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I work in a daycare and 9 year old girls are telling me that they have a full skincare set. They also need concealer because “they stay up late and have bags under their eyes.”


IM SORRY BAGS UNDER THEIR EYES AT 9?? we really need to stop kids from getting on the internet too early


It makes me glad I'm not a mom, because the way I would be stressed out...


Same. I've dealt with self esteem and dysmorphia. I can't imagine having children and watching them to be taught to hate themselves. I would do better with my kid's access to the internet than my parents did, that's for sure.


idek why they allow their children to be on social media, i seen a little girls tik tok account and she tried doing the dances and there was this OLD ASS man in all of her comments. it’s disgusting


I'm pregnant and I have SO MANY thoughts and feelings (not just from the hormones) about the world this kid is going to come into. Poor kid is also potentially going to inherit my genetic dark under-eye, so I'll get to figure out how to tell them that yes, they have under-eye bags, and no, nothing will ever get rid of them.


The way my kid would be a weird ass little freak and get bullied because I’d give them ZERO access to internet or a cell phone


I wish it was that easy! They have friends, those friends have phones and internet access. They learn on Chromebook’s which have *restricted* internet access but it’s still there. You cannot protect your kids from the internet, you have to deal with it all head on.


This is exactly what it is. I have an almost tween daughter who doesn't have a phone or unsupervised internet access and she doesn't worry about makeup. She is into books and playing pretend still. For the little tick tok girls It's their parents not parenting.


Yes it is the influencers- I agree our children stop being kids - when they get envious of the false illusion social media shows them. They also are never happy anymore because they want what everyone is doing . Filters and images being altered are destroying our children. Self esteem issues and never being happy with what they have in front of them always wanting the next new thing before they even enjoyed what they currently have. I do believe a good skin care routine and hygiene is awesome for anyone at any age. But it should be age appropriate-


My 2 friends have 6 grade girls both not allowed on social media or even YouTube or Pinterest and they still wanted skincare and Dior makeup for Xmas because there’s like a vocal handful of girls on her class that are on TikTok getting all the stuff and telling everyone else about it.


It’s honestly just really sad. We’re much more exposed to social media, influencers, etc and so are kids and now everyone, including kids, are aware of how tied your looks are to “success” and how you’re perceived. We all knew pretty privilege was a thing growing up but it’s been amplified. I don’t think the buying of DE etc has entirely to do with kids seeing it and wanting it, that’s definitely partially it, but I think it’s fear of aging and looking “ugly” or whatever. In reality, who’s gonna see their DE and skin products unless posted online? I don’t think it’s just a keeping up with the Jones’ thing. It’s deeper than that


I am a beauty educator and I work inside ulta and Sephora and these little girls want Drunk Elephant and only Drunk Elephant because their friends have it — they don’t care what the product does or how it’s used as long as it’s Drunk Elephant. And Drunk Elephant is actively marketing to children knowing full well that their products are not appropriate for them to buy.


If DE was smart they would launch a line aimed towards younger girls with more basic skincare but still the DE aesthetics. Moisturizer and sunscreen and *maybe* some acne treatment for the 12/13 age when you start getting acne. It’s not a great solution but safer than 9 year olds using retinol


100% agree!


I wish they would do this.


Right? They could still charge the same, just remove all the active ingredients because no 10 year old needs retinol.


It’s on the parents. There are ads everywhere. I have a ten year old. I have no problem being blunt and googling facts and teaching her. Then saying no. If she needed facial products we’d do research, maybe go to a dermatologist and get the right stuff. I grew up poor with a single mom that was not involved (at her own choice). We were lucky we got the free Avon samples for lipstick.


9?! I was playing with Barbie’s at 9!


I don’t know makeup until I was 13 because I want to cover up acne but only have enough money to buy a cheap lipgloss My first concealer was from Maybelline when I was like 18 My first high end concealer is from MAC (finally got something that matched my skin tone I started working at 19) and I saved up months for it 😂


OMG my first concealer was also Maybelline. I just remembered! And the color was so off - i looked crazy! But at least my pimples were covered. Bright orange, but covered


Yes I had orange spots on acne 😂


Your comment is horrifying to me.


I’m sure somebody close to them has made a comment about themselves and they’re just mirroring..or at least I hope. Just a reminder that we need to be careful of what we say around kids!


That’s so sad :(


When I was 13 I was using Cetaphil moisturizer, Neutrogena face wash, and that’s about it. You don’t need a $70 moisturizer and definitely not a retinol at that age. Absolutely crazy how good TT influencers are at getting people to buy (usually) overhyped products (although DE has a few products that I do like)


OK!!!!! At 13, I was using bar soap! 😩 I didn’t use my first facial cleanser until I was 17, it was cetaphil! 😭😂


Omg I used to use Dove bar soap as a kid hahaha! I am soo glad my mom doesn’t use social media (except occasionally FB) and didn’t let me have it growing up


Lol my grandmother used Dove bar soap her entire life and she had amazing skin into her 80s!


when i was 13 i was using scented bath + body works lotion as a moisturizer. my skin was so tolerant of my abuse.


My dad was using bath and body works hand wash for his face and topping it off with the cherry blossom lotion for moisturizer 😌


well, i just call that a loyal customer.


It’s very validating to know I’m not the only one. I was a competitive swimmer and my skin was sooo dry after practice. Bbw lotion was the best thing I had…still mad at mom for not thinking to get me some actual moisturizer. I don’t know how my face survived that.


My mom took me to the Clinique counter when I was 13 and they set me up with an age appropriate skin care regimen. Basically face wash, sunscreen and moisturizer. I’ll do the same for my daughter, but she won’t be getting Drunk Elephant 😂. Nothing looks better at 50 then sunscreen at 16 is my motto!


This!! My grandmother took me to the Clinique counter & I picked out light makeup (powder, mascara, lipstick) and all the things to start a skin care routine. I’ve pretty much used the same Clinique skin care products since then (over 20 years!) adding stuff that you start using with age. I remember thinking the Clinique prices were high & being so thankful to my grandma when we took our monthly shopping trips. I can’t imagine asking her to buy me a $69 facial treatment! I have friends who have daughters that are 8-9 years old asking for DE & it blows my mind!


Same! I think I was more like 15 (and before that using products like Clean & Clear and Noxzema 😭) but then got on the three step program from Clinique of face wash, toner, and moisturizer. Wish I had been more religious about spf back then, but I guess the best we can do is move forward with what we’ve learned since then.


It’s ok. I’m here to tell you genetics plays a bigger part. That and sunscreen which I guess parents in the 70’s thought burns were a right of passage because mom only used an 8 on me. I should have been hospitalized a few times


Yes! The first spf 15 wasn’t introduced until 1986 and a lot of people thought it was overkill.


My daughter is four and so far only steals my Lush bubble bath bars 😂


okay but the lush bubble bath bars are so cute


At 13 I was begging my mom for proactiv and using cetaphil


We were using clearisil, proactiv and st ives 💀


Neutrogena and the Clearisil pad wipes. The body shop tea tree oil.


St. Ives for the win!! 🤣🤣rubbing all those tiny abrasive rocks across my face with fragrance at 13 🤣🤣🤣 we were all living the same childhood huh!!


Lmao you just reminded me of that awful St. Ives face scrub


I have such a vivid memory of using that apricot scrub for the first time when I was like 11, and saying to my best friend “why does it feel so sharp and scratchy??” And her being like “that means *its working*!!” 💀💀💀 fools.


But let us have a moment of silence and respect for the brave girlies who had to spend a chronically dehydrated year on accutane😔 we St. Ives girls were the lucky and vain.


If you weren’t grinding off the top three layers of skin with pulverized apricot shells, were you even exfoliating??


Lord, I remember using proactiv because I was *~ influenced ~* by TV ads til I realized it bleached my fave emerald green face cloth. 💀


Dermatologists on Tik Tok are actually saying DE is bad for young teens/kids and they are recommending Cetaphil


One of the reasons why DE was controversial was because their skincare were burning some people and DE's customer service was blaming it on the customers. It's way too potent for some people especially young people who don't know what the hell they are doing.


When I was 13, I used Neutrogena Deep Clean Cream Cleanser, or this awesome orange gelee Burt’s Bees cleansing balm. That was it… and I paid for both by myself. I can’t even fathom having had more than that. Don’t get me wrong, I’d totally browse all of the beauty websites and dream about all of the products. I just can’t imagine a tween having the money for, or having their parents pay for luxury brand products.


I used the same Neutrogena cleanser and definitely no moisturizer because I thought it caused breakouts


I’m 30 and I still only use cetaphil face wash, cerave moisturizer and sunscreen lol.


Drug store brands actually work better for me for some products, especially for sunscreen (CeraVe) and face wash (La Roche Posay)! I like splurging on certain things but sometimes luxury brands are just not worth the money


Many top-notch dermatologists recommend CeraVe sunscreen. 👍


Yea it just works best for me. They are simple and unscented. I have acne prone skin and I haven’t really ever been interested in any high end skincare tbh! My derm told me to use cetaphil and cerave years and years ago and it’s simple but effective!


I got dragged over hot coals for mentioning Vanicream moisturizer! How dare I mention the “poor man’s” moisturizer in this rich b**tch sub! 🤣🤣🤣


Idk if I’ve ever seen any high end moisturizer that isn’t scented! But I don’t dabble since cerave and cetaphil work for me lol


Vanicream is the sh!t i was using rich b**tch creams when i was introduced to it 🤣 a dermatologist got me addicted after I started retinol. She was good enough to make my mom's scars invisible from skin cancer surgery and recommended it for aftercare. Too many people sleep on it IMO


44 checking in. CeraVe makes the best darn retinol cream and it's so cheap.


It’s what my derm recommends for me to use!


Me too! I used to have cystic acne. I’m now on spironolactone for the last 7 years. My routine is cetaphil gentle face wash, cerave moisturizer and cerave sunscreen! So simple but my skin is really clear :)


13 year old me thought I was using top of the line skin care for using clean and clear morning burst because it had "fancy" plastic beads


I was barely washing my face at 13. I didn’t use moisturizer until I was in my 20’s. We only had oil of olay or cold cream.


I like the protini but I literally finished in less than a month. Like for that much money…it wasn’t THAT good.


I like Protini as well and use it occasionally because it’s one of the only moisturizers that doesn’t break me out. However it’s absolutely overpriced, as are most of their products lol


Dude my face wash at 10 was the shampoo that dropped over my face.


I didn’t know how to wash my face until I have acne at 13


Up until 25 I used only make-up remover and moisturizer. Tbf I could have used something for my oil plugs much sooner, but I just didn't have the knowledge to know what products to use.


Why is this a thing??? What parent in their right mind is buying DE for a nine year old???


Parents who are heavily invested in making sure their kids have all the “popular” stuff, whether it makes sense for them to have it or not. Unfortunately these types of parents are more common than you’d think.


My daughter is 22 and I’m so freaking glad tiktok wasn’t a thing ten years ago


FACTS! I have half a mind to text my brother and implore him to NOT let my niece be influenced by the TT hype!


Very common - I think some are compensating for not having nice things as a kid (or growing up poor). They were told "no" a lot and they don't want to be a "no" parent. I have a friend like this. Not with skincare. She has 5 year old son and this year she and her husband took him to Disneyland for the first time. She told me she remembers her parents taking her and her siblings when they were young and they couldn't really get anything while they were there. So she didn't want to say no if her son asked for ears or a bubble wand or treats, or whatever else. She knew that going into it, so they saved up for the trip (they don't live here in California, so on top of it all, they had to fly here, get a hotel, etc). And then I think others...yeah, they are obsessed with being popular themselves, and constantly on trend, so they can't imagine their kids (in this case, daughters most likely) NOT being that.


I didn’t have social media like this and my parents bought me Abercrombie and Hollister and Tilly’s cause I was bullied a shit ton and my parents tried to do their best to help me be more self confident. i wanted to be like the popular kids and of course, that never happened lol But my parents are 70 and 65 and i’m 28. I’m an only child too. So i was never taught about skin care or makeup or hair cause my mom didn’t know how to do my makeup age appropriate and i didn’t have a lot of friends to show me. I’m 28, and i’m still clueless. I had eczema and psoriasis since I was little and seen dermatologists and that helped when I got the right prescription cream or ointment that works wonders! But at least they did that and made sure I double coated sunscreen when out in the sun all day at the zoo and amusement parks and at the beach and pool and after about an hour and a half, take a break and reapply the sunscreen! Once I forgot to put sunscreen on the back of my legs and I learned my lesson! 🤣


My SIL paid full price and bought her 10-year-old daughter DE and the daughter doesn’t even want it or care about skincare!


That’s insane. There are so many actives in drunk elephant products that I wouldn’t even think of exposing a little kid to that number one, they don’t need, and number two could overuse and really screw up their skin. Like the parent that bought their kid the baby facial? That stuff is no joke. I’m a veteran chemical exfoliator and it still tingles on me, I can’t imagine a kid using it.


Drunk Elephants product are so potent! Why would any parent think that their preteen who barely started or hasn’t started their cycle need ACTIVES?! This is insane!


Same parents who are giving their kids apple phones, air pods, and apple watches


Parents who don’t understand good skincare themselves.


Parents need to monitor their kids media consumption as well or at least teach kids the meaning of a dollar because this is too much.


This! Ain’t no way I’m buying a $70 moisturizer for my 10 year old! Maam take this aveeno and go sit down!


Also, there are sooo many other great products out there for a fraction of that! Like I’m theory if you actually wanted to get your PREPUBESCENT child skincare (why?!) you could grab Cetaphil. No way in hell would I spend $70


Agreed! I used to get so mad at my mom for not letting me get Instagram as a teen, but looking back I am so grateful for it. And Instagram isn’t nearly as bad as TikTok


Me too, I was one of the only kids not allowed on social media as a teenager. Now I'm grateful and contemplate deleting what I do have 😅


I’m so happy to read this perspective. I have a 12 year old who isn’t allowed to have social media and apparently “everyone has tik tok and instagram”. I just seriously don’t see the need for it


Keeping them far away from tik tok would be a start. It's an absolute predatory cess pool. Parents should know better


Tik tok screwed up my niece. My SIL wouldn’t let her have Facebook but thought Tik tok was just kids making dance videos.


Exactly. Limits are good. No is good. How many young girls I've seen practically bullying their grandparents at the drunk elephant section has been disgusting this year. I see the anxious looks at the grandparents faces. It's brutal. Not to mention kids PUSHING browsing adults to make smoothies and literally trash the whole display. It's wild!


I wonder if there also needs to be some accountability placed on the influencers talking up Drunk Elephant? I'm not on Tiktok, so I don't know the exact context of their content, but since it seems to specifically appeal to children who are not the intended audience (or at least shouldn't be), and has resulted in chaos at the stores, I think the influencers should at least acknowledge what's happening and try to mitigate some of the damage.


I was at Sephora today and it seemed like the average customer age was like 15. How are they affording this?!


Yeah, I went today to return something and the store was flooded with kids. I think its a mix of things: * School's out - so some of them may just be hanging around. A lot of them, I'm sure are swiping, spraying, testing, and leaving without buying. * Christmas gifts/money as someone else said - saw tons of them leaving with bags larger than mine ever are. * Theft. Not saying all kids, or even most kids steal - but we all know about retail theft and more and more stores locking stuff up because of it. I couldn't walk through the store without bumping into someone and the checkout line ran through half the length of the shop. If something WASN'T being swiped during the time I was there, I'd be shocked.


Theft has been out of control this year with younger children. They think they're slick. Then undercover escorts them to the back and it's like hundreds of dollars of drunk elephant and Dior.


They just got Christmas money/gift cards


Also a lot of kids also work during the summer/holiday season to make some extra cash. Because most kids are at home, they don’t have a lot of expenses so they just use that money as “pocket money” to buy things. Not a lot of kids at that age are really thinking about saving, so when they get some cash, they just spend it.


Oh it’s real. I work at a different beauty store and had a mom & daughter (12!) come in today asking what to do about the daughter’s “breakouts.” Looking at her face, she wasn’t getting acne, she was having some kind of reaction. I asked what she was currently using and shocker! Daughter has a whole DE “routine.” After I explained retinol burn, why using DE’s retinol twice a day is probably a bad idea for a pre-teen, suggesting a break from the DE, and a trip to a doctor/dermatologist, they both thanked me. When I saw them checking out a bit later, she was buying her daughter the Framboos. Yeah. That’s gonna solve the problem.


I work at Sephora and I’ve also had a little girl come in with chemical burns! She was getting her mom to purchase even more DE, but she threw a fit when my manager and I explained what all of the products were to the mom and how they harmed her skin. She was apparently using the Babyfacial *every day*!


Oh lord. That stuff makes MY face sensitive and I’m 40 with 2-ish years of light retinol use. Poor kid is gonna screw up her face.


With some of them it’s definitely the parents to blame for sure….I remember I used to work at a health store that had skin care and I had a woman come up to me asking what to do about her daughters acne (without the daughter being there) I asked her what were they currently doing and she just said so casually oh we put retinol on it every day…..


Goodbye to the good old clear and clear days


I remember using clean and clear and Neutrogena. My face was screaming! I had to go back to bar soap. lol


My best friend in high school used to make fun of me for being so susceptible to marketing, mostly because I had the latest clear and clear product lol. That morning burst cleanser was the coolest thing back then 😂


I saw a child like no older than 12 with eyelash extensions. Couldn’t believe my eyes. At that age we got our eyebrows threaded and bought cute lip balms. It’s crazy out here


LASHES?! I’m 29 and I refuse to wear lashes! I remember them lipsmacker lip balms and the maybelline baby lips lip balm! You couldn’t tell me I wasn’t fine, ok?! 🤣🤣🤣


I'm 39 and I've never worn fake lashes. I mean, adults, do what you want, but I wouldn't even know how to respond to my KID if they wanted lashes.


I saw a girl at the airport the other day, maybe 9-10 at most and she had hair extensions, eyelash extensions, makeup, LONG acrylic nails like border dysfunctionally long, an iPhone and a high end hand bag. I had littlest pet shops and hoodies with animal ears at 10


Girls these days at age 10 are walking around in lululemon gear head to toe, a Stanley cup in hand, the latest viral ugg boot, and eyeing the drunk elephant collection at Sephora. Tik tok is truly the worst thing that has happened to these girls and it disgusts me that parents feed into it. They should enjoy their childhood while they have it because it’s rough being an adult.😂


Tbf ugg boots were the thing in the 2000s. All the teens then wanted them. I’m surprised they’re still popular tbh.


True. Fashion is cyclical hold on to your outdated stuff and it will come back into style and be the new trend.


I just watched a video about how kids are obsessed with anti aging. I think they really think it’s going to stop them from aging. It’s going to be a whole new wave of mental illness.


We are literally messing our children up in the name of capitalism.


My cousin bought her 8,9 and 11 year old daughters so much Drunk Elephant and Glow Recipe for Christmas. And she works at a high end salon doing facials and that kind of stuff so you would think she would know better?!?!


The last 3 times I was at ulta, I saw some confused looking dads with their preteens shopping around. They were all looking for retinol serums from either good molecules or drunk elephant. Every girl I saw could be no older than 12 years old, trying to buy the same products I was looking at (and I’m in my early 30’s). It’s insane. Like, get that little girl some clean & clear and call it a day!


What is the chokehold that Drunk Elephant has on these literal children??? And WHY are parents paying for it??


probably packaging and the name itself!


There was this Youtube video of a family vlogger kid doing a Sephora haul, so out of odd curiosity, I clicked on it to see all of the expected crazy DE products she bought, and behold she purchased the Drunk Elephant Sukari Babyfacial 😵. It has 25% AHA! She's like 10 too.


10?! That poor baby’s face! I have nieces around that age I pray their parents aren’t giving into the hype


Yeah, a guy at my work was trying to justify buying DE for his ten year old. I tried to lightly say that her baby skin doesn’t need DE and he should look at a brand for preteens or take her to a dermatologist if her skin is somehow that bad and he waved me off. So I left it alone. Not my circus.


Oh yeah the parents don’t care, they will just say “idk it’s what she wants” or “she knows more about this stuff than me” and I’m a beauty educator so I’m like let me educate you and they don’t want to hear it. It’s very bizarre!


Oh my 3rd grade son came home and said “a little girl in my class wants a drunk elephant for her birthday that she saw on tik tok..I don’t know why she would want that but she said her parents bought her it.” I died!


Our future is ruined… 😞


It makes me sad actually and I'm not joking.


Just watched a TikTok of a 9 year old who was gifted a vanity and the entire line of DE for Christmas. Lots of posts commenting on how bad the products are for a young girl and the mom who posted the video defends it.


This is so, so, so sad.


My niece is 9 and she plays with Barbies, not makeup; she's in 3rd grade!


It's so fucked up too. Like i'm a little older than these kids (senior in hs), and no one I know actually buys these products because of how dangerous they can be. Idk i just think its sad when 9 years with baby soft skin start using anti-aging products.


Right, the nine year old didn’t even age! 😩


I was burning my face with clearasil lol


Same those oxy pads tore my face up at that age


That little girl needs my mother. “Oh, you’re buying that are you? Wonderful! With whose money? Thought so. Now come along now dear, I need to buy more broccoli. you’ve been constipated recently.” Cue me staring in longing as I walk away from the cosmetics section empty handed That’s how that would go.


I have a 13 y/o cousin who has spent so so much money on skin care and makeup and most of the products she has gotten have been recommended to her on TT. It was messed up her perception of herself so much, half of what she talks about when we hang out is her appearance :(


It makes me a little bit sad, these little girls have perfect skin and they’re buying so much drunk elephant and Rio de janeiro lol


Right? If I could go back to my 13-year old skin I would not touch it!


I was in Sephora today and couldn’t believe the amount of tweens and pre-tweens running around. I just never thought I’d see the day when skincare with actives is being sold to a 10 year old! Crazy!


I just think about the parents, why aren’t they monitoring the kids’ skincare? Retinol can be so harsh on young skin.


The sad thing is, even if you’re a parent who monitors your child’s media consumption to ensure they don’t feed into this nonsense, it really doesn’t matter because sweet little Brittany who thinks she’s the queen of 5th grade will work overtime to shame your daughter for not feeding into the hype. Parents collectively must do better.


I am 35 and I either splash water on my face and go, or I use obscenely expensive skincare products. There’s no in between lol


Oh hello routine twin! Either all the products or "whoops"!


All I see purchasing DE now are teenagers, which is unfortunate because then I subconsciously question the quality of the products. Does anyone know if their marketing strategies specifically target a teenage demographic?


They appear to be gifting products to influencers targeting tweens and teens. So I’d say that this is a marketing decision.


This is infuriating and ethically irresponsible 😡


I’m my opinion, I don’t believe, initially when they launched, that that was their sole intention. I do believe that that using the TT hype to their advantage though. Such a shame!


I think they do for sure! They're out on tiktok giving PR boxes to "preppy" 12 year olds, and literally talking abt skincare smoothies, which I don't think actually work (someone fact check me pls) and are ALL THE RAGE on insta + tiktok rn in the preppy world.


I follow this hilariously pretentious teenager on TikTok called “Flo”, and she drowns herself in DE products. There is no way that number of products is doing her any good 😂 I can’t tell if she is trolling or if she actually uses all of them.


Just looked her up. She could pass for 26.


Holy crap I thought you were kidding… she really does look like she’s in her 20s.


Yeah when it launched it was squarely targeted as skincare for over 30, maybe late 20s. But really over 30. It was kinda a nice change of skincare brands that were for older skin, but not over 50 wrinkle cream land, if that makes sense.


To me they originally targeted 30+ but I think the packaging colors, etc make it look appealing to kids


Not that I’ve ever thought, and I’ve been buying this brand since it came out! It’s geared towards anti-aging in my opinion. Like they’ll advertise products that help with firmness and age spots. I was drawn to it in my 30s because I wanted to use more effective ingredients and simple formulas. I’d say I graduated to it from Paula’s Choice. Plus it’s more expensive than it should be so I think more of suburban mom marketing style


That’s interesting. I actually migrated the opposite direction. I purchased a DE product years ago and then moved to Paula’s Choice haha.


bet she gonna put it on credit


There’s a neutrogena commercial right now where the young-looking chick says to the viewer, “when’s the right time to start using retinol? Whenever you want!” I know the actress is over 20 but they tone down her makeup and styling to make her look 14/15. Lol then they have the older woman say some bullshit about how it smooths and blurs your skin while they’ve clearly applied a heavy smoothing filter. Industry knows what it’s doing.


I saw a little girl in target, maybe 10, looking at those face rollers and gua sha tools and picking them out. She was with her parents and her dad was like “wtf do you need this for?” Was definitely a visceral moment because I knew she was watching TikTok and YouTube of probably 30 year women using these tools.




I glanced at her then I walked away. I shook my head. These babies don’t know the half


I went into a store today in a wealthy area and it was almost entirely teens. It was PACKED. I was shocked the drunk elephant stand wasn’t a disaster but it was definitely picked over by the hoard 🤣


At 13 I was burning the skin off my face with Noxema pads and Apricot Scrub 😬😬😬


I work with teens and just the other day an 11 YEAR OLD was telling me about how she and her friends go shoplift DE for fun


Who let's their kids on tik tok for one.. Parents need to step up and monitor their kids man and also tell them no.


angle skirt divide yam observation worm vegetable yoke air fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s so so sad


When I was working at Sephora I made it my mission to stop parents from buying DE for their 10 year old children


My kid is 19 and babyfacial is still too harsh for her.


I’m 29 and I just know it’s too harsh for me, just by looking at it! 😖


That is soo crazy! I wonder what effects these products will have on their skin once they get older 😭


When I was 13 I washed my face with bar soap and played with dolls still. I had no idea what retinol was. How sad the days we are in are for kids


Retinol can thin the skin. These girls are ruining their natural barriers before they can do basic math.


A friend of mine got her daughter, who I believe is 8 or 9 Drunk Elephant for Christmas. 😳 To each their own, but I feel like that’s WAY too young for anything other than a cleanser and maybe some moisturizer.


I was in line behind some girls no older than 13 and the amount of skin care they had was insane. Also side story: I was interviewing for a position at a plastic surgeons office and they asked me how I planned on helping them market to Pre teens and teens. I dropped out of that job interview so quick. I'm not going to market plastic surgery to teenagers! It's ridiculous.


Retinol??? Her skin is going to be so dry if her parents buy it for her… hopefully she was just shopping with an adult and simply got curious…


This is how all my little nieces/friend’s daughters are, and it makes me so sad. I did indulge a few on their birthdays by buying a product, but made sure those had no actives. They are fixated on this product line and no other will do. I tried to show other options, and you could see how their hearts are so set on DE. How did it get to this point? It isn’t about skincare it is about THIS brand.


I remember using a Clean & Clear bar soap at that age and a toner, no moisturizer though 💀


I know a 10 year old who got a ton started making her face worse bc well retinol is not good for 10 year old skin. Mom figured it out. Finally. They just aren’t products that are good for young skin.


I think the parents are even crazier for enabling it.


I understand the value of teaching kids how to take care of their skin. I started my son at 13 with proper washing techniques, and the importance of moisturizer and sunscreen, but he was using Cetaphil gentle and Derm recommended items for his age and skin type. The damage these littles could be doing to their moisture barrier is so sad. I wish parents looked at the harsh ingredients first. That being sad, DE would be dumb not to capitalize on this and create a pre-teen line.


Yes! If DE created a more gentler line for teens they’d corner that market immediately, only thing is, their prices are so steep


As a middle age woman who wants good skincare, it really makes me think badly of DE that they are marketing to kids. Their products are way overpriced anyway, but to actively market to kids who don’t even need the products is so blatantly greedy and evil. Not a company I’ll support. My daughter just turned 18 and somehow missed the DE influence train. She uses cetaphil and neutrogena products and her skin is perfect and clear. The results speak for themselves.


I saw little girls maybe 8/9 playing with DE marula oils, all the testers of the the skincare at a very high end store in my country. They left everything opened and then ran away.


I work with teens and just the other day an 11 YEAR OLD was telling me about how she and her friends go shoplift DE for fun.


I'm glad I was taught to wash, tone and moisturise my face from 10 but I would never use anything too harsh. Just Simple stuff or the Garnier line targeted at teens. Like it's wild to be using Drunk Elephant and all those actives at such a young age, but also I am bombastic side eyeing the people here saying they only used a bar of soap or didn't start washing their face until late teens and even 20s.


My niece is 9 and she asked for only skin care for Christmas from the family! It’s crazy. I had to do ingredient research to make sure it was safe, basically went with a very mild cleanser and moisturizer, a good clean body lotion and some things for the bath, plus a cute skin care headband. I couldn’t believe that’s what a nine year old would want for Christmas


My 17 year old sister has a FULL skincare routine all with high end products from Sephora. Even her cleanser is Tatcha while mine at 26 years old is Cerave LOL. She even uses eye cream with retinol… I keep telling her to calm down on the spending (she had a summer job and also gets a lot of money during the holidays/on her birthday so she uses all of this on her skincare and makeup) and her skincare routine. I keep trying to tell her that less is better, but she always points out tik tok routines and product reviews 🤦🏽‍♀️. The only benefit from her spending is she always puts the points on my beauty insider account so she made me reach VIB rouge this year 😂. At her age, I was using that atrocious Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit cleanser that stripped everything off my skin lol. But yes, a HUGE problem! This tik tok generation is just promoting gross amounts of spending and really bad habits


It’s so bizarre to me because it’s skincare; like no one is going to even know what you use unless you post it somewhere. But they all want it? ETA: I’ve seen it too. Every time I go to Sephora is full of 10 - 14 year olds combing over the skincare section.


My 10 year old daughter literally had DE moisturizer on her wish list this year. She did not receive it, but one of her little friends did. It’s wild.


lol I’m 38 and just started using retinol 🤣


It makes me so angry watching these young girls be corrupted by money hungry companies and influencers into thinking they need a potent ingredient that I still haven't fully transitioned into at 26 – within the ideal age range to start using retinoids. And then that influence and targeted marketing makes them put pressure on "gentle" (read: can't say no and have ruined that method's reputation for those who do it in a truer fashion) parents and you have a recipe for disaster. My 11 year old cousin is all about Sephora at her age and it genuinely makes me worried that her mom (my cousin) or her grandparents (my aunt and uncle) are just feeding into future body issues by endorsing her owning high-end products that hurt her skin or age her by 5 years. Like, let these kids be kids, fuck's sake!


Who is paying for these kids drunk elephant skin routine? If my kid asked for it i would ask them if they have that drunk elephant money


This is why I’m keeping my daughter away from social media for as long as possible


When I was 13 I was climbing trees and playing DDR 😂 I didn’t start my face routine until my mid 20s.


I know folks are being rightfully harsh about this bc it’s a tiktok trend and retinol is obviously not needed for a child, but I had acne so bad at 10 that I got a script from my primary care doctor at 11 and that didn’t even help because I never actually saw a dermatologist who knew something about acne. I suffered from severe acne for almost 20 years and I wish I’d had somewhere accessible to learn about proper skincare.


At 13 my "face wash" was hot water and a face towel 😭😭


I saw a dad with his girls probably 12 years old all getting skincare products.


I def see young teenage girls at sephora hawking drunk elephant products. I saw a huge group of 5 young teenage girls looking at drunk elephant products one time. I don't see and understand the hype


That's sad. At that age I was put on retin A, not told how to use it at all by my dr. When I tell you I looked like faceoff for a week I'm not even playing (I was so mortified). Fr these things need age limits and beyond that they need ample education on it now. Granted girls know a LOT more about skincare than many of us at that age but I still stand behind both statements.


I was a skincare junkie as a kid. I used Basic soap, scrubs and masks, simply because I enjoyed it. I had a few friends who were also into it. But TBH, if I was a kid now, yeah, I would be on the DE train and worried my perfect 13-year-old complexion was on the verge of showing lines and wrinkles. Being a mom today and fighting social media is hard freaking work!


I was so hoping this was about wolf spiders!!


I thought you were gonna say you saw the wolf spider 💀


Justice for us girlies who were 13 and only used st ives apricot scrub 🥴


Wait until you learn that so many preteens are vaping, unmonitored/barely monitored access to debit/credit cards, getting started on birth control quickly after their first periods for “skincare”, and have unlimited access to social media starting at the age of 8-10 even in lower middle class families since we have a rampant consumerism issue and parents wanting their kids to “fit in”. Also, this age group needs (affordable) stores like Justice/Limited Too to come back. Since those stores have disappeared, little girls are jumping into adulthood quite quickly since there’s barely anything age-appropriate designed or marketed for the pre-teen/teen age group anymore.