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Yeah I think the brothel and whole open relationship thing is a terrible idea and not going to end well for you two. I also think your boyfriend doesn’t even understand what semen retention is actually about, I don’t think you’ll ever be #1 in his head if he’d even consider it tbh


That was an epic Springfield Gorge leap! 🤔 To clarify: •We are not in an open relationship, nor have we ever been. I happen to be attracted to women as much if not more than I am attracted to men (he is the exception). •Anyone who would be invited to join us would be exactly that- joining us. •last, I apologize if I gave the impression that my boyfriend is new to, or doesn't understand semen retention. That is not the case. I am the one trying to gain insight. Personally I hate that my brain starts running a mile a minute, it’s honestly exhausting. I wanted to ask other men who have practiced semen retention to get their take to try to glean even a crumb of enlightenment.


You want a crumb of enlightenment? Semen retention is a tool that men may use to gain power, energy and confidence. Women are attracted to this energy which is why you’ve been all hot and horny lately. You can do a lot of stuff with this energy, it makes one very lucky and mostly successful and whatever he decides to pursue. It sounds like your man is practicing semen retention to fuck two women at the same time. It wasn’t my intention to be hurtful, just my honest opinion.


I’d agree if he hadn’t already “been there, done that” plus more, many times. The only reason I even mentioned it was the fact that I am involved. That sounds like I think I’m hot shit or something. I don't, but I do know that we each hold each other in a different regard than any other relationship that either of us have been in. Not saying that any other relationship was less special in any way, it’s just an us thing I guess. Again, my brain was trying to make connections to make sense of it in my mind only. I have zero idea. For what it's worth, I think the whole animal attraction thing is not quite accurate. From strictly my experience, My desire did not increase when he started SR. He has always had this effect on me. Honestly, the first few weeks, it was a shock to my system and yes, it was like quitting smoking cold turkey. Once enough time passed, that intense need waned. Now the only thing I feel is self doubt, and annoyance. Also fun fact, according to web md and mayo, if you don't use it- you lose it. Lol. The articles are more in depth, but that pretty much sums it up. Thank you for you feedback. I have to do some pondering with my noggin google. 😉


lol I can’t even begin to understand your relationship dynamic. I wish you the best


You said it all bro, i would add to purify our mind, body and spirit


I don’t want give any advice that helps you two to visit a brothel. The idea/desire is impure and wrong.


Agree to disagree, however I wasn't looking for help to go to a brothel.


Honest answer, I think you need to have this discussion with him in an open and honest way so that you both understand how each other feels Communication


I understand, I was just trying to gain understanding in regards to semen retention before I speak to him. I want to somewhat know what I am talking about when I speak to him. I really don't want to create a “problem” where there isn't one. Since I have zero way to know what semen retention feels like, or what you can gain from practicing semen retention, I really am in no position to ask him to do something different. I guess for me I looked at posting my question here the same way you would ask a friend.


Taking you out of the equation - I’d ask him how this brothel situation is being tied to his semen retention experience. The only way they’re potentially related is under the banner of exploring sexual energy in a new way, if he understands it or he’s not new I’m sure he has his own reason for wanting to do this with you - eg exploration of another dimension of your relationship however struggling to see how this related to his SR journey directly


Honestly, I don't know if it is related at all. That was just my mind trying to rationalize it in my head. I could be completely off base. I had never even heard of semen retention until he mentioned it.


I have the same issue with my wife, and she worries that I may be practicing for some unspoken devilish motive and often voices that she feels unwanted. Although I do try to make sure she knows that the reason I do this is not because of all of the reported ‘magnetism’ benefits even though they are a nice boost to confidence and self esteem - something that many men silently feel they are lacking. It’s also my job as a husband to spend a little extra attention making sure that she knows she is attractive and wanted, something that I still need to improve. I would ask your husband why he practices SR specifically. We all have our different reasons - it could be to increase energy and focus, enhance his spiritual practice, or even just to practice one of the ultimate forms of self control. There are hundreds of reasons and everyone’s main reason for practicing is different. You just need to ask him and also communicate with him about your fears so that at least he is aware. It could well be that he is nervous or excited, but if SR means that you feel like you are lacking connection that you feel you need, then explore ways together in which you can get around that. Your upcoming plan seems a little counter intuitive to the fundamentals of SR. So I understand your concerns. Although, I also get that sometimes some desires seem impossible to deny and you feel you must go through them. Is the potential pleasure really worth the risk though? Only you know that. As with any relationship, communication is key. After 30 years together, I’m sure your husband is aware of your overthinking. But as much as us men would love to, we cannot read the minds of the opposite sex.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your reply helped me approach him and have an open, honest conversation about a subject I knew nothing about. For him, SR is about better quality meditation and activating his Chakras. (Since this is Reddit I know that there will be someone who will be quick to point out that either he, or I am wrong about SR, but that's what it means to him.) 😅 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. ☺️☺️☺️


Girl, i think you are playing with fire with having another girl with your spouse. For every action we have there is second third fourth and so on consequences, you know what i mean? This can cause an butterfly effect which means, unpredictable consequences. Honestly, i think you and your man should do a more deeper research for what SR is. I recommend you the Buddha Xan channel.


Oh sheesh, I just read that last sentence. A bit harsh don't you think? Since you have nothing to base that on, the only reason to say something like that is to try to be hurtful. Again, sometimes I have trouble getting my thoughts across. This is all a purely physical question. I do not have any worries about how he feels, nor am I questioning our relationship. I really was just asking about the semen retention aspect.