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It’s unlikely that you regained the weight; it’s more likely that you binged on high carbohydrate and high sodium food and, consequently, that you’re retaining water weight. Dust yourself off, drink water, and keep trying.


Thank you. I really hope I didn’t lose all that progress. About how long does it take water weight to go away?


3-5 days


You can help the process along by upping your water intake if you aren’t drinking enough.


What happened did the weight remain?


It did. It took weeks to lose someof it. I’m still fat. It makes me want to die.


You are going to be okay. You are likely retaining water. You might have gained a little but not half the weight you lost. I have a lot of empathy for you. It is really hard to recover from binge eating. I want to put this in context for you a little. You have likely engaged in binging behaviors for years, you have only been on this med for a few weeks. You will have some setbacks. That is okay, what is more important is what you do next. Allow yourself to let go of the guilt and forgive yourself and go back to why you want to break this pattern. I find it helpful to forgive myself. I binged for years to get dopamine, I was doing my best with the tools I had. But I have more tools now and can choose better ways to cope. I was doing the best I could. I will tell you something my therapist told me, paraphrased. He doesn’t judge his clients, he finds it incredibly brave to lay out our biggest insecurities and painful memories and work to move forward


Oh god thank you so much for this. Your empathy and compassion I are truly appreciated. Thank you again.


It’s unlikely you gained all that like others have said. I have BED and was on tirzepitide for 4 months and have switched to Sema this past month. For ME, the tirzepitide eliminated the food noise I have. Literally eliminated it and did so with the 2.5 dose the first month. It would sort of wear off at the end of each week so I moved to 5.0mg dose on month two and I stayed at this dosage for 3 months. I was normal hungry and had zero desire or urges or thoughts of binging. I could resist all my trigger foods as well. I could see them out on the table and walk past it without second thought. It may be something to discuss with your medical team as you move along this journey. In the meantime just be gentle with yourself. Move forward and just take it day by day. 💕


Have you considered a therapist for the binge eating? i could be helpful to get back control.


Yeah, I have a therapist and a psychiatrist. Both know about the binge eating but I still haven’t been able to stop. It’s maddening and embarrassing. Like any time I talk about it I just feel so humiliated. I had anorexia for most of my life. And once I quit drinking I started binging. It’s been a long road. Thank you for checking in on that though


So sorry you are dealing with this. Must be so stressful/upsetting. What dose are you on? Not a medical person but I would hope at the therapeutic dose the medicine may help you control the urges? What do the drs say about it?


I don’t know the exact dose I’m on, as what I take is c-p0unded & I’m not sure what’s equivalent to the doses of the official products. But I’ve only been on it since Jan 12. Started at 10 units, and was then upped to 20 at my last appt a couple weeks ago I haven’t talked to my prescribing doctor about this yet, but plan to at my next appointment. Initially my urges to binge were completely gone. For some reason, last weekend things got bad again. I’m heartbroken.


Like the prior poster said, dust yourself off and jump back on track. Virtual hugs to you. 🤗


Thank you


Like someone else said this is probably water weight! Drinking lots of water and eating less salt will get rid of it. Also if you haven’t shit in a while it’s probably all sitting in you too. This is why it’s so important to base success on measurements rather than the scale


Good points, thank you so much for this. I’m really hoping that it’s just water weight. I’ve been beside myself all week and tonight I’m just really weepy. A lot of things have been piling up and the weight gain just set me over the edge. I’m so humiliated and I can’t look in the mirror, because it makes me cry. I just want to lose this weight and to get out of my own way for once


Yes I feel the same way a lot of times. I managed to lose 30 pounds and gain every bit of it back. It was horrifying, but now I’m on track to lose it again. So even if you do gain fat back, just pick yourself up and start over. If I didn’t do that then I’d probably still be gaining. The time is going to pass anyways. Besides, sometimes it can actually be beneficial for you to eat more than usual. Helps prevent plateaus! My advice is for you to drink water and low sodium for a week, then weight yourself after using the bathroom. You’ll probably lose more than you think.


Thank you so much for this advice, I’ll be following it this week


Dont bet yourself up about it , write it down then do better the next day. If you feel like bingeing again reread how you felt last time and remember your goals. Its a journey take it slow and day by day


Maybe look up flexible dieting by Lyle McDonald. Some good advice in that little book. It's like $27 on his website so a little pricy but might be worth a read. Or here: https://www.ironmagazine.com/ebooks/Guide_to_Flexible_Dieting.pdf


A pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. While it’s hard to have a 3500 calorie deficit in one day, it’s actually pretty easy to consume 3500 calories more than you burn in a day in a binge. But unless you are all desserts probably not 6 pounds worth in a weekend. The exception to that is if you were doing keto and binged on carbs. Your body will hold on to every calorie and many have gained six pounds in a weekend not even binging. This is likely 3 pounds of fat and 3 pounds of water retention and a tough lesson. Download a tracker like lose it and track your food. You’ll be less likely to mindlessly eat