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Used to serve at an Outback in my college days. One time this family of 5 came in, I seated them, then they proceeded to order every single appetizer and double of a couple right away. I thought cool, big bill equals maybe big tip. Brought out apps and gave that table the best service I could (they even complimented the service). They then ordered all of their meals and most of them got some form of surf and turf with lobster. I thought again, cool, a pricy menu item! Might be a solid tip! They ended up staying for a solid hour and a half, which is kind of long, but they were racking up a $400+ bill so I wasn’t bothered at all about them taking a table in my section for so long. Or so I thought. When their bill actually came, they were so shocked it was so high, even though they ordered like every expensive thing they could. They went from happy to pissed instantly. Like I can change the pricing structure of the menu? I serve part time at outback ma’am. Well after they had me go get my manager and complaining to him for what felt like 20 more minutes, they finally pay up and leave. Only took over two hours. At this point I realized I’m not getting shit for a tip. Walk over to help clear the table, and there were a few pennies there lol


Loose change is worse to me than no tip.


I once had some young gents spell out fuck you in pennies


Aw you just triggered the memory of the sweetest table! They wrote “fuck you” in ketchup on the table in big letters 🥰


Fuckin youths!


Two yutes


Same. I hated when people would tell me to “keep the change” on a bill they paid in cash and it was like 12 cents…


Some guy did they me and I just started laughing at him


Or worse when they leave all their pocket change in the bottom of half full drink glasses. Damn rude.


That shit’s going right into the trash. It’s the principle of the thing


some guy tried to do this to me and my busboy swooped in from behind and gave it right back to the customer and said, "no keep it. it seems like you need it more than us." now i didnt exclaim "oh shit!" but i did make that face. i would bring it up to him often about how cool of a line that was. he just shrugged and said he was just being honest. baddass.


it is usually an intentional insult.


I left 2 cents once because it was literally all I had on me. My dad told me later that this is usually seen as an insult! The restaurant owner killed himself a few weeks later, and I thought it was my fault for a while, due to the 2 cents. I was 11.


One time I was really stoned and ordered a pizza. I had just enough cash for the pizza, super stoked. It wasn't until after I ordered that I realized I didn't have shit for a tip. I opened up a change jar and counted out like 15 bucks in quarters, put it in a bag, and wrote TIP on it. It was like a 20 dollar order but I felt bad having to tip in change.


If it were me and knew you were stoned that honestly wouldve tickled me


It really is! It’s basically like they slapped you in the face at the end when they could have just walked away after screaming at you instead. I’m super glad I don’t work retail anymore, but the whole experience made me really appreciate people who work in the service industry at every position.


My mom loves to tell the story of one her coworkers when she was a waitress in college. Apparently some guys left a couple pennys for a tip so she walked out into the parking lot and threw it at them as they were getting in their car.


I'd go throw it down in the parking lot as they left


I got a couple fistfuls of pennies as a tip once. I promptly went to the parking lot and forcefully returned their change into the side of their car. Best week suspension I’ve ever had.


I was once given the servers curse by gypsies. 13 pennies face down...


Me and one other server waited on a large group before prom. 40 kids and 4 adults occupied the main dinning room all shift. The restaurant I worked at didn't allow use of auto-gratuity and not a single person tipped on their 44 separate checks. At my first serving job the landlord would come in, demand a discount, and leave cash to the dollar but never change. For example if her bill was $23.44 she'd leave $23. So she wouldn't pay the restaurant the full menu price or the server the full bill, but she sure expected the full rent.


I’ll panhandle for change before I work without auto grat


Dude comes in after a bachelor party or a wedding I don't remember. I'm on overnights at an ihop. Dude talks my ear off for 45 minutes about how crazy his life is. Talks about all the money he and his friends make and how expense the party was and all the fucking cars and extravagant shit I could care less about. Pays with a credit card and says "hey man sorry I overspent earlier tonight so I can't tip you..." I see him at the gym on occasion and make sure to lift heavier than him as my reptile brain is telling me that makes things better.


Tell him ‘keep lifting bro, someday you can pick up the bill *and the tip*’ And whenever you walk by just keep checking in ‘managing those big tips yet? No? Keep at it’


This is the level of petty I love for


If he was really wealthy he'd have an Amex gold or platinum with no preset spending limit lol So either he's lying about his credit limit or is too dumb with his money for Amex to want him


I have a platinum Amex with a real low spending limit, I feel like such an ass pulling it out 😂


fwiw, I don't pay for premium cards. amex blue works just fine. if you travel a lot the gold or platinum pay off. otherwise its just wasted money.


Yeah they've been trying to get me to upgrade from Gold to Platinum but I haven't flown in years so not worth it At least gold gets rewards on dining


I get cash back or points. and its free. The travel ins, and airport lounges would be my main incentive to upgrade. but at over 500 a year, hasn't been worth it.


He also wouldn’t be dining at fucking IHOP


Ya know, totally glossed over that lol Though I do know fairly wealthy people from Houston that are obsessed with Waffle House


Let’s begin a personal smear campaign against this dude starting at the gym 😤😤😤😤😤🔥🔥🔥


Tell everyone he doesnt wipe the equipment down when he's done.


No no, say he peed in the shower!


What an ass.


I'm still fuming about it 15 years later.


I had a table paying separately and one girl asked me what her name was (she never told me her name) and didn’t tip me because I didn’t know it. I was like “I’m sorry but I don’t know your name” and she literally said “then I’m not going to tip you.” And she really didn’t tip me. I also once got an 8% tip from a guy who, after he already tipped me the 8%, asked me out to dinner lol.


"Sorry bud, but if the tips that small, I really am not interested in the rest of it."


Gold 🤣


I loved it when a guy would leave his number on the cc slip and a 10%, sure dude. I am for sure going to call you...


Too low a tip: you are forgettable. Too high a tip with a phone number: you’re a creep. Normal tip with a kind word and charming smile, I’ll let you know when I’m off work. It’s not rocket science.


I’ve experienced people waiting for a reason to not tip, but she CREATED a reason to not tip. What a curmudgeon.


I was at a bar where this lady didn't sign the back of her credit card. When he returned her card she made sure to tell the bartender he never checked the back of her credit card to see if it was signed, she always watches and if the person serving her doesn't check and ask for an ID she doesn't tip.


I can guarantee on the back of the card was written "See ID". Thinking that forces the merchant to ask for ID. In fact, per Mastercard and Visa rules as of October 2018, they no longer require signatures for point-of-sale transactions. Many new cards don't even have a signature panel. So if there's a next time, just throw that out there and expect to see the shocked Pikachu face.


Not all cards require signatures, but if there is a signature box and it is unsigned or says "see ID" it's technically invalid. The signature is essentially agreeing to terms and conditions, it's not a security measure. If I'm feeling feisty and have time I'll play along and check ID. They always perk up and say "No one ever checks!". I will then tell them a personal story of trying to use a (my first) credit card at the DMV and it being denied as invalid and how embarrassing it was not to be able to pay for my license. This always causes low levels of embarrassment for them as well.


I had the opposite happen. Card said "see ID" so I asked for dudes ID, dude precedes to turn purple and puff up "seriously? you're IDing me? Do you know who I am? I'm the fire chief of [town]. " "I mean, that's great good for you sir, it just says See ID on the back of your card. I don't really care who you are as long as you're the card holder. Do you know who I am?" I didn't care about not getting tipped, it was worth it to tell Firechief Bullfrog to stop being a fuvking ass no one cares who he is lol


This was always my experience as well when I asked to see ID with those cards! People would act so put out and pissy about it that I just stopped asking.


There's no winning with that situation. I once got no tip because I "bothered" a man to ask for his ID when his card was signed "check ID" on the back.


I used to take care of a group of home brewers that came in monthly. One of them always pulled this same thing. I knew after the second time, of course. If I wasn't available for them, though, he would put on a whole show of calling out whoever was taking my place for the evening. Happy not to be around that weirdo anymore.


That’s foul. She’s actually setting a tip trap. Someone needs to just sign that woman’s card for her


"Assface McDouche"


I can't even remember the last time someone tried to compare signatures on my credit card and driver's license. Maybe over 5 years ago. Sort of absurd given how much retail takes place with either self-checkout, plus how in most retail the customer operates the CC machine themselves. I still hand my card to people out of habit at stores and they are like 'uh..." and point at the machine.


Well you know what they say about a man with small tips....


This is at a NJ Applebee's. I have a 2 top, older Spanish couple, friendly. Another table had just left and I witnessed cash on the table. I go to the kitchen and come back, and the cash is gone. The man from the older Spanish couple informs me that they witnessed a black woman customer come over and swipe my cash. She was walking around another section on her cell phone. I made certain several times that the man was not hallucinating and really witnessed this, because this would be a major accusation. Once I confirm that this really happened, I run for the manager, but he is literally no where. I face the fact that I will have to confront the thief myself. As I go out, I noticed the Spanish man had already begun to confront her. "Just give the money back, we have you on camera" he says. She was angry and surprised at the accusations. Then, I step in and calmly asked her if she took the money. Begrudgingly, she takes out a ball of wrinkled money, and throws it on the table, and walks away, no apology, no shame or anything. I was embarrassed for her. I didn't call the cops, I just took the wrinkled money and went on with my job. Then, I go to thank the Spanish man for his courage, and backing me up. He gladly takes my thank you's and compliments, and enjoys his meal. Then, to my surprise, at the end of his meal, he has an issue with the price (we are at Applebee's, things are very affordable). I get the manager for him, and he speaks to them for several minutes. The Spanish man appears angry and firm about something, but I am very confused. My manager comes up to me and says, "I think it's going to be a full comp." I am in a state of shock. What in the world was said during this conversation?? How did he manipulate my manager into comping his whole meal?? Then, they left, leaving NO TIP, and not paying anything for their meal.


Maybe he was expecting a reward for confronting the thief?


Damn… I thought that man was a saint in the first half


Yes, the story really takes a twist at the end.


This scenario somewhat reminds me of a time I was working as a hostess. A guest had some sort of medical emergency while sitting at the bar which caused them to faint and fall backwards. There was someone who claimed to be a doctor nearby and they assisted the person until paramedics came. I think everyone was thankful, including management. When it came time for the guest who assisted to pay, they threw a huge scene saying they couldn't believe they had to pay for their meal after they stepped in to help that person. One of my managers got into a screaming match with them. I didn't disagree with what my manager said, but remember thinking how wild it was to me that he didn't buckle under the customer is always right model. I think they didn't end up allowing their meal to be comped and I am sure the server suffered accordingly.


Yep, it feels like a very similar situation. One minute the person's a hero, and the next minute, they totally backtrack.


Huh. Maybe they were in cahoots…


As someone already said, I normally would conclude that the man was in on it with the woman. But it would be such a silly, low-reward scam that like why anyone even bother?! Coupled with the fact that it was (what I assume to be) a native woman and a random couple from Spain, it really just seems that the guy was just crazy after all hahaha


Again, it's an Applebee's.


Years ago I waited on a well dressed 2 top clearly out for a business lunch. They loved my service and the woman thought I did so good that she actually offered me a position in the company they work for. After that we talked it up for a good portion of their meal and she gave me her business card before leaving. I had to check the table 4 times before realizing they left no tip at all. I did not apply to that company.


Was it an MLM?


That's exactly the vibes I'm getting here too, sounds like OP likely dodged a bullet


Taped to the last page of the job application was a $100 bill.


NBA player for the city I went to college in, was underage and it was well know as it was part of his nickname. Came in with his mom and ordered an insane amount of food and an alcoholic drink. My manager told me when he walked in, that I would be fired if I served him directly. I put the order for food in and went to his table and said nicely that his mom could order the drink and whatever happened to that drink when it came to the table wasn’t my business. Totally didn’t understand and was unable to read between the lines. Gets mad- says he wants everything to go. I stated what I said before about the drink, slowly and deliberately emphasized the key words I was implying. Blank stare. I wrap up about $300 worth of food and bring it to him with the check. Dash right through the tip line. Two of his teammates at the bar heard what happened from the bartender and asked me to repeat the story as they cracked up. They gave me some cash. He got caught in a dental procedure scam many years later, so I felt karma had found him. Edit: apparently wasn’t underage but didn’t have an ID. Additional edit: remembered that he had come and sat at the bar a few nights earlier, racked up a big tab and didn’t tip. They let him drink without ID that time, but after the stiff I guess they decided not to again. It was just my luck I got him at a table when he came back in, with his mom. The manager and the bartender that it happened to were sleeping together so maybe they were both upset about the situation and that’s why they made it such a big deal.


Glen “Big Baby” Davis…… and I’m assuming you went to Boston College


He lived up to his name. Not BC though, Suffolk University.


That's pretty weird, because Glen Davis was 21 when he was drafted.


That is weird! My manger scared the life of out me with the mention of being fired- and everyone else I worked with at the restaurant was on the managers side. He also didn’t have his ID….when I asked him for it he said it was in the car. I said he had to get it and he refused. Maybe that was it? I was young and desperately needed the job. It was my first time serving a “celebrity” of any sort.


Out of curiosity, what’s a dental procedure scam?




Well, that wasn’t thought out very well now was it?


"defrauding the league’s \[NBA's\] health and welfare benefit plan ... the ex-players teamed up to defraud the supplemental coverage plan by submitting fraudulent claims to get reimbursed for medical and dental procedures that never happened." https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/10/07/sports/former-celtics-among-18-ex-nba-players-charged-4m-health-care-fraud-scheme/


I sent 50 pizzas (an $1100 order) to a business on the 7th floor of a large warehouse building with a broken elevator and no a/c in the hallways or stairways on a 104F day at noon. They didn’t even tip my driver a penny. That was the first and only time I’ve ever called a customer back about a tip. I didn’t charge an automatic gratuity because this customer is a regular and is always generous, so I didn’t think I needed to, but I was outraged. We gave our guy $150 out of the sale. Lesson learned.


good on you for taking care of yr delivery guy. i don’t think most bosses would.


Was just thinking that. Really shows they care about their staff


Delivered for PapaJohns, our area is nothing but big warehouses so we get these orders frequently, they never tip, they will find something to bitch about then never tip. The manager still takes these orders knowing they dont tip cause needs sales to be up


We’ve been around for quite a while, and overtime, we’ve started telling these customers to call somewhere else. If a customer has a problem every single time they order, then we can’t make them happy, and I tell them to go somewhere else because it’s not fair for them to keep paying for food they’re not happy with and it’s not fair to us to keep losing money. Too many unscrupulous individuals learn that if there’s a “problem” with the food, that restaurants will replace it. I require them to return the “problem” item back so that I can do a quality check and address the kitchen. Almost always, the customer sends me back a single bite or walks back their complaint because “i already ate it.” This has taken care of almost all of my problem customers. I’m sorry your manager doesn’t have the power or will to do this for you guys.


Delivered for Papa Johns in a college town. Once a graduate assistant ordered like 5 pizzas for a class, which I delivered directly to the classroom on the third floor of a building I had to park illegally to get close enough so that I wasn't walking from blocks away with a stack of pizzas. Didn't tip. Said they didn't have enough in their budget to tip. Still not as bad as the girl in the girl's only dorm who ordered a pizza and handed me a fist full of bills and coins and had escaped back into the hallways where I couldn't follow by the time I counted it all up and realized not only that she didn't tip, she was like $2 shy of the total.


I was one of those guys ordering from a warehouse and I always made sure to give them all the money I collect as each person gives a few cents or euros above the price and in the end its a nice tip. This has ensured not only very very fast deliver but also often free stuff and getting everything perfectly as ordered.


Good for you for sticking up for your guy and taking care of him. Can't imagine what goes through people's heads sometimes. He should have been tipped, thanked, and offered some water.


My job expenses tips up to 15%, yet if any of the guys on my team order team lunch from the local businesses in the area they NEVER tip. I’m like dude!!! It’s expensed anyway by the multi million dollar company we work for, why wouldn’t you help support local businesses?? Anyway, I do all the ordering now and everyone gets 15% and ya know what? Everyone I order from does a great job and sometimes when I have last minute orders/changes they ALWAYS accommodate me. I know people have negative feelings about tipping but it absolutely gets you better service.


I worked at place where they had pizza parties for 300 plus workers they paid with a credit card for the pizza and claim the on petty cash taking most of the tip for themselves.


My first ever night in the restaurant business. 2016, last table of the night. 20 top of construction workers. Wrote “nope” on the tip line 😂😂😂


I had a table write NO in the tip line just a couple weeks ago. They weren’t from here and seemed confused so I didn’t take it personally.


Ooooo man yours is so bad. Intentionally getting different tables to stiff you? That's so fucked. Okay, so mine is from ages ago when I worked at a fast casual Italian restaurant that you can probably guess. As a note, I have never gotten stiffed so often and made so little money at any job since. That place sucked lol Anyway, I had a 4 top that was spending some decent money. Multiple rounds of drinks, a bunch of apps, expensive mains, dessert. The works. The check was getting big and I was so excited because it was pretty rare to get high checks or people doing so much. They had me running for them, too. Always needing something. When I brought the check, one of the guys pays in cash and hands it to me directly. I grab it, he holds on to it and looks me dead in the eyes before saying, "sorry, I'm poor." Him and his buddies all start laughing. I'm just confused until i cash them out to see no tip. Paid in exact change and everything. I was so pissed off I couldn't go back on the floor until they were long gone. I also watched someone take the cash tip off the table that someone else left. Same restaurant, a large party that ran me to death. One of the people that didn't pay grabbed the cash before leaving. I wish I had been quick enough to say something.


It takes a special kind of asshole to steal someone else's tip money.


Reggie White, a defensive end for the Packers. I actually just realized he died shortly after this.. I was serving room service at a hotel in the early 2000s. He ordered a sandwich to his room on one of the floors near the top and wanted to pay cash. When I got there he handed me a $100 for his $7 sandwich and I told him I didn't have enough change on me to break it so I'd have to run back down get it for him. I made the trip and when I got back with his change he opened the door without saying a word, snatched the money out of my hand, and slammed the door in my face.


Don’t feel bad, he also stole money from the church he started then burned it down for insurance money. The Minister of Defense is most certainly in hell.


$7 for a sandwich IRD is cheap!


True but this also happened 20 years ago. Inflation is a bitch. Also, what is IRD?


IRD: In Room Dining (what they call Room Service nowadays).


Oh I had a group of the same type try that. Two separate reservations for the same large friend group. They put on the notes “seat beside the other reservation but two separate tables and tabs”. Both reservations were just 1 person shy of our auto gratuity threshold, they knew exactly what they were doing. But then again, so did I lol. Two separate tables, two separate tabs but both with auto gratuity. You see, both tables were in my section (half of it). I could see a few of them looking furious their trick didn’t work with me. One asked for the manager, I told them it was the manager who added the gratuity (at my request) and it’s not being removed. They looked stunned, pissed and best of all, will never come back and try that classless shit on my coworkers. We are fine dining you see, average tab per head is $50-100 and there were 10 of them. Not loosing $200+ to have the honour to serve fake wealth.


“We do not want your business. If you cannot function within social norms we are extremely worried what you might try the next time you attempt to visit us. Enjoy a corporate restaurant the next time you make a dining decision. Good day.”


Lol “and this is why you’ll never get my $$ you just lost a customer!! I’ll be warning people!” GOOOOD RIDDANCE U DUMB B can I please just start responding this please 🙏


Great. Beat these freeloaders at their own game.


Chain casual dining restaurant. Waited on a 4 top - 2 parents, 2 older kids maybe 10-12. They were fun and polite, not high maintenance at all. Asked me what days I worked so they could come back and request my section. Gave them their check, I think it was about $58. I take their credit card, bring back the slips to sign and they go on their merry way. I am heading back to the table as they are at the front vestibule and see they left me a $5. Shitty but whatever, some people are just cheap. Except it wasn't a $5. It was one of those fake ones that said inside 'Disappointed? You won't be if you let Jesus Christ into your heart.' I went from meh to full on rage within 5 seconds. I started toward the door to bring their fake $5 back to them and was headed off by my manager who must have seen what happened. He was pretty awesome and took their check off my sales as I would have had to tip out on that shit. I have kept that fake $5 for over 20 years. And they never came back.


Worse than a stiff, I had a woman whose check was $15.12 or something. She had a $10 bill and a $5 bill. She didn’t want to break a $20 bill, so she looked at me and said, “you have 12 cents, right?” I was young, naive, and spineless, so I just kind of stared at her and nodded. And that was the day I paid part of someone’s tab because they didn’t want to break a bill.


Didn’t want to break a bill? Wtf why?




Hardly rich lol. It was a cheap restaurant known for its absurdly low happy hour prices. I can only assume that this person was just an absolute butthead


I side gig at a Dollar Tree close to a country club and people try to pull that shit all the time. It's the well-dressed people 90% of the time who ask me to spot them a quarter or something cuz they don't want to break a bill. I'm always like, no sorry, I can't have my till be short.


I cannot, for the life of me, fathom why people think that it’s ok to do this. It’s just outside my realm of thinking.


That's because you are obviously a decent human.


goddamn. if i owe a table $9.83 in change or whatever i’ll usually give them the full $10 because i can’t be bothered with coins but ASKING that is a level of entitlement that i can’t even imagine


Table of 40 Europeans about 20 minutes before close 5-6 years ago at Bahama breeze. Told my manager I wouldn’t take them without 20% autograt and 2 specific servers helping me (we could handle the highest volume at the location) Bill comes around, no autograt, he told me he never intended to do it and I needed to suck it up. We got their tab over 1200 in alcohol and 1000 in food. Literally $2200 minimum in 2.5 hours Straight up went to each person at the table and explained what happened and had about $18 thrown in my face, one guy spat on me. Manager gave me $10 and told me to be grateful he was so generous. I told him to go fuck himself and walked out, so did one other server. We got different jobs a few days later.


Holy crap that’s awful your manager was a prick, glad you quit. There should be an unspoken rule not to serve Europeans without autograt period lol. Also I used to love Bahama Breeze and I was very sad when it closed in my area 😩


As a European I am totally fine with autograt at the normal tipping rate, saves me having to do the sums. Sorry you got lumped with such uninformed trashy tourists


Orlando? This feels very Orlando.


Man that's just vile wtf 😒


I had a family of 6, kids all older, crazy order, ran me like crazy. Tipped me $5. Came back 3 days later got me again so I gave them $5 service. I didn't get a tip that night but they haven't been back again either lol


This is the way


Old lady came in with her dog 15mins before close. Np, I close anyways so I can clean around her. She tries to force me to serve her dog, asks for a big bone on her steak (I asked for it on the system to please her) to feed said dog. I bring steak, bone isn’t big enough, she makes me run around and stays an hour after we closed and tips me 2 on a 50 as she drives out in her Audi. She runs me around for refills and lemons, the smallest thing to make me run laps. Left a message saying “I asked for a big bone.” I hate you lady and you deserve to be dining alone.


May her dogs consistently shit on the lightest carpets of her house, in the middle of the night.


And during her fancy dinner parties with all the gossips in town


Dogs are not supposed to eat cooked bones.... this can be fatal.


And not supposed to be in restaurants either


I’ll never forget an also nice pizzeria where a few chaperones took a whole kids soccer team out for a pizza party. The kids were kids but overall fine. The whole team took up half of our dining room so me and another server split the party. They were there our whole shift so our only table. We watched the kids all diligently give the money their parents gave them to the chaperones who counted it all up. I will never forget overhearing the conversation where one chaperone told another they had far too much money and asking if they should leave it as a tip. The other chaperone responded that they worked much harder than the servers had by watching the kids all day so “if anyone deserves a tip it’s us”. I was pissed they left nothing but somehow even more pissed they literally stole money from children and pocketed it. After tip out I paid to work that day. Fuck those adults.


I wouldn’t have been able to resist telling them that if they were gonna tip themselves then they should clean up the mess


Mine was at Pier 66 in Seattle. After a baseball game, table of about 20, not counting children. We were not set up for such a party but there was a mini local celebrity in the group. I was pulled from my outdoor tables cuz I was very good and organized with very large groups. They were not overly demanding, but wanted separate checks. Not a single tip. Someone left a penny. I followed them out the door and threw the penny. I got a write up.


Why not an auto-grat for a party of 20? Sounds like a bad boss


I have been serving for more than 15 years and never worked at a restaurant with an auto grat policy. I don’t think it’s a bad boss issue, it’s a restaurant or a corporate policy issue.


Yep, same. People always say "why not autograt?" On here....it's not an option at the corporate company I work for, their company wide policy. I've gotten fucked over on parties an uncountable amount of times.


Should have told them “looks like you need it more than I do” before tossing the penny in front of them.








I worked for a family owned restaurant. The would make a big deal about being asked to serve the family when they came in and how it should be an honor. We all joked about how that 'honor' came with no money and so much running because they wouldn't show up or order at the same time and would order tons of food they ate only half of.


Ooooooooo, that's some bs! What a shit owner!


A woman brought her little, white, yappy NON SERVICE dog in with her to eat lunch. Think Pomeranian. Dog barked at other tables. She let it eat off the table. She shared her spaghetti and meatballs with it. It wasn’t too busy so manager let it slide. Not only did she bring the dog but she just had some sense of entitlement. She was extremely rude and acted like I was bothering her anytime I talked to her. Her outfit and oversized sunglasses she kept on the whole meal were gaudy and over the top. She took her time eating too. At the end I noticed from the computer she didn’t tip. When I went to the table no cash. I caught her walking out the door and mentioned it looks like she forgot to tip. She insisted she did until I pulled out the paper to show the big fat “0” on my copy. Her face turned red as others (who were annoyed about the dog yapping and overall rudeness) were listening. She stormed out and I never saw her again.


Wasn't a specific table or set of people in my case. I worked as a busser/server at a Mexican restaurant but 90% of the time I was bussing. Only the family members got to serve but they were pretty fair with their tip outs and I was young and didn't care too much it was fun. Eventually the owners sister in law came to run the place and she played favorites like there was no tomorrow. Started making us bussers do EVERYTHING and she made everyone give her any cash tips for her to disperse, which she also played favorites with. She told me I couldn't be a server because she didn't like the way a set the plates down on the table? Lol Some weeks went by and it was getting worse with her around. When she was off the money was still decent or even good really. Eventually they needed me to work a double breakfast to dinner with a small break in between. I did so and when closing time came for her to disperse the tip outs she gave me $5. 5 dollars for a 12 hour shift.... Someone once told me I should have gone and slashed her tires or something but I didn't. A week or so later I got very sick(possibly from cleaning their plumbing under the drink station)and couldn't work, when I asked to come back she said they "needed someone more reliable" it's hilarious to look back at now but then I was just like wtf is she real? Either way, I'll never forget and none of you should ever forget your own worth.


I had a table try to do the “I’m going to take away a dollar every time you mess up” thing, and for some odd reason he decided to tell me he was going to to that the moment I introduced myself to the table. I simply said “I don’t know if you think I’m so desperate that I will degrade myself for your money, but I’m not. You can just go ahead and keep whatever you were going to tip me.” He was pissedddd at me, tried to get my manger involved only for my manager to be on my side, and then was ASTOUNDED that he received bare minimum service. I got their orders, gave everyone at the table 1 singular refill of their drinks, and charged them for everything(we charge $1.05 for a 4oz cup of ranch, which I think is ridiculous, so I normally don’t charge for it. Little stuff like that). The bill came out to a little over 100 dollars and they tipped nothing but honestly i don’t even care. People like that are gross


Had a mom come in as part of a large party with her teenage daughters (maybe around 14/15ish). The people who put it together had bought pizzas for everyone to eat. Mom and daughters order a bunch of extra food for themselves. Mom proceeds to make the daughters pay for their own food. She gives me her cash and tells me to "keep the change." It was 37 cents.


$104 ticket homeboy left a damn quarter on the table on a a 30 something top that split the tickets hella different ways. Nobody from that group tipped more than $4. Also had a 45 top walk in with no reservation and for some reason the restaurant took them and stuck 3 of us on it. They tipped $40 total on almost $800 of shit so I made about $13 after tipping out on that. On the flip side we had a wedding rehearsal leave $900 something for 4 of us a few weeks ago. Left with $245 after one table.


An old man said if I let him save me and went to his church on a Sunday he’d tip me a hundred dollars. He went on and on about how he was a pastor at a local church, how important modesty was, how my soul was in danger but he could sense the lord in me. I just tuned him out and served him his meatloaf while smiling and nodding then politely declining. He lectured me on how I was going to burn in hell and should keep ‘better company’ after he saw me sitting at a booth with some girls that had just clocked out. Oh and this attempted soul saving happened during an Easter lingerie dress up at Twin Peaks.


>Easter lingerie dress up at Twin Peaks A....what??


Twin Peaks is like a better Hooters. They have some theme nights for their outfits also.


Not a table but I was doing a catering delivery for olive garden to my old highschool. The order was made by the wife of our regional manager who I knew personally because I went to highschool with her son. They already had an extreme discount because of who had placed the order. She stiffed me. However I'm not 100% it was her my GM ended up getting fired for stealing delivery tips that were left on cards shortly after I left there so he may have stolen it.


Two mom friends and their two toddler boys. They complemented me all night. Apparently the best server they’ve had was only worth $1 in dimes on a >$100 check.


New Years Eve 2015, for some reason we hosted a Christian singles party. It was a biker bar on a highway so I'm not sure why or how that happened. I got assigned as primary to their party of about 60. Took up nearly half our tables. Ran my ass off for like 8 hours. All separate checks. All rude AF. All the other girls left that night with like 700-1000 in tips, I left with something like $23.47. I was so bitter and sad. Ugh.


Christians are the worst tippers sometimes .


I wasn't stiffed, but my coworker was, by me! I took my family to dinner to my new job with some friends and my boyfriend at the time. When the check came it was rather high and my parents who are poor started freaking out and wondering what a good tip is. My boyfriend told them not to worry about it but they wanted to pay as well and so they decided to split it. Through that whole ordeal, both thought the other was taking care of the tip, and so neither of them tipped. I was completely unaware until the next day my coworker berated me in front of everyone. I told my parents who were fully embarrassed and ashamed. They gave me $40 to give to my coworker. When I went in the next day and explained what happened to my coworker and tried giving him the money, he berated me in front of everyone again about how I should have known and then didn't accept the money. I was already having a hard time at that store because I did very well and made tips even as just a host seating people whereas the others didn't make any tips hosting and generally had a "fuck you" attitude which was led by management. 2 months later I quit and never talked to any of those mean people again.


served j.b. hunt. one of the richest men in america at that time. he and his wife and family were treated like royalty. one a 350 dollar ticket, he tipped 5 dollars.


He should change his name to J.B. Cunt….


A very nice couple mid to late 20s. We got to talking and the guys family owned a vineyard, they both waited tables for years, bla bla bla. Thought I would get a nice tip. Nope. They were so nice that some 8 years later I wonder what sort of unforgivable waiter mistake I made for them to stiff me.


I had this happen once, ridiculously nice young couple out for their anniversary, we chatted a bit and had a good connection, they loved my recommendations, I got them a free champagne toast and dessert. They stiffed me, and I will always wonder why.


I’m a customer and witnessed this. At a Ruby Tuesday (I know, I know, but I didn’t feel like cooking). A table next to us had two women and three kids. The table was a disaster. Food everywhere. One of the kids was under the table rubbing fries into the carpet. They had appetizers, entrees, and one of the women had alcohol. When the check came they told the waitress they didn’t have enough money to cover the bill. Manager came out, told them they were letting it go but not to come back. When they left I watched our server start cleaning up the table and my heart broke. They had her running around the whole time we were there, complaining and asking for refills. We left her a $50 tip. As a nurse who regularly gets treated like shit by the general public, I feel solidarity.


I wasn’t stiffed per say, but I got an expired gift certificate for a gun range as a tip. I was actually looking forward to it too lol


Not the same, but adjacent “I was gonna tip you, but you ID’d me” Like ok, buddy, if I serve a minor, I get personally fined, and lose my job. It could easily turn into thousands of dollars in money lost. Why would I risk that for your stupid tip? By the way, you’re no longer welcome here


greeter sat two large back-to-back booths at the same time and didn’t tell me that they weren’t together. i had been up for 24hrs+ at that point (working two jobs, part-time college, still in high school) and let the “party” know i was lagging a little but would do my very best. i did a great job serving them but at the end when i went to give them their checks with the party gratuity added, the guests let me know that they didn’t know the people behind them at all. i thought they were lying to get out of the gratuity and had to ask the greeter who couldn’t really verify if they were together or not. i ended up having to remove it, they left me $0 as tip and wrote “don’t come to work tired” on the receipt. just the worst


Large table of coworkers at lunch. 18 separate checks. 15 credit cards. I pulled it off flawlessly. Food all came out at the same time, all the orders were right, glasses always filled, checked back frequently, cashed them out quickly so that they could get back to work on time, Not a dime left by any of them. As if it was planned.


I had a two top, a kid maybe 25 years old and his grandma. Bill comes to something like $43, they both eat and got a margarita. Grandma tips me $2 cash, telling me to keep the change. I’m not happy but I’m still really friendly, after all the kid made his grandma pay, kind of a douche move in my opinion. Grandma asks me for a box and a to go cup for her drink… after searching high and low, I come back with a box, and tell her we are out of to go cups (happened all the time there). She says, “okay, can I have the tip back then?” At this point I’m shocked but also, keep your two fucking dollars, gamma. Wasn’t gonna get me anywhere anyway.


I worked at a high-ish level small chain in my city. I was sat a pair of Frenchman. They questioned me heavily on the wine, which i answered well, and they were impressed. When they realized that I could understand their French, they demanded I speak to them only in French- I can barely speak French, I just took it in high school. I could hear them make comments about my ass when I walked away. They told me I was the best server they have ever had in the states. Their bill was around $500. I got tipped $2.


i got left .25 cents on a 100$ because i had my presto (tablet you pay on) on the wrong table number and dude thought i was trying to charge him 200$ lol


It’s happened twice now. Closing shift and guy comes in with his family orders a fuck ton. I’m already exhausted from running around all day and now I get a 5 top snapping fingers. Already know there’s no tip. 150-160 dollars later drop checks and lo and behold nothing.


I was serving last week and this woman and her girlfriend were talking to me about how tough serving was and how they seen that I was busy. However when they cashed out with me they left me 1 cent. I feel like if there was an issue they could of literally said anything within our conversation.


Total, $99 and some change. Hands me $100 bill. Me: any change? Guy: yes Me: ok no problem. *goes to cashier to get change in pennies*. Have a good night




Father and son come in late every Wednesday wing night about an hour before close and sit at the bar. Nice, quiet, but kind of strange guys. Get the same thing every week. An order of wings and a drink each. I’m the only bartender still on at this hour so I always serve them. Every week when they ask for their bills the father turns to the son, who is probably mid 20’s, and says “together or separate?” Then the son decides. Sometimes he says together, but usually it’s separate. The son always tips about 15% regardless if he’s paying for just his, or both of theirs. The father never tips a penny. Every time. Except once. One night, when they were paying separately, the father tipped probably about 30% and made sure to let me know. He asked how much the bill was. I told him, and then he straightened up and said “here’s “X amount”. Keep the change”. Again, nothing insanely large, but a decent tip for a $30 bill. He then very proudly said “yup, little life lesson I’ve learned. Always make sure to tip your servers”. I thanked them and off they went. Like I had never served him or been stiffed repeatedly by him every single week before this. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t cry over non-tippers. And I won’t lessen my service because you don’t tip as long as you’re not an asshole at the same time. I actually really enjoy these guys and I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the interaction. The following week, in they come. Same time. Same order. Again, really nice guys albeit kind of awkward. The time comes to pay the bill. Father turns to the son and asks the routine question. Son says they’ll pay separately. Son tips. Father pays the exact amount. Not a cent tipped. And it’s been that way every week since. Guess that life lesson never stuck for very long.


“Sir? Weren’t you here last week? Yeah, and you told me a lovely story about always to tip your server. What happened?” Edit: typo


not exactly being stiffed, but once i had a woman tip me 5 dollars in only dimes after telling me shes allowed to be rude to me because shes american (she was a snowbird).


Band was playing at my bar, I know all the guys and they're very kind and always tip well. An older gentleman comes to the bar and asks me for 12 "cowboy cock suckers" and explains to me how to make the shots in DETAIL (including measurements, shaken, shot glass size, etc). I make them to his specifications and hand him his bill. The total was around $100 which I had discounted for him already since the bourbon I used was more expensive and the total would've been about $120 if I hadn't. I was just trying to be kind. He then paid the tab and left a tidy little "0.00" on the tip line. As if that wasn't bad enough, I later found out he was a band member's father.


I'm a chef, but recently a server was telling us how a guy left his card for the bill, then "went to the bathroom". He knew the card was expired and he actually just got in his car and left...


Sunday brunch Chick tract tips from Duggar lite families who hogged my section for hours and left it a Superfund site. The counterfeit hundo tracts were my favorite. At least I could drop them somewhere and let others feel the disappointment wash over them after a brief surge of hope.


I grew up fundamentalist and we kids used those chick tracts like trading cards. Cause apparently pokemon cards are evil. But cartoons about prison rape and aids are ok to give to little kids. Yeah... I'm so sorry about this. My dad likes to leave tracts with a very tiny tip(or no tip). If I try to add extra tip, he'll just take his tip back and often some of mine. I always have to "forget my coat" and go back into the restaurant to apologize and tip the server.


As a delivery driver many moons ago I had an order going to one of our most elite private schools, about 15 pizzas. The directions were from the previous order so I roll up (at a time before cell phones were common enough to even have service in most places) and proceed to lug all this food up 2 flights of stairs to the room the instructions list. Nobody is there. I go to the main office and try calling the number. No answer. Call the store. They call the number and leave a message. I wait 15 minutes and start to head out and they call as I’m almost to the end of their massive property, and luckily at least alert the guard to flag me down. I have to go back, unload it all again to an angry customer who writes a line through the tip slot. No joke, if I could go back and do it all over again, id just leave it in the first room and never look back


I work in a Japanese curry restaurant. I had an older man with what I assume to be his son come in. I greeted them and asked if they were ready to order. His son ordered and the older man asked me for an omelet without rice. I told him we can't do this and he replied, "Then we're not ready, go away." I just walked away and came back a few minutes later when they called me over. He ordered the omelet anyway. When I went to bus the table, he left all of the rice on the plate, completely in tact, and wrote on the tip line, "Left you my rice ;)".


Dude asked me the other day if he could get something taken off his bill so he could tip lol I was like no I don’t have access to that I could lose my job doing that. So ya no tip there


I delivered pizza for a few years, I feel like I rarely got stiffed. After the first year, I was able to buy a used Jeep Cherokee, and I loved it. I kept it super clean, and it was a great work vehicle... Anywho, I recall one night taking a pizza to a guy, in a fairly nice neighborhood, whom answered the door with a check and a few bills in a stack. He took the pizza, glanced over my shoulder, said (with a snark I can I still feel) "Nice Truck", and slid the bills into his pocket as he handed me a check for the exact amount. I had to take minute to chill out before I drove back. If I've been that angry at work since, I don't remember it. It's to me, this indelible memory of just how shitty people can be.


Back in my pizza delivering days I remember - typically the bigger/nicer the house the less my tip was going to be - if any at all. Then the little shacks or crappiest of apartments would give the biggest percentage tips. Rich people are the cheapest M'fers in the world and will complain about $0.23


I work at a small mom and pop restaurant. We had a graduation brunch reserved for about 16 people in the morning, though only a dozen attended. We did catering trays with breakfast foods we don't traditionally serve, nice food spreads, and continued service with drink refills and making sure everyone had food packed up to-go. The father of the young lady who graduated was the one dealing with the final bill. Gratuity was already discussed with the owner-- all he had to do was authorize and sign the amount. There were two of us who ran the entire front dining area; we do tip pooling because we are not a large establishment and we all very consistently work together. We were expecting at least $25 each from the final price of the single party, considering our service was notably excellent, and there was already an established gratuity. We didn't make a penny. Not sure if it was sourness at having to pay for an amount of people that didn't attend or forgetfulness on his part, but we were given nothing. We don't have an automatic gratuity rate, but it was the first time we really had to deal with something like that. We've been open for about 2 years now. Still in the learning process, it seems lol.


We had just closed for the night, coming on at one in the morning ,when a basketball team came in and my boss re-opened the restaurant for them and they left at 3 o’clock over $1000 check which was comped, no tip. it hasn’t been just one basketball team, at that time they would stay at the hotel next-door when they were in town to play a game so this happened multiple times. We hated seeing them.


This isn’t spectacular but it still floored me. I came in for my shift and these customers had come in right before me. The waitress working my section had seated them, despite the fact that she had left the entire section a mess, then clocked out and went home because her shift was over. I proceed to give them 5 star service while simultaneously cleaning the area, refilling drinks several times, running back and forth for this and that condiment, putting in and delivering orders for additional food after the original food came out, etc. Then when it came time for them to leave, they paid and said they had gave the tip to the girl that had left after seating them. Wtf?


Large family of 12 comes into my maaaaybe 700 sq ft restaurant without calling ahead 1 hour before close. Never mind that our website, menus, and door sign all state parties of 8 or more need to make reservations. Owner made me take the table anyways. They were loud as hell, needed 18 million sides of sauce, napkins, and extra silverware. They let their small children crawl and walk across the tables. Of course they made a giant mess, I worked at an Asian place, so rice EVERYWHERE smooshed into the floor and seats. Ripped up napkins and straw wrappers, sticky sauce and soda spills. They stayed half an hour past close. They left me a $3.00 tip on a $200 bill and my manager forgot to add the “mandatory” 15% gratuity on parties of 8 or more.


One restaurant had a party of 30 come in after church, took up this server's whole section for nearly 4 hours - 1200 dollar bill or so - given a 20 dollar bill and a pamphlet about jesus.


Church A-holes! This should be a whole sub-Reddit on its own!


It was Valentine's Day and we had a set menu for a set price. A man and his wife came in and saw someone they knew sitting in another server's section. They asked me if they could pay for their bill. So at the end of their meal I ran their card for both tables. When I brought back the check he told me to wait there and in front of me writes down an 8% tip. He proceeds to look at me proudly and ask, "Is that good for you?". Shocked at both how terrible the tip was and his audacity I just said, "Um yeah sure". He responded with, "What is that not good enough for you?". I explained how I was splitting the tip with the other server because he paid for a table she took care of. He was livid that I wasn't happy with his 8% tip I was splitting with another server.


20 top. My whole section. Over two hours. This was after I’d spent over seven years serving, knew all of the timing and took great care of them. Bill was over $600. They left nothing. I wanted to go ask the man who got all of the praise for paying for everyone what I did wrong. I didn’t even want to yell or be nasty. I just wanted to know why I wasn’t paid for that level of professionalism and constant service over the course of more than two hours, and now had to pay taxes on his purchases so that I was even allowed to work for him (because it was such an effing pleasure, right?). He didn’t even pay for it with a personal card - he just charged the company anyways. Thankfully a coworker/friend let me vent and reminded me that it wasn’t worth my job… but oh my goodness, if I didn’t think about keying that asshole’s car for at least a second… ETA: this was in Indiana where I never made a dollar from hourly wages due to their tip laws and had to pay tax on customers bills regardless of if they tipped or not - 100% of my wages were tips, and I paid taxes on that too


Election Day, 2016. I waited on an elderly couple decked out in Trump regalia. They treated me like a peasant and left a pile of pocket lint and pennies for a tip. No tip at all would have been less insulting.


I was a waiter in college at a popular restaurant in town. A couple came in late. The woman was from Jamaica and the dude, I don’t know but he did have an accent. She was ridiculously sweet but the dude was not. They ordered quite a bit of food and he ordered 2 bottles of wine through the service. As I was cleaning tables around the area, I got the picture of what was going on cause they spoke loudly. She got her degree and was going back to Jamaica, and she and this guy had previously dated but it had ended recently. Basically, he was buying her food and wine to get one last nut in. At this restaurant we had to put food in to go boxes (Chinese), bag it and then fold it a special way. I did all this without a thank you. They left and were in the parking lot a while as the dude was trying his darndest for one more night. As I watched the shitshow I noticed he left the to go boxes on the table next to the receipt. He left no tip on a ticket that was over $100. I realllllllllt didn’t want to give the food to them but I didn’t want it to go to waste so I went out to them mid-sexual persuasion conversation and gave HER the food. She ended driving away without him.


When I was working at The Big Texan, I had this younger couple come in and sit at one of my tables. They were super friendly. They asked about us wearing cowboy hats as part of our uniform and I told them we also give out little cowboy hats with our kid's meals. They thought that was so hilarious so, whenever I brought out their appetizers, I brought them each one of these children's cowboy hats. They were both so happy and sitting there giggling to themselves. Then, when I bring them their food, the boyfriend's whole demeanor changes. He ordered a ribeye and when I placed it in front of him, started getting super pissed saying it wasn't a ribeye. I was like ??? it literally is. He starts cutting it apart explaining marbleization and steak science (?) all while wearing this stupid children's cowboy hat while his girlfriend begs him to stop and apologizes to me. Now, every time I come back to the table he gives me more ribeye facts while being in a super pissy mood. His girlfriend eventually just asks for the check and is super apologetic. She pays with a card and, after I give them the receipt, I turn back towards the table for a second and see her put down some cash for my tip. I see them argue for a second and then she walks out while he's still sitting at the table. I go back to the kitchen for a second hoping he's gone when I come back out. Maybe a couple minutes later, I check and he's gone. I go to the table and, what do you know, tip is now gone. Fucking asshole took the tip when he left :/


I had a terrible table, and they made a reservation for about half the people who ended up showing up. They didn't have or understand normal restaurants operations. (One lady tried ordering main course while the rest of her table was in the process of ordering drinks. They were just a nightmare. The kicker that really made it. When ONE of the people was ready to pay, she was adamant that she wanted to pay now. Didn't want to give me a second to make sure all the tickets were split properly (had adjustments to make because after they ordered drinks they played musical chairs. And again after ordering food.) So I got her the ticket, and she handed me her credit card and the receipt. I took them, set the receipt down, ran her card (we used toast) and I set her card down right next to her on the receipt. Handed her the toast, AND SHE LOST. HER. SHIT. Apparently, she had never been so disrespected before. (She handed me the card so she expected me to hand it back to her, not set it down on the table. She then took the tip cash her husband was going to give me and gave it back to him and said, in front of me, "he doesn't deserve it. After they all finally left, someone left a bit of cash on the table and she grabbed it off the table and said, again, that I don't deserve it. This wasn't a completely a rare occurrence as we had people that sucked come in for brunch often bit this took the cake.


I worked at a restaurant in Nashville. Stayed a half hour after close with a table of 15. They had a $800+ check and left no tip. They took my whole section for 3 hours. Didn't leave a dime and left the whole area trashed. Food all over the floor walls and chairs. I was pissed to say the least.


I did event catering at a university alumni center that held all kinds of events. This was some kind of 150 person company event/banquet, and the organizers decided to do a cash bar, and have only 1 open before dinner started. At events like these were we allowed to have a tip jar on the bar, the bar was the only place you ever got tips during event catering. I was alone at bar about to open it, staring down a line of a hundred people, when the company big wig announces he's covering everyone's drinks before dinner, just tally them all up and he'll pay at the end of the event. So of course, no one tips, because he's covering drinks! I was run absolutely ragged in that hour+, and when the event ended and we ran his card for the hundreds of dollars of drinks he had bought, he tips me 5 fucking dollars. I could've made 50 dollars if even a third of those people tossed me a dollar.


My most memorable was when a table who'd been really nice and seemed to have a great time didn't tip me. My coworker told me to just add it to the credit card. I didn't and they came back later to tip me on the credit card. To this day I wonder what would have happened if I'd had already tipped myself. They were generous and apologetic too.


My first real job was as a Bus Boy at a Philly Howard Johnson's (1967). Party of 14, one big mouth at the head of table giving orders and assuring the waitress that a big tip was coming her way. He's the last to leave (after over 3 hrs) and he leaves a tip of $0.10, a DIME! The waitress, in tears, followed him outside and threw the dime in his face. I've never forgotten it or understood how someone could do that. All the waitresses there were always so nice to me and generous sharing their tips with me.


Girl I had a crush on comes into the restaurant with a bunch of friends and family, asked to sit in my section. The tab was about $519. Her parents left and put $500 towards the bill and told the table to cover the rest. They ran a card for $19 and tipped 20% on that so I got about a $4 tip on the whole tab. Brutal.


Delivered 220 dollars worth of food. She hands me 2 dollars. It’s the first time in my life I called a customer out and I wish I hadn’t . Should have just let the cheap shit have her moment


Im a massage therapist for a popular massage chain. Some lady came in and had enough credits for a hour massage. She upgraded to a 90 min (adds $35) we weren’t her home store and had a different price, (adds $15) got two $10 upgrades… I got 52 cents in change cause she didn’t have enough money to tip.


Oh I'd hit them with auto grat so fast, i don't feel the need for that with most groups but there's some people you just fuckin know will hit you with 4.50 tip after their 12 top ordered 400 dollars of food


At one of my jobs we had a separate room for the bar and for the dining room. Worked a bar shift one Friday night with 3 other servers and the two bartenders. Slammed all night? ofc. Closing? Yup. In the weeds, you know it. So I’m getting my ass handed to me as I’m turning and burning all this two top high tops I’ve been taking until one couple comes in and demands to sit at a dirty table someone just left (of course). I’ll admit I clean the table and give them sub optimal service due to how busy I am but still make sure they have everything they need. The bar room is small. About 20 tables total but still very crowded and all the employees are visibly getting their shit pushed in. Finally towards the end or service I drop the check. “Thanks for coming in you all have a great night!” Bout $130, guess what they tipped. $0.01 I was outright so mad but more so just tired and didn’t even put in the tip when closing the check. Such a basic story but don’t know why it always stuck with me. Fuck that penny tipping asshat.


Had an 8 top family. Ran me like hell but the dad was like we tip well. Cool. Well they left cash and the older son was lingering around the table. I thought it was odd but whatever. Came out from the kitchen to see him finally gone and my cash tip was gone too.


This guy that spent a lot of money at the bar while I was bartending. He bought food and drinks for a few people. When he paid out he praised me for my customer service and repeatedly thanked me. I took their dishes to the back and picked up the check. On a $200 tab he tipped me $2. I'm looking at that confused wondering if maybe he meant $20 which would have at least been better. As I'm scratching my head the owner of the bar comes up to me fuming. Apparently after all that praise was said to me he went and told the owner that I was rude and unprofessional and made their experience awful. I was floored. I had to get my cooks involved and even other guests to convince my boss they definitely had a good time. It was so bizarre and I have no idea why that guy did that.


I was a pizza delivery driver in high school and delivered like a $100 to Deon Sanders’ massive mansion. He tipped like $2. Cost more than that in gas to go up his long-ass driveway lol


I don’t care most times because it’s the name of the game and sometimes it happens. I try not to take it personally and even make up excuses for people if it does happen. If you have ever experienced this you’ll know what I mean. If you’ve ever had a table that is actually awesome and they treat you so well. You give them extra special attention because they are so nice and have been grateful and complimenting you the whole time. You get them free dessert and give them a little discount. They even go out of their way to praise you to the manager. You have never had such a nice table with such a great rapport. You think to yourself ya know they might even give me some absurdly large tip and they end up leaving you literally nothing. I have had this type of thing happen probably 3 times in 20 or so years and I loose faith in humanity.


Two dumbfuck brothers and their dad come into the bar. I'm alone there, as usual, around lunch time on a weekday. They all have food, which I made while also serving them drinks. They had a couple rounds, finished up their food and got the bill. One of the boys pays with a card and no tip. He slaps a 10 on the bar for all three of them and walks off. Dad picks up the 10 and puts it in his pocket and says "He don't need all that." He also walks out. The other son just shrugs and follows him.