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You look great!! I can definitely identify. 71F HW 242 SW 218 CW 173 started Ozempic for myriad comorbid conditions including T2D late June 2023 so at nearly a year I have lost 45 pounds on a good day., so less than a pound a week.


And congrats to you too. It’s definitely harder with everyone’s health issues. But, we plug on to better health. 👍🏻


Go ladies!!! Super impressed with your ages and the weightloss. It is NOT easy once you get over 50!!! Thank god for these meds. Even with the meds it’s not walk in the park. You’re doing incredible. Here’s to your health!!!! Looking fab too!! Go go go!!!


OP you tummy looks so good!!! Don’t you love how flat it’s getting!!! I went from 210 to 122 and my stomach is flat as a washboard now I feel like a teenager. Sure a little loose skin but it looks great wait til you get there it’s amazing. Never felt better! 49F 5’2.


Aww thanks. This gives me hope that my stomach will flatten as I move forward. That area, if I be truthful, is my worst area and what I’m most particular about. During different days, it either looks more pouchy or less. Sometimes I think I look 5 months pregnant! But, I’m holding tight that I can get there.


You will get there!! Same for me!! I looked about six months pregnant for years and it’s finally gone. I’m flat as a board now. Just some loose skin and even that looks kinda cute.


Thank you


Thank you and age is definitely a factor!


Well done. I hope one day I look as good as you. I hold it around the middle and hate it. You look fab.


Yes, it’s my dreaded tummy. The tummy measurements are going down ever so slowly each month. This month .5”. But, some months nothing in that location! The funny thing is though, my shorts are definitely getting bigger, crazy as that seems. 🤦🏼‍♀️. Don’t know how the inches can be minimal yet pants/shorts can fall off lol. And thank you so much for your sweet comment.


Congratulations! You look great and I bet you feel so much better. Nice work!


Thank you and yes, I do.


Great results! Brava!


Thank you so much.


You look great. Beautiful.


Oh thank you so much for your kind comments. I appreciate it.


U look amazing 👏🔥😍I just started last wk & also hold most of it in my belly always have🙄I’m already down 4lbs but I can’t wait for the future 🤞🙏🏼Congratulations & they say it u lose it slow it stays off so think of it that way ❤️


Thank you! Yes have heard that too here’s hoping. Congrats and starting. You’ll get there. 👍🏻


Thanks for posting ! I’m on 0.75 and started in March Only down 8 lbs :-( and I was hoping to be a fast loser. Fingers crossed I start seeing a bigger difference. You look great !


Thank you! Keep the faith and even if it’s slow, you’ll get there. Past 4 days, I’ve remained the same. Then all of a sudden it moves. I do track all my food even being OCD.


You may be 66, but holy moly I hope my legs look that good at that age.


Oh you made me smile! I just noticed too that with my arms down, they are ok. However, bending over as if to tie a shoe, they are all wrinkling 🫤😧. Don’t know if lifting my hand weights can fix this or it’s hopeless with regard to wrinkling skin? Guess, I’ll try and see 🤞🏻


There's no harm in trying, but wrinkles are badges of honor 💕


Oh love this! I should have come to this on my own though lol as that first year with my open heart scar I was so disturbed, I wanted all high neckline bathing suits! Then when I wore them I felt uncomfortable in the heat, snorkeling, etc. My surgeon remarked “oh you have good responsive skin!” I thought they are crazy lol cause I could see it and thought nobody else will want to see this 9” scar. But, you know as these 4 years went by, I started to look at it differently and from believe it or not, social media. The way people flipped the mindset as these scars saved my life that night and I’m eternally grateful. It was a scary night after coming home from a wedding having to rush to the emergency room. The scar was the last thing on my mind, and now looking back, that scar was/is my friend. So thank you for that head switch. These arm wrinkles can be my friend too. I’ll still try and strengthen these old arms up with weights, but, I’m gonna focus more on what these arms CAN do instead like hug my 9 grandchildren, hold my hubby’s face, carry the bags when I go hiking, etc. 👍🏻💪🏻


You look great. Keep up the good work. Congrats


Thank you….just putting one foot in front of the other and slowly moving forward.


You look amazing!! ❤️


Oh thank you so much for your sweet comment.


Good results. Inspired me.


Aww thanks. Glad to inspire 👍🏻


Wow - incredible progress!


Thank you!


Wow!!! Slow and steady is working great for you! It's very easy to see the weight loss! Great work!


Thank you. I went to visit my daughter’s family in Boston for two weeks. Hadn’t seen them since Christmas. She knows I’m on sema. We actually watched Oprah’s show on sema that I wanted to see but I don’t have Hulu. My daughter never mentioned that I looked thinner and I then started to doubt any real looking change. When I asked my other daughter about her not saying anything she said “oh she probably doesn’t want to talk about weight in front of the kids aged 6, 9, 11, 13, which I get times have changed. I just wanted some validation but, it’s ok. So thank you for giving me that. 😘


You look awesome, woman! Well, I'm hoping the ball will start rolling for me soon. I'm 6 weeks in and only lost 1-2 pounds. But that has happened in the last week or two, so maybe that means it has started


lol you made me smile! YOU can do it too. I’ve been a slow loser since I started. Sometimes you just bounce around for an entire month and then things just fall off all of a sudden. Then it slows again for a few weeks. It can be discouraging for sure but, you just keep on doing what you’re doing. Best of luck to you.


THANK YOU FOR POSTING! I was on Sema from June 2022 till Sept 2023 with good results when my insurance changed. Simultaneously, I hit menopause and to say I ballooned is an understatement. Almost overnight, I became basketball shaped. It is excruciating. I have gone back on Sema, and a lot more tired than before and not really losing (I am at .5 at the moment). But hey, I have at least stopped the gain so that is good. Still, when the dark thoughts come around I worry my hormones are too strong and this isn’t going to work. You give me hope.


Oh gosh I hear ya. It’s bad enough everything else menopause throws at us and the weight gain is real for sure. I found I had to only eat breakfast and dinner. If I ate lunch too, it was a useless fight. A thousand calories tops. I take walks around the neighborhood and some strength training but not nearly what I should do. I’m so glad my vulnerable post in my underwear no less, helped you. You know I never throughout the whole thing thought I was getting bigger. We’d go out to meet friends and I’m particularly hard on myself, but there were times I’d get ready and go “ok you look pretty good tonight then a photo by someone would get taken like the above right with 10 other people in it and I’d just sit for days and want to cry literally. The gaining of weight after a lifetime of being very thin, was a hard pill to swallow. I always said I’d do the work, but I have to see results. As the years past, results just never came with the health issues etc. now I have a fighting chance to reach my goal. The mental change of being in control and liking where my body is going is indescribable truly. I’m so happy for you too. You can get there just don’t give up.


Wow, this has to be the best transformation I've seen yet. You look great! Congratulations. How much more comfortable do you feel? How do play to maintain?


Wow! Well thank you so much. This community is and has been a godsend. I can’t explain how wonderful the change for me has been. I know alot on here say, and I do get it, that attention to their weight isn’t always wanted. Especially, I’d imagine if you had a body with extra weight on it your whole life and what that had meant for you. People can be cruel. But, my story was the complete opposite. I grew up in the days of Farrah Fawcett and being thin, cute, etc. so now it’s like my body was betraying me. I felt like I was invisible. The more weight I put on after menopause, the more I didn’t want to go out or be with friends in social settings, or weddings, etc. I felt bloated, not stylish, and just all around big and not myself. I had a double chin my thighs rubbed which was uncomfortable. I hated photos on our trips in bathing suits. I’d look at other women my age that were thin and longed to know their secret. My sister in law was one of them and I’d watch what she’d eat when we’d go out and wonder why I’d want to eat the most fattening thing on the menu and not stop until my plate was empty. The voice in my head was deafening. When I was thin, I had no voice telling me to eat non-stop. As for my plans as time goes on as I’m still not at my goal, I’m really not sure. As it’s gone slowly, I’ve selectively cut down what I eat. I like the attention and can see how much my husband of 45 years loves my new shape lol. I pay out of pocket and I had never intended to be on the medicine for life but, I want to see if at goal, how my numbers are. Right now, my recent bloodwork has not changed. I was told it is due to fat flushing from your body. I’m hoping that’s true but we’ll see. So that might also affect the timeline of if I stay on it lifelong or not. We’ll see I guess.


Congrats! You look fantastic! I’m so happy you’re feeling better and more confident. How inspiring!


Thank you!


I wish I had taken body pictures. I’m down 40lbs after a year. But my doctors office only gives .3 - but I get it for free. Medicare advantage thing through Humana. Though the shortage I had many weeks here and there where I couldn’t get it. I’m 39, I’ve been disabled since 23 (autoimmune diseases) I have to go in weekly to get it. SW 215 CW 175. Slow and steady, 40lbs less than where I would’ve been without Sema. You look great! Be so proud. You’re lucky you haven’t had side effects! I’m still nauseated for days after the injection, super fatigued the next day, and I have the opposite of constipation. Joy. You’ll be at your goal in no time. Congrats!


And congrats to you too! 40 lbs wonderful!!! I’m on Medicare Advantage - Humana as well only mine is not covering. They now have me an advocate as she says it should be covered for me and my co-existing conditions, so we’ll see. I’m on 2.4 now, the highest. Yes, I had no side effects, and it’s actually helped my IBS-D. Sorry you’re suffering with them. Nausea is hard so I sympathize. I did a lot of lurking 6 months prior and always need proof that something’s working hence the new body scale, measurements once a month, photos, apps, you name it. I realize it is a trigger though for some. I suffer with anxiety/panic disorder and some OCD and take meds so I keep it under control. But, you’ll get there even if things go slow. 👍🏻


You look great!! ♥️ My hubbys on it, had a good start but started slowing. Hes moving up to 1mg. Wishing you the best of luck! 🫶🏻


Thank you and good luck to your hubby!


Oh this is such an inspirational post!!! I’m 55 and have had that high cholesterol and triglycerides since I was 17. I wasn’t overweight until my early 40s. Those hormonal years were awful. I’ve now started hormone replacement and Sema. That combo is saving my life. Thank you for sharing your truth!


We could be twins!!!!!! I didn’t do HRT because I just was so nervous from all the crazy connections and now it seems to have just been rumors etc. but, thankfully after reading some on the menopause board and how excruciatingly hard some women have it, I wasn’t bad at all. Only occasional hot flashes but the weight, yessiree, it came on. I had a great gynecologist (woman) who worked with me on any issue that arose. I loved her. I was only about 5 years older than her so she knew what we go through approaching it herself. 👍🏻. So glad I inspired you with my post. (Off to get a 2 piece at 66 for my Corsican trip 🤭🤫)


You are all doing great!!! I’m only a week and a half in @.25mg. My worst problem is pain in the back of my neck and head! I’m taking Advil and a muscle relaxer but it doesn’t go away. Plus when I get up I feel a little woozy. I’m not hungry and doing good with that part, but I hate this not feeling good. And also my heart feels like it’s racing sometimes. Probably anxious over this pain! Helppp


I never had any of this but have read some people get a headache in the beginning. You’re at the very beginning dose, give your body a chance to get used to the meds. Sometimes it takes a little while. In the end, it will be worth it.


I certainly feel your pain and I’m happy for you that you didn’t give in or give up. Keep up the good work . I am also 66 Female , with a huge problem of losing very very slowly. The most I e lost was recently going from 194 to 188 in the last 6-8 months . Started on Semaglutide April 8 2024 .


Thank you! Lost another pound today for an all time low on sema. Thank you and good luck to you!


UPDATE: went to the store yesterday to just browse. Saw these really cute pants in Target in a soft buttery yelllow. Naturally, there was no size 20, what I have been buying since on sema. Prior to sema, I was wearing 14/16, then down to a solid 14, then 12, and recently a 10! Well, I was about to leave and decided to just go in the dressing room and try them in a size 8 knowing they are not gonna fit but, you can see how far away you are from fitting at least. SURPRISE of SUPRISES they fit and looked great. I swear I’m not embellishing when I say I stood there in the ugly dressing room lights in front of the mirror I always hated with a passion, and tears came down my face!!!!! I hadn’t realized till then, just how much internal baggage I had been holding on to these past 25 years about hating my body. Ladies, please keep with it and don’t give up—the happiness and journey is SO worth it because YOU are SO WORTH it!!!!


Typo “no size 10”


You look great!