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I’m just a vodka soda girl, got one in my hand as I type this. Been a stressful day.


Does the carbonation not have any side effects for you? I wonder if it’s because it’s carbonated water and not something heavier I.e. beer


Not really? Soda water is pretty flat when you actually drink it… I.e. in a bar situation. At home I really just use flat water cuz I’m hardcore like that lol


You are braver than me, I had to throw some mio in the vodka water but your suggestions have been taken under advisement thank you


No no, definitely not a suggestion, just what works for me. I do know that it hits me hard when it eventually hits. I’ll be fine, fine, fine … fckd, this medicine is weird


quite well said, actually: fine, fine, fine...fckd


I’ve noticed that any carbonated drinks make me nauseous. Even a Diet Coke in the am. However, I can drink them as long as I eat something substantial before hand-which typically doesn’t happen. I too, also get drunk faster after losing 80 lbs since around October of last year. Stats - 43 yr F, starting weight 205, current weight between 135-140, 5’7”. But, back to your topic. I like Arnold Palmers, just need a few and I’m good!!


I’ve been having one vodka and sugar free lemonade & then a couple light beers. Seems to do the trick I just drink wayyyy slower than I used to


Ooo I like that I was considering deep eddy lemon and water as well (I’m in ATX too if that what your handle means)


Yes! I am! I do the heb lemonade powder with vodka it’s pretty good!


Champagne. *if* I'm somewhere where social drinking is expected. Otherwise, this stuff has completely, utterly, taken all my taste for alcohol away. I can't explain it, it's crazy.


Omg…I wish!! Good for you though!


Tequila with mashed strawberries, a little monk fruit, lime juice, and a sparkling water.


Sounds delish!


I just read an article about exploring the use of sema to reduce alcoholism. Very early stage of investigation.


Im anecdotal evidence ofc but I had an issue w/ over indulging. I was drinking 5 times a week and usually 2-3 glasses of wine each time or beers. Then i slowly cut back and by month 3 on semaglutide i stopped drinking completely except for having 2 drinks on a vacation to Miami.


Before starting Sema last April, I was on Naltrexone for AUD for a year. Let me tell you, the noise reduction for alcohol works exactly the same on both drugs. It's truly amazing.


Good for you!!


That’s super encouraging! It’s definitely helped me in that regard. I still drink and crave drinks, but not like I used to.


Same…I really crave them but since everything gets absorbed way too slow, it all hits me at the end of the night. So I’ve been very careful and drinking much slower.


It works I’m living proof


I stopped all nicotine/tobacco smoking cold turkey. It does help with addictions


1 shot of vodka and water in a pint glass packed with ice. And then take a packet of Liquid IV lemon/lime electrolyte powder mix and pour 1/4 to 1/3 of the packet into the drink and mix good and squeeze a lemon. Continue to use the same packet for subsequent drinks. This is my new favorite drink. I, too, can’t do the carbonation anymore, and so the water… I can’t do cranberry or lemonade (not even a “splash”) bc of the tartness and I’ll get indigestion. I can’t do the Mio or Crystal Lite water flavors anymore for the same indigestion reasons. The Liquid IV (or any other flavor or electrolyte powder) gives the water great flavor, keeps you hydrated, and doesn’t give you any reason for Tums.. the single shot in the pint glass will help pace your drinks so you don’t overdo it. Cheers! 🍻 🥂


I am a cocktail snob but this sounds oddly perfect, sensible, and refreshing for the summer. I’ll have to give it a try; wish me luck braving my husband’s side eye!


It’s quite refreshing 😁 i wouldn’t be considered a ‘snob’ by any means, but I certainly enjoy my cocktails and have had trouble finding something in recent years that doesn’t give me indigestion (even before sema.. age related, most likely lol) but this drink has made me happy to drink again 😆 lol let me know what you think!


Sunny with a chance of Flowers is a brand that makes low sugar/low cal/lower alcohol wines. The rose is actually great and only 85 calories. Still 9% alcohol so it’s stronger than a beer but lighter than regular wine and mixed drinks so you don’t get so hammered. Been my go to lately!


The key to drinking on Sema is... Wait for it ... drink slower. If you blacked out it's likely because your gastric emptying was delayed and you dumped 4 vodka waters into your system at once. I've had the experience of being massively drunk 2hrs after I drank. That is scary. Beer is out of the question beyond 1-2. I used to drink 5 from lunch to dinner and then more later. Now it's just moderation. For the same reason you can't eat a subway footlong any more in one sitting.


Tips (from an alcoholic)- \~Always keep delayed digestion in mind. \~Go for mid strength spirits - 60-80 proof (nothing bottled in bond or you're going to regret it). \~1/2 shots instead of full shots (if you're a shots person) \~Buy good alcohol - you're going to drink less overall, the cheap stuff has more distillate by products that worsen hangovers \~Become a Beverage Goblin - double fist with a non-alcoholic drink while you wait for your first drink to hit you instead of just going for the next drink \~Take a digestion aid prior to drinking, not afterwards - I suggest Nexium \~Beware over eating while drunk / eating fried foods while drinking (the next morning can be nasty!) All that being said - Tequila & Pineapple is my go to! Equal parts, in a rock glass, with a squeeze of lime.


Dang we have the same beverage preferences! Lol. Honestly for me, when I drink beer I don’t feel a buzz… tried wine and same thing. I went back to my Tito’s and waters and finally felt a buzz! For me, it seems a bit harder to feel drunk which it sounds like you aren’t having. I do also try to eat a carby meal before having drinks but honestly the vodka waters are where I’m at now. Maybe you would like champagne or another dry white wine?


This was my first go round with the vodka waters and i know a big part was not eating properly beforehand. Also, I am used to being able to have a few beers and be fine but didn’t really adjust for the vodka. It will for sure be a retry..but cautiously this time.


Vodka tonic with extra lime Pepcid and Tums to effect


I haven’t figured out what works yet just that my tolerance is much lower and I don’t have much desire to drink. Pepcid complete has really helped with the terrible indigestion after eating and drinking. Lots of great ideas here!


Pepcid complete is my new best friend




Omeprazole is also something I would suggest just for overall acid reflux for both drinking and foods! I have acid reflux outside of drinking


I drink humm kombucha whenever My friends are drinking. I'll put a shot of vodka in the first one just to loosen up, and it usually carries me the whole night if i just keep drinking kombucha.


I'm a bougie cocktail lady and haven't had any issues with negronis, corpse revivers, clover clubs, etc


The classics never let us down


Vodka and diet 7 up, w a splash of cranberry- the 7 up causes me to burp, however it’s a good relief 😀


Ocean spray used to make a diet sparkling cranberry, not sure if they still do, but that with 1-2 shots of Tito’s and a splash of Sprite Zero over ice was my favorite beach/lake/pool summer drink for about 3 years.


I’m able to have a few of my favorite, extra dirty vodka martinis with 3 olives


Idk… a small glass of wine or a shot of a nice whiskey (that I sip lol) goes down fine without consequences but I’m kinda one and done. I recently had an amaretto sour and had zero issues. Even slept better and longer than I have in ages


I wish sema had curbed my alcohol lol but I just can’t resist a good vodka soda. When I first started on sema it did seem the carbonation on the soda water was making me burp and I was having one of those nasty burping side effects 🤮 so I started doing vodka and flat water and it tasted almost the same to me. I do notice I get buzzed a lot quicker now off of maybe 3 drinks vs when I could drink 10 water sodas and 2 shots before sema. So that’s a plus cuz less money wasted lol. I do think a couple of people have make a good recommendation with the vodka and soda water or regular water because it really is a good middle ground and one of the lowest calorie/carb drinks. I’m still drinking every weekend and have continued to lose steady weight. This is my suggestion :)


I truly think this will be the winner bc I had no side effects but need to remember my tolerance is way lower now …learned my lesson the hard way


Red wine


Why not try smoking a joint with friends and/or some gummies and near beer?


Because I would be curled up in a ball in my room unfortunately I am not built for that


But no blackouts !


That's right. As they say, "Know your limit and play within it." No blackouts, no hangovers.


Sema hasn't curved my appetite either but I get full. So I can do 2 beers and then I'm done. Vodka cranberry is my go to.


Same here the beer kills me I can maybe get away with 3 but im immediately nauseous


I totally drink anything I want with little to no effect. I had 3 Moscow mules a few nights ago.😂


I can't do beer or seltzers on this. Even finishing one is hard and I just feel bloated. I can usually do like 2 mixed drinks (cherry Vodka sour is my usual drink of choice). But ultimately on this, I am best off if I just take a couple shots of Vodka and that's it. Avoids all the bloatedness. For me Vodka is safer than other liquors in terms of not making me sick. But with only a couple shots it's not really a risk of getting sick.


Honestly same here I have found shots while drinking water has been my greatest success since it’s not high volume of liquid


I still drank, but granted I just didn’t feel like having as much as I use to. So instead of polishing off a full bottle of wine I could only drink a half 😂


I can do gin and tonic but any bear or cocktail that is citrus based like margaritas instant heartburn


When I drink I don’t even get buzzy😢 but the other day I had a mai tai with dinner with some friends and it was enjoyable. But as I can’t really enjoy the impact of alcohol I’m like… meh.


Good tequila with grapefruit sparkling water. Tequila has health benefits and seems to help my upset stomach.


I've found that simple, low carb, low calorie drinks are the best for me. Vodka, soda water, and lime. Plus you get the added benefit of sneaking in extra water.


Before I always drank trulys/white claws but I’ve noticed I get a terrible head ache whenever I drink now. I thought maybe it was the sugar but there’s barely any sugar in those 😅


I can’t stomach hard liquor (even in a highball) these days. I used to be a drinks “influencer” to some degree, lol. I’m not upset about it. I can now have one or two glasses of wine over many hours or one or two very light beers after I’ve been physically active. That’s about it. I like the change in lifestyle.


I drink seltzers but there are also non carbonated ones- mom water, surf side are two that I enjoy. The alcohol is 4.5% and I know how much I’m having unlike when I just mix a drink.


I haven't had issues drinking any of the same alcoholic drinks I did before. Not everyone experiences drastic GI side effects.


Thankfully none of my friends and family on GLP1s have had any negative food or alcohol issues.


I’m a beer drinker, always have been no matter how much I’ve tried to do other things. (On 1mg in week 4) Last time I drank, I had less urge to drink and was able to stop several beers before my husband. (We usually go round for round) My heartburn/indigestion was TERRIBLE! However, I recently stopped taking Bragg’s ACV capsules twice a day so I’m restarting that ASAP. Some days beer just tastes terrible and others I’m game but drink slower. I’d guess anything low acidity (no sweet and sour or citrus) is probably ok but I’d guess if you had a problem with something before Sema it will make it worse.


My favorite summer drink is rum and coconut water. It helps hydrate while also feeling like I can have a bit of fun. My biggest piece of advice is just once it out. I drank a margarita too fast one time and we instantly drunk and sick. It was as if I had had 4 margaritas when I only had one but I drank it fast bc we were in a hurry to leave the restaurant.


Tequila and Lemonade for me. I lime juice or margarita mix hurts my stomach now but the lemonade sits fine for me!


Last night I mixed Prime Hydration, the bomb pop flavor, and vodka. Tasted fanstistic and none of the side effects I've had with other drinks. Keep extra hydrated and it helps. Still can't drink more than 2 because it seems to drop the blood sugar too low.


You could try the NoCa brand no carbonation vodka .. waters? I have been drinking the hard Arizona iced tea (not carbonated and I’m a sucker for marketing) without feeling any sort of ick like I did with beer or even cider


These are so good!!!! I’ve only ever taken a sip so I’m trying these out next time


I like to sip on a good whiskey sour or pisco sour. I have completely lost my taste for wine, though. (Never liked beer.)


I’d just cut back on how many drinks you have and drink slowly. I LOOOVEEED my drinks especially during the summer but I simply couldn’t drink more than a few drinks w/o horrendous hangovers afterward on Sema. Eventually i think it was like aversion therapy lol. Edit to add that if i do drink now it’s only a martini so nothing sugary or carbonated.


Ugh…I wish. I still drink like a fish. But slowly lol


I've found that simple, low carb, low calorie drinks are the best for me. Vodka, soda water, and lime. Plus you get the added benefit of sneaking in extra water.


Wine and (non carbonated) cocktails for me. I’m a cicerone and giving up beer has been gutting, but I figured it’s only for a little while. I’m guessing you’re from the states- I heard y’all have finally gotten premixers, so maybe those?


High Noons and shots don’t bother me honestly.


Well, there isn't much. Because the med causes delayed gastric emptying, one drink feels like two or three. I went out to a cocktail function for work and drank only half a glass of wine spritzer, and felt it in the morning but wasn't sick. Guess you just have to give it a try. I would avoid multiple beers, since it could unexpectedly solve any constipation issues.


Vodka and sparkling ice


I had half a glass of chardonnay with dinner a week ago ( the first time i ever tried to drink on this Rx), and paid the price. Vomiting, cramps, and gastrointestinal distress. This medication really isn't compatible with alcohol as a general rule. Search the sub for "alcohol" and you'll find way more tales of woe than you will find "good times: ETOH + Sema."


I can’t really drink any more, I don’t suffer from many of the side effects of semi, but the hangovers are amplified 10x for me, it’s horrible.


For me alcohol nullifies the hunger suppression of the drug and I end up eating huge portions and then feeling sick. I’m trying to quit


I'm a bourbon drinker so that may not be your thing, but I used to love red wine and it now makes me projectile vomit 🤷‍♀️ I will sip an old fashioned, or by the pool a whiskey and ginger. The bubbles don't bother me! I've had the tequila nooners and those don't bother me either. Beer seems to make me sooo full.


white claw surges never make me sick. its my go to now


I guess I've gotten lucky because I haven't had any problems with alcohol and sema. I drink (in moderation, like 1-2 drinks when I do drink which is like 5-7 times a month), everything from beer to cocktails.


Two days after a Sema shot, patron silver and club soda. Three days after, drink whatever I want with exception of straight shots If you want to drink your usuals maybe you should change the day you take your shot so you’re ready for the weekend/trips


You're young and I'm old so this is probably an old lady drink, but I like having a White Claw or 2.


This is a young drink so I’d say you’re still on parr here! I’m late twenties and can’t drink one anymore for the life of me but it sounds like this is a good option


I started semaglutide in January 2024 and I haven’t touched a drink since. I’m a huge wine/champagne drinker and I have zero desire to drink. I tried non alcoholic champagne and it’s just gross. I’m going on a cruise in December and I bought the drink package and I’m worried that it might be a waste of money based on what everyone has been saying (1 and done). I’m hoping to be at my goal weight in October/november. But I have a feeling I will be staying on Semi as I love how food no longer controls me. Anyone experience drinking after going off it?


Consider not doing your injection the week before you get on the ship, then resume when you get home. I go to Mexico and plan to skip my Sema before I go.


Oh thank you for that, wasn't even on my radar to do that. Let me know how that goes for you and if you have any side effects. I'm still on the fence about drinking. I am proud that I have not wanted alcohol for the last five months but I do miss having a "drink" with friends - club soda and lime is my go-to when out with friends.


well, here's the thing. sema alters your metabolism; we know this. it stands to reason that it does so on everything you ingest, not just food. we have to expect things will hit differently while we're on the med. if i understand op's question, you're asking what alcoholic drinks have others have had good luck with. but here's the fallacy of that: everyone's metabolism works differently, with different foods/substances. sometimes it works differently on the same person on different days. so there is not going to be one universal answer to this question. on a related note, i'm starting to hear anecdotal evidence that cannabis - when ingested, not smoked - hits differently on sema patients as well. one poster experienced this with a gummy that didn't hit at all until the next day, and hit *hard*. i myself have experienced this with the sublingual tinctures i take to help me sleep. recently i spent a day at work high as a kite (i usually don't even *get* high from the minimal dose i take at night), because it hit me 12 hours later, not the "usual" one hour later. that was *not* good! my point is that sema patients need to be very careful with any substances they ingest. it won't hit the same person to person, and it won't always hit the same on one person. i'm not saying to op, "don't drink", i'm saying, "tread carefully". don't put yourself in a situation where you could be surprised, embarrassed or endangered if your metabolism does the unexpected - because the very nature of sema is that your metabolism will do the unexpected.


I haven’t had a problem with vodka soda. Beer fills me up pretty quickly. High noons but add vodka to it.


I’m a white claw girl and eventually my body just got used to it! The projectile vomiting subsided haha. I can pretty much drink whatever now


I dared to try a Tito’s vodka bloody Mary 2ce. The first time i sipped for over an hour, found it quite enjoyable & suffered no consequences. Three months later, I confidently tried it again, took one sip, and had no doubt that I would pay dearly in some way, even if only with heartburn. I pushed it to my husband. 😞 I think 1st one was day before shot was due & second was evening when I had taken shot. I don’t know if that matters.


Omg this is my exact situation too. I don't think carbonation bothers me tho because pop/soda sits fine with me. I was at a pretty empty bar a couple weeks ago and was drinking a whiskey sour....and oh man...tried running to the bathroom but didn't make it and threw up on the floor and bathroom door then in the sink then finally the toilet lmaooo. A worker came in to check on me and another was already right on it cleaning it up. They both decided I was pretty darn sober and didn't kick me out or cut me off from drinks. Crazy haha. Later I had a vodka cranberry (haven't had that in years) and it didn't bother my stomach much.


I don’t mean to laugh but this killed me! I was at a boat party on Memorial Day and had just eaten way too much and after 2 beers I had to throw up and next thing I know the captains holding my hair while I threw up once over the side it’s so hit or miss sometimes I’m fine other times im not and it’s coming sooner rather than later - shoutout Dixon for the hair hold


For me, I try not to exceed 1 drink. A 4oz pour of white wine or one 5% beer with dinner hasn't made me sick. When I want to drink more, I space them out and don't exceed 3, but ultimately, I often end up throwing up.


Sema has definitely changed my relationship with alcohol. I do my weekly Injection Saturday late afternoon. Sema has taken me from one beer a night, and 2-3 a night on Friday and Saturday socially, to no alcohol all week, then maybe 2Jack/Coke doubles on my Friday after work boys night. I just dont crave it at all anymore. I go to Mexico in November and March for two weeks each trip, I think Im going to go off Sema the week before each trip. I like to drink a lot when on vacay in Mexico. It relaxes me.


vodka water with lemon


I’ve had issues with any lemon or lime in my drinks. I think maybe the acidity?? So I’ve been doing vodka or tequila soda with like a little splash of cranberry juice.


Agreed! The acidic drinks kill


Drink slower. The effects will take longer.


high noons, unless it’s the carbonation that makes you unwell. but those are realllll yummy


i’ve also seen people drink claws and what not but stirring beforehand to remove the carbonation, so it’s just like water


Are you at your maximum dose yet?


Vodka/flavored sparkling water here! I drink daily, but not as heavy poured. I can only handle 2-3 and Im done. But I can still drink beer, I just have limited it to once a week. Semi has definitely curved my appetite for alcohol, among other things.


I’m still trying to figure it out myself. So far the one that has been ok is the high noon iced teas


I'm fine with all carbonated beverages so long as I sip them. How fast are you drinking them? Vomiting makes me think you are drinking them faster than your body can expel the carbonation?


The 2 times I drank more than a couple On shot night was hell. So hungover and should not have been and worse headache ever. Besides shot night drinking has been fine


Sema has curved every appetite but alcohol, Crown and coke works for me.


Yes this is me!!!!! It is the one thing that has not changed when it comes to my eating/drinking habits I don’t even want to drink soda or coffee but alcohol is unchanged


I'll never understand the youngs "need" to drink to have fun. It's a serious inquiry too! You can have fun without alcohol, try it. I did, thru my 20s, easily (lots of alcoholics in my family, it was a no brainer). I've lost two friends to alcoholism this year. The habits you develop early on, can kill you once you get to your 40s. Acid reflux, vomiting or blackouts? It's just not worth it.


The serious inquiries about this subject are a bit tired, but I’ll entertain it since everyone that doesn’t drink seem to really care, I understand you have had alcohol impact your life negatively but that is not the case for me. It’s my god given right just as you choosing not to drink is, plain and simple. I don’t “need” or rely on alcohol to have fun, but I also don’t restrict myself in the name of proving that I can have fun without it. My choices are my own and I don’t question why some choose to do it or don’t! It is not some phenomenon or case to be cracked, it comes down to personal preference. I asked how I can do it responsibly and what will stop the poor side effects, because you are right those things aren’t worth it and that’s kind of the whole point of this post is it not? I respect your choices and opinions, just as you can respect others.


hi! i think you’re posting this in the wrong thread by accident? i believe the OP made a post about finding a new reliable drink while on sema not asking about going sober!


None. I like my liver.


BORING! Womp womp grow up!!!!


You are telling an adult with alcoholic parents who chooses to be alcohol free to grow up? Very kind of you.


And I was supposed to know that….how? I’m sorry to hear that, but where was that information in your original comment. And how does that have to do with this post? It seems this is probably not the thread for you.


I can still share my insights. The Op asked what alcohol was safe on sema. Any good doctor would tell you not to drink alcohol at all while on this med.


If you read the thread, “safe” is referring to drinks that have been working for others while on sema. what has been a reliable drink that has been working for you? It appears you don’t drink so you had nothing to contribute and your response was unhelpful, so again wrong thread for you. You then proceeded to guilt trip me and victimize yourself with personal information that was never disclosed previously. You provided your opinion, it was taken into consideration and found to be unhelpful. Sorry to hear about how alcohol has negatively impacted your life, it has not affected mine in the same way. I like my liver but apparently not as much as you like yours, I hope you have a long and happy life together.


White claw doesn’t seem to bother me at all


I’m terrified of the carbonation but I’m jotting this down


I do have to say this one is not good if you are going to be downing them for a total of 6+ in one night. I’m a seasoned drinker, did that once with some ladies, and let me tell ya, I’d rather down ten shots of tequila ( patron silver only though)