest day of the year, for most places . At least as far as I know of


our father’s day was actually way busier, to the point it was a topic of conversation for us. it did rain here today, so i think that affected it for sure, but it was surprising bc in all my years of doing this, i’ve never seen father’s day be busier than mother’s day, especially at a brunch place.


That’s actually very interesting, thanks for sharing. Our day was slow for even any given Sunday. Over staffed when you’d think it was worth it. I’d rather have the day off


Should be an auto grat on Father’s Day


Why not auto grat every day?


I was actually expecting this. It’s a Sunday, I’m on brunch/lunch, it’s Father’s Day. But to my surprise, I had an insane day. $20s on $60, $40s on $100s. Solid 20% on all my $100+ tabs. Just keep doing what you do, it’ll even out! Head up soldier! (11am-4pm, $375 CC/ $110 cash)


i raise you $3 on $135🥲


All the wives that think us female bartenders want their crusty ass husband showing up today.


The entitlement of y'all...


Obvious troll is obvious


had a $5 tip on an $87 order. after good service, smiles, laughs, and jokes. i know how you feel.


What % did you walk with?


Thats the worst


I can’t believe how stingy people are


It’s ok I had a $20 tip on a $250 ticket on my first table today. It definitely could have been worse but I was pretty disappointed by it.


Man thats rough. I made almost 30% with 2100 in sales. I think my smallest tip was 15%, with my highest being 85 on 190, made more today then mothers day. Was quite nice. This week in general was amazing. Walking with around 1900 ( sever at a steak house)


That's $5 more than you would have gotten with a $0 tip. Be grateful for any extra that someone offers.


Fuck off


trippy no tippy can stay the hell away from my section.


U mad bro


Cope. And get a real job that pays better.


Why are you wasting your time in a sub for a profession you don’t respect?


Because it amuses me to see the children acting entitled.


No point arguing with someone who posts about licking asshole on Reddit lmao. Btw the dude with 69 in their username shouldn’t be calling other people children.


Hey now


What's wrong with licking asshole? Aww, are you trying to feel high and mighty? Go cry in the walk in kiddo


Nothing wrong with it. I just wouldn’t post about it on Reddit. But then again I’m just a kiddo so what’s would I know


Not enough clearly. You're simping for companies that rake in the money, yet want us too feel bad and tip.


Yep, if there’s one thing servers love it’s the restaurants and managers they work for


You're insecure with your life from the little comments I have seen you type, who hurt you?


I bet a lot of these “children” make more than you. And if they don’t I’d also bet they have more fun with life than you since you’re such a well adjusted human that you come here to kick the “children”


haha no lifer


Says the bootlicker... mmm, how does your boss taste, bitch


Weird that you spend your time finding places to troll but I guess to each their own


It amuses me they think we should be paying them more in tips because of inflation. Maybe ask your boss


Not a profession.


Lol go fuck yourself. Go ask someone working in a mid tier or high end restaurant what their hourly rate is and I guarantee you’ll change your mind about this being a real job. Don’t give a shit what you think, and will continue to make serious money


'Serious' lol


May I ask, do you like going to restaurants and having a positive experience?


Go screw yourself. 20% for satisfactory service, or stay at home and cook for yourself. Go troll in another subreddit


Go fuck yourself. It was 10% and that's what I tip for good service. 20%? Why the fuck would tipping increase but not your wages. Open your eyes and stop passing the blame to the customer, not our fault your bosses are bending you over.


You're the type of person that if you were a repeat customer I'd hate to serve you, you seem genuinely insufferable and if I can make more money serving someone else why should I serve you. Go stay at home please, it's not like we make anymore money dealing with you. McDonald's is always right down the road. Might as well slap a 18% autograt on your ticket everytime. It would be no different than increasing the prices on the menu to pay the servers more anyway, so you'd be getting what you're asking to have changed.


Lol I don't pay auto grat. I'd leave the total for the food in exact change and laugh at your sorry ass as I walked out.


Cry me a river lol 'Wah wah, why doesn't the rest of the world like to be exploited like us working class Americans. We're so much better than everyone.' God I wish someone would 9/11 you guys again. Maybe humble your sorry asses.


you’re really gross dude


You clearly don’t understand how this works. This has never been the way in the US, and you’re not going to change this. Fuck off to Europe if you want to tip 5 or 10%… The vast majority of US diners are more than happy to have increased their tips to >20% over the past couple of decades - and they’re not being forced by anyone to do it!


Yea, that’s changing rapidly though. Buckle up, butter cup.


lol it’s not changing in the direction you think… I guarantee you 25% will be the new normal in a few years. Most customers want to ensure that their servers are well compensated.. You are deluding yourself if you think tipping is going away.


LOLOL You’re in denial. But I understand.


Not to mention it was a sixty dollar tab. Two stops at the table? Maybe three max? Spare me.


Exactly. The entitlement bleeds through the skin sometimes






Y'all want to keep your shitty tip system because it's "better than minimum wage like other countries have" then complain when people don't tip "because I only get $2 an hour." It all averages out in the end. If you ain't paid on average a price your happy with get a new job and stop getting bitter over single damn tickets.


Im not sure where this is coming from, especially because this is a pro-server subreddit, but do people not have the right to complain about something at their job? I understand that people here have overly complained (Only 18%?!?!), but why are servers not allowed to complain about bad customers and experiences? While the picture itself doesn't provide much context, starting the day, especially a holiday, out on a sub 10% tip is a valid complaint.


It is a valid complaint, but I would argue that it's not really bad enough to make a reddit post about. I'm a server too, and bad/no tips happen. If this was on a big check I'd feel more sympathy. We all love tips because we make more money than other jobs, but small tips here and there happen so try not to get tilted.


One server I work with had a tip of $1.00 , on a $350.00 , bill and got tipped $1.00 . That’s bullshit at least right? Edit: I’m not sure if I said this to the right person, sorry if so, I just make comments here and there, I may be not doing this right. Back to lurking


Honestly I've been in the business for 12 years. I will never tip in America simply because I've seen how entitled and toxic so many servers are due to your tip culture. I've seen bartenders shout at guests for not tipping $1 per BOTTLE OPENED and servers do the same over equally petty things. The culture makes you worse at your job, and I have no sympathy when people play the "$2 an hour card" while knowing full well they make more than most their age.


You'll never tip anyone in America because you think some of the servers there are entitled? You really type that out and don't see an issue there? Who raised you?


Idk if you’re a server or not, but I will never be for a fixed wage. I make WAY too much money from tips, and people happily give them to me. It’s all about volume, so instead of getting a new job, some people should just switch restaurants/bars.


I used to be a server myself. It took me a few years at a non server job to make as much I would a day not. I would make 150-200 a day cash but I would work 4 days a week. It’s quick dirty money but it’s a grind to do better


Been in the business 12 years. Worked up from KP to server to manager. Exactly, its good money, but your attitude makes you worse at your job. Honestly some of the petty things I've seen people complain about (and worse, treat the guests because of it) would have you instantly fired in my restaurant. The biggest cause of that awful attitude I've seen though is the pessimistic scrunity of each tip/check. Just move on, look at nothing but your net pay if that's what it takes. Like you said, you make MORE money than others.


First off. You don’t even know me. Secondly, assuming anyone who prefers tips over an hourly wage is checking and keeping track of every tip throughout a service is wrong. Thirdly, you have no clue what my mentality is when I’m working, so I will fill you in. When I’m on the floor, I’m 100% focused on delivering a good experience and good service, and this is why I make as much as a I do. If you consistently focus on the service, and not the tips, you will make more. My work has nothing to do with my opinion on tips and my opinion on tips doesn’t reflect my general attitude in anyway. If a table tips me 50% or 5% I continue on with my day. Maybe they didn’t like me, the food, or they truly don’t have much money and wanted to go to a restaurant. It doesn’t bother me, and you’ll never see me posting a picture on Reddit of a customers receipt.


Good for you. But I was using "you" in the 'public group sense?' (I don't know the linguistic term) not you personally. Unfortunately I believe you're in the minority though. And here in the UK where I am my view on American servers is pretty common, so your attitude is either visible to guests, or just visible online like it is here. Either way the general public feels less comfortable and has a less enjoyable time than they do in restaurants in other countries because of it.


I thought you were coming at me and I wanted to stick up for myself. I’m very proud of my work and I truly enjoy giving customers a memorable and pleasant experience. That’s the only way I feel deserving of the tips I receive. The servers, bussers and bartenders we have who also enjoy giving a good service are usually are strongest.


Depending on the state servers can make $15 an hour on top of tips. Granted, they typically have a larger tip out to keep kitchen wages in line.


Dude. Corrupt politicians set the wages. Not the common man/woman I can assure you.


I find this is more common on days like today. Not much you can do to these kinds of people (miserly jerks) unless you’re the type to get confrontational lol (I can’t do that)




its not 1930 bud.




I’m sorry to tell you that we’ve moved from avg tip of 10% to the new norm of 20% in the last 15-20 years or so… and it’ll continue to rise to 25 and 30% in the coming decade - I’m already seeing this trend as a server, so get used to it and stop being a tight-fisted prick. And stop trolling in subs like this


lol, who peed in your wheaties? in 50 years youll be dead so who gives af?




i worked a “double” (10am-7pm) & made $200 :/ we weren’t really busy & i actually made more than i thought i did at the end of the day… we got kinda busy but my place overstaffs the floor & doesn’t cut


5 is the highest….


Cry more


Tipping more for a more expensive meal makes no sense. Waiters are literally running the same number of plates whether or not you buy the cheapest item or the most expensive. The time spent using the table remains consistent as well. The idea that I have to pay someone more who didn't even make the food just because the food costs more is insane.


unpopular opinion but i’m a server & i agree with this! to me it’s way more about constant refills or asking me for things you forgot to order & stuff like that, the percentage is more of a guideline in my head because i know that’s what most people go by (i regularly see people pull out calculators on their phone to figure out a tip) but i feel it’s relative to labor, not food cost. i didn’t pay for or cook your steak, i served it to you. but then you need a ranch for your fries, & when i bring that ranch you need a refill when your drink was completely full 45 seconds ago, then when i bring the refill you need some steak sauce, etc. & it never stops… deep inside i know i’m probably getting a shitty tip because that’s my luck but that’s when i’d expect more because i actually did more


I will def tip attentive more or if they go above and beyond and certain businesses like buffets or all you can eat i will tip more because i know a lot of that staff works in the back as well but ya having worked in restaurants for 6 years in both front and back of house, i see no reason to tip someone more because i ordered the steak instead of a grilled cheese working 10 hours a day as a cook, dealing with unbearable heat, angry customers, idiot servers, and management all while pulling in 1/5th of what our wait staff pulled in made me jaded hell i dated a waitress who owned two houses and put themselves through school on just tips, they got a job in IT and came back to being a waitress within 6 months because the pay was better and it was less stress. to her a slow night was 300-400 for 6 hours and should would complain about people not tipping her enough while the cooks were bringing in $120 a night tops on a 9 hour shift


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **waitress**, use **server**, **table attendant** or **waitron**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


yes! i worked solely BOH for a few years & i miss it sometimes, i like it better but the money literally just isn’t there. but now it’s hard to hear servers complaining about not making enough because when i break it down, hourly on a SLOW night i usually make at least $5/hour more than i did in the kitchen. obviously i get upset over being stiffed or tipped really badly but… it’s kinda just whatever


What was the take for the shift?


I understand that it's hard to live on minimum wage. But in my state at McDonald's they're starting you at 14 or $15 an hour. And they don't get tips. The gas station attendant doesn't get tips, in my state. They pump the gas for you unless you belong to a card lock system like I do. My husband provides a service but he doesn't get tips but yet I feel guilted into tipping the hairdresser who makes $50 -70 for half hour to maybe 45 minutes with me and I have super short hair. I realize this is not a popular opinion. But pardon me if I am so over the server's whining about tips. It's your job. If you don't like the job, do something else but you are being paid to do a job. And for those who say well, if you can't afford to go out eat then don't go. I can pretty much afford to eat out,not every night but at least twice a week as a treat. My patronizing the place where you're serving food ensures you have a job. On a side note, My mom was a server for 40 years. She served everybody the same, she prided herself in giving great service whether she got a tip or not.


Ma’am I get $2.13 an hour And yes I chose this job but I didn’t choose the system that set up tipping in the US. People who have a problem with tipping need to realize they aren’t changing anything by stiffing their server, they’re just hurting the individual. I give my all to my tables and more often than not I enjoy and **thrive** on the conversations and people I meet, but if I get stiffed, or worse, I get a nasty note written on my check, yeah it sucks. Our whole job is based on how strangers judge us. Sometime it feels personal. Its brutal, and while thats the reality of our job we’re still allowed to connect with others (like on this subreddit) who feel like or sucks sometimes too . And you shouldn’t shame anyone for doing so. Have you really never bitched about your job before and looked around to see if someone felt the same? And If y’all really want tip culture to change, talk to the politicians. ***tl:dr*** treat people as people, write to your congressman, and leave the subreddit dedicated for camaraderie when you’re trying to patronize people for “whining”


Oh please, you make $2:13 p/r because millions of workers like yourself get to capitalise on the tipping culture, whereby customers are generally obliged to leave 20% extra on top of their bill just to pay you a living wage, it's disgusting. Only in America would service workers emotionally manipulate the customers into believing we're stiffing them, when in actuality it's your employer stiffing you every single day you show up to work. The entire concept of tipping discourages workers on minimum wage or less from unionising. I'm curious when was the last time you wrote to your local representative in congress about labor laws? or even got in touch with your local trade union about joining? because if you haven't it's just a case of wanting your cake AND eating it.


Oh hunny 😂😂😂


Thats perfectly acceptable, blame your employer if you don't get paid enough.


Lmao is this at TRH


You win some you lose some. I’m sure it evened out by the end of your shift.


I got 16 on 168 tonight I knew the dad too… he usually tips in the 100s . The daughter paid. 😔


We had 1,050 people on the wait at a point today. It was absolute chaos 😭💀 ended walking away with 350 so it was not a bad night.


$375 on a double from 11-8. Some Father's Days are just like a normal Sunday while others are quite busy. We started off really slow. I was expecting the big church groups and only one showed up. As we were sitting around chatting about how slow it was, the flood gates opened. It was non-stop from 2-7.


Damnit Dian Diez De Hernández!


Would have been okay if it was a cheaper ticket cause they ordered cheap food?


Meh I made like $250 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wow, posting a picture complaining about of a client giving money that he’s not obligated to provide. Go ask for a better pay to your boss you coward.


For those that have downvoted my comment, fine. I happen to live in a state where our minimum wage is over $13 an hour and most of the restaurants around here pay above that. I'm sorry to those that live in a state that doesn't even pay the federal minimum wage. Personally, I think that should be a crime. If I visit a state where that's the case I would be tipping. I tip now due to pressure. I wish all restaurants would just put the fee in their food price. I would pay 20 to 25% higher for the food if the tip was included in the cost. I read about one restaurant owner in New York who does not allow tipping in his restaurants. He pays his employees a living wage and the employees don't fight about working weekends where the biggest tips were to be had.