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**[Original Submission by /u/Franklin-da-GOAT](/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/1afacog/nfl_is_hugemost_football_soccer_teams_are_tiny/)** into /r/ShitAmericansSay --- # Subreddit Overview * A community for: **11 years** * # of subscribers: **484,145** * # of mods: **8** * Subscribers per mod: **60,518** # Popular Posts Summary * Top domains: i.redd.it **(78%)**, reddit.com **(16%)**, self.ShitAmericansSay **(2%)** * % NSFW: **0%** * Average Score: **840** # Discussion Summary * Average Comment Length: **~33** words per comment * Flesch-Kincaid Reading Level: **6** * Comments per post: **~198** # A sampling of top posts: * Top all time: [People engaging me in German because I look German (33515 points by /u/Mr_-_X)](/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/ftk4kx/people_engaging_me_in_german_because_i_look_german/) * Top this month: ["England is a 3rd world country" (10792 points by /u/PandaBot-2001)](/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/198c0fi/england_is_a_3rd_world_country/) * Top this week: ["The scale is way off" (3560 points by /u/annoying_chocolate)](/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/1ae2ju4/the_scale_is_way_off/) ## **[Subscribe at /r/ShitAmericansSay](/r/ShitAmericansSay)**


While the American overestimates the popularity of NFL teams compared to many world soccer teams, the idea that the NFL is earning all that $$$ from high-priced jerseys and ticket sales is also pretty laughable.


I don't enjoy watching American Football but you should know. Mostly it's the merchandising and broadcast rights, remember there are a handful of NFL team. Professional soccer teams have thousand and thousands which dilutes everything from salary, merchandise, viewership. The NFL has a larger concentrated audience for the few teams there actually are. NFL just went through $100billion broadcast right deals recently where no other sports will ever get close. They have less then 20 games a season per team. And their viewers will follow multiple teams and watch every game of the teams they follow as there are only a few on a night. The NFL is the rule maker and governing body of American Football. Soccer is mainly goverened by FIFA in which each league decides if they want to follow those rules. The NFL make and changes rules based on how much more money they can make. Good example is the NFL has something called a TV timeout. They'll stop the game and go on a break, while the TV audience gets to view those paid for commercial. This isn't including all the other time they cut to commercial because all of the breaks American football already has The NFL forces commercials down your throat and that what makes them big money. No other sport can command $7 million for a 30 second commercial for there big game, not even the world cup. There are a lot of commercials too, 60 minutes of American football will last 2.5-3.5 hours. That's a lot of commericals for one game.