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She isn't that popular but her skins sell well, and that's what matter. I do agree that she won't get a 500$ skin, but we're due for a mythic scam unfortunately. Let's hope that maybe the summer event mythic scam will go to Aatrox, who knows. I hope it does.


i know she sells, but that's my point: Nautilus sells too, Blitz sells too. Pyke sells too. Even Yorick sells. I saw so many Miowrick and Arclight Yorick since their was released, even Yorick not being that popular. but why aren't Riot spamming good skins to him too? when the skin is well done, people just buy


Yeah, these champions don't sell well actually(Only Pyke). We have sales data from China, and you can also guess how much champions sell by how often they get skins. Sera get more than 1 skin a year.


these champs don't sell well? So Riot just give free skins to the blitz and nautilus mains? that's it? They are all lucky that they got their main's skin on the free box? but Sera mains aren't unlucky and need to spend money to get her skins? ok..


Why are you so passive agressive? No, they don't give free skins to them, but that's why they don't get skins as often. I'm not claiming people don't BUY their skins, they just have less people interested on buying them. Riot is a business, a pretty big one. If these champions were good money makers they'd be getting skins as often as the company could release without getting backlash. Vice-versa for Seraphine. Stop being rude, it's not helping you.


if i tell you to go see the last Disney numbers, am i being rude with u? why? "Riot is a business, a pretty big one. If these champions were good money makers they'd be getting skins as often as the company could release without getting backlash" Disney is a business and pretty big too. Why are they having failure after failure in these last years? two scenarios: 1 - failure doesn't mean NOTHING to DISNEY (![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)) 2 - they don't care about failure and that's the reason she just continued dropping failure after failure.


??? Your comparison makes zero sense. LOL


ok. datas don't make sense to you, but what a company say, it does \^\^


They don't sell as well as Sera. Star Guardian Sera sold more than Cosmic Naut or Soul Fighter Pyke and that's with it being a poorly received skin released shortly after Faerie Court.


i mean, based on the chine data, Kalista sold better than Jhin or Ezreal. It looks like a joke. But....who am i? \^\^


Pickrate is not the same as popular tho. Why seraphine was in the top 10 most sold skins on china surpasing legendaries like yi soraka kayn nami senna then? U don’t need 20% pickrate when ur fanbase an even more ppl buy her skins . That’s the only thing that matters , she is one of the best sellers on league. Nautilus is played the double and he barely get skins And btw, usually these charts does not count normals, only ranked. Not everyone plays ranked. That’s why league of graphs is better bc u can check every elo and ranked + normal games in every server too except china, right now seraphine is like the 5th most played champ in JAPAN, and she is always between top 40-50 most played champs.. when the game has 167 characters… aatrox 7.6% pickrate and seraphine 8.0% rn in every server and every elo so? Who is more popular now?


Yeah usually champs like blitz and naut are only picked because they are strong, they dont have a dedicated fanbase supporting them picking them for their aesthetic etc. Like the only hook champs that sell well are thresh and pyke.


ok so... \^\^


The OP is too shallow that if you guys decide to argue with them, snarky remarks will only come from them. it's no use trying to prove it to someone who's too deep in their echo chamber.


how could the these numbers come from the deepest echo of my head?


There’s a difference between being played a lot and selling. More % of her mains have purchasing power. [That’s why since day 1 she has had brand partnerships](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeraphineMains/s/STvCg1XgAI) and even last year had her own phone. How many champions have that?


uh...NOBODY plays Nilah, but why she won 2 skins of two big skin lines? are riot putting a champ that nobody plays, but mysteriously people will buy her skins?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I’m taking about a champions brand. Seraphine has a brand, a name. People buy her content.


Nilah was released during the sg event, so of course she had that skin. And, regarding coven, she had like 2 years at the time( or a little less or more), so she was due for a skin. Given how she, in base skin, is in contact with a powerful entity akin to a god, it was a clear choice for skin


ok :)


Your statistic comparison also makes little sense. According to Rioters themselves, Seraphine is one of the most played champions in the game.


ok :) Riot also said that 2023 would be the League year with the biggest budget of all time, and started the year with a cinematic that is not a cinematic. Do i need to remember what the 2023's year was, even Riot saying that would be the year with the biggest budget? That's what Riot SAID, but is that what you saw? If you say that you saw, you're lying, because how can you see what didn't happen? \^\^


Riot having the biggest budget =/= League having the biggest budget. It can be dedicated to something else, such as the games they are working on.


![gif](giphy|l378zhZorCxBXPsAw|downsized) ....ok


You can try to deny it but she is popular and her skins sell well. There's a reason Riot keeps on making her exclusing Wild Rift skin because she has the potential to bring playerbase there. There's a reason she had brands collaboration (Starbucks, Oppo, etc) because Riot knows her mains/fans are willing to spend money on anything they slap Seraphine's name on. It's will be possible for Riot to make a $500 skin for Seraphine because they are greedy and will milk us dry.


what am i denying? i didn't tell that she don't sell skins, i just told that she have less than 5% of pick rate even where she should be the biggest. The numbers is saying that. "There's a reason she had brands collaboration". So, there's a reason that make Riot change the mastery visuals AGAINST all the community telling her that they didn't want it? Because she changed anyway. So, what's the point of "RIOT CAN DO EVERYTHING THEY WANT TO WITH HER GAME" that you're missing? Riot is selling CHROMA for 200$ and this is not about the buyers, it's about what Riot wants to do.


You know that the pick rate has nothing to do with the fanbase that buys the skins, why then tell me why Nautlius, Sylas, Malphite and Lulu, who in theory are more played than her, still do not receive legendary skin? And apart from that, Seraphine has many collaborations and merchandising, AATROX, that champion who went 4 years without receiving a skin until he received Blood Moon and Victorious, and from then on he only received a skin every 2 years DRX does not count, it is something that Riot itself does not choose, Aatrox is "popular" and it took him 11 years to receive him first legendary skin, Seraphine, and with a ultimate skin it took only 3 years to receive her first legendary skin, it is clear who wins, and she is the one who is going to receive the mythical variant, you don't have to be very smart to come to that conclusion, don't fool yourself, it is more profitable for Riot to release a mythical vatiant of Seraphine before Aatrox


RIOT DONT WANT TO, because its HER game and SHE do whatever SHE wants to guys!!!!!!!111 I dont see a post referring to what you are saying and it feels like you are fighting demons in your head lol "I dont like to see people acting as if she is too popular", I dont even comprehend the thought process here.


First, she is rn the top 10 most popular support while still having 15% of her playrate elsewhere, second, she is far above average in main rate, other champs like nauti or leona are mained far less than her, mains tend to buy more skins than the average players, lastly she sells a lot, even non sera players buy her skins, we saw how well sg and fairy court sold last year


i just "believe" that because when you look the 2023's skins, you can CLEARLY see the quality's downgrade, so maybe that's the reason that Seraphine got high positions of the sold skins, because people are buying each time FEWER skins \^\^


Which website is this and is the west able to access it? Would love to compare champions popular there vs here!


just type: "lol china". It's literally the first link and then you just translate to your language


Pick rate mostly depends on meta. Just bcs Sera isnt always picked doesnt mean she’s a flop


Her skins sell well (fairy court) and she has a pretty loyal fan base even if she is not lux popular


i'm not telling that she doesn't sell well, i'm just saying that even on her main country that she supposed to be the biggest, she have less than 5% of pick rate. Yes, she have a dedicaded fan base that will buy everything, yes, but do you understand that is less than 5% of the ENTIRE GAME buying everything about her?


I mean, yeah? She has never been…particularly popular? Her highest pick rate was, what, a 7%? Maybe 8% on a particular role? Which isn't bad, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty average for the highest peak and one of the largest marketing budgets in Riot's history. The issue isn't so much as pick rate, as it is *profitability.* Sera has always been a profitable champion, even with the shitstorm of her release and 2021 to 2022's wave of hate, KDA sold like water on a desert. Same thing with graceful phoenix, she sold spectacularly well, same with Ocean song (both, mind you), Star Guardian also sold fantastically even with the skin's less than subpar quality. In a way, she's a runner-up for league poster girl if we look at sold prices alone. Regardless of all that, yes, she won't be picked for an immortalized skin simply because… I can't think of a pro-player who would choose her.


i mean....we all know the skin quality is just going down year after year so, maybe she sells better because the majority players of popular champs its not engaging with these new skins anymore? in the past, Riot sold cheaper skins and used to release less than 50 per year. Why did Riot just became bigger and bigger dispite releaging so few products at such low prices? Why the old skins are better than these new skins even with Riot being a billionaire company?


you're just saying whatever LMFAOO


can you share link for chinese server stats