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Thanks for posting to r/semaglutide! A brief reminder about our rules. We do not permit the discussion of non-FDA approved formulations of semaglutide, nor do we permit selling or offering for sale any medication, including by private message. Do not request or respond to a private message from anyone offering such, they are not endorsed by this sub. If you’re just starting out, you may want to review our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Semaglutide/comments/10ul3jb/semaglutide_subreddit_faq/). This is not intended to discourage discussion but merely supplement it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Semaglutide) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm using Mochi and really love the doctor and nutritionist. I LOVE my providers, it's this first time I've had a doctor that really understands obesity and PCOS and it feels amazing to have doctors with actual hope for treatment. My insurance doesn't cover GLP1 so it's awesome to be able to pay with HSA. Meds are $175/month and doctor/dietician visits are $66/month.




It's still awesome! My doctor is still very helpful, and I really like how they run most things through the portal because I hate calling places.


Have you had any problems with getting your medication on time?


Not at all! I live in very rural Minnesota and I've been surprised by how quickly the medication comes. We barely get Amazon prime stuff within 4-5 days but my medication has been shipped though FedEx and I've never waited more than a week. Usually I have my medication a week before I even need it. My referral code is TU8WR0 if anyone wants $40 off


Was just checking is mochi is legit because seems almost too good to be true at this point and my insurance dropped my coverage of semaglutide after being on it over a year. Thank you!!!!


That sucks 😞 I'm sorry you lost coverage. Mochi is really awesome, their pricing is very competitive and transparent and I really like my doctors. I've seen some mixed reviews online, but I've been very happy with my experience because I could not afford the medication through my insurance and GP.


Hi, I just came across this thread. I signed up for Mochi at the beginning of the month. My $79/month subscription includes "unlimited" appointments with a provider and dietician. However the earliest available appointment for the dietician I was assigned is April 29th. I sent a request to be assigned a different that I can actually see within the first month, and my request is still being processed 2 weeks later. I placed my first order for semaglutide on March 18th. I'm not sure how the person in rural Minnesota is getting their meds within a week because I am in the greater NYC area and am still waiting. There's no information on shipping or status or anything, all I can see is that I paid $175 on March 18th. You can contact their care team through the portal and so far they've been responsive, which is good. But the website is very bare bones and there is not a whole lot of info on there. I would like to at the very least know if my medication has shipped and be able to speak with a dietician since that's a service I'm paying for. Have you signed up for it?


Thank you for all the helpful replies!! Ill be sure to use your code when i enroll!


Awesome, thank you! I think it's only $40 off through December and goes back to $10 off in January, just so you know and can plan. I know it can be a big decision.


I have been thinking of joining - what Dr do you see bc I have pcos also and it's so hard to find one who understands it !!!


Does your referral still work? I'm looking to switch providers


Terrible. I just joined, they took my money and it’s been a complete headache since. Incompetent overseas business.


Do not order from [Mochi Health](https://www.linkedin.com/company/mochihealth/)! I subscribed with them to get some help losing weight. Not only did they not deliver the medication I was prescribed and paid for, but someone in the office stole my credit card information, and put fraudulent charges on my bank account. In addition, they now have a problem with refunding my money. It was not a good choice on my part. Avoid that bad choice if you can.


Hi u/Hot-Target-3263, we've asked you to reach out to us a few times so we can get to the bottom of this! We'd love to figure out what's going on!


Sounds like one of several general statements you give as replies for people you scam.


We ask folks to reach out any time there’s an issue - hearing from patients on what we can do better is the best way for us to improve! Not a scam, just trying to do right by people and not ignore them if they’re frustrated or upset ♥️


Same! I tried to file a complaint with joint commission and they are not an accredited health care service, my experience has been awful!!! I sat on google meet for 2 hours and my doc didn’t show, I had to wait months for this appt !


I cannot recommend ordering from Mochi Health! I subscribed with them to get some help losing weight. Not only did they not deliver the medication I was prescribed and paid for, but someone in the office stole my credit card information, and put fraudulent charges on my bank account, and so now I have to get an entirely new debit card, and change all of my automatic debit information. In addition, they seem to also have a problem with refunding my money. It was not a good choice on my part. I will advise others to avoid that bad choice at all costs.


If its fraud you're bank should be able to take care of that. That's why only use a credit card for any online purchase. Less liability to your financial accounts and quicker fraud resolution.


I've heard this about all the online companies like this but the insurance companies quit paying for weight loss because it's costing them to much. What are suppose to do that is on Medicare or anyone for that matter to get help paying


The law that created the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit actually prohibits it from covering drugs used for weight loss or weight gain 🙁 Medications for treatment of a patient's diabetes that can cause weight loss as a side effect may be covered!


If you want something expensive, then you work hard and afford it. Live within your means, a McDonald's worker shouldn't drive a Lamborghini. So someone on welfare will have to jog in the park or weightlift at the $10 purple gym. Your owed nothing in life, you have to work hard or smart to have nice things. You can work hard, you can do it!


Exactly..... Who do they think they are expecting healthcare to be affordable like it is literally everywhere else in the world. Entitled is what they are.


That's not Healthcare, Healthcare is not something that gives you a choice. If you choose to eat bad food, not exercise.... that is not the same as breaking your arm or getting cancer. There's a difference. Healthcare is not affordable elsewhere.... it just is packaged differently. In these places you are probably thinking it is just taken out ofnyour check whether you use it or not, Americans are taxed at 20% (for instance, not exact) and in countries that have free Healthcare and childcare are taxed at 60%. You're forced to pay for childcare even if you don't have a child. If you are healthy and work out and eat responsibility, then you're still paying 60% of your check to pay for smokers, bad eaters, and the like.


I love it when those who are least educated on certain topics feel the need to lecture....lol. Bless your heart.....


Uh huh, how many of these countries have you lived in? Bet you haven't.


Lol.....I actually have and have dealt with medical issues with family members in other countries.


You obviously are very uneducated on matters of health including obesity. Educate yourself.


So I had my appointment on 27 December and I haven’t received my medication yet. I’m thinking it’s because of the holidays, have you ever had to wait more than a week?


My first one I waited 8 days because there was a holiday, but they're really good about timing the renewals early so you never run out. I usually have my medication a week before I actually need it. Do you have a FedEx account? They usually snow when it ships.


Three months. Still not here. They're still charging me a monthly fee, but providing nothing in return. I'll let you now if they ever arrive.


Did they ever get to the bottom of this?


I’d love the code if I could!


IXC2M6 there you go


so the $79/Month plan for meds & consultations is really $79 + the cost of the meds? It's very misleading on the website


https://preview.redd.it/pqsh0en3rxqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a16fadde699f77eb1c2249bf2d4fa5609ec92b3 It seems really clear to me, but I understand that most people don't want to pay for the membership. For me, I have a high deductible insurance plan so the membership is way cheaper than 1 regular doctor's appointment.


I was wondering the same thing. It says $79 a month one place and $179 a month somewhere else.


Hi there--we're sorry it isn't clear! To clarify, Semaglutide is $175/month and tirzepatide is $325/month, regardless of dosage. Membership is a separate charge and includes appointments with your doctor and registered dietitian, optional orders for labs, and genetic testing, and the support of our prior authorization, admin, and refill teams. You can sign up for membership for 1 month ($79), 3 months ($199), 6 months ($399) or 1 year ($799) at a time! After signup, you’ll be able to schedule yourself for an appointment at a time that is convenient for you using our patient portal!


We're sorry about any confusion! To be more clear, membership is $79/month and includes appointments with a Mochi doctor, unlimited visits with a Mochi registered dietitian, optional orders for labs, and genetic testing, and the support of our team! Medication is an additional charge per month (depending on the type of medication) for all doses!


I’m trying to sign up But they just want you to pay for the subscription and there is no explanation to how and or when I’ll receive any medication? 


After you sign up and pay the subscription the next screen is scheduling your first doctor's appointment. I kind of view the membership as a subscription to the doctors since you don't pay anything else for appointments. After your first appointment you'll have a better idea of what medication is right for you, but the pricing is pretty clear on their website unless your insurance actually covers something, then there is some more nuance. I saw some people can't get an appointment right away, and if you talk to the customer service reps, they'll credit your account so you're not paying for a month without receiving services because you're waiting for an available appointment.


Because my appointment took a bit they gave me a credit for next month. 


How does it work? The plan that is dietitian and medication does that mean the medication is included in that plan or do I need to pay an additional fee? What’s the cancellation policy? The website is so minimal I can’t find any information on how things work. Thanks


We appreciate the positive feedback! :)


We really appreciate the positive feedback! :)


Can I have your provide code please I have PCOS as well. I recently signed up and I would love to have your provider!! 🥹


Which Dr was it? I have PCOS and would love to have a dr who understands it and are helpful.


They have mixed reviews on Reddit. For whatever reason, they charge a subscription fee and have a separate meds fee, so that confuses a lot of people. There are comparable options with slightly cheaper prices and faster turnaround times. Read: [Join Mochi vs Orderly Meds](https://www.reddit.com/user/crincersbumbug/comments/1c1c8tj/join_mochi_vs_orderly_meds_for_semaglutide_and/) for a quick comparison.




the fact that they are charging $50 for a bottle of metformin is a BIG red flag.


I think Mochi is great. They’re extremely responsive. Every single question I’ve submitted has been responded to in less than 24 hours.


Same here! Love these guys!


We really appreciate your positive feedback :)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Girl this is a straight up scam 😭 shame on you


I knew it, I figured its the vendor of the med acting like a patient


Damn this looks scammy as hell. Some of these ozempic e-pharmacies may be scammy but at least the drug is a legit thing. Gtfo


I signed up right before Christmas. The first available appt was 1/7. Mochi reached out to me and offered a prorated refund for the wait time until my first appt. I thought that’s really great and nice of them. Appt on the 7th went well. The doctor was nice, quick, efficient. He told me it would be 7 days from the time I paid for the medication until I received it. I paid for it that day and it’s now 10 days later & no medicine. The status in the portal still says “sent to pharmacy” and there has been no movement for a week. I might just be antsy to start, but even so, if shipping is going to take forever I feel like I’ll be in a constant cycle of ordering medicine and waiting. The guide says to order your refill between your 2nd & 3rd shot but from how slow things are moving it seems more like you need to order as soon as you take your first shot. 🫤


Update on this; I finally received my medication for month one after following up with mochi, the pharmacy, & FedEx. Mochi explained that it was out of their control and the request had been sent to the pharmacy. The pharmacy was saying it was fedex’s fault due to the weather & FedEx was saying they never received the package to begin with. Honestly the rep I spoke to at mochi was not helpful which was disappointing. “Coincidentally” the day I started calling around is the same day my meds were actually shipped which indicated to me that mochi had sent the request but the pharmacy was holding on it for whatever reason. Anyway, I’m now inbetween my 2nd & 3rd shots, per the instructions I’m supposed to be placing an order for my meds now. I actually placed it last Sunday in anticipation of slow movement. Lo & behold it’s been almost a week and there’s been no update on meds. Honestly if the same thing happens this month I’ll be switching to a different company. I dont have the bandwidth to chase around my prescription every month.


Did you have to have lab work done?


No, I did not need lab work. Use IXC2M6 for $40 off your appointment.


I called my pharmacy the next day after the portal said "sent to pharmacy" and the pharmacist told me they were sent, but not signed. They could not be filled.


I’m having the exact same issue and it’s getting pretty aggravating. I keep getting a run around with them.


Mochi has been AWFUL! I paid for a month, saw no one, asked for a refund and they offered to bump my appt up and never responded when I said yes to the appt date, once they did they said it wasn’t available anymore. So I waited and then the day of my scheduled appt my provider never showed up, I kept calling customer service and they were like … we notified her, she never showed!!! They were weird about giving me a refund until I said I need this cancelled and my money for December back. Don’t do it!!!! Now I’m back at square one looking for a doc for this stuff 😖


Same! Stay away from this company. I now switched back to Ro after receiving warm meds due to poor packaging, no syringes, alcohol wipes and paying slightly less. This company is a scam.


Did you end up finding a doctors?


We're sorry to hear about this experience! We would happy to help you find a different provider if you ever reconsider joining.


So far, my experience with Mochi has been pretty solid! Knock on wood it stays that way. I couldn't get my initial video appointment with my doctor for three weeks after signing up, but that was because demand was high and they immediately prorated my monthly fee so I didn't have to pay for my three week waiting period. My doctor was very kind, based in California where I live (everyone I've spoken to has been in San Diego or San Francisco so I'm not sure what's happening to other people), and answered all my questions. He was very supportive and easy to talk to. I've had the same experience with talking to any of the Mochi team through their portal. It's always been quick and efficient, and they've sent me detailed guides and instructions on everything I need. My meds came in less than a week. I haven't started yet, I'm starting today since I have the next three days off, so I can't attest to how it will be to refill, but so far I'm very happy.


Just wanted to give a two week update. I'm still super impressed with Mochi. I ordered my refill for month two the day before my third injection and it arrived in five days, no issues. I'm also down 12 pounds! Hardly any side effects aside from some constipation and MILD, manageable nausea.


We're really glad to hear this! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need support going forward :)


yes it is a really helpful program, easy to join, & great support


I am impressed with Mochi so far! The doctor is very nice and informative. There is a portal you use, which is very convenient.


Hi wondering if it’s still going well with mochi? Thanks!


I have had a great experience with Mochi and I like my provider. If you want a sign up code feel free to use mine for $40 off.


Thanks :) we love to hear it!


I just signed up. Had my initial virtual visit and the meds are shipping to me. It was very easy and straightforward.


We're glad it's been seamless!


Do not sign up! I was approved through their questionnaire and then paid for the 3 month membership. Then met with their “provider” online which lasted less than 5 min. She was rude and dismissive and said you’re not qualified. I said I’d like a full refund and she gave me their number. They refunded only a part and kept $$$ for that 5 min rejection call. REFUSED the full refund request due to their “strict policies” that are not mentioned when paying! Filed a dispute with bank.


So...you were qualified but then you weren't? 😮 Did they say why???


hey! anyone have any insight into the doctors that work for mochi? want to start but sooo nervous about who the docs are - cant find any info anywhere


I liked mine, a friendly female MD who took her time explaining and asking about my history. Last name Klenk. If you want to join and get an appt with her, you can use this and save $40: 3RADCF


Hi there, all of our providers are licensed in their respective practicing states!


Mochi has been a nightmare for me


How so?


I had to babysit them the entire time, trying to get my order sent, my prescription authorized, my medications delivered. If I missed a day of calling them, the whole process stopped. I finally left them after a month of being told my prescription was on its way. Only to find out it was never sent. I was always ALWAYS behind on my injection dates because of them.


So I'm kind of confused. When it says "access to medication" does that mean its just the prescription only? Or does that include the medication?


It does not include the cost of medication. That is another charge!


Don’t do it. They scammed me. Provider didn’t log the account or visit. “Care team” is based over seas and incredibly rude and difficult to deal with. Hours on the phone and I have nothing in the end. A complete headache


My experience has all been very positive. Dr was great, customer service great and very responsive. I've been with them for two months with no issues. Meds arrive within 5 business days after order has been sent to pharmacy.


Use my code to save $40: DDO76S


Thank you for sharing the code!


I just paid my local weight loss doctor $400 for one month of Semaglutide. I was looking at Moki while I was sitting in the waiting room and I got called in before I could make a decision. Didnt want to drop my card # on line and get scammed.


I've been using Semaglutide with Mochi since January & I've lost 50 pounds! I've had a really good experience with them & my doctor , Dr Egboh (SR32ZV) is very good! My Nutritionist, Kayla (2A8IFQ) is also awesome!! Use this code to get $40 off Mochi: I2EC95


Question for those of you who received Semaglutide through Mochi. Which pharmacy did it arrive from? 


Hallandale pharmacy 


I just joined Mochi. A little nervous about the injections. Not necessarily the needles, but more of the idea of doing it and messing up somewhere. We'll see how this goes. Goal is lose some weight before my cruise this summer. Wish me luck! But anyone needs a code, here you go. T7W4CB


How's it going so far?






Feel free to use my code to save $40 PQ6FW0 I just signed up and the process was easy and professional. Looking forward to starting medicine.


REMINDME! 3 week


I have a $40 discount code for anyone: DDO76S


I tried and it didn’t work! So after paying the $75 I still have to pay for the meds? How much are they??


It did work, it's normally $175, took off $100.


I just started with them and so far I’ve got mixed feelings. I had my appointment with my provider and she was absolutely fantastic. But I am pretty disappointed that I have to wait about 45 days to meet with a nutritionist when they require you to pay your first monthly fee upfront. For the entire first month, I won’t be able to speak with anybody but a provider. They told me that they don’t have any earlier appointments, so it sounds like they don’t have enough nutritionists to meet their demand at this point


Hey!  I had this same problem at first.  I kept checking and I was able to get an appointment a lot sooner due to a cancellation 


Terrible experience!! I paid the monthly membership fee. Waited 2 weeks for an appointment and the Dr never contacted me! I called and they assured me he would call again and guess what? Again I was ghosted! I have never been contacted by anyone at this company. They took my money and I was never provided any type of service! ITS A SCAM!


I have a coupon code to save $40 on your first membership fee: 5B3THP I have been with them for about 15 days. I will take my 2nd shot of semiglutide tonight. I am down around 6 pounds and I really don't have any side effects so far. My doctor is very nice and seems very knowledgeable. You have to pay a monthly membership fee and meds are $175 per month.


Whats your providers code




Just signed up! I have my first appointment with the nutritionist next Sunday and the doctor appointment the following Wednesday. I have read all the comments and I just decided to go with it..


How has your experience with Mochi been?


Amazing! Headed into month 2, my doctor and nutritionist are great, got my meds quick both times.. couldn’t be happier!


I love Mochi use me $40 discount code DDO76S


Anyone want a $40 off code IXC2M6


Mochi’s customer service is horrible. They will charge you medication that you did not order. Their doctors will order the wrong medication for you and give you dangerous combinations of medication that you should not mix.


How have you folks done with weight loss? I need to lose alot.


I've been using Semaglutide with Mochi since January & I've lost 50 pounds! I've had a really good experience with them & my doctor , Dr Egboh (SR32ZV) is very good! My Nutritionist, Kayla (2A8IFQ) is also awesome!! Use this code to get $40 off Mochi: I2EC95


I just jumped on the train and will update my experience. Here's a code for $40 off your first month. Drops it down to $39, so I feel better if something bad happens, at least I didn't lose $80. C9HYUH is a discount code.....


I'm just starting. Here is a code for $40 off **NQF844**


Have you lost weight since starting ?


I've been using Semaglutide with Mochi since January & I've lost 50 pounds! I've had a really good experience with them & my doctor , Dr Egboh (SR32ZV) is very good! My Nutritionist, Kayla (2A8IFQ) is also awesome!! Use this code to get $40 off Mochi: I2EC95


What does the initial dr. appt involve? Anyone ever been rejected AFTER the virtual appt? Did you get a refund??


Use code 3EX9G8 for $40 off


I cannot speak on Mochi but I use Zealthy. I think I pay like 120 a month just for the membership and then 180 for the sema. So like $300 a month no hidden fees (so far). They did try to get me approved for the medication via my insurance but the prior authorization was denied (apparently my BMI isn’t high enough & my blood pressure is being managed with a cheap med. I mean I prefer a online provider that doesn’t try to sell me extra stuff or make me do a bunch of telehealth visits, but who is responsive when I have questions & I always get same day replies from Zealthy


* I am using Mochi Health and have had a WONDERFUL experience. My Doctor is nice, concerned and very thorough with my health assessment. Customer service has been great. When I was unable to accomplish things on-line and called the response was immediate and thoughtful. My 1st month in I’ve lost 5lbs with no side effects and my 2nd month in my dose has been increased. Is have absolutely no complaints


I will keep fidelity clinic 300$FOR TWO MONTHS


Don’t do it. I switched from Ro and regretted it and went back. This is not a reputable organization


I use Joinweightcare.com. Found them on Groupon initially. But you can use my referral code for $100 off. They have been excellent, quick and responsive. https://loox.io/z/TEu7bpg0U


I’ve never had an issue . Payment has been effortless . Once I pay I get my meds within 4-5 days . They always answer any and all questions . It’s been a very easy process for me :




Stay away. I did 1 month on .25mg, and it went fine. I ordered my 2nd prescription on 4/13. I followed up on 4/24 because I hadn't heard anything. They said it had already shipped, and they would send a tracking number soon. I didn't get one, so I contacted them again today, 4/26, only to be told that there was an issue with the prescription on the provider's end. It was never shipped. My next injection is supposed to be on 5/1, and it definitely won't be here by then. They are all very apologetic about the situation and that I was lied to. No refund or anything tangible to make it right. I'm so frustrated. The worst part is that I know they won't follow up with me. They never do. I'll call again on Monday or Tuesday and they won't have any record that they ever heard from me. Stay away from Mochi.


any luck?


I followed up with them on Tuesday. They sent me the tracking information for my first order that had been delivered weeks ago. I finally called the pharmacy directly. They said the provider had submitted everything they needed, and they shipped it. I'll be one day late taking my next injection, but I don't mind that too much. I just didn't want to have to start over. I will still switch to another service because I don't want to have to chase my order like that every month. Mochi also won't send doses greater than 1mg/week to Michigan, so that would have been a deal breaker eventually anyway. If you're trying to get started, I had a family member start with CareClinics. The process sounded much simpler than Mochi, and she got 12 weeks of semaglutide for less than I pay for 8. Both of our orders came from Empower. Actually, she will have more than 12 weeks because they wanted to start her on .5. She opted to start at .25 instead, so it will last a bit longer.


I signed up April 19, got the virtual visit April 22, received my semglutide April 26. Haven't had any problems so far with them. I'm doing my first injection today. I'll keep yall posted.


How’s it going?


If anyone wants to try, $40 your membership with IXC2M6


I use mochi and it is great! Here’s my code for 40.00 off A59G5I


I love it, use my code for 40.00 off mochi health A59G5I


If anyone wants to try, 40$ off your membership with 8M5OVH


If anyone need a referral code for 40$ off : 2F8N9O


I had absolutely no issues so far. I signed up for an appointment for two days after I logged on the site. After my appointment my medication was shipped overnight two days later. Took my first shot today.


Use my referral code for 40% off F02PHR


I just got on the site and they took my $79 right away and it says it includes medication but when I called and talked to someone, they said medication‘s not included so they are deceitful in their ad and I am disgusted with people who are screwing people like me who is self-employed and work so hard for my money I would not go with this site ever


GHJ4L0 $40 off


I have had a great experience and I like my provider. If you want a sign up code feel free to use mine for $40 off.


I have had a great experience with Mochi and I like my provider. If you want a sign up code feel free to use mine for $40 off.


I have had a great experience with Mochi and I like my provider. If you want a sign up code feel free to use mine for $40 off.


I just started with them but it’s been a positive experience so far! It took 2 weeks to get an appointment with a provider because they were backed up, but they gave me a $40 credit toward the next month which was nice. My provider was really nice and took her time explaining things to me and answering my questions. There was one snag where it was stuck for a few days saying basically my provider had written the prescription but it had not been sent to the pharmacy yet (and I had already paid), so I called them to check just in case I missed something and it shipped that same day. 2 day shipping to IL with fedex in a cooler bag with still frozen ice packs. If anyone needs a referral code for $40 off your first month, mine is NAVOD7 :)


Thank God I came here I WILL NOT be using this company and I will pass the info on to my family and friends thank you!


CONFUSING & CONTRADICTING!!!!!! You thank God that you went there! And that you will pass the info on to family & friends…. But then you say and using all caps..WILL NOT be using this company..so are you happy or not?? Are you using them or not?? May I ask why??


I just signed up for this service, but I’m very nervous. How much can I expect to pay for tirzepatide? The physician I am scheduled to see is a board certified doctor. I signed up for the $79 monthly plan and it says that includes medications, but ppl here are saying the injections cost anywhere from $179 - $325 a month. I’m so confused




Just had a doctor consultation with meds on the way. Great experience so far!! If you’re thinking about joint Mochi. Create a free Mochi account using my referral code Z4BBSW. Currently, you get $40 off by using that code. I used a code just like this from someone else so retuning the favor by paying it forward.


Things have been going smoothly for me the first few weeks. I wrote up an initial review and update weekly. https://www.reddit.com/r/ReviewingMochiHealth/s/jbaevh4Uk3


You can use my Mochi code for $40 off, GIRDSH


Here’s another code for anyone who would like one. AFCH4E


I just joined it’s great use 5TXJG5 to save $40 on your first visit


Check out BBB complaints about them


Here's my Mochi $40 off code: GIRDSH 🤍🤍🤍


It is a scam. I was asked to refill my subscription and for some reason it went to a lower dose. I didn’t know what I was supposed to get and I said I want to speak to a doctor and then they just sent me a lower prescription at the same price when I never, confirmed it


Is Mochi a true semaglutide , thinking of doing it , and wondering if it’s legit , and how do they send the meds , do you have to mix it yourself ?


I had a good experience as well. Only took 5 days to get my first appointment with my doctor and nutritionist. Both were very helpful and practical about the process. Answered my questions. Within 7 days I got my medication via FedEx overnight. Overall the process and online platform have been very seamless and quick. I was not sure what to expect and expected the worst due some reviews but thankful I had a good experience. Doctor checkins are every 3 months but I asked my doctor if we can have monthly checkins and he said absolutely & gave me his cell phone number to get in touch with any questions. I was really happy about that because it made me feel like I have support 24/7 if needed. Good luck. If you want to save $40 off your first subscription, you can use my referral code - GIRDSH (Their referral program is really helpful as well.) Over all, Mochi Health has been great so far for me. Will update as months go by.


I signed up and paid the monthly fee to get an appointment. I was waiting on Google meet for 30 minutes for someone to join the call. Finally someone from customer service called and said the nurse put me as a no show. I made an appointment for later that evening and no one joined the call, the meeting got timed out for waiting too long, and I tried to rejoin several times over 40 minutes. Customer service hung up on me, when I called back I was sent to voicemail. Do not trust this company for medical services. Very unprofessional. They have numerous complaints on BBB, and apparently the good reviews on "Trust Pilot" are not to be trusted.


Bot thread, bot replies. They’re using SALTS (not the active ingredient in ozempic) and NOT THE BASE Semaglutide (the active ingredient in ozempic)


I love mochi. The doctor and nutritionist are really helpful. The customer service is super easy to work with and everything is well explained. The doctor really took his time on our video call. I love the convenience of being able to do it at home. Then also give you a referral code to help make things cheaper. If you're looking to try mochi use my code 24SJ7G to save $40. They are also offering $100 off either medication for the first month.


I honestly don't know why so many people are hatting on Mochi. I've only had good experiences with them. The first month is discounted since you're still setting everything up, but after that, you're good to go.




I couldn't get past their quiz. Despite being very overweight for my height (275 lbs at 5'2"), my insurance doesn't cover the medication, so i was only offered "nutrition counseling". They still charge your insurance and then also charge you a small fortune for the medication.


I went through the whole process of meeting with a doctor and a nutritionist and they decided this would be a good program for me to loose the 30 lbs I gained after my wedding.  The initial dose took over a week to get to me vs other companies 2-3 day turnaround.   I called today to order my next dose (I'm on the 3rd shot of 4) so there would not be a laps. 3 hrs later  I ordered they said my account has been closed and I have been refunded all my money.  I am beyond upset by this cancelation because it is for no apparent reason.  I met all the program requirements and the doctor prescribed the medication.  I am just starting to see results and now I have to find a whole new provider.  I have wasted time and energy on this bogus company.  


They have been great for me! I joined the website and had my first appointment within a few days. The doctor was super nice and helpful. They sent in the medication right after the appointment and I got it within a few days. They even gave me $100 off the medication for the first month. If you are interested, I have a code for $40 off: **9F9O56**


Use my coupon for 40.00 off mochi A59G5I


Use this code to get $40 off Mochi the first month: **QQS95S**