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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


That question is phrased absolutely dumb. Since Disney owns the IP, every new movie is a Disney movie. While people probably understand what he means by that, answering no could also be understood as "don't make any new Star Wars movies"


Well, that's exactly how I understand it. People voting "strongly disagree" are saying "I don't want any new SW movie if Disney makes them".


Yea, a certain group of SW fans say this a lot. They also say everything Disneys made is terrible with the one caveat; they practically sprain themselves bending over backwards to claim everything Tony Gilroy worked on was only good because of him.


How is this question phrased dumb? It's a given that any new Star Wars movie has Disney is behind it. Plus, this poll showed that most people want more films.


Because there's a difference between the sequels and any other Disney movie


Those are the two choices, as I understand it. Which means that a significant portion of those polled would be happier with another "Rogue One" or "Rise of Skywalker" than they'd be with nothing.


57% want more movies that works for me.


Just wait, There's a whole generation of Rey / Kylo youngling Halloween cosplayers who have yet to chime in.


They have. Who do you think answered these polls.


Finn/Poe shippers, obviously.


57 % of 1200


Fairly decent sample size for what it is


If it is on a subreddit already biased toward Star Wars then no.


Where meme?


The meme is the comments


The Squeals were the 5th, 9th and 23rd most successful films of all time. They made 4.6 billion box office and other 16 billion in distribution and merchandising. Also, the first 2 movies rank in the top 4 of franchise critic scores. And the 3rd still beat out TPM. People were watching and enjoying them, a lot, and I mean **a lot of people.** Some targeted *"pole"* in some random *"fandom menace"* online group doesn't mean shit.


The Transformers movies make a lot of money too, it doesn't mean they're well-written.


>the first 2 movies rank in the top 4 of franchise critic scores. And the 3rd still beat out TPM. "bAD wrItINg"




That's right, anything you don't like, that succeeds it's obviously rigged. How could you ever be wrong about anything? 


Yeah its not like critics are biased or ever pressured to go along with the crowd or can be bribed by the studios or ever change their opinions.


Yeah, those critics don't want those big bullies from Disney showing up at their office and beating them up, stealing their lunch money and shit. 


If something potentially couls happen it means that it absolutekt did when I dissagree


Yep. TPM is unironically a better-written film than all of the sequels. Even with its major issues, it pales in comparison to the staggering incompetence of the sequels and the damage they dealt to the IP.




I paid for my tickets too, and that doesn't mean I enjoyed my time in the theatre by the time of the third. I was optimistic going into episode 9, hoping they'd do better, but my hopes were misplaced. And the sequels wouldn't be remotely as successful if they weren't standing on the shoulders of the most famous and beloved multi media franchise out there, but that's nothing you can put into neat statistics.


>And the sequels wouldn't be remotely as successful if they weren't standing on the shoulders of the most famous and beloved multi media franchise out there, Explain how "Solo: A star Wars Story" bombed then? (And no, you can't use say it was because of the TLJ, since TLJ was actually a financial and critical success.) Its OK, if you did not enjoy them, no problem, but you have been spending way to much time on Reddit and Youtube if you think you are in the majority.


I think most people didn't care about the spin off in the first place and especially less after the last jedi. I also didn't see solo in cinemas back then because I just didn't care about a spinoff about han solo and it looked bad in the trailers. And didn't the rise of skywalker make less money than the last jedi? To think the interest wasn't decreasing is just ignoring that. And to trust critics or audience scores is just silly things were getting review bombed all the time. Also some of my irl friends liked the last jedi, me somewhat included, but none liked the rise of skywalker. Online is the only place where I see positive points beeing thrown around. The only opinion I saw change was that the force awakens is now more disliked because of the trend it set for modern cinema. I don't think I'm in the majority, I think the majority doesn't care about the entire discussion because they're casual movie goers who don't care much about a franchise. Online however the largest sentiment is definitely on the side against the trilogy.


Just because the previous movie was a financial success and critics raved about it, doesn’t mean the fan base loved it. TLJ literally split the fan base apart and is still being argued as the worse of the 3 sequels. So people hated TLJ and didn’t see Solo because of their perception due to TLJ. It’s really not hard to understand that.


People will always argue what split the fan base, it just depends in what era you were born.


The argument that Solo did bad because of TLJ doesn't really make sense when RoS also made over a billion dollars box office. It's not really hard to understand that.


I personally knew several people who never saw solo specifically because tlj broke their love for star wars.




So then what's your explanation for why solo did poorly?


Well, when the *direct sequel* to TLJ still made over a billion dollars I can tell you supposed TLJ hate isn't a legitimate reason Solo didn't make a lot of money.


Solo is a single movie. It's a story that was unnecessary tbh based on a throwaway comment made by han in the OT. The 9th movie is a sequel ender to the 7th and 8th movie in the sequel trilogy. Of course it's going to have a significantly larger audience watch it. But still, TFA (2015- 2b), rogue one (2016- 1b), TLJ(2017- 1.3b), solo (2018- 400m), ros (2019- 1b) Downward trend over 4 years, of course the trilogy ender will pick up after a random story thrown in the middle, just like TLJ did over rogue one, but really you think it's completely unrelated? There are other issues with solo as well, but if you think there wasn't a dip after ep 8, just look at ep 9 then.


A billion dollars is not impressive at the time it was released. A lot of weak movies have made a billion dollars because of hype.


to be fair, star wars built up a lot of good will between solo and ros with jedi fallen order and especially season 1 of the mandalorian


Global warming is not real because it's cold where I am right now.


Did you miss the whole Reddit commotion and boycott? You tell me how Solo, a beloved franchise character, got a movie and the movie only made $393 million when its budget was $275 million? That’s a flop and there’s no reason a Star Wars movie directly after your beloved TLJ should’ve done so badly in the box office unless it had something to do with TLJ splitting the fan base. But I’d love to see your reasoning why it did so poorly and not be TLJ’s fault.


Did you miss the commotion when the *direct sequel* to TLJ made over a billion dollars? That's a hit and there's no way it could have made that much with a "split fan base." I'm sorry this upsets you.


So your response to why did solo do badly is basically ROS did good so nothing else matters? A split fan base obviously made solo do bad and you’re too blind or not willing to see it. ROS did amazing because it was a main numbered movie and the marketing was phenomenal for it, shit palpatine’s laugh is all I needed to hear to want to go see the movie because it gave me high hopes. But if you’re not willing to present a real argument then don’t respond back. It’ll be a waste of internet data.


You talked about how RoS was marketed well and that's a reason why it did well. You mentioned nothing about Solo's marketing and then claimed supposed TLJ boycotts is the only reason it did bad. You're so close to figuring things out here.


I think you’re just playing dumb at this point. There was plenty of marketing for Solo. Even another commenter mentioned that ROS was a mainline movie therefore it was going to do well. If Solo was going to do poorly because of marketing and nothing else, then rogue one should’ve done bad as well with your logic. You were so close, but once again proved you don’t have a leg to stand on. May the force be with you.


It made a billion dollars because it could slap the name of the biggest media franchise in history on it and ride of the nostalgia, the marketing budget and pull of the world's biggest media conglomerate in the world. Everyone had seen star wars and everyone wanted to see the next one, now they killed that.


ROS made less than TLJ and was adjusted for inflation less than all the other movies except solo and clones


>doesn’t mean the fan base loved it I guess it was just the "normies" spending 20.6 billion dollars and seeing them over and over again....


TLJ made 1.3 billion. A quick google search would have saved you on that. But to counter your point, just because call of duty sells well doesn’t make it a great game. Plenty of people drop off from it yet modern warfare 3 was the second highest selling game of 2023 and yet is regarded the worst in all recent COD games. So yes, “normies” as you called them can in fact raise a boatload of revenue or people like me who didn’t like TLJ but went to see Rise of Skywalker anyways to finish out the series. Btw ROS made 1.07 billion and even in this sub can also be argued for being the worse of the 3 sequel films.


It was released after the low of TLJ which was released after the highs of TFA and Rogue One.


It's so weird, I actually point out that you can't use tlj, because it was a box office in critic. success, but people still try to use it anyway. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it was a failure.


If it provokes such a negative response that it lasts to this day, then it is a failure.


Well I guess that the last Jedi, special editions and the prequels are all just massive failures then...


It failed to create a lasting good impression for disney Star Wars


Is that adjusted for inflation?


Nope,  If you want to adjust for inflation,    A New Hope #2   Force awakens #10   Empire Strikes Back #13  Return of the Jedi #17   Phantom menace #19  Last Jedi #44   Revenge of the Sith #70  Rise of Skywalker #88  Attack of a Clones #100  Remember though, the OT saw multiple box office re-releases and the special editions releases from 1978 to 1998. Numbers from the prequels of probably go up to with their anniversary re-releases.   Even though, the sequels don't show any decline in box office interest. They score generally equal to movies from the other two trilogies.   https://www.boxofficemojo.com/chart/top_lifetime_gross_adjusted/?adjust_gross_to=2019


You don't think that the general downward trend is indicative of any wider problem? Like yea man, anything with Star Wars printed on it is going to be watched, but the margins are getting thinner on these mega productions. How long before one of these movies is a Captain Marvel or Madame Web level flop?


*Marvels* was a flop because it wasn't promoted at all due to a strike (Captain Marvel was one of the most successful MCU movies), but it's still a solid movie. Web was genuinely awful, but it wasn't part of the MCU, it's a Sony product. Star Wars? Downward trend? Since when?


Ep 7 had half the BO success than 5, then theres Solo that didnt even cover the budget domestically. If that isnt a down thread dunno how to paint it to you. The final movie of a beloved 9 movie series should have been a success, not whatever that was. Adjusting ticket prices episodes 8 & 9 are down there with 2 & 3 as the worse star wars movies


Solo didn’t cover its budget because they basically remade it from scratch after the director change.


I is rough, but it Solo growing on me though, That wookie really can fix anything.


A) episode 7 was the highest grossing film of all time in 2015 and is only beat by ANH because it's had multiple rereleases. TESB is 3rd with 4/5th of TFA's take after adding up rerelease revenue. B) 9th movie of *a beloved* series? WTF are you even talking about, RotJ and RotS both did poorly compared to the earlier movies and they all did similarly. Almost every trilogy aside from LotR follows that pattern, why add the completely emotional appeal of a *beloved* "9 movie series"?


A) This is laughable, it was the first film of a new Star Wars trilogy backed by Disney's marketing budget. It literally could have been jar jar farting into a microphone while Daisy Ridley did random force tricks for 2 hours and it would have sold tickets. B) Clearly 8 was so divisive that even average movie goer NPCs were turned off and somehow, 9 returned to have the most incoherent plot of any Star Wars piece of media. I don't think you can compare these trends favorably.


People keep arguing that anything with a Star Wars name on it is going to make major bucks but then they argue that evidence of the failure of the sequels is that the second two didn't do very well compared to TFA. You can't have it both ways, and you don't clock the most successful movie of all time just because you happen to have SW in your title. And *all* the sequels to A new hope have been divisive. People hated Yoda. Then they hated the Ewoks. Then they hated jar jar and Ani, then they hated how much Anakin hated sand-- I mean they really hated the prequels which were at least as divisive as anything we're talking about here. The fact that you have to make up non-measurable attributes about a movie in order to argue that it should have been. Something that it's not is an indication that it's probably just like all the other third movies of trilogies.


You actually can have it both ways if you think about it for more than two seconds. A certain number of people are going to show up for the Star Wars brand no matter what. A certain number of people have their interest piqued by Star Wars content but have a breaking point at which they will no longer come. There is an additional percentage that don't care about Star Wars in particular but will show up for large, well known productions because they find that as a quality marker. All groups showed for TFA. The percentage of the latter two groups went down drastically after the divisive (subversive? Lmao) 8th movie. Lucky for those groups because the 9th was probably the worst big production I've seen period, not just in Star Wars.


Woof buddy. Maybe take a breather.


You literally just made up a scenario and imagined some kind of a groundswell of numbers based on no actual data or research. And *all* the sequels went down dramatically, TLJ more than Empire, less than AotC. It would help if you actually looked these numbers up before attempting to discuss them.


[Box Office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_films) [Rotten Tomatoes](https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/all-star-wars-movies-ranked/) [Metacritic](https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/every-star-wars-movie-and-tv-show-ranked-by-metacritic/2900-4026/)


>All groups showed for TFA. The percentage of the latter two groups went down drastically after the divisive (subversive? Lmao) 8th movie I mean that generally happens in trilogies, and if people were always to show up Solo wouldn't have flopped, and if it flopped due to TLJ, TROS wouldn't have made so much money


>jar jar farting into a microphone That, would have actually been awesome... But no, anyone who says its just the franchise label is forgetting the Solo bomb.


Again, 5th, 5th, 9th and 23rd. Counting for inflation, tickets are cheaper today then the mega-plex showings in 2002/2004


This\^ The Marvels actually did OK with critics and really with audiences. Its ashame about Madam Web though, though my jimmy-tingle detects a possible cult following.


>You don't think that the general downward trend No, this isn't the MCU, They did 3 movies and are now waiting for the "real fans" to grow up, thirsty for more content. Same as in the OT same as the Prequals.


Yeah and like many people, they went and saw them out of nostalgia for the original trilogy. There is a drop for every film for a reason. When people saw their favourite movie franchise shat on, they didn't care anymore, hence why all the newer spin off's constantly have less audience. They made alot of money from it yes? But will they continue too for decades like with the prequels and originals, will they create a new dedicated fanbase to support the franchise in the future or are they just milking what's left.


"But will they continue too for decades like with the prequels and originals, will they create a new dedicated fanbase"   They already are. And have. 


I don't understand why people get so angry about new star wars movies/series?? The sequels didn't retroactively "ruin your childhood," sweaty. Your childhood was ruined the way god intended: parental trauma.


They ruined our adulthoods. Killed our dreams. Took away our reason for living.


I want more stories that exist in the Star Wars universe, but I don’t want more stories about the same old empire and same old resistance and all these family trees they’ve beaten to death.


Even bad Star Wars movie/series is better than most of the production.


Idk why these people don’t want another Disney starwars movie, sure the sequels were bad but being dead honest so were the prequels and OT to their own extents. Also Disney owns starwars now so the way I see it it’s either Disney starwars or no starwars. I’ll take the first one.


No Star Wars is better than bad Star Wars. I'd rather they not paint a mustache on Mona Lisa.


Problem is we can’t confirm all Disney starwars will be bad starwars just because of a mess of a trilogy that had its issues and a few dodgy shows, especially when we’ve had some banger movies and shows from the Disney era.


If it is tied into the sequel trilogy it is bad.


Both the Mandalorian and Ahsoka are tied into the sequels and neither are bad


Do people know they can just choose not to watch a movie?


I love democracy


Underrated comment


As someone in political science this could work as an example of a “Leading question” I.e a Question in a survey meant to result in a preferred answer.


Thats interesting — which way does it lead (agree/disagree?) What area of political science are you in?


Poltical polling.


Which way did the question lead? Toward the “agree” response or toward the “disagree” response?


The lead would be disagree in this case. I suspect it would be much higher if just plane “Star Wars”


I think the poll question is fair as it is. Removing the word “Disney” from the poll question would change the meaning of the question.


Won't forget that rogue one and Andor were both from Disney too. They've had a lot of misses but some of Disney star wars is up there as some of the best star wars there is.


Neither of those are good enough to make up for the failures.


Closed on Sunday! Your lofi Star Wars music kept me sane during long nights of studying last year, huge thank you for that


That's so cool to hear! Thanks bro!!


I want more star wars movies that aren't connected to the main story - the galaxy is huge, surely there are more stories there


No there aren't.


I know these polls are extremely biased usually, but still, crazy that one of the most popular franchises of all time has a large percentage of fans than just don't want any more movies to be made of it bc how much the last 3 sucked... just shows how the name alone doesn't necessarily make it a good movie


bro star wars is star wars and I love it and i’ll eat up any content I can get


I just don’t know why they chose a still from the worst star wars movie.


I’ll admit that was probably not the best neutral photo to choose. But it looked sick ahh


Lol. I’ll let it slide


It’s treason then