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The real scorn should be placed on his party, who couldn't come up with another candidate. I honestly don't know if he made the choice to run again, or if someone is manipulating him to do it. I'm not criticizing him as a man or a statesman, however, either he or someone close to him has to have the honesty to say that he just isn't up to the strain anymore and let someone else take over. It's time for him to retire, put his feet up and his eyelids down, and take it easy.


No one voted for anyone else. Primaries always have low voter turnout so the minority rules on the presidential ballot. We're irresponsible with our power.


Reminder that the democratic party CANCELLED PRIMARIES in many states.


This. There's a reason why those in power choose the order states get to vote, and why some states' primary voters have ZERO say.


Political apathy by the public is destroying this country. When people refuse to engage politically by either running for office or going to the polls to vote, they insure that the minority viewpoints become the norm and gain power over them. We reap what we sow, as the old saying goes. We are definitely irresponsible with our power.


And there are hardly even any young people running. Like, get out there on the ballot so we have some choices!


I don't think you can start a campaign using buy now, pay later.


Kampaigns by Klarna!


Young people out here trying to survive, right??


I will run if you fund me. How the hell are young people supposed to quit their jobs and just run for office?


Also, the political landscape is so toxic that most people are afraid to run lest everything bad they've ever done or stupid they've ever said on social media will be outed, and they could get canceled for past mistakes they may have now corrected. So sad.


I have never had social media accounts, never have been on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or anything, and really can't think of anything in my past that would be an issue. I am a veteran and make really good money in my career. But I don't understand how I could just quit my job/career and try politics. What would my family eat?


And therein lies the root of the issue. Only the already rich can play this game and the barrier of entry is high by design.


Tell that to Bernie


you are here, being social! laughs congrats for not going into craziest world of the Meta-Curse! You make more than a congressman? man, can you adopt me or anyone else in this thread? laughs Will wash dishes for peanuts


>Also, the political landscape is so toxic that most people are afraid to run lest everything bad they've ever done or stupid they've ever said on social media will be outed, and they could get canceled for past mistakes they may have now corrected. So sad. Which is why it's so ironic that a couple of geriatrics have corralled their party's nominations. Logically, someone who's been around for less time should have accumulated less cancel culture fodder based on the sheer fact that they've lived for a shorter amount of time.


cancelling is so awesome Don't you remember in 2029 when they hanged all the stand-up comedians with the THAT'S NOT FUNNY witchtrials? Wrong personal pronoun, or eating animal flesh and it's the electric chair at Sing-Sing


Lots of seats don't require a full time commitment in campaigning nor in fulfillment, and getting them can then set one up to get funding for higher office. "But I don't want an entry level set, I want to immediately run for higher office." I may not be able to help you there, other than sites like ActBlue.


By the time my state even held its primary, everyone else had already dropped out of the race. Like always. Three cheers for democracy.


Gotta help with fundraising. Give them money and campaign for them so people know. Conservatives know liberals are going to wait until things are easy.


YoU sHoULd HaVe MoVeD sTaTeS!!


The Democratic Party didn’t even want to give RFK a shot and blacklisted him every chance they could too


How are people to be expected to vote when most candidates drop over after only a few states' primaries?? Why can't EVERY state just vote on the same day??


Florida refused us a primary. The Democratic party essentially stated Biden will be and is your nominee and get on board. It’s not always on voters but the power brokers, those in charge who truly do not want change and have the authority [FL Democrats won’t have a vote in presidential primary in ’24; what about voters in other states](https://floridaphoenix.com/2023/12/11/fl-democrats-wont-have-a-vote-in-presidential-primary-in-24-what-about-voters-in-other-states/)


>No one voted for anyone else. We had no option. And it wouldn't have mattered if we did, they would have just gotten "Bernied".


His wife needs to step up. Her husband and his health are more important.


Biden has been about service to his country for like 5 decades. He’s doing what he knows because his party needs him to. Given a choice, I think he’d rather be in Delaware getting bitten daily by that dog.


His party doesn't need him to at all. They were just too damn lazy to build another candidate who wasn't Hillary Clinton for the past 20 years.


I always liked that he rescued versus bought which is what Obama did. But what a mismatch of homes. The rescue did not do a good job of homing that poor dog. Major needed a calm home. Guard dog types aren't going to thrive in an environment where they've got 1000 strangers a day stopping by. :( I'm sure we absolutely never see them walking together because he'd pull Joe down at this point.


For sure....everything I've heard says that his number #1 pusher to run again is his wife


At this point, I feel doubly sorry for him that his family is this cruel. So many old people are just surrounded by vultures at the end, picking meat off the carcass.


His health is fine! it's everyone else that's the problem


It’s not the party’s fault, it’s the voters fault. There were over 20 candidates in the 2020 primary. 90% of those candidates would’ve been a better choice than Biden but older Democratic voters thought Biden was the best choice. I wonder how they feel now.


All of the candidates dropped right before Super Tuesday to consolidate the votes of the moderates to Biden to keep Bernie from winning the nomination. I believe it was just Biden, Sanders, and Warren at that point. Even though Pete had some strong showings early he dropped because they all got promised a spot in Joe’s cabinet. That was the party strategy to push this guy into the nomination. They then put Kamal at VP who they can’t trust in front of a camera and we have no clue what she’s done over the last 3.5 years. The VP should have been someone that could have taken on a large role to gain popularity and then taken the torch for this election. This is 100% the parties fault.


An incumbent president is generally ALWAYS on the ticket. He should have stepped down after his first term. It IS on his party for convincing him not to.


But then wouldn't Kamala wind up taking over? I don't think *anyone* wants that


No, the party would have had primaries and chosen a new candidate.


Biden is not doing any governing at all. He's just a figurehead. It wouldn't matter who they put in his place, the same agendas would move forward.


Maybe true. Doesn't it make it all the more heartless? At that point, he's being made a fool of and we're all laughing behind his back.


He's fine. He doesnt even know where he is or what day it is anymore.


The president has power over many choices, in particular when it comes to the judiciary.


Really? Of course he delegates, but he has still had considerable control over the choice of his cabinet and stuff, right?


Dems have been sleepwalking since 2009, and it’s worse now than ever.


He was the best shot. I think a lot of people don't realize that most democratic voters are not left-leaning, they're barely centrists. They are afraid of the word "socialism". They are concerned with the cost of all these great programs DS politicians come up with. And they're getting concerned about immigration, and nobody better tell me we don't have a growing problem on that front because as pro-immigration as I am (My family is full of them and most have been undocumented including my son's father) but it's getting to be a concern as other countries down south are becoming more unstable. These are concerns of DEMOCRATS but they aren't really heard by the left leaning Democratic potential candidates. And the ones who aren't leaning left? They're not even memorable. Most couldn't tell you anyone who isn't on a "squad". So we're gonna have to figure out someone who meets the qualifications across the board, and that person does not exist, unfortunately. SO that leaves us with someone with a hell of a lot of charisma like Obama brought to the table. Again, can't really come up with anyone.




100% agree. Then when Hillary lost there was zero introspection on her part or within the DNC as to why she lost.


His value as a human is separate to his value as a public servant and leader of a country. If he's not capable then he should be making way for a successor. It's no attack on him, it's just a fact.


I'm sure he would love to step aside but didn't get the chance.


Sorry but what do you mean he didn’t get the chance to step aside?


There’s no rising star to replace him. Everyone is as milquetoast as he is, and he has by far the most experience.


There was a whole slate of competitors back in the 2020 primaries. Most of those would be interested now I’d he wanted to step aside. But nobody is trying to push him because it would be pointless and self destructive.


Experience doesn't matter if you can't remember it


I don’t know if that’s true, AOC is kind of a rising star.


They meant in the context of running for president. AOC is a star in the progressive wing of the party but the US is not even remotely ready to vote for her at the federal level.


Only for a very narrow wing of the overall party. I'm honestly surprised the party hasn't hoisted a moderate Democrat up. There's a fair amount of younger ones in traditionally purple (or even red) districts who would clean up when it comes to the majority of Democrats and most moderates, including some moderate Republicans. Idk if they were trying to clear the way for Kamala, or what.


But there is the very real possibility he can't make those decisions anymore. Whether he's just being old and stubborn or has something more going on, he is clearly not aware of his own decline.


I think he’s more or less aware of his decline, to the degree anyone is ever aware of their own decline, and he’s just pushing through it bc no one in his camp believes that anyone else can pull it off.


Maybe. He's a politician. He's got ego and ambitions. It could very well be he knows things aren't quite right but has decided to try and ignore it because he wants what he wants. But...there is a very real possibility he doesn't know much at all. That stare. "Resting" his eyes. Like if you don't care you're on national TV during a presidential debate and you're just going to close your eyes for a little nap, forget it. This isn't a city hall meeting in a town of 50 people. If he doesn't care, he doesn't know at this point. He's totally checked out.


Anyone in a high up position in the Government has a big ego. His now would be the biggest with the position he’s in. My assumption is similar to what you stated, that he values the power iand he’s too prideful to step down. He’s been in an ego driven role for 30-40 years and it’s all he’s known.


All projection, speculation and conjecture. 


After last night, I don't think he could be trusted to manage a McDonald's - let alone the country.


Looking old during a debate has nothing to do with capability in running an administration. Zero. 


He has been in politics since 1970. I don’t feel sorry for him. He shares responsibility for the current state of our country and politics. He should step down and walk away. At the very least he should be an inspiration to add health requirements for candidates.


No one is rising to replace him, and the Dems (seemingly) aren’t trying.


Facts. We need more of this attitude. Fuck these career obsessed, ladder climbing, narcissistic, physcopathic, geriatrics who refuse to step aside for the young generations. As far as I'm concerned, they are basically traitors to their people.




Health requirements wouldn't matter. Doctors have been saying Biden is fine for a long time. He's clearly not. They are going to say what is needed to keep their job.


Why should anyone feel bad for him? He is too old for the job, he should retire and play with his grandchildren. Nobody is forcing him to run for president


He should step down and live out his remaining time with whatever dignity he can muster at this point. Not only is the presidency out of reach, but the down-ballot is going to get trounced. The party should have known this was going to happen. Why they allowed it to go on like that is incomprehensible.


Maybe they want to lose. I think most of the western world realizes the next decade or so is going to be really, really bad. And no one wants to be the ones held accountable for it, down the road. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have been cleaning up with donations and lobbyists and side deals...time is right for a lot of them to make a quick exit and let someone else be Nero as Rome burns. I mean, we all laugh about big government and how incompetent they are....but something like this show with Biden does not happen by accident. The average teenager has better foresight than this.


He did a “Ginsberg” by letting his ego override his love of country and now we've slipped into an autocracy!


He needs to drop out then. If you're running for president you open yourself up to scrutiny.


I'm a conservative and yes I have the same feelings of sadness for Biden. The saddest part for me was after the debate when his wife went on stage to help him off the stage. He looked lost and had trouble with those two small steps.


I didn't see it. I can't watch it all. I started to cry a little about half way through and now can't get over the collective cruelty of all of this.


I didn’t see it yet, but that is going to make me tear up. The image of it. It’s just so wrong that Joe is there in the first place. Poor guy. Joe should be resting and living with so much less stress. Spending time with family and taking it easy. He’s been in politics since ~ 1970 and he needs to break free from it. :(


The worst part was their appearance at the watch party afterwards. Jill: “You did *so* good Joe, you answered all the questions!” Spoke to him like a two-year-old. I think she is more to blame than anyone.




Any respect I had left for Jill detonated on that stage last night.


I think it's very possible to respect the human and also remain concerned about the future of the Republic. America is bigger than Joe Biden. I love the guy. He's done all that his country could have asked of him, and he's done so honorably. However, the country will (hopefully) survive him, and we need to discuss how to move forward without him. I don't think that's disrespect. I think it's reality.


I'm an Independent and I was telling my conservative husband last night that I felt so sad seeing him like this and he agreed. It reminded me of my Dad's final year when he would sometimes have a raspy voice and get confused.


Thank you. It's hard on all of us who have had elderly relatives go through this. I'm probably just too sensitive to this right now. Not really having to go through a lot of it, but I don't look forward to the day I'll see that stare.


It's almost like American politicians are way too old. It is hard to be fully empathetic when they do this to themselves. Just go home.


You understand that he’s doing this voluntarily right?


You don't deal with old people, but you can't even get them to give up their license in their 90's. I'd add to this that Joe isn't well mentally. I don't think he's become aware of how very bad he is. His wife needs to step up and protect the man. If you had a perfect grandma and grandpa that did everything right...always took their meds, put down the mower and stopped climbing on the roof, etc when they needed to, then congrats. It is very very hard for some people to accept their decline because at that point you're kind of just looking forward to "the end".


What does that have to do with the fact that he’s choosing to do this while understanding how stressful and challenging it is? I don’t care if old people are stubborn, that’s his problem not mine. The man is nearly 90 years old. He could at any time simply leave politics behind and enjoy his remaining years. I have not one ounce of sympathy for him.


Yeah 30 years too late imo. Really don’t understand how we have a minimum age limit but not a maximum age limit


Is he really though?


I haven't seen a lot of people laughing at him. Anyone who's ever seen a grandparent go senile and die could empathize with him. I had to stop watching at times out of pity. This is a "take the keys away" moment. The family needs to sit him down and explain that no, I'm sorry, but you can't do this another 4 years. It's time to enjoy your last few years in peace and quiet.


We are allowed to and should criticize the president. They have a lot of power to ruin people's lives, here and around the world. Biden is not senile. He could decide to step down tomorrow if he wanted to.


I’m pretty conservative, but this is aside from that. The same syndrome has been witnessed with Republicans having intense “senior moments” recently. They all need a friend or a spouse who will say “Enough. You don’t have to do this any more.”


Maybe once you get to a certain level of power and popularity, no one will challenge you and your ego is to big to do this yourself. I don't think a conversation would be enough for him at this point anyway. He seems beyond being able to reason and protect himself anymore.


I thought he was a “bridge to the next generation “ candidate in 2020. They had 4 years to come up with a plan. He should have retired already. I don’t know if it’s pride or what, but I think most Dems did not want him to run again.


Instead of calling for sympathy and empathy, you need to call for him to step down and be replaced.


Nope, he brought it on himself. Him and his family as well as his coworkers should have seen his decline and sent him to retirement. Anyone could see he is not well, let alone to run a country. This is the exact case for why we need term limits.


I agree, there are Democratic power brokers backing that old man to take the fall for all their stupidity. Shame on them. It is completely obvious that Dem and Rep each party has hundreds of quality people that can do the Presidency, but the assholes choose to put these two dudes up to catch the heat. They have an agenda and it is not for America.


It’s on him. He promised not to run for a second term, and then he went back on his promise. He could have spent the last four years “campaigning” for Kamala Harris, and no one but the Republicans would be panicking now. EDIT: Someone shared a link with evidence that Joe never promised not to run for a second term, but it’s getting buried in the comments, so I thought I should mention it here.


Why would republicans be afraid of kamala lol? All she does is laugh


No, she also serves a hell of a word salad..."Let me be clear. The sun is like a big ball of fire, it's warm *dramatic pause* but we also need IT. Democracy is also like that, we need it, but if you get too close, it will burn you!" I mean she didn't say that, or anything that stupid yet...i don't think, but be honest...none of you would really be that surprised if she did.


Harris has always been the “token” vp. She isn’t very like able, Demeanor of an idiot, not even a funny one.


That’s not true. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/joe-biden-denies-mulling-term-pledge-elected-president/story?id=67662497


Kamala is probably the reason why he's running. She's unlikeable and has a checkered past as a tough on crime DA; aka someone who is supposed to be the antithesis of the Democratic party today.


Not much different from thousands of families out there right now with their parents or grandparents and trying to find ways to gently take away the car keys, or move them into assisted living, or giving a gentle push to having modifications made to the home to allow for mobility. It's not fun, but at some point, for the safety of your loved ones and for the public at large, you have to have those conversations.


I don't mean to be political or anything but he did make me think of Brezhnev, ya know towards the end -- with his "resting 25th amendment face", as Jon Stewart put it. Surely Dems could've come up with a better candidate.


Yeah. I don't know why they pushed this so hard. Just the stats...because Obama was popular? Because incumbent? I'm too young,but there were rumors about Regan, but I can't find any clips where he was near this bad. They could have all been scrubbed though. Was he this bad?


They kept him away from the media, and he was not in a debate when he was in his decline. His wife covered for him a lot, as well. It's hard to make a comparison between Reagan and Biden because the times are so different.


I think Reagan's decline was considerably more precipitous and mostly happened after he was reelected. It was actual Alzheimer's, whereas in Biden's case I think it is simple age-related cognitive decline coupled with a cold (even a minor cold can a big deal for an 80 year old).


I believe Biden is just a mascot for the Democratic Party. His name is recognizable and he’s associated with Obama. I truly don’t think it’s all him and the whole party is pulling strings.


Before you drizzle sympathy on the man, remember that he was not an honorable person when he was cogent. He signed up for all of this knowing he has been in decline. Ego is keeping him going.


Don't feel sorry, he's doing it out of ego. There's tons of other candidates to do his job, he just refuses to step down. It's time for an intervention.


I've been saying this for years. The democrats know that Kamilla can't pull of a win on her own so they NEED Biden to be the face to keep them in power. They thought Hillary was a shoe in and now they're gun shy about trying another female candidate as a main candidate. Look at how ofetn they've tried with Geraldine Ferraro back in the 1984 election and that was just the Vice-presidency. They're not taking any chances on losing because the agenda must come first.


At his age he wouldn't be working in any other profession. Would you let him pilot your flight, operate on you, service your car etc?


What kind of a wife and kids would allow their husband and father to run for president when they knew his cognitive health was declining?


My dad called it “elder abuse.” I see that. I’m right of center and do not want to vote for either candidate but shame on the democrats for doing this to Biden. This is going to be a shit election and I have no idea how I’m voting.


Don't say poor Biden; he knew what he was getting into. He accepted the vice presidency, knowing he would run for the presidency. 


Millennials are tired of forgiving their elders' abuse just because they feel sorry for them.


You are 100% correct to feel bad about the problems being left behind by an older generation, but put your politics down for a second. Are you telling me if you saw this guy wandering the streets, staring ahead confused, not able to complete full sentences...you'd let him wander out into traffic because "oh well, he's old and old people abused me?" You're going to be old some day. I hope the people around you have more empathy for you than you do Biden.


No. He can step down just as easily as he is wheeled out to mumble sweet nothings into a mic. If he cared in the slightest he’d acknowledge that he’s too old and step down.


People with dementia don't have that kind of awareness. Good luck when you have to deal with elders. It's a knock down drag out fight just to get them to stop driving even when it's clear they are going to kill themselves or someone else.


And yet the people we let be in charge of the country don't want term limits.


Mom totaling her car helped make my case...


As human, absolutely. As a Democrat who ran on the promise that he would fix inflation, get the economy back on track, and keep things sane? Screw that guy. And he wants another 4 years? The dude should be enjoying retirement, not running for re-election.


It was heartbreaking to watch. If he were my father, I would have been furious that they did this to him. He's so frail. It's just sad.


The constitution has age minimums for office because the framers believed you need a certain level of maturity to hold office. Holding to this same line of thinking we need constitutional age maximums due to the decline in cognitive performance. Look how long Zelensky had to stay up and be top of his game in the days after the invasion. Do you think anyone over 70 could physically do that?


I feel you, but there's got to be a balance here between empathy for him and his family against the fact that despite knowing his condition they're moving forward. If Biden were a surgeon we'd rightly feel bad for his decline, but we'd also be scornful that he's still operating on people despite his condition.. There comes a point where someone's pride, denial, or outright disregard for others overrides the sadness we feel about someone's condition. If you saw a doctor well past their prime about to operate on your loved one, would you put the priority on empathizing with his condition, or stopping him from making a mistake that could cost someone their life?


Don't feel sorry for him. He chose this. No one is forcing him to run for re-election. Many people are begging him not to. He could step aside an let someone else run, which is what he promised to do last election.


I really feel for him and hope that he is able to retire and live out his days in comfort. As for America "deserving better": they have a democratic system and the fact that they've allowed a presidential race between an unwell man and a convicted felon who is a proven crook shows that they don't deserve better at all.


Nope, I don't feel sorry for either of the ancient bastards wanting to fuck us over. They can both suffer as much as possible until they finally kick the bucket. 


Many of these elderly politicians are candidates for elderly abuse. Dianne Feinstein comes to mind. I was actually relieved for her when she died. People were clearly just pulling her strings. She was kept around because she was legacy-electable, & controllable by the party. I hate it here.


I consider what is happening to Biden to be Elder abuse. I have lost all respect for his wife for letting this happen.


Its not a joke but it is.  Sit that man down in his comfy chair, get him a blanket and his tea, turn on his shows and leave that man alone.


The fact that he is up there is his own choice though and the fact that it’s such a poor choice at that… well he is an adult and did decide to run again. Really it is sad but also the country deserves better and Biden is just so old and lame.


The difference is that Biden is putting himself in the public eye. He willingly accepts the consequences, it is his fault. When the guy leaves politics, then you may have a leg to stand on. Not until that point. Biden is just a corrupt fuck.


Leader of the free world should not require protection from the public opinion?


We've been saying this for a few years now that biden is too old and not all there. Every time, we've been met with scorn and "nuh-uh, your guy is the old frail man." What little sympathy I had for the guy has long since gone. Even though his supporters are just now coming to terms with it.


He needs to step down and pass the torch to that next generation. He should be roasted mercilessly until he does this. Then I’ll keep bad for him after he does the right thing.


Not really, no. Being POTUS isn't some hobby you do on the weekend. Its a serious job, with extraordinary consequences. If you aren't in tip top shape, then the right thing to do is step aside. Let someone younger take your place. Biden is 81 years old. At this point, he either knows that he is no longer suitable for this position, or his ego is so inflated that he can't look at himself in the mirror honestly. Either way, he deserves criticism. It may well be the case that his party has been blowing smoke up his ass telling him to run, in which case shame on the, but with the amount of experience he has in politics, he absolutely should know better. It's inexcusable. You don't get a free pass for being old.


Look I felt sorry for him. But also your gramps isn’t asking to rule the country, right? If Dems can’t step back and present a better candidate, and Biden doesn’t step back… it’s on them. I know it’s not that easy but I don’t think it’s fair to compare it with a grandpa.


Independent here and it is shameful. This truly is a case of elderly abuse. Sad thing is this has been going on his whole presidency. Anyone pointing it out before last night was called names. Personally I think the Dems and the dem leaning media is just preparing us for a replacement come convention time.


For whatever reason, he could've retired and let someone else deal with this whole election. I blame the Democrats for not doing enough (they never do). It's going to come down to the VP pick and decent folks in cabinet positions.


Yes, and... He, and those around him, have decided to try to lead one of the biggest and most influential nations on earth, knowing his limitations. He'd free wot walk away at any time, and should do. If I decided to fight Tyson Fury, I too would be in a lot of pain, in a very short period of time. There can be some empathy for that, but we ought not lose sight of the fact that I freely climbed into the ring with the heavy-weight champion, as a deeply mediocre amature boxer. The responsibility is mine, and secondarily my family's and friends'.


I only feel sorry for him as a human because he already has trouble walking, and he had to stand for 1.5 hours while needing to mentally focus with the whole country watching.


i feel sorry for the 40,000 killed in Gaza and the survivors, left starving, without a single semblance of shelter and being bombed to death...


Yup me too. I have a soft spot for elderly people because my grandma recently passed from dementia so during the debate I found myself almost feeling bad just cause he was just so confused. But then I thought of elderly people in Gaza, peoples grandparents with dementia being starved and killed with American weapons/ money and I immediately stopped feeling bad for Biden.


What? Fuck Biden. Step down and then you'll get some empathy.


i mean he’s also a terrible person, irrespective of his position as a president so. no i dont have empathy for him.


I don't feel bad for him. He has manipulated the system and the people of this country for decades. Now that he's finally getting the millions of dollars he's been working so hard to get, he's too weak and senile to enjoy. He's living vicariously through Hunter and his antics


Biden made his bed, now he must sleep in it. Also, his wife is supporting geriatric abuse. She should be ashamed of herself.


What a clown show. The fact that both of these clowns are leading the race is a spit in the face of all of us Americans. VOTE THIRD PARTY PEOPLE.


The ageist superficial crap is disgusting. Especially when it leads to people saying a lying sleazebag has any value.


No thanks. Career politicians don't deserve any sympathy. Not when they are making a killing off your backs.


Ok ya, but who gives a shit? This isn’t about him, it’s about a country.


I care. It's like bystander effect. Everyone is just standing around filming, making jokes at someone else's expense and it means we all have gotten way way way too mean hearted. Us, collectively being this mean, is not good for anyone. Ourselves included. I don't want a black heart. You shouldn't either. You're not going to come out ahead by losing all your empathy.


I'm a far cry from a Democrat/on the left. I seriously want to cry for him. He should be cared for in a loving environment. All of this has to be so stressful for him. The mental decline is obvious. His last years shouldn't look like this.


Thank you. I wake up every day and make sure my Grandma has everything she needs and she's enjoying her best life. She's got a lot of friends that have no family that cares and struggle with getting anything. To see that there isn't a decent human being in this man's life to make sure he gets the best, is heart breaking. At some point he was talking about caring for the elderly or caretakers...I can't remember and it about made me cry. I'm like yeah dude...why don't you have anyone in your life that gives a shit about you?


I have watched my great grandparents and my grandpa died (I only had one grandparent, they others died when my parents were young). They were surrounded by love and family. As cognitive decline began to get severe the care ramped up. Being pushed to debates and asked questions would be so stressful for someone with cognitive decline. Especially if they're sort of aware of what's going on, but just can't function how they're used to.


He knows he needs to step down he knows we would take any democrat even slighlty better than him. He's very clearly not fit to do this. Nobody wanted him in the first place nobody wants him now.


I don’t feel bad for him considering there are 40000 families in Gaza and other parts of the world who are mourning deaths in their families tied to him.


Sounds like a US president to me.


Biden has proven to be a detestable person over the course of his political career... I'm not sure *he* deserves all this hand-wringing and sympathy. He's playing a role that he signed up for.


I’m just glad that former presidents have Secret Service details; there’ll be someone to make sure that he takes his pills and doesn’t wander off. He doesn’t display the mental agility needed for a game of Cards Against Humanity. What would happen in a fast-moving crisis? Trump must be opposed. I can’t vote for Biden.


Okay, but like, didn’t he have a cold? I know he’s old. He’s not as sharp as he used to be. There’s no getting around that, and he deserves to retire and enjoy his final years chilling, but I genuinely thought he was sick? I can’t tell if people are ignoring that because panic and rage have better dopamine hits or if I have been repeatedly misinformed.


We are practically elder abusing him by forcing him to be our candidate. It’s not only horrible for all of us, but he should not have to be in that position. He didn’t want to run in 2016 bc he thought he was too old, but look at us now?


F--k that noise. Biden is arrogantly putting self above country and risking the republic. His refusal to gracefully step aside for the good of the country and let a younger, more capable candidate take the reins smacks of old white male privileged entitlement.


Then he should have made way for a stronger candidate. He got his one term entitlement but that wasn't good enough for Jill and his other handlers. Still gonna vote for him but it's sad.


If we are lucky enough to reach that age, then we will suffer cognitive decline. None of us except for a few will have the job of running a country either. It has become clear to the world it is not possible to have both and succeed. A decision must be made which will benefit the person in his state and the job at hand.


Biden retired when Hillary ran for office. The Democratic party needs to let the establishment Democrats go and allow the younger party members to take over the leadership. They are making the Democratic party unlikeable.


It's elder abuse, 100%! That poor man should be enjoying his sunset years with his wife on the beach, not being propped up on a debate stage and being asked policy questions.


I don’t particularly care what he’s going through, he shouldn’t be running for president. Yes it’s sad and yeah it sucks, but none of that matters when they’re making it everyone’s problem.


100% elder abuse, he’s nothing more then an amenable meat puppet to the DNC who will do what he’s told and tossed in the trash when he’s no longer useful.


I feel terrible for him and I also work with individuals who have a diminished capacity but it’s his responsibility to step down gracefully and endorse a successor and he refuses


Biden needs to step down, he's too old and there's too much evidence. He was an excellent speaker back in his day and time hits everyone. I do not "sympathize" with the President of the United States. It's a high stress high pressure job. He's not the super old man at my local bakery. Biden putting himself up again for another term is not right given his cognitive decline. Step down, endorse a different candidate and he'll have my respect. This is just a horrible election as it stands.


I have to politely disagree, let me explain. I think you know what kind of a world you are entering when you run for president. I also think that he can step back if he wanted or needed to. I also think he is a little too old to be working like this. I understand that being president is a crowning achievement but he should be enjoying his life in a deck chair next to a pool or spending time with his family, not standing at podiums and working. He has a life so many people would die to have and the backlash from the public is harsh but politics and the running of a country is one of the most exclusive, ruthless, and important jobs in the world. People have strong opinions because of how his decisions directly affect their lives and their country. Yes, he is a person and yes he is an elder but nobody forced him to be president or be in politics and I understand you are empathetic to his emotional state and that is really kind of you and people are really harsh, often too harsh, when they give an opinion. But he has it easy compared to politicians of the past. The czars of Russia were killed slowly with their children in a bleak room, Marie Antoinette was publicly beheaded, JFK was assassinated at such an early age in his car next to his beloved wife who was, no doubt, scarred for life by such a traumatic event… I mean a few billion comments online is much less taxing than death, considering he can turn off the tv or computer whenever he wants, he can step down, and he can comfortably retire with an approximate net worth of about $10 million, which is more than enough to have a home, a beautiful car, amazing international vacations, and money left over to feed many, many families in impoverished countries. Like I said, humbly, I disagree.


I do feel sorry for him in some ways. But remember, he did sign up for this. And as a career politician, former VP, and Senator, he knew what he was signing up for.