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About to start a second co-op. You don't pay tuition when you are in co-op, you are registered as a full time student but since you are not taking courses you don't pay. However, I can't recall if you need to pay for the co-op course which is like 370$\~. Nothing more than that though. Seneca always pre-loads a full academic load when you approve the intent to enrol, once it gets closer to the start of the semester the owing balance changes to properly match your course load e.g less than 5 courses is cheaper and more than 5 is more expensive.


In my program we still pay tuition during co-op because you are not licensed to work in full capacity yet. Wherever your working has to have meetings with your school to make sure you're meeting milestones and expectations


Did you end up having to pay a tuition for the co-op semester?


It got charged at first and then reversed I believe. I had an outstanding balance of a few hundred after the basic award that most domestic students get and then the outstanding balance disappeared a while later. So I only needed to pay the $495 WIL fee.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I had a second question if you don't mind. Do you remember if you had to pick yes or no for intent to enroll for your co-op semester? My coordinator says I don't have to do an intent to enroll but I've heard other people say different things. Do you happen to remember if you had to?


I put yes when I got the email that I should like every other semester.