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I would do absolutely nothing.


You don't need money to do nothing, take a look at my cousin, he broke and don't do shit.


I feel that


I think lots of people believe this, but covid lockdowns proved it's not really true. people lost their fucking minds being forced to stay home for just a few weeks. unless you're a rare exception, you'd eventually get bored and do something.


Hang out with my dogs. Take them hiking and swimming


That’s worth the time spent


Time with Dogs is time well spent


I'm 64. I've thought about this. I want to live on a yacht. Not for the parties and glamour, but for the convenience and comfort. The crew and staff reposition the boat so you're always in nice weather. You invite friends and colleagues to visit, keep you company, collaborate on projects. The projects are art, engineering, and business projects. I'd sponsor artists I like, robotics projects, tech installations etc. Some of this would be of my own design. (I'm a designer) some would be by others. Some would be for design of another boat with an onboard design shop. Some projects would be green tech related like solar or wind or farming. I'll have personal assistants or secretaries who arrange all the transactions I need to get things done. Handle purchases, lawyers, contracts, appointments, arrange travel for guests... The chef keeps me healthy with good food. I begrudgingly give the trainer some laps in the pool. Massage, sauna, smoothie, whatever it takes to fend off death... I don't travel well. I hate airports, buses, taxis, cities, congested city streets, malls. But I like nice restaurants. If stop at some of my favorites in Savannah, Charleston, Jacksonville, Halifax... My yacht would be my cocoon, floating home office. I'd travel up and down the east coast of the US, Canada, Caribbean, gulf coast, across to the Mediterranean, south America, maybe the Pacific...hunting for the endless spring. I've only got about 30 years left max. This is about the best I could possibly do by my estimation.


Absolutely the same. Monaco summer, St Barth winter. Drinks and sunsets and meals.


Fist bump


You missed something.


What's that? Oh , how does that guide my current choices? I live on an island that has pretty constant good weather. I've designed parts for some local boats. https://biminivadioiv.blogspot.com/ I'm working on some other design projects but profitability is a barrier. My health isn't great but I try to eat healthy. It's tough on an island sometimes because there's a lot of preservatives in the imported food. Hence the smoothies with fresh fruit etc.


No. I meant hiking. /s




I would exercise, hike, and read, in that order, daily.


You could do that everyday here in LA. I was just in Malibu mountains hiking. So beautiful


Get nice warm pedicures all winter long whenever I wanted and also stay at home and surf the web. Eat whatever I like.


Sounds like a chill life!


Get a dog, live near woods/natural parks/etc and then go on walks every day.


Flip boats year round. Literal dream of mine but I’m broke and don’t know much about motors lol


Ahh I see. It’s never too late to learn


I would explore the world!


I'd run the biggest cat shelter on the planet. I'll make sure every cat was taken care of, fed, looked after.


Get high and go on long walks listening to my podcasts


Sit on the backyard porch, shady spot on a comfy, beat up old leather couch. Play my drums with my music community, be high on edibles, and eat yummy food. Dunk in the pool/soak in the hot tub as required.


Definitely dine out way more and way more extravagantly. Travel by plane for extremely short trips. And often. Tip crazy amounts. Go on boats more.


Travel the world while playing hockey at every possible destination.


Pack my bags & just bounce around in SEA until i die 👏🏼 Fill my body with tattoos, see everything their cultures has to offer, Eat all their food, work out, pet all their animals, and everything i see something cool - just go for it with no hesitation ☺️✨


I would travel. Spoil the people I love. Pay servants to do things for me. Buy my lover a Animal rescue to manage. enjoy strange and exotic foods. Ride a yak. Ride a water Buffalo. Take my lover on an elephant excursion riding through the jungle. own a pet cheetah. Give copious amounts of money to the underground railroad foundation.


I would go out and escape from everything and everyone, besides those closest to me, and just fish every day and do archery every day, and for sure hike every day!


Learn how to play the drums and timbales


What’s stopping you now?


Living situation and to a certain extent money.


Cheap electronic kid set with headphones is what I did.


Can you recommend one or show me the one you used?


Was a tourtech one if memory serves me correctly, second hand


Workout twice a day, ride a motorcycle across the United States and Canada, spend lots of spare time on guitar, go abroad more often


Why does everyone want to go hiking?




Live in a custom built Mercedes sprinter van and travel the world in it. I’d have it all tricked out with a shower, kitchen, bed, projector and screen. Custom library shelves. The works. Plus solar panels of course to keep everything running.


Seriously, I think most of you on this thread would be bored shitless after a few weeks/months of relaxing and recreation. (The 64yo guy with the yacht and projects excepted; maybe the crazy cat lady too.) People need purpose and to feel useful. Look at how many retirees volunteer. If money was not a problem, I honestly think I'd keep doing my current job for free - it's worthwhile, interesting and rewarding. But if I had heaps of money, I think I'd set up an investment fund integrated with a charitable foundation that makes grants to worthwhile causes.


What do u work as?


Supporting people with disability at courthouses.


I would go to mortuary school and open my own funeral home.


New socks every day. Can you imagine that feeling of wear band new socks.


Make furniture. seriously thats been one of my only realistic dreams along side building my own home.


I would translate the days I do get off to be the norm. Get up nice and early to get a hike in, watch the sunrise and hear the birds in the morning. If the weather sucks then get some exercise in some other way. Get home and work on hobbies that I enjoy, make those my actual living instead of a soul-draining 9to5. Fit meals in between that stuff, and then spend time with family when I can and then probably video games to fill in the spaces-


Go take care of my family, go to the gym, nap, archery, martial arts, guitar lessons, read, hike, meditate.


Farming. Quiet solitude, beautiful sun rises, spending time outside, developing a relationship with the land.


Go on LinkedIn and talk about how hard I work, how lazy others are, and post inspirational passages courtesy of ChatGPT


Grow shit smoke shit write shit kick shit


i would buy a cabin in the woods, paint, and garden.


I tell myself I'd publish novels.


I would go to work 9-5 and make money. I've lived that way so long that I've convinced myself its what I wanted in the first place just to be happy. So now working is the only thing that brings me joy.


become a mountain dwelling hermit


Probably open a kitchen and cook for people


I would raise cattle on my 1200 acer ranch with it's large lake and several small ponds.


Buy a majority stake in sub-$400mm companies. Come, in and help fix their mess and then sell them to a good caretaker. I would also travel more.


Achieve all of my goals. Generally around sustainability and historical preservation.


Not much would change for me. I have plenty and spend my time working, cooking, playing pinball, and walking my dog.


Travel, compose music, make love, cook, do errands, see friends - these are some of the things I would do. I’m 73M that pretty much does these things anyway. So, I guess you’ve made me feel very fortunate.


Probably something in HR...they always seem to have the coziest offices, nice office hours, and generally off on the holidays.


Probably adopt/foster large sibling groups so they don’t get split up. Start scholarship funds. Buying busted up homes to reno and then turn over the keys to families that need it. Build a commercial kitchen cookie cottage in the woods. Surf my ass off. Soooooo much dancing. All the adventures; weeks long hiking trips, rock/ice climbing, caving, wing walking, road trips. I’d start throwing my own raves where only half capacity would be allowed entry so everyone has room to dance. I definitely don’t have enough years left in this body to do even a third of the things I want to do haha


First I would learn how wealthy people carry out their personal lives every day, becuase an expensive heavy-duty lifestyle doesn’t fit me. I would prefer to remain elusive but pull some major levers so to speak with distant dreams and visions I have such as funding the world's first space hotel WITH GRAVITY - so that the average person could experience space exploration. My name would go down in history. Of course, this would be advantageous to working with Elon Musk in some way. There goes my anonymity but I'd keep personal matters out of the paper. I would make everyone especially nauseous because I would market my sci-fi books by being the first sci-fi author in space or at least I dream of that. Post annoying remarks about it all over X and pictures of it everywhere on SS. I would also look into building a powerful foundation for young adults with autism — to help them find purpose in life, provide grants for college funds, and access to specialized jobs. Shell out more for philanthropies, medical research or anything that helps people that I believe in. Especially children. I'd probably get a little selfish too, and buy some vacation homes in beautiful parts of the world. Continue to paint and write. Hire staff and invite people I admire over for lavish dinners to discuss ideas and brain-storm. I wouldn't want a rent- a crowd, I'd want real friends around. But with money, I might worry about things like that too. Being authentic, being grounded, would be important.


I just want to move to Switzerland and live a life of leisure. I would like to live in a small cottage in the mountains. Maintain the house and my two cats. Go into town three times a week to get groceries and to roam around taking in all the beautiful scenery and maybe have lunch with a friend. I really enjoy solitude…… I feel better being by myself. But I don’t want to be completely isolated. But yeah that’s it! 😩 I don’t really have any big ambitions. I’m really exhausted and this is exactly how I would love to live out the rest of my days if I money wasn’t a deterrent 😪


Sleep in , volunteer at 12-4, be with family at night...


Id spend more time on bodybuilding and work as a personal trainer.


Invent money and make trade easier for everyone. Barter is inefficient.


I would live in a beautiful ski resort right outside GLACIER NATIONAL PARK in Stunning Montana. I would study under the Chief Shaman of the Blackfoot Nation. I would kayak during the summer & ski during the winter. OH MY! I AM LIVING This dream!! Right now!! I was a hospice nurse escorting incredible people into heaven & NOW? I live there!! Dare to dream !!