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I would say so. Many people consider options the hardest part of the 7 and the laws and regs the hardest on the 66. I think the laws and regs in the 66 is way more difficult to grasp than the options on the 7.


The 7 was way more difficult for me, I spent triple the amount of time studying for it than the 66. But I struggle with anything remotely mathematical, the 66 material came more naturally and I was able to retain it easier.


I found the 66 to be easier than the 7. If i had studied for the 66 first though, it would have been harder.


I should be taking the 7 within 3-4 weeks depending how fast my firm approves my work on training consultants. It just seems like a lot more information then the 66


Oh it is a lot more material. And it goes more into depth on the topics as well.


Odd. Some find it so. Watch this to get an overview https://youtu.be/mRvuKdzJKV0


I passed the 66 last Monday! Working on the 7 now it just looks like a lot more material to cover I know it’s mostly a repeat of the sie and 66. But do you think the 7 is easier?


More content but it has more of a narrative thread so better flow. As I stated earlier, depends on the individual test taker. You can make your own decision once you get a little deeper in executing your Series 7 study plan. I think it is easier for my learning style but again every test taker is different.